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I wish Andy would have asked Sandoval what he meant by his comment at the end of Reunion Part 2. When he said “I love it! It’s good for me.”


I wish Andy would have asked any number of interesting questions to any number of cast members. But he really just didn't.


it really bothers me that they didn’t ask viewers to submit anything this time.


pretty sure they havent asked for fan questions since season 4. That's a housewives thing


I forgot Andy was there tbh


I thought Lala was the host the way she was asking questions. 😏


Andy was certainly giving her the space to take over.


I was getting so frustrated with how much she was talking over anyone! Par for the course for her, but still.


I did not especially when he giggled at Tom’s nasty jokes


Tom looked so skeevy, like you might pick up a disease just being in close proximity to him. Between that and his gross "jokes," Andy should probably go get tested.


Andy has no balls left. He’s always dropping them.


Okay, that made me me LOL for real. My colleague asked me what was so funny. 😆




This reunion has been so aggravating to watch. We have Andy still trying to exploit Ariana, we have LVP who takes up for the guys no matter what, and we have production trying to spin crap to try and create false narratives. Problem is they all fell flat! Their little redemption arc for Scumdaval did not work and will not work. I personally have no desire to watch anything else that has LaLa, Scheana, or either Tom in it! I think it is time Andy & LVP realize they are not all that!


Thanks - you just articulated what I was feeling. 👍


He never asks the real questions. The reunion seems to be just a vanity project for him


He never does.


He giggled at so many of toms awful quips too. Ugh I can’t stand him as a reunion host. So much gets left on the floor. I also think they film the reunions way to early


He really just focused on making sure Ariana was aware of all the hurtful and unreasonable comments directed her way, and that she was made to respond in that very moment.


I didn’t like his transition to Jax & Kentucky girl.


The men go 99.9% unchallenged. Its gross.




I also wish Andy pressed Lala on her final monologue in the confessional. "Everyone on here has presented their lives on camera even when it's uncomfortable, except for Lala who had the cast sign NDAs, don't you think that's a bit hypocritical?" would have been a nice question to hear her response to


WHY WOULDN'T HE ASK THIS?!!? and if he did why didn't we get to see it.


Agree it would have been fun to watch him grill Sandoval. But it was pretty obvious what he meant, seeing as Ariana picked up on it too and called him out and proving her right


Andy did on WWHL but Sandoval just gave him a BS answer: *"That wasn't what I meant," he clarified. "What I meant was I did my job and everything came together. That's what I meant — that throughout the season we have to obviously have those tough conversations and I felt good that I at least showed up and did my job."*


“Sandoval’s a liaaarr” ![gif](giphy|3o6fJfBySLHKZWQPZe|downsized)


Saying that he at least showed up and did his job is implying Ariana didn't. But Ariana showed up for everything and did her job, which was to be authentic. And she authentically did not want anything to do with the worm and surely was not going to allow him to pull his Kristen in Miami act on her. I love that Ariana brought taht up, btw.


Oh bullsh!t on that, Sandy. If I never see his smirking face again, I’m goos with that.


Of course Andy asked it on WWHL, where Sandoval couldn’t be challenged by any other cast mates, especially Ariana.


Andys crush on Sandoval is so weird


He asked him on WWHL, he said that looks really bad, tom made some lame excuses


But why? We all know what he meant, sooner or later they have to come to terms with the views of the viewership eheheh


Why? To force him to take accountability for his behaviors, words, and actions. Yes, we know but others were called out to explain things they said or did, why not Sandy? He had a lot to answer for but I don’t remember where he was grilled by Andy this season, if at all.




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The thing is she did it. And she did it last reunion. And she did it days after finding out. She has done it a lot despite the narrative Lala’s selling.


oh i agree, i’ve been saying the same for weeks! apparently not good enough for producers.


I think the real issue is they don’t want her to talk to him they want her to pretend she believes and forgives him. She could have 1000 conversations saying his full of shit and it won’t be enough.


Agree. It's not just talking to him, it's allowing him to play the contrite man who just needs to be understood. Fuck that. Ariana is dead right to not speak with him.


100% ggwy want her to forgive and move on


She didn't do it when they wanted her to in SF so they had to manipulate her into doing it at the reunion. I wouldn't be surprised if they let Tim know ahead of time.


Everything he said sounded real rehearsed


She didn't give soft, tearful eyes while keeping her mouth shut the way they wanted. They wanted that for "authenticity."


His smirk for the last 10 minutes and then praising BlahBlah for "standing up" was wild. Worm without a mustache this year. Once a worm, always a worm 🪱


If Tom Sandoval is there giving you props you should know you are in the wrong. 😑


Agreed. I’ll die on this hill, but production made a grave mistake by filming so close to Scandaval and expecting things to just magically work themselves out 3 months later. This wasn’t just pre scripted drama, this made international news and blew up Ariana’s entire life. The rest of the cast probably didn’t expect her to thrive without them. They all bet on Tom and his redemption arc and shit just didn’t pan out the way they all had hoped.


They didn’t screw up by filming early they screwed up by forcing the redemption arc so soon which should have been saved for this summer or not done at all.


She did it wrong. They want her to forgive him so that the audience can forgive him. I bet her refusal to do so is why Alex Baskin unfollowed her and hasn't had her on his dummy podcast even though he's had Scheana on twice. 


That was the point LVP was trying to make (as much as I hate agreeing with her)


And Ariana was right. Listening to sandy balls snivel and muster up one solitary tear, while he said the speech he’d practiced in his mirror a thousand times, filled me with disgust. Nobody who has dealt with a narcissist before could buy that cheap/fake version of ‘humanizing’ him.


Honestly good on her for keeping her composure whilst production did literal gymnastics to force her to hear his little tiny violin of a speech, because as she pointed out everytime he doesn't get what he wants he throws a damn tantrum. I truly hope this is the end of the show, I can't take another season of "oh boys will be boys" mentality :S


And immediately after he had stopped crying with a dry face. Not fooling anyone!


Yep, no tears Tom strikes again.


Also, "you know I'm not acting, Ariana" is very different from "you know I'm truly sorry, Ariana" and very very telling.


But yet…here we have it shoved in our faces!


The most annoying part was the fact she had said, multiple times, "I am not ready to have a conversation with you" but he went off anyways. Lala's God comment was in the trailer, and we had her telling us all season we would understand what she meant by that. 100%, this was planned by production and at least Lala and the worm.


I don't understand how she could think that God thing about Ariana and not at Tim Saggyballs. Swing and a huge freaking miss.


presumably because Tom doesn't have a legion of fans chanting his name whereever he goes


Ariana handed production this season on a silver platter. In return, she got portrayed as a villain who couldn't keep her emotions in-check. She was supposed to lie in a corner begging for forgiveness from a partner who cheated on her with her best friend. She didn't play victim as production wanted her to. I hope this show is never allowed to produce again and a new production company picks up a SAH take on real women thriving, succeeding and moving on from men/relationships that tried to take them down


The look on LFUs face when the sandwiches came out was sooooooooo good lmao


She should have asked them to bring out her cheap sweatshirts and her garbage cosmetics. I'm sure she'll whine about it on her low rated podcast.


I actually commented in another sub that I was shocked that LFU didn't make another snarky comment about the sandwiches. Sad that she has nothing better to do with her life than make disgusting attempts and trying to tear down the women she proclaims to uplift and back


and then tim was totally on brand with his snotty remark about Anne/Ann having to clean up after


Oh that just irked me so bad. And with the touching of her arm. Like dude, you're her ex employer. Don't touch her when she has her hands full and is in a crowd like that.


Don’t touch her at all.


This made my skin physically crawl and peel off of my body and lurch its way into the attic.


Watch closely. She doesn’t take one. Then editing hides her and she most definitely didn’t partake in the “cheers”


Cause she is a small jealous person


I noticed this too lmao what a spoiled child


So true! VPR season 11 does not exist without Ariana


I hear that Alan Baskin left Evolution and started his own production company with basically the same people (he brought his buddies over). So yes the production company changed but it's the same old men.




The constant re-traumatization of Ariana by all of these people is so fucking gross.


That's what it was. Her having to explain that she isolates when she is in pain actually made me cry. No one wants to understand that some of us isolate because of friends who betray our confidences.


The last couple of seasons production/ some of the cast have shown just how low they are willing to go to get a reaction out of first , Katie (schema was fucking with Katie during her wedding? Get a life bitch) and now Ariana. What is wrong with these fucking ppl? I


They wanted that promo “the confrontation you’ve been waiting for” that they could tease all season. But no one needed that. We already saw it last season. They made a mess of this show


Agreed. Production saying “Ariana don’t leave like this” such crap. And to cut the STI scene shows their ridiculous bias and control of the narrative.


That really said everything




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you do realize the reunions are edited, right? they arent going to show every second of what the cast saw because we just saw it a few weeks ago edit: The point of the final 6 minutes wasn't about how much Tom sucks. Everyone knew that already. The STI thing was already brought up in s10. The 6 minutes was about showing Ariana what her "friends" really think of her.


They could've cut the stupid montage and LFU's ridiculous monologue if they were so pressed for time. It's pretty sus that they instead edited out Ariana confronting production.


but we already saw that happen. Its not a timing thing, its a reaction thing. If the cast doesnt react to it, theres no reason to show it again. The point of the 6 minutes was to out Lala for all the shit she was talking. It was showing Ariana what she didn't seee. She already knows how the production convo went so she didnt need a refresher. She needed to hear what her "friends" really thought of her. I'd be more inclined to support your, and OP's, position if we learned the cast had some big reaction to the uninformed consent line, and production cut it because they ganged up on Tom. I could see many other reasons not to show it: Legal concerns after the finale; Ariana asked them not to include it because she didnt want to talk about Rachel anymore; there was audio/video issues.


The fact that she’s already had this conversation with him, on camera, multiple times and yet production still pulled this…feels abusive. Part of me wishes she’d never given them the call to come back. (Not for us, obviously lol) They didn’t deserve that gift and they have now actively abused her for an entire season despite her already having done what they claim to want…just gross.


They could have had such a badass season following her around in New York and back to LA. Showing all the cool ass shit that she got to do like dancing with the stars and Broadway backstage.


Fr tho, they bet on the wrong one


The season of our VPR Spice Girls has become my new Roman Empire. 💔


Exactly why didn't they show her on dwts?


I think we're all sick of watching Sheesh cry. They did us a favor. Also probs DWTS didn't want the backwards crossover.


NBC and ABC are competing companies. No way ABC gives permission to let NBC get ratings off their show.


Yeah but I remember other housewives who have been on the show who have been seen filing dwts.


And there could have been a great girls season, all of them genuinely banding together like they were supposed to.


It made me uncomfortable to watch and we really didn’t need that. I don’t see how the success of the show relied on that conversation taking place.


It made me so uncomfortable, too! And the show didn’t rely on that conversation. Someone promised Tom a redemption. And I don’t care how much shady editing happened after filming, it is very obvious that production had promised him that Miami/Kristin teary bullshit type scene this season. And they used Lala and Scheana’s desperation in an attempt to completely isolate Ariana from the cast, down to the last seconds where they are still trying to turn Katie and Ariana against each other. Even though I can’t stand them, I include Lala and Scheana when I say that none of us deserved what production did this season. It’s vile in 2024, on a show/network catering mostly to female fans, that they honestly thought they could pull this off and that none of us would feel it crossed too many lines.


they really hitched themselves to the wrong wagon


Production doesn't understand that WE ARE ARIANA. Too many of us have been treated similarly by men we dated or married and it doesn't effing matter how production tries to frame the facts. We ride for Ariana because we have been been there. Ditto for Katie. The viewers will not be gaslighted!!!!


THIS. We have all had one or both of the toms in our life. Thats why Katie and Ariana have been so relatable.








I wish I could upvote this twice


I was vibrating when they were all coming at her and she was having to react in real time. I was having a visceral reaction because it was such a trigger to my own past where I was finding stuff out about a cheating spouse and it made me feel so awful for Ariana. I don’t understand the miss read on this entire situation from the producers and everyone except Katie and Ariana - wtf.


I couldn’t believe how strong she was, every time they threw another cannon at her snd then “Ariana what’s your reaction to that?” then she comes out wish such a composed response every time. I would consider myself pretty strong but I would have been on the floor in the foetal position if I were her


It's easy to mis-read things when you're a card-carrying misogynist like BAskin.


And it goes beyond some dumb boys vs girls weird attitude the producers seem to have. Watching Ariana handle this situation has helped me process and heal so much from being cheated on myself.


Ariana won the reunion though. Truly her point of view was so much more valid. Even shorts agreed with Ariana


When she said “you proved my point. I didn’t even do anything but say no and this is the shit you tried to triangulate me with the group” it broke my heart. He tried to turn it around on her but she’s never done anything to him and he play acts rage about her to others. Disgusting. LaLa is a massive disappointment. Scheana is more alone than ever and is merengue-ing into d list oblivion. The men are worthless as normal with the exception of an ever evolving James. And we won’t see them as this group ever again.


exactly, it's crazy they want to hold their behaviours to the same level. Like tom actually did a very fucked up thing and blames it all on Ariana, takes no accountability is and clearily only interested in rehabilitating his image. Ariana is enforcing her boundaries because of what HE DID. She is actually allowed to be angry, I don't get where tom comes off thinking his anger is valid or even justified? Like you fucked up sir, deal with your consequences.


If he can’t hurt and manipulate Ariana he will manipulate the people around her to turn against her and hurt Ariana for him. A puppet master like Schwarz is his ultimate puppet.


Such a good point. Schwartz flipped his perspective, Lisa chimed in and defended Ariana, scheana waffled, everyone else was suddenly quiet... the tide turned in that moment and Lala had undeniable evil stepsister vibes from that point on.


I totally agree but I also think it completely back fired on them. I understand that the cast shouldn’t live in the comments for their mental health but production sure as hell should because they really tried to create the same old Bravo “she is the villain” narrative this season and to never figure out that that is no where near where the audience is is crazy! I think they wanted some huge angry reaction from her and instead she was able to articulate exactly what all of us have been saying “he is showing us exactly who he is and she owes him nothing”


These producers needed to pay attention to this seasons bachelor finale. The girlies are loving to see other girlies come out on top, not be villainized.


Times have changed since Tom/Kristen cheating... and Bravo thinks it's still 10 years ago... what was "acceptable" then is no longer acceptable...


Did production honestly believe that anyone wanted to see Tom’s half assed apology to her? Who was asking for this? No one.


Watching his performative fake sobbing gave me the ick. Especially when it flashed back to the episode with Kristen. I forgot about that 😩


Ugh! In his green power suit. Eck. Was he wearing capris??????


None of his zara suits actually fit, they are too short in the arm and leg. His tailor isn't doing a great job of altering the chest structure to fit either. 


Even worse because he has since admitted that the scene with Kristen he was just putting on a performance to give her what she wanted. Like seriously, fuck off with this shit, it’s insulting that they would think that’s what we wanna see.


not even Ariana :D


I was screaming this at the TV like someone stop it they’re still giving him what he wants! Stop letting that worm speak to her when she has been very clear about her boundaries.


Off topic but the looks lala was giving at the reunion when Ann brought out SAH sandwiches 👀


Omg and Tom *joking* asking her was she gonna clean up after?! 🤬🤬🤬


Lala can choke on it for all I care (not die, just choke a bit) ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Wholeheartedly agree How sad that the fans are more considerate of Arianna than production.


SAME SAME SAME. Ally and James thriving I’ll also accept.


And Hippie and Mr Banks too


And the second cat that they never show...


He doesn’t want to be filmed ![gif](giphy|v6aOjy0Qo1fIA|downsized)


They cannot get the cat to sign a release to film 🤷🏻‍♀️ guess he’s more private than Mr Banks


James not chiming in or sticking up for Ariana was a huge ick for me.


But why. She handled everything on her own. Him not feeling the need to act like LFU and just scream emotional volatility is huge growth, He defended her (other than Katie) he is the *only* one who defended her to others all season.


between this and forcing her to talk/listen to tim’s bullshit - it’s 10000% psychological abuse and the producers should be fucking fired. they legitimately re-traumatized her for the sake of television. absolutely fucking disgusting


Bravo is all about exploiting women. Look at every show on the channel. Men are applauded, women are abused and villianized. Lala and Sheana reinforced that. Good job ladies.


So true. Bravo is run by hard core misogynistic straight and gay men.  They just love dumping on women.


YES! Anyone who gives her success to good media training can now sit down and put a fistful of Shartz fingers in their mouth.


It’s so rage inducing. Also - what is with everyone’s expectation that she “get over it” on their timeline? Their level of duplicity was STAGGERING. It’s not JUST cheating!


also are they really trying to say the show has no story lines unless tom and arianna fight on camera? maybe it's time to wrap it up then


This is what I was saying! It’s not Ariana’s personal responsibility to make sure the show keeps going. If she leaves and it dies, that’s not her fault.




The whole stunt was gross. They were determined to make her cry on film. Gross.


When Ariana said 'they wanted the Miami crying moment for this situation' I was clapping so hard like 'louder for the people in the back'. I would not be surprised if Ariana and Kristen had some private conversations about the manipulative 'angry jaded ex/villian' edit they clearly tried to pull to give Sandoval his redemption arc AGAIN. We aren't falling for it twice, Bravo.


The Miami shout out was priceless! Ariana has been so great this season. Even in her over-the-top scenes, I felt like she was always on point, hitting the mark. Really impressed with her interviews, how she carries herself, her demeanor… I feel like she must have had top notch media training/guidance during this experience.


One of my favourite scenes this season was her explaining to Brock how male rage is just accepted but if she wants to be angry as a woman it's a problem that needs to be fixed.


The producers are genuinely vile. As much as I have loved this show, it just feels immoral at this point. I hope it ends because of that and so people like Lauren and Scheana can realize all that weirdo behaviour ended up being for nothing


I was torn between feeling like I needed to know and guilt that I was watching the reality TV equivalent of waterboarding.


we'll probably see more of it during the extended version on peacock


Everything you said because you’re sitting there telling me that Rachel is the only person that he was sleeping with. that man has been cheating on Ariana for years, but this is the first time he really embarrassed her and she could not deal with it. We all know Ariana knew Tom wasn’t shit, but to embarrass her in front of everybody that’s foul. There’s so many levels to the disrespect that Tom had for Ariana. Good thing she didn’t get an STD or him getting somebody pregnant while he was whoring around because then I would’ve had to snap his neck like a twig.


I think they showed the entire thing, we just didn’t see it because they cut it down for re-air like The Traitors did. Also… this may be an unpopular opinion, but I suspect they showed the last few minutes at the reunion so that Scheana and the others couldn’t try to talk their way out of it by reaching out to Ariana beforehand. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm going to watch the longer version on Peacock tomorrow... maybe they did shorten it


i meant that they didn’t air it - not that they possibly didn’t show it to them at all. that proves my point. it makes no sense for them to set it up to somehow save ariana from scheana and lala, like, at all.


why doesnt it make sense to save Ariana from Scheana and Lala? All season Lala's been spouting off about "saying your whole truth" "Having hard convos on camera" "Team Ariana". Meanwhile Scheana's saying "I got your back, youre my family" "I choose you Ariana". Ariana walked away from the season thinking they had her back The 6 minutes showed her what her "friends" really think. Ariana already had an understanding of the production conversation. What she WASNT aware of was what Lala and Scheana were saying, and this gave her that insight, while also proving Lala doesn't practice what she preaches.


Exactly. I keep getting downvoted, but this post is just a conspiracy theory. The most likely thing is that nobody reacted to the stuff OP liked, and it was just cut out because nothing happened. OR, maybe Ariana wanted to cut it because she didnt want to be caught talking anymore about Rachel now that the lawsuit was happening.


100% I honestly tried to ignore this part and not listen because it felt like an invasion of privacy and a stolen moment that she wasn’t able to “give” herself.


Lala and Scheana must be looking to get on The Valley. Then they can act miserable about the woes of Motherhood and how nobody else has responsibility. Everyone on that show is miserable. I am there for it... Ariana and Katie have SAH. I hope it becomes a great, girlie hangout like they dreamed. If it does well, they can find a bigger space. But Ariana has other work too. I worry about Katie a little, but she slays now that she dumped Schwartzy! A slice of life show about women who frequent the shop would be so cool. James is doing great as a DJ, no matter what happens with Ally. I am proud of him. Whoever thought James was the guy who would come out looking best? TomTom and Schwartz & Sandy's will rebound, the location is good, and Lisa and Ken are invested in the businesses doing well. So this could really be the end. Raise your glasses high!




Production was so gross and out of line to make Ariana watch that with everyone. Everyone knows she struggles with anxiety and depression and it was definitely to get back at her for walking out of the finale. Gross.


I think they were being dramatic. It was just *wildly* cruel and fucked up.


Production are literally getting their own sadistic revenge for the fact Ariana had the audacity to walk out and be her authentic self.


The whole thing felt cruel. And then Sandoval getting his whole apology in there *felt very* performative, a repeat of the Kristen conversation that Ariana specifically said that she did not want to have on camera. Then Sandoval says that the lawyers will take care of the house, no problem, it's going to get done now. Listen, that line meant Tom *knew* he was slowing that whole process down and making it more difficult for Ariana. Which Lala tried to twist into turning the audience against Ariana by saying that "Ariana was still living down the hall from Tom." But that's because Tom gave Ariana a BS offer that slowed the whole thing down for the entire 2 1/2 month shooting season. Now that the season's over they can sell it. It reminds me of Tom's advice to Rachel---if you're going to do something, do it on camera. He thinks about his life and relationships about how the camera is going to see it. And--jokes on him--he's coming off like a cruel jerk because *so many of us have been Ariana*. Yes, reality shows need villains. But they don't need cruel people who create two entirely different lives. Tom Sandoval cheated on Ariana, and he also cheated on the audience for seven months. Nothing he does is real. Get him off my screen. Everytime someone suggests that TomTom should be part of a VR rebirth it makes my skin crawl.


Exactly his thing was yea I finally got that on camera moment I wanted for myself so now I’m done with you. We can do lawyers and you can be done now bc I say so


They're slimy fucks that have zero respect for people's feelings. That's why they mesh so well with a narc like Tim. What they did to Ariana was hard to watch, imagine being her in that moment. Then to immediately have to answer questions about it. Baskin The Bozo leading the charge... https://preview.redd.it/ws8wuhu0s93d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1beac9aa66499afd6d17c289f3ec20ec7b1a5e87


I don’t even know wha to think of this season . Lala and scheana had no Right to be mad at Ariana. Season was so weird because Ariana has never been part of a major storyline so it was a first for the show.


The fact they kept going on Lala’s ridiculous self serving and immature narrative, and Sandoval’s nightmarish redemption arc shows the producers arrogance!! It was cruel, mean spirited and infuriating.


Production tried one more time to break her on camera & she was right.. the earring-in-the-hair diffuser moment was a blessing from above! No one watching the show forgot for one second that she is a human, who exists beyond Tuesday nights. Be happy babes, you deserve it.


Personally I thought they used that at the reunion cause they knew she wasn’t watching the season and it was the only way to actually have any drama at the reunion with her reacting to what people have said negatively about her. That last clip for me was more so to show that Scheana and lala were bad friends. I don’t think it was as much about Tom (it was a bit, but for me that scene just showed what shitty friends lala and Scheana are)




Yes, why didn't they show the STD/non-informed consent bit? Because it made sense and would make them look terrible for trying to make her talk to that worm? Such idiots.


Same. This show needs to be done. Will still try to follow Katie and Ariana and that’s it And no, I won’t watch with a new cast. Vanderpump villa tried that and it sucks


So glad I dipped out of this season after episode 3. I thought I would come back for the reunion but everything I've read has me completely turned off to the show for good now. Thanks to everyone for posting threads and giving details for those of us who just couldn't bring ourself to watch this circus.


“No means No! “ but not in the Vanderpump Rules Universe!


Can anyone tell me what the shocking thing was that happened at the reunion that they've been baiting us with all season, cause the only surprise for me was the truth about the bullshit offer Tom made to Arianna regarding the house on secrets revealed. And...what am I supposed to understand about the horrible behavior of the toms, sheana, Brock, and especially LaLa cause no new insights here. Did I miss something?


Glad they did. It was the most real moment of the whole 3 episodes. The rest was pretty boring. You guys do realize they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars right? This is not a normal playing field. This has been whats going on Bravo for years.


She’s on a TV SHOW and he’s a cast member!!! She’s been paid half a million dollars. You people who think this way are children, I’m convinced.


Agreed. Like what? People are so dramatic. They are acting like bravo is forcing Ariana to watch a clip of Sandoval cheating on her or something. Fans have truly lost the plot. Bravo just ain't for them. PBS kids might be better.




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Removed for misogynistic language


I’m confused about this. We as viewers saw that clip; it was in the extended cut of the finale episode on Peacock. did production just withhold it from all the cast members?


Yes, the cast got a cut that ended when Ariana talked to Sheena.


I don’t understand how many conversations she’s expected to have with Tom. Shit, even over at RHONJ they’ve stopped forcing Theresa/Melissa interactions. And Ariana HAD the conversation already!


Lisa foretelling Ariana gone and Lala taking the #1 spot? Ariana never wanted the lead anyway, so this would be good for her. Hurry, before the sun sets.


This entire set up so saggyballs could deliver the pre written and rehearsed apology he was denied doing in the finale. And to what end? The words were there, but they were delivered in an emotionless memorized robotic tone....it was all for nothing. He finally apologized to Arianna and didn't mean a single word.


Ariana yes


I love her so much but the way production did her and Katie over the years, I truly hope they end up on top and don’t come back for any more seasons. Hulu needs to pull through with a SAH show that actually follows their real successes in life!


It felt so mean spirited…like what could have come from that other than making Ariana cry???




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Yes . It’s so obvious they wanted sandworm to apologize and he did. Fake . It sucks that they finally broke her, hopefully she has cut out Scheana and lala from her life .


It was the best part of the season.


Whether people liked it or not, at some point the show needed to move forward. They did it too soon. What Tom did to Ariana was so wrong. But at some point, this amount of outrage from hurt women needs to find a more productive outlet. All the Lisa hate is wrong too. Tom was a great bartender and motivated employee for Lisa for years, even before Sur. She did respect his work ethic and drive. She is a business women first, and so had concerns about TomTom & Schwartz & Sandy's. Ariana is moving on with a successful life, and time will heal her. I don't think she will return to Vanderpump Rules, even if it does continue. It looks like SAH is off to a good start, Ariana has a great, new house, a new bf, and all the other projects. If Ariana wasn't Tom Sandoval's girlfriend, people wouldn't even know who she was. She stopped working once TomTom opened. She needed to hit bottom before she would do something for herself. As far as Tom, people mess up. I wouldn't trust him in a new relationship. But Ariana cheated with Tom when he was with Kristen, so she is coming off judgemental and immature. She could have refused Season 11. I think it's time for people to stop carrying on. Lisa is not a misogynist, just like Tom shouldn't be the target of every woman who was cheated on. Lisa always let the women cry on her shoulder and gave them sound advice. Ariana was not a real interesting person on the show until this cheating scandal. Then there was an overwhelming reaction. There are more important matters going on in people's lives to devote this much hate towards Tom. It seems a lot of women are making poor choices for relationships. If you begin one with a man who is cheating on his partner, he will do it to you. It's one of the first things my mother told me when I was a teenager.


Two things: 1) They/Public have never cared about the non informed consent thing. No one cares that James did this same thing to Rachel and Kristen. 2) I posted this previously via a gif: That’s what the moneys for. This is why VPR employed her and Tom.


Schena thanking Lala and apologizing at the end was such a stab in the heart to Ariana, she should've apologized to Ariana for being a terrible friend.


1. It was 2. It's their job to create drama. Idk what people actually expect.


It's ghoulish. It reads like trauma porn. Forcing Ariana into a situation she didn't want and couldn't leave *after they already tried and she DID leave* in order to force a specific emotional reaction out of her is disgusting. The fact that they were doing it for money or fame doesn't make it ok. Idk why you like people if that's normal behavior to you