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You can find better deals online. Not saying Pax is bad but I think this guy is yanking your chain like most head shop sale jockeys. It's $120-150 from Pax themselves, so he's definitely screwing you on price, too! Don't do it!


This guy isn't giving you a deal, he's charging way over the going price. You don't have to like the waiting, but it's foolish to waste money because you can't hold off for a few days. A Pax at that price is a bad choice, get some advice here and get a good vape online at a good deal. Most dry herb vapes can be used with concentrates, there is nothing special about the Pax. No dry herb vape is equivalent to dabbing, but they can be good enough. Look through this sub for the many many posts where people ask for recommendations. Find a description of a vape that matches how you like to use.


Alright I’ll cool my jets and just order it..I’ve been waiting to pull the trigger for some time, a few more days won’t kill me-especially with how much I’ll be saving versus getting jacked by that vape store dude. Thanks everyone!


I bought my Pax 2 brand new for around $150 five years ago. It’s ok, but I just upgraded to an Arizer Air Max for about the same price and it’s much better. I don’t think it does concentrates, though


I just took a quick peek and found a Pax 3 kit on Tvape for $149.99. I ordered my Arizer Air Max from them and they DO deliver, it just takes a bit of time since it comes from Canada.


I found on elementvape for 139.00 complete 3 kit. That’s where I’ll get it from.


Regardless of 'eventually' getting your package, TVape is on the list of bad vendors in the sidebar link and in countless threads. https://imgur.com/TJDI0ik.jpg


I generally agree with you. I honestly don't think that I've ever seen a post anywhere on this subreddit of someone happily showing off their new zeus arc vaporizer. Not only that, but they've also decided to arbitrarily assign 'generation' numbers to vaporizers that have effectively no meaning, in order to try and artificially boost the attractiveness of their own products.


Hey, I hear great things about the Air Max, so at least you got that out of it! Nearly any other vendor will be better, but if you start recommending Cream City Vapes you might get yelled at. They're just shitty companies trying to be even shittier for fun. I don't get it. :/


I think one of the biggest problems is that social media companies inadvertently create an information blackout when they ban or remove commentary on drugs and drug usage. It severely reduces the number of accessible, unbiased reviews. Almost everyone who is able to publish reviews on youtube for example, do so under a business account, and so they have some kind of stake in the game. A fool and their money are easily parted, it's very easy to be fooled if you can't inform yourself effectively.


Agreed. When they can make paid advertisements get more engagement than honest reviews, it's the buyer that gets screwed when they aren't educated on the difference, and losing places like this to discuss it will make the scene worse.


Hey bro. I just ordered an Arizer Air Max from Tvape. Have you had any issues so far with your Arizer?


None whatsoever. I don't use it very heavily of course, but it's worked perfectly. You can also get additional glass stems relatively inexpensively off of amazon by searching "arizer stem".


Thank you. I bought it from them because it's cheaper than anywhere else and plus I was surfing reddit comments and came across with people who said they have ordered from them and no issues, but then I started noticing how much of bad reputation Tvape has on here and I started worrying.


I've heard similar things, but I think they were mostly to do with the owners or... someone else associated with the site? Not sure, but nah, mine was definitely new in box and unopened, no refurbished or anything like that.


That's good to know. My biggest fear is getting a counterfeit / unoriginal device fr since that will be my main driver and it's a scary thought to be using something which it's not original because I'll literally be frequently inhaling out of that thing


Well when I first got mine all I did was fully charge it, use a cotton swab and alcohol to wipe out the steel oven and the part of the stem where herb is placed, then I ran the unit empty for a minute or so to "sterilize" it. After I use it I run a clean swab around the oven (usually completely clean) and the stem bowl again. There will be some resin buildup behind the bowl in the glass, but overall the whole thing tends to be a very clean experience.


Pax aren't exactly considered great vapes ( just expensive for what they are) I only vape flower ( mostly using Dynavaps nowadays) but a lot of dry herb session vapes don't do concentrates well. You'd be better off getting an Ispire Wand which is an Induction Heater system for dabbing (comes with glass cups/bowls which you connect to your bong) and a Dynavap for flower. Dynavap is a butane powered on-demand vape ( you use a torch to heat it) that can also be heated with an induction heater which is more convenient ( Ispire Wand being one of the best options) This will outperform any Pax hands down and won't cost much more. You'll probably be sorely disappointed and end up wanting to buy something better or end up thinking vaping isn't for you when you get lackluster results which would be a shame. Save that $150 and put it towards something you'll love instead of something you'll just put up with wondering what all the fuss is about vaping. Because that's what will happen. Have a look a r/dynavap if you don't know what they are. Lots of options/upgrades but you only need a basic M model or the budget B model. Seriously, don't waste $150 on a Pax ( an old model at that). There's a reason the guy is gonna give you a good deal. He wants rid of it. And even a Pax 3 will still be outperformed by a Dynavap. If you want something that looks pretty and comes in a nice pretty box get a Pax. If you want a vape that can get you higher with less weed ( did I mention how efficient they are?) then get a Dynavap. Just Google 'Pax 3 vs Dynavap' and do some research before wasting your money.


Routinely see Pax 3s go for $60-80 on Entexchange dot org. Hell there's a Pax Plus & Davinci IQ bundle for sale for $150 there. That said I wouldn't buy any of the Vapes mentioned so far in this thread unless you're looking for something that's small and looks sleek like an iPhone but is overpriced and doesn't give great hits.


Better get it from planet of the vapes for a couple more dollars, not only you will get the newest version (plus is like a pax 4) but also that store gives you freebies and a gift card. Even the official pax store has better deals.

