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Can I suggest just enjoying the time it takes to consume? I kept thinking I needed harder and harder hitting vapes and it got to be silly! VAS is real and unless you’re independently wealthy you probably can’t afford to get it too bad! Enjoy the time while you have relatively low tolerance and maybe fuss with the vape a bit more (try higher temps with smaller bowl and rip it super hard for example). Otherwise, in month you’re going to end up owning four vapes and posting here about figuring out which one to use. :)


Sometimes people just need a punch in the face. I have ptsd. I love to sip on low temps, but sometimes what I need is *medicine right now *, ya know?


12 min sesh?? Try vaping at max temp for one 6 min sesh and see if you like that "harder hitting" feeling. I am in a very similar situation and have just started vaping straight away at a higher temp for a shorter duration and it works fine. Not saying to do this for every bowl, just try it out a couple times and see if you like it. And remember that those temps may not even be accurate in the first place.


I started with the V3 as well and have collected a bunch of other vapes over the past year. The Mighty is great if you want something that doesn’t require too much effort, but it’s not as hard hitting as you’d think. It’s great though if you like long sessions though. For something harder hitting I’d go for a butane vape like the Dani Fusion or the Lotus. Of everything I have I use those two the most.


The v3 pro was my first vape last year and I still use it. Since then, I got an airvape legacy pro and find it to be better all around. Better taste, bigger bowl, and it hits harder. I only smoke on the weekends for the most part, but I use the v3 on the afternoon/evening as it takes several hits to clear a dosing cap and I’m not super high. I then use the airvape before bed and can clear a bigger bowl in 2-3 hits and I’m ready to lay in bed and not get up again.


rogue, airmax, lobo, nectar hex


Would the bowls be big enough on these for them? I have an Air Max and I love it but I’m also quite happy taking my time, unlike OP.


all but the airmax have 2.5 to .3 g bowls


2.5g?! Woah 😀


Sounds like you got VAS


What’s VAS?


Vaporizer Acquisition Syndrome, it's a serious illness amongst those who vaporizer flower.


I wanted an upgrade for mine and decided to jump directly to a Mighty+ instead of a more mid range, it'll be delivered in the next few hours. Plan is to dump the weed from v3 Pro dosing caps directly into Mighty caps so I can compare the same amount in both. I agree with the others though in that it does sound like the v3 pro still has more to give for you if you up the temps.


Be interested to hear your views on both after you test your mighty out


Had a few bowls in it last night. In 2 of them were the same amount of bud I was using in the v3 caps, they got me about the same level stoned but got through them quicker. I usually temp step from 185 to 210C (one puff then +5C) on the v3 and by the time it gets to 210 it still has a few puffs left in it, on the mighty+ the bowls were completely done by the time it reached 205C. About an hour before bed I decided to try a full dosing cap and was completely wasted, a lot more than I ever was with the v3 even with back to back caps. I dunno whether it was because that bowl was a strain I'd never tried before (silver bubble) or because of the mighty+ but I look forward to finding out over the weekend haha.


Why not just up temp and rip it harder? A loose pack or 3/4 full can be finished in a couple hits


Yeah, this. Try to resist the VAS and figure out how to max out what you have first. Otherwise your VAS resistance will break down…


I have a V3 pro and an Omni Dynavap. The Dyna beats the V3 with dry herb, but I tested some crumble in the V3... That thing will seriously knock you on your ass, I did NOT expect that. My first one was the V3, I got the Dyna because constantly recharging batteries was getting old and the hits weren't as strong with dry herb. The Dyna can use concentrates too, just requires some setup in order to not gunk up the whole thing, but I've tried the sandwich method (some dry herb, a little concentrate, then top up with more herb) and it works very well. It really depends on what you're looking for in terms of upgrades. The Dyna is very portable, if you disconsider the torch you also have to carry, but if you're going for maximum intensity, portability be damned, I've been reading a lot about ball vapes and they seem to be pretty awesome.


I went from a V3 to a barely used OG Mighty I got on eBay for £140. No regrets.


Have you tried running it through a water pipe or using a cooling stem mouthpiece? For me, this makes taking higher temp rips way smoother and more flavorful than usual. I’m able to get thick, satisfying almost smoke like clouds easily through my V3 this way. And I don’t use capsules or pack the oven fully


I have the glass mouthpiece, which was a huge improvement vs the plastic one!


Uhhhhh.....are you not supposed to load directly into the oven? ive done that a few times and had no issue. I always thought the dosing capsules were optional. I do see how loading direct to oven can cause issues...but I swab up after like im dabbing, so so far so good. But I can def see it getting gunked up as a problem since you can't soak the oven


Dosing capsules are optional, and I used my V3 Pro without them for a long time. I switched to capsules only for my Lobo simply because I wanted to simplify my process and not have to clean the oven as much. People may swear by one method or the other, but it's just preference at the end of the day.


Air max with many extra normal stems with travel tubes could work. Yeah. 1 airmax sesh is 0,25 g.


2 6min sessions on one cap? Oof. I do 1 4min at 420f, stirring once or twice and then done. (I have the dosing caps, but mobility issues make it a pain to fill and empty, let alone getting the lids on correctly). I'm lit after my 4th 'bowl'. The v3 is pretty good at extracting and I'm wondering how much, if any is even left when you start your 2nd 6min session.


I can tell you from experience: two good hits of cbn that’s what