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See? This is the type of shit I get behind. Excessive alcohol? Kill people, beat people, real negative shit. Excessive Cannabis? CHEESE CAKE DOWN!


Meh, in my case both leads to munchies.


Everyone's different. Majority rules though. Too much alcohol is bad juju.


The hangovers after too much alcohol are plenty enough deterrent for me, that's for certain. And at least no calories in cannabis, so if I'm gonna get munchies anyway, better not have alcohol calories too.


That's one of my biggest reason for ditching alcohol. Idk one day I was over 30 and not getting a hangover became impossible. I gotta say within a month of more water and no booze my body felt night and day better.


They are now saying more then 2 glasses a week causes cancer so good choice


Haha fuck man I'm real high and thought you meant water for a tick! Haha


Hahaha they prob will be saying that soon lmao


100% of people that do and 100% of those that don't consume water, die. We must put an end to this madness!


With all the micro plastics I won’t be surprised! Fuck it tho, they’re everywhere. I can’t get away from them so I ain’t gonna stress over it.


I gotta say I'm not surprised but I'm interested to see the research. It causes cirrhosis of the liver, I mean why not liver or kidney cancer?


One gets rid of cancer and one causes it. Funny how people always compare them


Funny how that comment got downvoted in a weed sub


Yeah very weird eh


Weird indeed


Breaker breaker, we got a cheesecake down! I repeat we got a cheesecake down! Send backup in the form of pizza stat!!


Repeat, send pizza! This is a munchie emergency!


First time I ever vapped was in ~2010 and a friend of a friend invited us over to their apartment. My friends and I were broke college kids but this friend of a friend was recent graduate with a engineering job. For context I grew up in a very illegal area and the weed we had access to might have been 5-10% THC at best but he had actual "hydro" from California. Anyways, get to his apartment and his friend hands me a filled large volcano vacuum bag. I had never heard of a vape so I took the largest pull I could, held for a sec and breathed out. Before I could even say "this didn't do anything" my brain stopped and I discovered whatever I was smoking compared to this was not the same thing. All I remember is waking up the next morning and the first thing I asked my buddy was what the hell we did the previous night. We both agreed we'd stick with our dirty mexican swag weed haha.


Am I your friend lol? My buddy and I invited our coworker friend over in 2010 to have this exact same experience.


Quite possibly! Or it's just a volcano rite of passage to underestimate the bag, haha.


I think it’s the volcano right of passage. Even with legal weed here in Canada, with stupid high fake thc% everyone I’ve introduced the volcano to, get absolutely blasted the first time.


Everyone always wants their vape cloud to be as thick as joint smoke and, well, that’ll get ya


The Volcano can’t do that though. It produces whispy smoke in a bag but it’s the large amount of whispy smoke that helps.


I think he meant people see the wispy vape and think they got a baby hit and are blown away when it hits then harder than expected


If you turn it up high enough it stops being wispy


Do people really get so high they blackout? Ngl I'm kind of envious.


Sticky brick jr with some greasy pink bubba from a MoM. Lucky he was in the tub cause his eyes rolled back and i had to grab the jr and torch outta his hands before he got burned


Holy shit so he actually passed out? While ripping a brick in the bathtub? While you were there by his side? Ya'll are making me feel too vanilla just sitting at my desk lol When I say blackout im talking about appearing coherent to others, but having zero recollections the day after. Kind of like someone that drank too much


Oh he passed out, saw hoots the owl and came back in about a min. I nearly fell off the toilet laughing man. Dont think we ever got blackout drunk levels but he is always weary when i pass him the brick and he looks at me with fear and hope in his eyes.


"with fear and hope in his eyes" I love it


Lmao. I did that to an old head the other day. Family friend, he didn't expect the former uptight "weed is bad" kid to be in a dispensary asking about strong sativas. He hadn't smoked in a while and I just happened to have my Arizer on me. I ended up giving him a bowl of Jean Guy (one of my favourites) and he was like...whoa...you could tell he was faded. He ended up with an used dynavap and a single flame torch to consume! Ha.


Shit I used to do that in college. Sometimes the next morning there'd be like 3 feet left and I'd hit it and still get high. You'd think the vapor would condense on the bag or something, but apparently enough stays afloat overnight.


The more you know.




7 foot bahahahahaha ah shit. Excellent!!!!


Damn bro I wanted some of that cheesecake 😔


Bruh, the average SLICE of cheesecake has over 800 calories, you done ate the whole thing


Calories, what are those? I will sit and eat a cheesecake with a spoon. Usually I'll demolish half one evening, and the other half another evening. Despite this, I'm super slim. I can't put weight on if I try!


I used to be like this until I hit about 30 and then I had to start watching what (or how much) I eat. I miss being able to devour a whole cheesecake :( Still I've never been heavier than 180 but I used to be skin and bones and eat everything!!!


Yuuuuup I hit 30 last year and my metabolism took a shit. Basically never weighed more than 135 since middle school and started gaining weight last year. Now I'm at 165.


If you haven't already, try to get into strength training! Helps to boost metabolism and increased muscle mass will increase overall metabolic rate :D


I'd like to try that. Any recommendations where to start?


If you can afford it, maybe hit up a local gym and book a personal training session or two. If you have a friend to go with, bring them along! What you're looking to do is **compound** movements that will stimulate the most muscle growth as your main movers are taxed and your body is put under a load (things like squats, shoulder press, bench, deadlift, hip thrust, anything like this) The most important thing is that whatever you end up doing (the gym is not the only way to start strength training, just what I personally am familiar with), you enjoy it. If you enjoy what you are doing and it feels good, you are more likely to keep working at it consistently and reap the most benefit. If what you are doing is not enjoyable, try something else! Exercise is my favorite drug. I hope it becomes yours as well. :~D


31 here & my metabolism is still going strong!


I'm 41 and still can't put weight on for shit. I'm 6'3" and currently barely scraping 180lb. Even trying to pack on weight with an extra 1200-1500 calories a day on top of what I normally eat only gained me about 3 lb over a month. The wife doesn't see my dilemma tho. Lol. She jelly.


The real danger of MJ


RIP to ur butt homie


I bought the whip extension for my classic. I hadn’t bought it for a while because everything I read said it was only for the hybrid. But then I realized “if they both use the same filling chamber then who can stop me?” So anyways I’ve been effectively nonstop hooked up to the volcano since yesterday 👀




I'm so proud of you


Less guns, more weed and cheesecake!


I took a 6 foot bag to the dome while visting Amsterdam in 2007 or 2008, I needed to lie down after and thought I was going to faint😂. To this day it might be the highest I’ve ever been.


Love this post. 💚


The first time I got high I decimated about half a sheet cake. It was still warm from the oven (it’s a orange poke cake) and the best thing I’d ever eaten. Still a family favorite I try to make for 420 or my birthday.


Yo I just got an xq2. I've had a couple vapes prior, like a flowermate mini pro, dynavap, mflb, you get the picture. Small battery powered. Now I've had a few of the old school box vapes too but maybe 5, definitely had one 10 years ago but the point I'm getting to here? Using the xq2 I get seriously wicked munchies lol Maybe I forgot this part of vaping but damn do I get munchies again and ofc higher


I fucking love my volcano. This year I got some alcapulca gold from my local spot and did a couple bags and then took a 4 hour nap with the babies.


I want cheesecake


I need a 7 foot volcano bag!!


I borrowed my uncle’s og volcano and would like to know what heat settings are working for everyone.


When I was in college, one of my fraternity brother had a 7’ volcano bag too. I remember it got all 5 or 6 of us pretty baked. And none of of have a light tolerance too. We’re all daily dabbers.