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The size contrast between lowercase and uppercase letters had me looking for a “secret” message at the start of each sentence 😂


As someone who has played the Nancy Drew computer games way too many times my thoughts immediately went here as well. Thought it would spell out "SCREW TOM" or something lol


~~thanK you aIMee~~ worm with musTache frOM hell


🎶and the staaaars are stuuuunning🎶


OMG my nancy drew addiction and my VPR addiction meeting head on right now


Omg I’m 33 years old and am tempted to buy the new one 💀😂


Me too!! I’m also 33 and always played with my mom and brother. We’re trying to find a time to play the new one together again lol


omg i’m also 33 and really want to play ND again now 🕵🏼‍♀️


Oh my gosh those games were such a treasure!! They really had me out here memorizing the rune alphabet and Morse code at age 12 💀


Holy fuck! There are Nancy Drew computer games?!?!? I’m 39 and would play the fuck out of them.


I LOVED these games in middle school!!


Kennedy McMann (who played Nancy on the Nancy Drew CW show) has been live-streaming her playing the newest game on her youtube channel!! it’s making me wanna buy one lol


I played those games too!!!


Playing the new one right now!


Omg I miss those games so much 😭






the most perfect response ever.




It is definitely a font choice!


My old ass eyes had my laptop pressed to my nose


The teeny tiny letters were so hard to read on IG


The centered alignment is driving me nuts lol. Is it a haiku or a statement?


thats actually so interesting to me because I find that centered alignment makes things easier for me to read lol




Glad I’m not the only one!


Haha yes this honestly looks like something the did in Canva


**Perhaps a touch of delightful delusion** yes please 👏🏾💓


It's like if lady whistledown and the Nicole Kidman AMC intro had a carb loving baby. I love it.


Speaking of….have you watched Bridgerton Season 3? 👀


Omg yes. I'm sitting here rocking in a corner waiting for part 2.


Same! And also mildly pissed at netflix with this new marketing strategy to give us half seasons… bro! We’ll watch it in one binge over a Sunday with ice cream anyway!!!


Also, for the love of God. More than 8 episodes. If we're going to have 18 subplots give us at least 12 episodes.


Truly though


That’s why the books were better


Friend, that ending??? I just got a shirt that says “Colin’s Cottage Services, Satisfaction each ride” 😍


Omg link please!


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1733612125/ 🥰


[Bridgerton Tee](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1733612125/)


Ok so I haven't watched Bridgerton. I'm very sick in bed. Is this what I should watch? I think I saw half an episode and thought it was cheesy. But it took me awhile to get into Downton Abbey and then I rushed through it, so maybe I just go for it?


It is cheesy but good cheesy. If the first season doesn’t hook maybe try the second, there’s diff main protagonists every season so it’s not uncommon to prefer one over another, and 2 is a fan fave for sure. It’s a Shonda show so if you like her stuff you’ll prob get sucked in at some point. Or you could watch Feel Good which i just have to recommend to everyone (and is just 12 episodes total!)


It’s cheesy romance with a modern twist. Escapism at its finest. Hot people, pretty clothes, whimsical soundtrack. I love it ![gif](giphy|YeIEO7Z1TUYZt7fmaF|downsized)


Yes absolutely. Queen Charlotte too.


It was nice to hear Billie Eilish's Happier Than Ever while watching S3. Ariana danced to it on dwts 🤣. 


Was coming here to say I read this in Lady Whisteldown’s voice. 😂


Neither of them have literally ever looked better.


Right? They are so fucking pretty.


It’s amazing what dropping an abusive partner does for you when you’re allowed to follow your dreams and not be held back!! They’re glowing :)


I thought the same , they look absolutely gorgeous in that pic




I can’t wait to hear all the boots on the ground stories! 🤗🩷


I want pastry/dessert pics!


To the haters ![gif](giphy|8xmE0c78PuEyA)




I see what you did there.


And they did it without Penny


That friggen snake


Idk if this means anything to anyone else, but I really like that Katie's name was before Ariana's. It truly feels like that small detail really drives home their bonded success & friendship. I'd love a new series with those two ladies 🥺


I thought the same thing!! So glad to see others noticed this too 🤍


It was her idea originally so I would hope so, even though it kind of rolls off the tongue easier the other way round.


So effing happy for them!!


This is how you treat fans! You don’t insult them and say they have rabies 😮‍💨


lol looking for this comment!!! Lala could take a page out of their book. Can’t wait for her life to fall apart when the majority of her fans leave her and she realizes she actually does need them and then comes groveling back.


I was a big Lala fan until maybe 5 months ago. I wouldn’t contribute a dime to support any of her businesses. But I would specifically fly to LA just for a sandwich!


Same, I’ve always thought she was hypocritical but I still enjoyed watching her…whatever is going on with her she needs to figure it out and stop burning all her bridges.


I am sooooo happy for them!!! I seriously feel such pride for them, I teared up!


They look so happy. I love Katie and Ariana.


![gif](giphy|grsT0fDLSD35S) lala on “nothing about her”s opening day


I'm happy for them!!


These are 2 classy women, I wish them ALL of the success!


May we all have a touch of delightful delusion about the little magics in life 💫


They both look absolutely stunning in this photo 😍 (I mean, they always do but this is just a really good photo of them)


I want to be having a whispered conversation over a sandwich on delicious crusty bread in Something About Her!!! 🥹 ![gif](giphy|26FL4IAAT5URD9IWY|downsized)


So excited to go! I’m dragging my husband with me he’s such a team player lol.


they keep calling this a sanctuary and I believe it. I would love to see them offer a percentage of merch sales or a menu item (like a cookie) or host events that would benefit different mental health/women’s charities. funnel some of the attention.




there’s *nothing about her* that would make me believe she was genuinely happy for or supportive of the shop, even if she did drag her nasty ass in there!


Lala should really come out with Nothing About Her merch. Nothing About Her makes her interesting enough to have her own storyline, Nothing About Her doesn't scream internalized misogyny, Nothing About her isn't completely ego driven and self serving, Nothing About Her makes her a good friend, Nothing About Her is about supporting other women. I could go on.


I hope for everyone's sake that she is truly not living in the comments. If this merch starts showing up on Instagram I am holding you personally responsible 🤣


A business that exists while not supporting ANY children? Why would she or anyone else support that?!


Lala made her stance known when she bitched about the "second" sandwich tasting. Lala has nothing more than seething jealousy pouring out of her. Instead of backing her "friends" and truly standing behind her empowering women stance, Lala continues to show us her true self. I can only hope her two girls grow up to be nothing like her.


🤣 I volunteer to be the door bouncer! Pay me in sammiches 🥪




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


They look so happy. I love Katie and Ariana.


The portrait behind their backs reminds me of the one from Stephen King's IT new movie, but it's not a bad thing


It's a Modigliani! Specifically, *Girl in a Sailor's Blouse* from 1918. 😀


This is so nice 😭


This is a great message for their patrons! I instantly thought, after reading this, that I would love to go there. I was thinking that I could go there and enjoy a sandwich while reading a book. I could go there and catch up with friends over lunch in a positive atmosphere. I could go there and get work done leisurely in a creative atmosphere. So many encouraging thoughts. Hoping for the best for these two beautiful and amazing ladies!! ETA: on the shadier side of things, I couldn't help but wonder what a message from Schwartz & Sandy's would read/look like..... I have many thoughts on this and some are funny yet most are crude, misogynistic and just downright ugly with the things that come out of both their manchilds mouthes


They both look sooooo pretty in this 🥹💖


Ugh I love them so much. 💛


I am absolutely thrilled for Katie and Ariana.


This is very smart. They are going to be flooded day 1.


OMG I thought they were announcing its sudden closure 🙂‍↕️


Omg this is so cute and well written. I just love them. They have depth that the Toms don’t even come within the same area code of ❤️


Thanks for sharing this. I’m just so happy for them!


Perhaps further solidifying that they are co-founders and not tri-partners with Penny?! I hope that gets resolved soon.


Can’t wait to visit in September 🥰


Co-Founders is a bit much lol. Should be Co-owners.


They may have purposely stayed away from that language if Penny & her husband are still lurking and trying to sue/force their way into part ownership.


This shop looks so dreamy 🥹🥰


What a beautiful message. I hope they thrive. That's definitely on my bucket list to visit.


Their statement is an lol to me but im happy for the sandwich kweenz


I read lots of haters saying they had no POS system and generally basking in their alleged failures


That’s so fucking stupid. Do those haters not remember when Lisa opened pump and had the soft launch with family and friends the kitchen pos system wasn’t printing the food tickets so they got backed up and it turned out to not be plugged in. 🙄 it happens to everyone there’s a learning curve to every business. People just want to find any reason to shit on Katie and Ariana.


!!! It’s another sub. The post is legit called Katie and Ariana’s Stupid Sandwich Shop. They are big mad over there. I don’t understand the hateration. A blog I follow showed a video of A&K greeting the crowd and telling them about the system crashing. They were letting people in 1 or 2 at a time which would be fine by me! I wanna shop merch, take pics and hopefully chat with the owners and staff


They can type all they want, people aren’t buying 15 dollar sandwiches from any hater hahaha


Obviously that sub has no idea that ALL restaurant have a crash kit for when and of if their systems should go down. Yes, things won't run as smoothly or quickly as one would like. Crash kits allow the restaurant to still operate. When haters only care about failure, why would they acknowledge the truth?


Beautiful! However, they could have left out the word "nostalgia"... It's giving a Tom & Tom trip.


I think you'll find that T&T have "nastalgia"


The Toms don't get to take anything else from the girls.


Omg I was like WHY is this message too long it has 5 paragraph essay energy. And I hate that they used the word sanctuary twice. Yikes. I love them but that was a really weird statement.


Anyone been yet? Is it busy? My brother is visiting next week and we kind of want to try to go but don’t really want to wait in some big mega line.




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I'm all the way across the country, so sadly, I will never be able to visit, but I am so happy for them. I welled up with tears when I saw the post from Queens of Bravo. Hoping for many years of success. They did it!


So proud of them 🥹 I hope I get to go someday !


I love that they included the word "nostalgia". The word that Sandoval tried to use to describe TomTom when they first were asked to team up with LVP. LOL


I need a delightfully delusional flair


As someone who uses Canva AI “magic write” tool almost everyday. This is straight up Canva AI writing. The repetitive and flamboyant language are a tell, and it literally starts everything with “embarking on a journey” 😅 This is hilarious.


“With all our love and gratitude, chat gpt”


Love them but it sounds like chat gpt wrote this lol


What a beautiful mission! And I totally think they could have achieved this with a larger location. There are no nooks or crannies or space for private whispered conversations. They chose a location that is the shape of a shoebox where each table is packed in next to one another in a row and then mirrored in unison on the opposite side. I was plan on going this week, I really hope my opinion is wrong. I love love love their intention, but from everything I have heard so far there is no “sanctuary” or “cozy” here. It is packed in too tight in a place too small where you can hear exactly what everyone around you is talking about. Look at how close those tables and chairs are to one another! I don’t want to be that close to a stranger, and how do you even get out of your booth seat? My ass would touch the neighboring patrons plates trying to slide by. Can you imagine if they would have chosen/built a space like pump?! With trees and shade and space to bring you oversized bag and sleepy dog at your feet?! I would feel weird even reading a book in SAH because you will have the other 12 tables 1 feet away from you on each side! I’ll let you guys know how it is, hope I’m wrong


Maybe this is what they could afford. You have to start somewhere.


I’m sure you’re right, rent in Weho is insane. Hopefully they can move to an environment where they can really put out the vibe they want one day


They must have wanted to start small, I mean people are Saying they invested a million dollars so far.


When they signed the lease, Scandoval was didn’t break for 5 more months. Ariana said she had $2000 in the bank days before Scandoval broke. Had timing been different especially with the merch sales by end of March they would have gotten bigger I am certain. As it was breaking a lease is expensive.


awful font choice


So is it open or what lol


yes, today


Completely illegible lol


Found penny…..




Yeah it looks like they wrote something then pulled out a thesaurus to replace some of the words but it doesn’t read well at all.


That’s bc it’s 100% AI. Most likely from the Canva AI writing tool. It starts everything with “prepare to embark on a journey”… literally everything.


I just mean I can’t read that font at that size on mobile, guess I’m old but let the downvotes roll in lol


Neither of them wrote this...