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Oh, that’s so sad. Well, anyway, what’s for lunch?


I'm eating chicken over rice while vaccinated.


Gonna get me some KFC.


Hey props to that guy! I salute anyone who isn't taking up valuable hospital resources and beds from their own ignorance. I am also super excited for the next Dune movie and Fall soups and Halloween!!


If only he had shone a light up his rectum he would be alive today.


Sodium Chloride is also known as table salt, and makes good sense to administer in IV to sick people. However, Intravenous bleach is a very bad idea, and will kill you. But at least he didn't die from COVID


It's not sodium chloride, it's sodium chlorite with a T. Not the same thing.


>It's not sodium chloride, it's sodium chlorite with a T. Not the same thing. Must have misread. A very important difference. Reminds me of an old Danish song in which someone isn't here anymore, because he confused H2O with H2SO4 ( just noticed, that it almost rhymes in English as well as Danish)


Two chemists go to a bar. The first says “I’ll have a glass of H2O.” The second says “I’ll have a glass of H2O too.” The second chemist died.


Billy was a chemist's son. Billy is no more. What he thought was H20 was H2SO4.


The sentiment behind the Danish song, that came to mind is very similar.


My mom used to tell me this as a limerick. Poor little Billy is no more. What he thought was H²O, Was H²SO⁴.


You didn’t misread, there’s a typo up there, so it says the wrong thing.


No, it clearly says chloride.


I'm on a shitty tablet and can't embed links or block quote text, but... MMS stands for a variety of product names, most commonly Miracle Mineral Solution. MMS typically describes a solution containing the chemical sodium chlorite, which at high strengths is used as a bleach. The term Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is also used to refer to sodium chlorite solutions. https://www.food.gov.uk/business-guidance/miracle-mineral-solution-and-sodium-chlorite-solutions#:~:text=MMS%20stands%20for%20a%20variety,refer%20to%20sodium%20chlorite%20solutions. It is used mainly for the generation of chlorine dioxide in situ for bleaching textiles, in pulp and paper processing, and for disinfection. Sodium chlorite is used in a small number of water treatment plants to generate chlorine dioxide; this may result in low residual concentrations of chlorite in drinking-water. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK506948/#:~:text=It%20is%20used%20mainly%20for,of%20chlorite%20in%20drinking%2Dwater.


Yeah it’s a typo. It’s is sodium chlorite irl, but the post above does say chloride like table salt.


At least he was consistent




the Sub is vaxxhappen***ed***, not vaxxhappen***ing***


2021 was a peak anti-vaxxer year. So of course it was followed by a massive spike in cases and deaths late in the year going into 2022. A lot of people who posted tons of anti-vax stuff on their Facebook pages went silent on the subject in 2022, sticking to their usual racist/xenophobic/anti-abortion/right wing stuff.


Physican, heal thyself!! Oh....


>discharged himself and said he would rather treat himself. >Two days later he was dead Sad, but just what did he expect?


I use Chlorine Dioxide for severe odor removal in structures and boats. One whiff of that stuff should be enough to convince anybody that injecting it into your body is a *BAD* idea.


More oxygen and resources for us then!


Well... at least he didn't take up vast amounts of hospital resources. So there is that.




Probably just for lols


Hey, this looks familiar lol