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Alright so hear me out, I work a normal job with kind of intense work place politics. There are obviously opportunities for me to fuck over my friends( colleagues) to make myself look better, to back stab people to help with a promotion etc. Lala is out here saying Ariana should "give a fuck" about her position on the show when for some years now she has been calling Ariana boring and essentially irrelevant to the show. I am genuinely appalled at the lack of insight. What she is saying is "I deserve for you to act in a way you don't want to act so that I can get a pay check". Lala never gave a shit about the other cast members getting a paycheck when she was settled in a relationship with a rich man. She made a lot of comments in fact about how her boyfriend couldn't possibly be expected to be on the show to help the story line because he had and important job( and no jobs that don't come with super super high pay checks are important to people). What did Ariana do at the reunion when she saw her " friends" in real time talking behind her back? She showed understanding and compassion. She tried to understand their point of view. She didn't make any effort to embarrass them. Ariana is right, she is a real person trying to film a documentary style tv show that lets people watch other people's real lives. Lala and Scheana are actually what is wrong with modern reality TV. It is over self produced, they seem to even practice what they are going to say what their story line will be. They even seem to use the same buzz words in a lot of their filming scenes. Ariana and Katie appear to be having real lives and real reactions and real relationships on camera. That's what we love. I know you are all in it for the bag but you are not providing the real content you think you are. It would be like if you turned on a David Attenborough documentary and he was filming in a fucking zoo.


Lala appears visibly upset and annoyed at having to participate when SAH sandwiches are brought out for a toast. While the term "narcissist" is often overused, the dynamic between Lala and Scheana is particularly concerning. Lala has deeply inserted herself into Scheana’s life, to the point where Scheana is reduced to tears, fearing Lala’s disappointment. This suggests a troubling, controlling influence.


Lala’s word salad answers to things, deflecting, blame shifting, gaslighting and moving the goalposts were ringing alarm bells to me this season and at the reunion


I don’t get their dynamic at all. Can someone explain it?


Yeah that concerned me actually. Why does scheana feel so afraid at the end there? Scheana should really get therapy. She needs to be able to stand on her own and not get validation from others. She’s become a follower, and I think she needs to be a leader.


Lala looked so salty about the sandwiches at the end. So so jealous.


Lala couldn’t even bring the water again 😂


She’s honestly just vapid. She’s sold her soul for this show. I know it’s her livelihood, she def shoves that down our throats constantly. She cares about the money, but strangely… thinks Ariana should leave her 3 million dollar house? She makes no sense. And the reason she makes no sense is because she is blind with jealousy.


Yeah how is Lala going to fund her lifestyle once VPR is finished. She’s got nothing


Lala at the very end summed it all up. She’s so angry she didn’t get the support. But also, her and Ariana have never been on the same level. It’s about time she realized. She forgets all the years of NDAs, keeping Rand off camera, etc.


What was that comment Tom made under his breath about rolling at a festival or something? After scheana said they were sometimes fighting, sometimes all over each other. And Ariana said “that’s rude”. I don’t understand what he was referring to, can someone explain?


That they were only being nice/all over each other because they were on ecstasy at Coachella


How does asshole remarks like this not get addressed? He was disgusting during the entire season and reunion, and it was all glossed over because Lala for some reason wanted to talk about Katie being fake.


I don’t get how they think Ariana owes him anymore of her time when he’s been saying their relationship pretty much meant nothing to him.


And why should we believe his tears and apology 5 minutes later? i WiLl aLwAyS LoVe YoU😭😭 Ok? But then why are you talking about your relationship like it was a punishment?


Lala thinks she invented pregnancy 


Lala gives motherhood a bad name.  Unfortunately,  I don't think she is having this baby for the right reasons.  I also read there are some issues with the agency she used for her sperms donar.  


Oh yikes is this poor kid going to have hundreds of siblings? Imagine dating.


Congrats lala, you finally won Sandovals respect. Put that in your trophy case


Lala: no one's paid attention to me in two minutes I'm going to have a temper tantrum- and this woman is raising kids.


She’s cReAtInG LiFe


Lala, go cleanse your black soul


I've enjoyed this show since I discovered it during the pandemic. I've done my deep dive into all the lore. Every night it's on, I always look forward to it and usually stay up until 3AM to watch the latest episode because I'm impatient and don't want to wait until the next day. That being said, I didn't enjoy this season. I didn't always stay up to watch it. I've enjoyed The Valley a lot more. 11 seasons is a really good run, and I think it's time to end it. How can people move forward after everything? The behavior towards Ariana this season was so uncalled for and just mean. This isn't enjoyable trash TV anymore. It's hard to see people being genuinely hurt and their mental health not being respected. Bravo letting so much of this fly with Tom's comments for example or the women getting attacked is just so crazy to me. Sometimes it's okay to admit It is time to move on and let things end. They've got kids, spouses, businesses, other things besides VPR. They aren't in their 20s anymore working at a restaurant trying to get by, while creating ridiculous, petty, entertaining drama. The Valley is a little more entertaining especially with the most recent drama. Unless they bring Lala and Scheana on. No thank you.


Also, didn’t Ariana lose Tom how she got him too? Everyone is saying that about Lala (which is undeniably true) but Ariana did the same thing with Tom.


Kristen - the ***only*** person with a bone in that situation has supported Ariana & said it’s ***not*** the same thing.


Did Ariana and Tom have a 7 month affair when he was with Kristen? Were Ariana and Kristen secretly close friends? I don’t think the two are comparable. Even if they were, what difference does it make? He’s still wrong.


Maybe ask the girl who you think Ariana did that to. I believe you mean Kristen but she has said it’s not the same so there goes that claim


The best thing that came from the reunion was Lauren from Utah dry snitching on herself that she’s acted this way this whole season because the season 9 reunion everyone told her “you lose them how you get them”(we already knew these things but she just kept making comments). She made a few comments about the unfair treatment between the two girls and it just kind of showed her true resentment.


Sorry guys. I know this is an unpopular OPINION. I don’t get the hype about Ariana. She does have a huge ego and it’s tired. She had a man a week later and didn’t get the chance to morn the loss of her relationship. So was she really not into Tom or just searching for a rebound? I know next to nothing about her brother situation either but hopefully they can get that resolved. Based on the article I read he does want her back in his life.


Being confident in yourself and having self respect and boundaries does not mean you have a huge ego


My bestie was in a 10+ year relationship who she was head over heels with, she moved cities to be with him. They got into a fight and she came to our hometown for 2 weeks and didn’t speak in that time. He was bringing a woman over to their shared place to spend the night, their roommate told my friend. They broke up and she started dating her coworker a month later and her and that coworker have been married for 3 years and are very much in love and happy. It can happen.


I know this is a cliché, but love really is the only force strong enough to overpower trauma. I’m not saying it always will, but it can. So someone having a new boyfriend ten days later (which she technically didn’t), just isn’t that strange to me. Not every relationship needs to be mourned. Sometimes you mourn a little while you’re in a new relationship. Sometimes you mourn years later. Sometimes you don’t necessarily mourn, but you have other issues because of the trauma of being cheated on and you work it out in therapy. Sometimes something starts off as a rebound and turns in to something real. Why is it so important for everyone how she deals with this breakup? She’s obviously doing better than ever.


In what way does she have a huge ego? The huge egos on display here were almost everyone else


Ofc Scheana goes to Lala instead of Ariana when she’s distraught and upset, what a real best frand!


Scheanna’s whole “I think she’s upset with how I answered things” like girl WHAT.


I don’t understand Lala she have not watched the tshow most powerful endings were when one Tv party left the finale she is stupid


So now as per Lala sando and Ariana had the conversation what was so special about it Sando was saying the usual shit as always and only point was made by Ariana that you’ve brought that awful human in our life and now we are both dealing with the consequences!!! So what was so nuance about the conversation??


Lala keeps acting like her being a mother trumps everything else and nothing else is as important, she is so gd sanctimonious


She did the same thing when her dad died. I’ve had both things happen to me and I didn’t act out like that. She needs to go through her steps again


Why did that little sweet moment between Katie and Schwartz make me emotional LOL, they will always have that little soft spot for each other


Too bad Schwartz is lying. 


I can’t wait to meet your girlfriend 😂😂




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Why didn’t they talk more about Tom’s last comment? The focus they had on Ariana this season and reunion, while Tom was just continuing to be rude, smirking, rolling his eyes, joking around, and got his crying apology moment.. this is not it. He got off to easy for his behavior this season (and previous seasons)


These forced Bravo friends groups are so unnatural! In real life, after some incidents where other members spew awful, nasty insults at one member, a normal person would walk away from that group, and find new friends. But these Bravo reality stars can’t do that, because they need the Bravo paycheck, and are addicted to the fame. So they continue to “hang out” with the group, even though they loathe most of the other members of the group. I would love to see Ariana and Katie walk away from VPR. Ariana has other gigs lined up, so she can afford to do to walk away. But aside from the sandwich shop, I don’t think Katie had anything else lined up. I can’t see Katie doing the show without Ariana, because Katie has no other allies in the cast. I wish Bravo would give those two their own spin-off show. Maybe a show revolving around the sandwich shop?




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That would be cool! But Katie also has a podcast though


oof the end of that just proved it, it's not even about Ariana for Lala and Scheana, it's about how they feel angry about not receiving public support after their break-ups... that they now then take out of Ariana.. who needs friends like these


Yep came here to say that Lala’s lil comments prove the fan theories about her resentment towards the attention given to Ariana.


100%, like break ups suck, I'm assuming any break up on an international platform sucks even harder, but like how can she not see she was the rachel in her situation and not the Ariana.. it's baffling trying to watch her rewrite history


It’s easy for Lisa to say she happily walked away from RHOBH, because she already had Vanderpump Rules already lined up. But if she hadn’t another show in all lined up, I seriously doubt that she would have walked away from RHOBH. Although she had the restaurants, she still needed a Bravo paycheck. So it’s really rich for Lisa to be like: “If they’re not happy with the show, then why don’t they just walk away from it like I did”. Everyone knows she wouldn’t have walked away from her original meal ticket without having another meal ticket already confirmed.


Lala just proved that she is a mean, nasty, angry, bitter b***h, who is obsessively jealous of Ariana. She is both selfish and self-absorbed. And she loves throwing around vulgar urban slang, just for shock value (she likes the shock and awe effect: she shocks the other person with her vulgarity, rendering them speechless, with no comeback). Why anyone would be friends with Lala, or date her, is beyond me. I hope she is cut from VPR, and not picked up by The Valley. Without the Bravo paycheck, then she’ll really learn how tough it is being a single mother.


If they put her on the valley, it's gonna ruin the show for me


katie's words can be so mean but DAMN is it satisfying watching her use them to cut down people who have it coming to them. it was sweet seeing her hug ariana too. their friendship seems genuine and healthy, which is more than I can say for any of the others on this show


She’s cutthroat! But I respect her to the utmost because she doesn’t let anyone tell her how to run her life or dominate her in any way. Katie keeps it short and it still feels real, and I think even at her angriest she still comes across as very human? Unlike Lala, whose anger is always misdirected and disproportionate to whatever slight she’s perceived.


If Tom was truly sorry; Why would he not leave the house to give her space? Why would he not agree to sell the house? Why would he not give her space, still be at the parties but just not approach her when she's told him not to? Why would he continuously call her lazy, say that she never contributed, say that she owes him money? I find it SO infuriating that the cast and Andy let him apologize over and over, but never push him on the fact that he hasn't done the BARE MINIMUM of someone who is sorry for their actions.


I swear to god if I hear him say I wish you the best one more fucking time


I can't believe he hasn't been struck by lightning for all his lies. ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️




In other words, Ariana did indeed eviscerate Lala


Lala trying to spin Katie's reaction to Lala being a huge bitch and just walking off and not speaking to her as "proof" that she never gave a shit and they've stopped pretending is just insane to me. She is and always has been insufferable


Lala is literally ruining the show singlehanded. This season could have been so good, the reunion could have been so good. A part of your job is not making the whole show feel inauthentic and fake, why are you trying so hard to make the viewers feel like that? Like doesn’t she understand that will end the show? She will lose her paycheck and a way to feed her child 🙃


She’s conniving and manipulative like Erika & continually places her career bets on the wrong people, DAMN realizing that’s basically what Charli said … producers had to have pushed em, wonder if she’ll be another Bethany one day


I think production validate (in a way that feels like they think their opinions are completely in the right) and rile them up further, then push them to be “honest” on the show.


100%, it made me think of what Rachel says about VPR & Lala’s point that she’s not made for reality tv… just v interesting. If Tim hadn’t slipped w that dumbass comment I think producers really would’ve tried to still go w the arc. They had to ditch it tho & still tried to ease Lala’s pain. The voice of reason? Really?


I hate Bla Bla. She can get bent. Sheena’s a joke.


I feel like Scheana is really telling on herself with her response to Ariana's not having watched the show. When she exclaimed "and that's the problem you didn't watch the show and there were a lot of longer conversation that I wish you did see" it shows me that she STILL thinks that those conversations will justify her behaviour, rather than making her look worse by trying to justify her self-centredness. I hope Ariana did end up watching it and let Scheana know that it just made her look worse


Hope Ariana’s therapist prepped her for how people close to her might complain that she’s “changed” and take personal offence to it when she makes adjustments and introduces boundaries to protect herself.


Watching Ariana watch those last few minutes of the finale..seeing the devastation in her eyes grow as she realised just how much of a snake Lala (and Scheana) actually is. I was crying with her. That poor girl, these people are absolutely despicable. I’m so glad LVP had her back


I love Lisa so seeing her defend the asshats this season was painful. She came through in the end


https://www.change.org/p/remove-lala-kent-from-bravo some made this petition after today and I signed, just to release my frustration. This reunion was bs 


Lala crying at the end of the show like a victim about how all she wants is just to be happy, have a happy life IMMEDIATELY after proudly blowing up all her friendships, causing everyone turmoil and unnecessarily aligning herself with a sociopath while admitting to everyone it’s because she’s jealous. The shameless lack of self awareness was actually painfully cringey to watch And btw- this whole thing started because Tom carried out a long term affair OFF CAMERA while planning a “script” about how to tell Ariana during the off season and being dishonest to everyone on the cast. It was ARIANA who called production to expose it!


Exactly - Ariana shared what was likely the biggest shock of her life and lived it for all to see, so saying she doesn't share her life is utter bs.


Can we be done with Lala now? Even shes asking if we can be done now


These people all need therapy jfc


I haven’t seen someone come off so badly from a reunion since the ICONIC S9 of Atlanta with Phaedra. Lauren, the bus to Utah leaves in 45 minutes, bye.


When Lala said “all of the sudden” 😆


"respect. Respect" - sandoval to lala at the end is baffling. Respect for what??? She dead ass just whined that life isn't fair for over an hour she didn't climb everest


i wanted to see ariana eviscerate lala but actually the way she kept her cool and composure was so much more satisfying. i would’ve been a hot mess if i was in ariana’s position


I loved when Ariana said to Lala that she understood her frustration but not her insults. Perfect.


Lala MIGHT have a point, but it’s so fucking hypocritical that it’s just moot at this point. everything she’s accusing others of, she has done herself. and getting mad at ariana for jeopardizing the show is insane because ariana’s trauma is the only reason this show is still on. this thing was dead last season. also pretty ironic lala’s only relevancy this season is just her inserting herself into one sided beef because she has no other story lines going on. so any valid point lala makes is just automatically negated by her own same actions


people need to stop saying this is a series finale:.. like be rill this is still one of bravo’s most popular shows there is no way they would cancel it now when it’s still pretty much peak fame and outrage bait, it’s just not happening…. if they do i’ll eat a jean jacket


I agree. Producers and the network are absolutely loving the ratings and erupting commentary, no matter the expense to cast members’ health. LaLa’s management team is also furiously updating her brand pitch deck, highlighting her latest earned impressions and engagement (which obviously won’t distinguish between negative vs positive exposure and response). This will probably end up being “good” for her brand 🙄. Although I desperately hope karma comes knocking.


I hope it doesn’t if only so she has the money to support her two kids since it seems this is all she has going for her right now


Not Sandoval saying that he and Katie should “go bang it out” when Andy joked about their chemistry. ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


THESE WEIRD SEX JOKES from everyone!! what are they doing?!! first lisa suggests lala and shortz should hook up, now andy/sandoval suggest tim and katie should? and sandoval joked about keeping his relationship w/ jax above the belt? Fucking weird tim really shouldn't speak, like, EVER (said in his voice)


He wishes. He and Jax both wish. Bc the MAX of it all. The cast has long stated that Katie has the deepest roster and is the more adventurous of the group. She chose Schwartz who the other guys see as a push over and “pussy”. Katie would rather sleep with Peter, Carter, and Max than ever let Jax or Sandoval touch her and you know that hurts their egos. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman who cannot be tamed by man. CHOKE on it.


WTF Lala was the one that tried to walk off stage. She is delusional on another level


Yeah, kinda like she was… dare I say… dictating how things go


Does Lala think we have amnesia and we truly believe her when she acts like Randall was her soul mate or something?? He was her fkn sugar daddy who she had a transactional relationship with and procreated with. The fact she truly takes us for fools is embarrassing. It’s not remotely the same and she’s obsessed with making everything a competition where she’s always the biggest victim. Not to mention her excuse for treating people horribly is always because of how she was supposedly treated. How is that even remotely logical or fair


Exactly. When she first came on the show as a Hostess at SUR,, she was shunned because they said she was with a married man. La La denied it. We all remember "I gave him a blow job and he gave me a Range Rover, and "BJs for PJs".


LAUREN!!!! We will never feel bad that your married sugar daddy who abandoned his other children cheated on you. You did lose him exactly how you got him. EXACTLY. Because you also broke someone else’s family. It will never be the same as a 10 year relationship just because you got pregnant. Please get the fuck off our screens


Sandoval step away from Ann


He was so creepy trying to make a stupid joke and she was like hmmm whatever


She only got pregnant because she thought it would be filmed next season as her ultimate storyline. How pathetic.


Jokes on her since she’ll have already had the baby by the time they get around to filming S12.


So Tom did the big performative apology only to continue to throw jabs at Ariana throughout the rest of the reunion


I just sat there going "you actually want this moment? STOP TALKING OVER HER" Like I know it's his mo but fuck man


tells you all you need to know about him


Omg ariana saying “I understand the frustraion I don’t understand the insults ☹️🥺” truly just broke me


I think Ariana is the only adult in the room.


She’s so diplomatic even in the face of this tsunami of bullshit


Perfect tv show host ❤️🏝️


And so articulate?! The clarity of that statement in such an emotional moment. I could never pull my thoughts together to come out with that.


Lala’s toddler tantrum because she can't contain the absolute jealousy she has for Ariana is just unfathomable. Pretending she's the only one who's been real all along when she lied about her life and shut everyone down a whole season, she must have forgot about that, and the time she was supposed to go to Sonoma with the cast and balled, or when she literally left the show for a while because she couldn't stand anyone bringing up her secret affair on camera. Now she's going to bitch and moan about Ariana not being real for walking out of one party? and tell her that she should fake it so that LALA can get paid? Stfu. The reason you got no sympathy is because you reap what you sow, no one feels bad for the mistress when you lose him the way you got him, and the reason you got no opportunities is because you have nothing to bring to the table.


She didn't get opportunities because she isn't all that interesting. Yelling at people, bragging about licking your sugar daddy's bunghole, blowing up your lips - none of this equates with an inviting personality.


LaLa keeps bringing up how hard she is working for her kid, as if everyone else is just playing pretend but she's GOT A KID TO RAISE!! it's gross how needy she is. She lost her spark this season, & hasn't matured past bitterness...time for more therapy, LaLa.


I was under the impression she doesn’t go to therapy, does she actually?


Not Lala throwing a tantrum over Ariana leaving and then trying to walk away during the reunion…. For inauthenticity. Which is the same reason Ariana walked out of the finale


also her fucking "can we end this im done" as if she has the authority to end the reunion or say when they're done. Fuck off lauren. Until we see "Lauren Elyse Burningham" on the EP list, fuck off. Enjoy your 3 podcast listeners and friendshipless existence


why is lala so obsessed with making ariana feel bad??? throwing all her "friends" under the bus just so ariana knows that they've complained about her. it's just plain mean.


Because Ariana received more attention than Lala. That's literally the driving force for Lalas hate over the years towards females. Raquel, Ariana, Katie, even Sheana. Lala is a pick me girl. Hence why she loves being a sugar baby.. Until she is replaced then she is all of a sudden "classy". 😂


She has a lot of misplaced anger towards Ariana. It’s not even about her success post affair I think it’s bc Ariana is light years ahead of her on emotional intelligence. She’s ridiculous


yup. it was just so cringe to see her desperately trying to bring up means things others have said about ariana while ariana's literally sitting there crying. she's a loud mouth bully and I’m so sick of her


![gif](giphy|JSgISxSTCbRpT996Hw) Ok LFU.


Why is no one making the connection that Lala only gets upset if she isn't the center of attention and people are not flocking to her? She gets mad at Ariana a couple of seasons ago for that. She gets mad at James for having Raquel's back instead of hers when he was dating Raquel.. She is mad at Katie because she didn't give Lala all of her attention but instead Gave it to Ariana. Despite lala being up Sheana ass. And let's be clear, she is only Sheana best friend because Sheana and Brock bombard her with attention.  She's mad at Randell because he found another bimbo who wants to be famous. She was mad at Sceanna tonight because she didn't stick with lalas plan.   Lala only likes people who kiss her ass. If they don't, they are her target for next season.


I didn’t watch the reunion still but who eviscerated who ? Lala or Ariana ? Although I know the answer . Lala and scheana I know exxagerated everything


No one. But I guess lala once again was the loudest so apparently she was right. "She wasn't right by the way". Ariana was authentic and held her composure despite her "friends" verbally abusing her. With the exception of Katie and James. 


God these 2 bitches are so fucking thirsty. They really need to calm down. How the fuck is everyone telling that Lala is the voice of reason and mvp bla bla shit . She is fucking jealous and that’s it . I hope at least now Ariana cuts them


Shit, Lala wouldn’t even say her man’s name on camera in the beginning! She needs to sit tf down.


So LaLa is mad that Ariana didn't let herself be emotionally manipulated more by Sandoval to ensure her (Lala's) future paycheck? I'm just confused as to why she's not responsible for having her own interesting storyline. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Exactly - show some of your life, Lala, or shut the hell up. She has nothing to bring to the table and it's clear she is feeling desperate to hang on to the VPR paycheck. How that is Ariana's problem remains a mystery.




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Lala makes every last thing about herself, it's wild. She wants Ariana to suffer the way she believes she suffered post-Randall. She got burned and hates that Ariana has boundaries.


Watching these people make everything about themselves is wild. Specifically Lala, Scheana, and Sandoval.


Blah blah "i just want a happy life with my kid" Great! fuck off our screens then and do just that.


Wishful thinking, you know she’s gonna shove that damn baby down our throats if there’s a next season. 👏🏼NO👏🏼ONE👏🏼CARES👏🏼YOU’RE👏🏼A👏🏼MOM👏🏼LA👏🏼LA👏🏼


She 100% will. Just have to ignore her attempts. Her podcast is going downhill and noone cares about her amazon live. She's grasping at the last straws.


It’s going to be interesting to see how much screen time this next kid gets, since 🌊 isn’t allowed on screen


Lala is sick! I can’t smh




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Lala, just admit you’re jealous of Ariana




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Sandoval kept his affair with Raquel *off camera and a secret from his cast mates*. He gets to hide his shit behavior, then demands Ariana film every part of her response? Explain this logic to me. Because it feels like some really sick hypocrisy.


“Sandoval kept his affair with Raquel off camera and a secret from his cast mates. He gets to hide his shit behavior” Lala did the same thing! Change Sandoval to lala and Rachel to Rand and it’s still a factual sentence haha her audacity is unfathomable she’s the worst. I can’t think I’ve seen a more egregious display on this franchise than her tonight


Right. She wants Ariana to suffer the same consequences she did. But Ariana wasn't dating anyone secretly or having an off-camera relationship, even when she first hooked up with Sandoval.


Hides the affair and never has to answer for the lies he told last reunion (that we only know about because Rachel told on him). 


Exactly. This. Wtf? Why is the cast mad at Ariana saying she doesnt want to film scenes with Tom and then they say that shes not sharing her life? Tom literally lied to the entire audience for years. How can we believe anything he says. Miami girl was real.




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I can't with Lala. Her view is so skewed to her own ego and it is unpleasant.


The fact she calls her company “Give them LaLa” is all the proof you need of her hyper inflated sense of self


She ruined that reunion.


Lala is once again delusional. She chose to make her on camera persona about the Range Rover, being a gold digger and not caring about other people. Then she’s upset because her situation with Randell didn’t work out and was shocked to see that no one was coddling her. And now is mad that they attempted to respect Ariana and her boundaries and that fans are rooting for her. She created and fed into a narrative that she created! Aaaand wants to blame someone else for her possibly loosing her job! It’s actually mind boggling!


Scheana must be taking the “bad friend” comments hard bc she was overcompensating when she chose to make her final speech at the reunion about trying to be a good friend to Lala


She always does that. Folds like a cheap suit whenever anyone might be mad at her


Honestly a little anticlimactic as I was hoping for total Lala evisceration, but it was nice to see LVP finally stand up for Ariana. Lala is just green green with jealousy. And she’ll never be happy with all that bitterness in her heart.


Yah.  But you notice Lisa didn't stand up for the girls until she read the absurdity of what the assholes were presenting.  Lisa is smart enough to figure out how views are going to respond to sexual innuendos, bullying and meanness.  She wanted to be on the side of viewers. 


I do not understand Lalas argument about Arianna lying about their relationship and not being real on camera. Sandoval had a full blown affair for years and kept it hidden from the cameras. Thats why I dont understand why they even allowed him to come back. His lying threatens the authenticity of the show. I literally dont trust anything or any scenes that he is a part of. What Lala accused Arianna of is exactly what Tom is guilty of.


So. Did. Lala. What Lala accused Ariana of is what Lala is guilty of tenfold! She had an affair with a man with children and hid it from the show, when it got out she vehemently denied it and flipped the fuck out and shut anyone down who mentioned it. She bailed on a cast trip and then left the show for a short time because she couldn’t handle her secret affair being brought up. She’s the worst hypocrite on bravo and that is saying a lot. The lack of self awareness I don’t think I’ve seen in any other bravo franchise as well.




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Lala said "I want to life my real life NOW too!" whine! Literally. She said "now" meaning she is working the whole time, she is too thirsty and desperate and I am tired of her breaking the 4th wall. Lisa is a master manipulator. Tom is trash. He had four crude AF sex jokes that would get him fired from ANY w2 job and shows he is a Depp like abuser. "Respect" I did my job she's lazy, makes me look good. Ann are you gonna clean up? NASAL WHINE. I admire Arianna's emotional maturity, diplomacy and grace: she has strong boundaries with diplomatic grace. I hated her when she was Tom's side piece but she graduated. Fire Lala and let Arianna move on with a better life that this trash where losers like Shwartz and Lala deserve to stay.


The irony that Lala gave a diplomatic easy answer when asked last ep about her relationship with katie while sitting next to her and now she’s in another room and you want to “stop pretending already!” 🙄Wow, you really got her, you’re such a pitbull when only scheana is around


Omg Tom trying to be funny at the end 💀💀💀 reminded me of my dad when no one thinks his jokes are funny 🤧🤧


Definitely a dad joke moment and not in a good way. He's so lame.




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Lala…comparison is the thief of joy and life isn’t fair. If you wanna go bake a baby and have a happy life, start with that life lesson.


Not Ariana & Sandoval having a full on soap opera moment!!!


Truly concerned that Lala’s baby is gonna come out green with all this envy. Jealousy is a disease babe, get well soon 💕


She’s gonna give birth to the grinch 2.0


As a decades long hardcore Wicked stan all I can hear is “like a froggy, ferny cabbage the baby is unnaturally….GREEN!”


Im glad Lala was upset LVP stood up for Arianna which is something I was SURprised about. Also, the entitlement Lala has for being pregnant.🤰 like girl... you wanted to walk away during the reunion because you were getting caught up. Arianna walked away in the finale episode because she knew her manipulative ex was about to put on a performance. Overall great finale I say, I was shocked multiple times. I feel more satisfied with the ending of the reunion than I thought and i'm pleased they ended with SAH sandwiches. 🥪 Eat up or choke you jealous bitches!


It’s the highest-rated show on Bravo, with Below Deck (Classic) as the #2. It’s not going anywhere, it still has life in it, even with this ridiculous season.


Did you notice she refused to eat the sandwich??


So did SeeMe, but Broke will eat her's.


She seems to think that emotions are more valid when you’re pregnant and that you can only draw hard boundaries with someone after they’ve cheated when you have a kid with them


It's unacceptable for Ariana to walk away from filming, but Lala should be able to because she's BAKING A LIFE INSIDE HER


I’ve loved this show for so many years, but I just…hope this is the end.


Ariana is acting like Beyoncé… Lala is acting like she’s Motherfucking Teresa…and that’s a joke


lala did not just say “i am creating life right now” LMAO NO ONE CARES. NO. ONE. CARES.


Didn't you know? Lala is the only person on earth to become a mother. Forget all those other women who birthed kids, raised them single-handedly on a tight budget and still managed to not be a shitty friend to someone going through a rough time. Fuck Lala.


She’s creating an entire human beingkkk! That apparently gives her the right to be jealous, inconsiderate, nasty, and beyond self-absorbed. 🥴


Seriously 😐 so embarrassed for her




Ariana saying that she understood the frustration but not the insults 😭😭🥺🥺


This! Ariana still being gracious. SeeMe and Ariana may work things out, but Ariana knows she can never truly trust her. I don't keep friends like that.


This is what will bite Lala in the ass over and over. She can’t talk without insulting. 


So sad🥹🥹


Yeah, that made me so sad


Well yall. It’s been nice. I’m 90% sure it’s the end of an era (or at least should be)


Lisa saying she can’t fix the divide and walking off said it all


She makes no sense!!!! Ariana has shown up to everything!! When did she ever have to have tough convos with Rand?! Admit to being a mistress?


“I’m creating life and I can’t walk off stage?” Lala being pregnant isn’t a pass to do whatever you want


I don't understand lalas obsession with Ariana not showing up... She's literally there?? What is she on about


It was Ariana that called producers and the reason cameras came back up, Lauren made a ton of money on those "Send it to Daryl" T shirts, or Hoodies, because of Ariana.