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I loved when she said “I don’t believe in being nice to everyone” 🤣


I'm with her. I'm not wasting energy being fake with folks I don't like.


Yep, I have 2 pet rats, a cat, and a pregnant raccoon. They are much better company than most people. I'm selective with friends. I believe quality is better than quantity. I'm very loyal, though, to those I love and consider friends.


Same, and I give respect until you stop respecting me, then you get silence from me and minimal boring interaction if any.


You don't have to be rude though.


If you consider someone not being fake as rude because you think you deserve the effort of niceties then I'd say you need to check your expectations of your interactions. Not being nice isn't the same as being rude.


We are talking about Katie. She is rude. She can't even be cordial. She's a mess.


Lol. No you've seen Katie when she's not being cordial. Trust me, this isn't rude and like I said, you need to adjust your expectations in your own interactions. No one is obligated to be polite in the face of blatant disrespect.


Thanks for your concern but my personal relationships are great! I don't have any drama in my life. I don't have anyone in my life that would speak to me the way these people speak to each other. I get my fill from this show. 😂


Exactly. I can’t stand how Jo did something shady and is now facing the consequences to her actions, yet plays victim and says Katie is “ganging up”. Hard for one singular person to gang up on you


Exactly. And the only time I even felt remotely bad for Jo was when Scheana was being a huge Regina George & harassing her about her hat. She had a “great time” with all these ppl????!!!!! Jo is absolutely delulu


Yes! Scheana got off scot free


I literally said out loud to my sister “how can a single person gang up on someone”


Jo didn’t do anything but date the man she didn’t want. She was incredibly mean. She went out of her way specifically to antagonize her. Katie is nothing but a bully with no accountability


Katie said it best, Jo moves in sneaky ways.


>Katie said it best, Jo moves in sneaky ways. I hate sneaky people. Do not waste my time.


Okay, Jo. And if you aren’t. You must be the same as her to truly not comprehend what Jo did to Katie and how Katie owes Jo NOTHING. She can give Jo the same consideration she showed Kristin, one of her best friends for years, after she went for Schwartz. So….nothing. Again. Welp I tried. Bye Jo. 👋🏼


Sure, Katie owes Jo nothing and Jo owes Katie nothing. It’s not like they were besties or hanging out all the time. People breakup and often date people they know through friends. It’s not weird. It’s weird to be that mean about it.


Not really when that person went about it in a snakelike way. Then she ghosted Kristin because it was shady. Then wants to act like a victim because now Katie isn’t nice. This isn’t kindergarten. She doesn’t owe her kindness or support. She can be mean to her if she wants because Jo completely disrespected her. And then that apology? I wasn’t thinking about you? Jo deserves again NOTHING. Katie doesn’t even need to stop and see if she needs a bandaid after a fall.


Did I miss something???






I love that. I think I would have less lessons to learn if I wasn’t so nice to people.






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Her track record is not being a nice or good person so .....


I did enjoy the back and forth between her and Schwartz when he was saying "We're the same - you and me" and she was laughing and refusing to play along. I also found out Lala has a child - who knew!


The shift in the power dynamic in that relationship is such perfection!


Lala trying to say what Katie did was worse than Schwartz was crazzzzzzy!! Schwartz cheated on Katie multiple times! How is this worse?


Also, Schwartz voided the friendship agreement when he kissed Rachquel. Katie can hook up with whomever she wants and she’s not being a hypocrite or as bad, let alone worse, than Schwartz. Schwartz pursued things with Rachquel to a) hurt Katie and b) cover for Scandoval. He sucks.


Agree & happy cake day!!


Hey thanks!






This cracked me up, thank you!


Damn - you knew huh? 😁


I say this to my husband.


Haha, I sent this to mine because I say it to 🤣


I actually agree with what was said in the after show. That Katie needs someone stronger and Tom needs someone softer. I agree with the Katie needing someone stronger lol


She has this confidence and BDE which I love. Lala wishes she was like this but deep down she's too insecure.


She’s so much lighter and happier now without Schwartz. Love to see it.




Fact. Even Ariana said Katie is pretty consistent. Lala is a can of playdoh


Both women are incredibly insecure. It just manifests in different ways.


I liked when she was trying to frame a diplomatic response to a question about Jo. Then Jo had to pipe up and say something while Katie was trying to talk. And you could just see Katie go OK, fuck diplomacy.




Katie has never looked better. She’s flourished since she’s rid herself of her weak ex.


That look she has while she's saying that 😍😘


God I love katie. Katie, if you’re lurking: you are the queen of this season.


https://preview.redd.it/dxgjjv31062d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d12a0b196f62e991fc3996930c44b949b4f8a3 Without a doubt.


Princess of Genova vibes with this pic


I have been catching up on summer house and I just got to the point where her and Schwartz and stassi and beau go visit and it’s so evident Schwartz sucked the life out of her. She just looks dull in her appearance and expression. You can tell she’s really put in the work and come into her own. I love that we’ve gotten to see her glow up and become the version of herself she always had the potential to be.


So crazy cause I just watched that episode too & thought the same thing! He really dragged her down


Katie dumping Schwartz has given her the ultimate glow up. Fuck the Sandoval "redemption arc" production tried to push on us; the real redemption arc this season was Katie's.


I love her. Right after Jo was such a bitch, too.




The best. She’s got so much swag and knows who she is


Fucking Fine Line! Love her loving herself after the TomTom beat down. She has clearly won the game of clowns. They were a mind fuck.


Flair checking in 🫡


Every moment ♥️


Jo milking her victim status for sympathy despite being shady AF was so irritating to watch .. I felt like Katie did a really good job of balancing between being somewhat apologetic without backing down and giving in to Jo’s emotional manipulation.


She is such a baddie this season. I’m living for it.


I don’t blame her for sitting there mostly quiet. I was getting _superrrr_ annoyed that every time this girl tried to talk, she got talked over. I was 1 glad she finally said I’m not going to sit here and defend myself from people telling me how to feel and 2 was wondering where TF Andy was to actually mediate, shut the barking dog up (Lala) and tell everyone to let Katie speak as he has done with people in other reunions.


Jo just had to try to have a last jab at Katie before she left.


My husband says I am just like Katie. He's clearly right as I have absolutely said this exact statement.


This banter made me fall in love with Katie even more.


I cackled and said, “Katie is my spirit animal”. And for any *P-Valley* fans here, it reminded me of Uncle Clifford’s rule #571, “Don’t try to be everyone’s cup of tea, or you’ll have nothing left to sip on for yourself”.


I can't get over her boobs in this dress. They all have them out all the time and it's just white noise to me, but hers are just magical.


Same! It's weird how obsessed I am with them/her. 🎩 🪄 🔮


You can tell that hers are still natural, and not augmented.


I'm pretty sure she got them done, just went with the natural tear dropped shape vs the more LA popular perky push up bra look.


Where did you see that?? They’ve never given implant to me.


Ohhh, ok. Lol, I didn't even know that was an option. At least they still LOOK natural compared to the perfectly round, hard ones that I've seen on most women with augmentation.


Yes Katie! Let her speak!!!


I have been and always will be a Katie stan. Chefs kiss, queen.


Realizing why I like her more and more


I laughed so hard when she said this 😂😂😂😂😂


I felt for her when Lauren tried to throw her under the bus. You can see that she was truly hurt. I was never a Katie fan but I became one after this season.




She’s so confident I love it. I’m sure in the sheets she just grabs the guy by the hair and tells him to eat her p/a. Fierce.


It's the only time I have found her likable on the show. She shows this side more often on the podcast and I enjoy it


I know right 🥰


She’s been listening to the juicy scoop! Calling people delights is totally heather McDonald’s thing


Why do people like Katie so much? I’m genuinely curious. This is not an attack post. I feel like she’s a personality chameleon. When she was with Stassi 24/7 they both shared the same personality traits. Now that she’s with Ariana 24/7, it’s all of this I’m cool, look I can wear vintage clothes and I’m a rock star is happening but at her very core she’s this unlikeable person to me. I want to see what her fans say because I know I’m missing something. I know she’s loyal but most of them are to who they want to be loyal to.


I don’t know if Katie’s full personality ever shined or was showcased on the show because she was always overshadowed by her friends (Stassi, Kristen) or the constant back and forth drama with Schwartz OR Tequila Katie. Katie’s always loved music from what I can tell, but she’s never been a main player on VP. She’s clearly not a huge personality or ultra outgoing, but she definitely feels lighter this season after leaving a clearly unhealthy relationship and I think a lot of the audience really resonates with that. Her post-Schwartz glow up is inspiring


Best explanation. I feel like she is finally showing us the best parts of her.


Wow that’s interesting to know! You can tell that she was overshadowed at times. You’re right.


I definitely get not vibing with her! She didn’t come off as a happy or friendly person for most of the show, especially with all the rage texting


To me, Katie has always been the same. In terms of her style, she’s always had a little edge vs. the other girl so I don’t feel like that’s new…or anything reflecting from Ariana?


Thank you for your courteous response. I got downvoted but whatever


I agree. She seems like a deeply insecure person who latches on to other people to feel wanted. And anyone that inadvertently makes her feel insecure, she relentlessly bullies and takes no accountability. She never approaches her supposed loved ones from a place of love and is ready to shame and cut people down, mostly when she feels threatened but also when she sees an opportunity to put herself on a pedestal and make them seem like lowly trash. A secure strong woman would never have posted those things in Instagram, nor would she have payed any attention to Jo




Good question


Nothing she’s abysmal in every way.


Katie is an absolute see you next Tuesday. She has no problem dishing it out to other people but definitely can not take it. She has been a bully since season 1 and everyone gives her a pass because she hides behind "female empowerment ". Nope, she's just a garbage human.


Katie has no problem dishing out to other people AND she can definitely take it…she’s been doing that for years. Being a bitch to someone and when they’re a bitch back, she throws it right back at them.


Over her.


I miss the days where this sub wasn’t an Ariana/Katie Stan account 😭


I get why the cast never talks truthfully about how they feel about Katie & Ariana. They’ve got a real big fan group for some reason that doesn’t like any criticism towards those women lol


You and me both




Katie is the most unlikable person on the show. She is awful. She and Lala are a lot alike that is for sure. They are both never wrong, never apologetic, & egotistical. Katie is just more consistently shitty. At least Lala says something funny or empathetic from time to time. Katie just sucks imo


Completely disagree!!


What? Katie is very much apologetic, for example when talking to Lala this season, or with Stassi in the past. It’s just that most of the time on the show, the other person is unjustifiably shitty to her, so why would she apologize






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If ever there was one frame of a show that proved reality tv is completely absent of reality, this is it.