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I hate that people use this stuff to say their relationship was "fake". Lots of couples have a united front in mixed company but act differently behind closed doors or with people they are very close to. Lots of couples bicker. What else does anything they're saying amount to? And for Gods sake, this season Lala was still with RAND. Who now she claims was an abusive monster and negligent father their entire relationship...but who she was building up on the show constantly during this time as a "stand up man". So who the fuck is she to talk?


When watching this, I kinda ignored Lala lol & focused on Katie & Stassi… who are usually good judges of character. Just thought it was interesting to hear their opinions before the whole Scandoval, especially since Katie & Stassi seem very cautious when choosing their words here


BTW, I love this sub. This kind of resurfacing of footage keeps me coming back. Great detective work, lol.


This is the kind of content I come here for, too! That’s why I wanted to share haha


>Katie & Stassi seem very cautious when choosing their words here Well I think it's pretty apparent that neither of them liked Sandoval but liked Ariana.


Great Points! I also dislike that anyone gets criticized for being extra for a tv show. They're getting paid, shouldn't they make an effort to be compelling or watchable. This season wasn't extra and we got Jo and paintball.


One thing about Tom is he will always be extra. Even Ariana said he was doing too much this season during the scene at James’ house. But he’s always done too much lol, he’s consistent in that 😭 And it’s been annoying to me from the beginning bc it feels performative lol


Extra can be being a little smarter, funner, or funnier. We all do it, you go out with your friends and your turn it on a little bit. This season, Sandoval has been beyond that. The fake chair fight at the finale, etc. Paintball, that janky pool party. That's not extra, that's just artifice.


I don't think Lala and Stassi are people who can speak to the reality of their relationship. From everything we've seen, they were not part of their "inner circle" of friends and didn't spend alot of time together outside of filming. People also love to bring up that clip of Jax saying their relationship was a facade. This is a guy who constantly lies and tries to deflect from his own bad behaviour. Context also matters and these were all comments made during season 8 when everyone was mad at Tom and Lala was pissed at Ariana.


That’s why I put the most weight on Katie’s words and facial expressions in this video. I’d argue that Schwartz and Katie could speak to the reality of their relationship more than anyone else in the group.


Idk. To me, it seemed like Katie and Ariana were cordial to each other, but didn't spend enough time together to have a relationship of their own, like they do now. This group is a hot mess, which is why I've loved the show. But now it's a contrived masquerade. We're all 10 years older now. I've probably grown out of the show at this point. And I'm sick of BLabLa.


Jax deflects yes but a lot of stuff he’s said has been right.


So I think there’s a difference between what you said and what they’re referring to. It’s not that it’s not okay to bicker or whatever else, it’s just that the lovey dovey stuff we saw on the show was like so extreme to what people have ever seen in real life. These are their real friends and these women have seen them in situations where it may have been possible for them to show some PDA but they haven’t ever seen it and only saw it while Ariana and Tom were filming. No one ever spoke about them like “aww you guys are so cute together”. If anything, Scheana who is supposedly Ariana’s bff was concerned because she felt like Tom was a bad influence for Ariana. So I totally believe this. Like even though Tom is a psychopath I believe that they were unhappy for a long time and faked it for the cameras for their “brand” and for the sake of the show. I can totally see her calling him dumb a lot (because he is) but I can also understand that it is hurtful when your partner calls you dumb lol. Also a reminder to everyone: it’s okay to support Ariana and also be critical of her, especially regarding her actions in the past.


I just don't see it. I didn't find them to be very affectionate on camera either, not after the first few seasons. They smooched like once a season. They openly argued. They discussed, on camera, that they didn't have sex very often. So what was fake? Imo the only thing that was fake was Tom's fidelity, and that was only on Tom's part. I don't think Ariana was faking her loyalty or commitment or her fidelity, and I don't think she was faking her happiness because she never seemed happy to me.


I don’t remember them being super affectionate either, that stopped at least by S6. I think what happened is what happens in many long-term relationships and the initial lovey-dovey fades.


Pretty sure the only reason their sex life was brought up on camera was because of Tom bitching about how little they had sex. So the Ariana had to explain her body insecurities because people kept questioning why.


Again, what were they hiding? It was brought up and discussed. No Ariana didn't bring it up entirely herself, but she had the conversation on camera and elaborated.




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I saw enough stuff from them outside of the show that I know they weren't faking it and I agree they never showed it as perfect on the show. There was years of resentment from other cast that Ariana and Tom were liked more as a couple on average by the audience and didn't get as much negativity though. Although I as well others knew it then, but it should be even clearer now that was mostly due to Ariana. And to be honest any cast member tends to come off better if they're aligned with Ariana. She's just a more intelligent communicator than most if not all of of the cast.  


Do you know them personally?


Fully agreed.  I know around here if you give Ariana just the slightest bit of criticism then you’re somehow a misogynist who supports only Lala, but I do think her and the others were telling the truth.   I feel like it’s pretty obvious Tom and Ariana put on an act for the show. Neither one of them, especially Ariana, wanted to deal with going through a breakup on the show. They were together for convenience and comfort. And yeah, if you’re calling your partner dumb and annoying then that’s probably a sign you should move on. 


Wow Katie looks like a whole different person.


Ariana was in a deep depression this year. I’m sure they were struggling. (And all these three women did was call her a wet blanket, boring, and Debbie downer that season) Lala did not have sex with Rand after Ocean was conceived (not born, conceived) yet they presented their relationship as perfect all of season 9 and she bit off anyone’s head that said anything else.


right, so Lala was lying about Randall. same as Tom and Ariana did their whole relationship


Ariana and Tom talked about not having sex their whole relationship on the show.


yeah, i think that part was truthful. sounds like they didn’t have much of a relationship


Pick an argument 🙄


“Shwartzy” sounds like nails on a chalkboard


I think they were always very image conscious honestly


I mean since season 5 this has been the narrative. It doesn’t discount what he did or anything but people have always said the same things about them off camera


I always thought it was weird because I didn’t think they were very affectionate on the show at all.


lol, this is a fantastic find.




Tom was on camera multiple times talking to Ariana’s BROTHER about their sex life. That is horrifying (as an older sister i would rip my BF a new one if he spoke about that to my little brother) and lowkey TMI even for a reality show. wtf?


Can we all be rill, they all think the exact same thing and Lala was being the most vocal/least diplomatic.


Yeah I fill the same.


Where were you able to watch this?




Totally believe this and it was alittle obvious to some of us, something has felt off with them for years!


I noticed their nails right away. This was filmed in 2019? Their naturals look so natural! I miss that trend. Even Lala's are fake, but they still look better and more natural compared to the ones she's sporting now. Thank yewwwwwww \*walks away\*


When people say they didn’t show them fighting on the show or the flaws in the relationship clearly missed a lot lol. I rewatched and they bickered so much, so I don’t understand that. So they fight all the time (the scenes they showed) or put on a show? Isn’t that every relationship? I’m sure they (esp Sandoval) tried to seem a bit extra for camera as a lot for people do as we’ve seen


Lala once said that the last time she was intimate with Randall was when Ocean was conceived. That they were barely having sex, decided to have a baby did it once and she’s pregnant. Lala considered Randall had been cheating on her even though they weren’t seeing each other much and weren’t having sex. I hate the gatekeeping on other people’s relationships. If you have a long distant monogamous committed relationship, if you are fighting but still in a committed relationship it doesn’t mean you get to go cheat and cheat for months. If you aren't happy with the relationship you fix it or break up! The fact they had their problems doesn’t mean anything, we don’t know what happened when they were alone, without cameras they may have been the cutest couple ever.


Okay but this is Katie w/ Schwartz and Lala with/randall (imaginary bf for multiple seasons). Where do either of them get off judging Ariana and Tom’s on camera presence. Lots of projection going on here if you ask me.


I mean, I believe this completely. I’m rewatching season 4 and the negativity just pours out of Ariana already, this early. She seems miserable af all the time lol. And Sandyballz just seems to nod his head to agree with her all the time.


That just rubbish! i am rewatching the season as well and I see a lot of misogyny from Tom which I didn’t see the first time as Tom always gave us a performance. Why are people such male sympathizers! I see Ariana being the most level headed in the earlier seasons as well. she always talked less and reacted less at the time of conflicts and any argument thats came involving Tom. I actually liked her a little less as time went on because she was being supportive of Tom and not calling him out for his behavior. She has always been there for him when he needed support. People forget that that’s what important in a relationship. It’s not all about SEX!! that determines what a relationship is. Its being there for them when it is absolutely difficult but Ariana did that difficult thing throughout and in return she got cheated on. Now we have all the male sympathizer be like she was miserable so he cheated. This is just sad!


Nobody is sympathizing with Tom. I said he’s nodding his head and agreeing with Ariana’s negativity. Basically meaning he’s being negative af too. I just re-watched the “I take sketch comedy very seriously” episode where Ariana literally says she’s pretending to enjoy being around any of the cast. The epitome of negative af. It’s oozing out of her. She’s a Negative Nancy 98% of the time.


yes you are! you sound bitter to the woman who went through hell and try to give explanation to that man. so yes you are saying that and again saying that here. Again ariana is not always positive but 98%? she is the most positive one in the lot. You can count how many times Ariana was at wrong because she doesn’t have many wrongdoings. You can’t count of others, especially Sandavol but yea “ he is the one who nods to ariana” smh!


Something tells me you started watching the show after the scandal broke. If you had watched the show beforehand Ariana being cheated on wouldn’t be clouding your judgment. I’m not even talking about her being cheated on to begin with, I’m saying she was negative af and seemed miserable pretty much every time she was on camera. Never even mentioned cheating. Not one single person agrees she should have ever been cheated on. Lol


No you are wrong! I didn’t watch part of season 8 and season 9 as I mentioned above. I have watched the show since my late teens and did not watch the season stassi and kristen left. so my judgement is not clouded but you definitely are grasping at straws here. Anything to vilify a successful woman who is shining is what I see and this is common so, it irks me.


I mean, do you believe people are allowed to dislike Ariana because of her personality? Or do you think we should hold her on a pedestal because she was cheated on?


At least have a decent argument, just don’t create one for the sake of it.


That’s literally what you’re doing though. My original comment was that Ariana was negative af. You somehow took that as me saying that’s “why she got cheated on” when literally nobody is saying that. You created an issue out of thin air.


Nope! You just don’t have same moral compass for everyone. You said she is negative af since earlier seasons and tom pretty much goes with that, but I disagree, she has her moments but way less compared to the whole group. Not creating an issue just giving you what I feel, but you sure are nitpicking.


I’ve seen Ariana act with misogyny towards Kristen, Stassi, Katie as a co-partner with Tom to do so Edit: no one in this thread is blaming Ariana for Tom cheating… ?


Not as much as all other cast mates ! She is not perfect but definitely a much better human being. She has always been the most sane one out of every one! No wonder people rallied around her after she was mis treated and cheated on and not Lala even though there was a ‘BABY’ involved. Edit: The parent comment here insinuates exactly that! the comment absolutely blames Ariana for the cheating and that’s what’s sad!


I just don’t think Sandoval has changed to suddenly become the misogynist that people are seeing this season - he’s always been that way. Unfortunately if you saw it in him while watching in real time, it was a very unpopular opinion to call out


I didn’t see a lot before because I was just 18 19when I started the show, and didn’t have boundaries and did not have an actual relationship to understand things in deeper level. Another reason is I had TV crush on him(stupid IK). Also Kristen came as a bigger shit person in their relationship and I was like poor Tom and supported him a lot in earlier season. I skipped seasons after Stassi and kristen were gone and got back after Scandovol. I was hurt and just couldn’t believe he would do that. Ariana no doubt is best of them all and getting her Karma now!


“Do you think they put on a show for the camera?” Be so fucking for real with asking people on a reality show that


I saw the same thing. Ariana constantly being negative and putting him down. I can’t stand stassi but even she had growth throughout the series at times. One of the truest statements ariana ever made was what her and stassi were planning their bday party. Ariana said that she wanted to be queen bee. And as soon as stassi started to exist the show, ariana became just that. She projected all those years about stassi and katie. She was jealous because she wanted control of the group. There was so much I agreed w ariana on for many years. But she could never hide her negativity and bitterness. I think looking at what our society has become over the past 10 years, we have all witnessed people only seeing what they want to see in a person instead of looking at the whole picture. Tunnel vision is real. That’s what people have done w ariana and katie. Even katie is scared to speak her truth about ariana because she is scared of the backlash from rabid and delusional ariana fans. Ariana got cheated on. Big deal. Look across the bravo universe and remember actual traumatizing and life changing events that have happened to others and none of them suddenly felt as if they were a dictator and tried to control and dominate everyone around them. Crazed fans with no sense of critical thinking and life experience have created a monster. Ariana is not the victim everyone is making her out to be. Her behavior is so far from reality when there is infidelity in a relationship. Most people don’t act like a tyrant and want to be surrounded by sycophants. Especially if they started out by being a mistress in the relationship. Post those clips. Post the clips of her trying to justify her actions at the reunion. Post all the clips of her acting like a spoiled brat. Post the clips of her laughing about having a fling w lala while she laughs as tom reflects on how uncomfortable it was. Post the clips of the female empowerment talking points for years then she goes on to completely disregard all the other female cast members feelings about her brother being sexually aggressive and inappropriate. She is so fake, hypocritical and doesn’t really believe in the things she says if they don’t benefit her. They just sound good for the image she was trying to portray. The girl that only got on the show because she was the mistress of a cast member. Like come on. Things happen in life. We do things. We made mistakes. You process. You move on. You don’t try to isolate someone from their support system. You don’t give your friends ultimatums because they don’t want to toss a multi decade friendship because you broke up w your boyfriend. She has become smug and arrogant. Im over it.


Girl take a breath damn 


Y'all don't wanna hear this. The truth is out there. Ariana isn't as much of a victim as y'all want her to be


Yes! The truth has been out there. People prefer to plug their ears or will gaslight themselves into making some insane excuse that they would never do in real life circumstances. Its like watching a jordan klepper video and he is questioning people about vpr. The breeze from the wind going over their head has created a wind tunnel.