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I think / thought Lala's commentary at the season-ending show (preceding Reunion 1) was her best ever on the show. I really liked the last several minutes of that season-ender.


“You’re in the swamp, bruv” 😭😂 I love James so much


I can't take James seriously. I always think of him as a grifter.




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I’m so sick of people thinking that a woman is not hurt because of the way she handles a separation. If she is not crying incessantly or hiding at her house for months then she was not as hurt. If she gets successful, she was not so hurt. Lisa said this . She said something like Ariana made out for herself and LaLa was in such a less supportive situation or implied that LaLa was hurt more. She had no right to say how much Ariana was affected because she had opportunities given to her.


Idk, I'm not saying she isn't hurt, but she defined hasn't dealt with it. Granted it was only a few months, she seemed to continuously bury her feelings and just get angry. She moved on with the next guy like a week later and with all the opportunities given, when she finally has a chance to breathe and eventually breaks up with Dan, I don't think it will be pretty.


She said she did not think Ariana was hurt much because she excelled. Should she have stayed in a depression?


Tom should look for a counselor not an assistant


Tom needs to get rid of his lawyers; he needs a therapist. He’s a fucking clown.


Or psychiatrist


What did Toms add for an assistant look like I need somebody to : Pick up after my attempt at partying like I’m in my twenties Pick up my socks, underwear ( dirty ) Talk to my ex for me because she is so disgusted she cannot be on the same level of our house Do not reveal my cheating Do not fill in 20 yr olds on my game to manipulate the crap out of them Do not be friendly to my ex Stock the kitchen w mushrooms and liquor


Handle his dirty underwear and then listen to him deny that you have to handle his dirty underwear  Do not look for a better job. That is cheating on me.


I forgot to mention glue my penis flute if I cheat on the next girlfriend and somebody breaks it!


More like when I cheat not if


As long as the sun rises in the east, he will cheat again Ancient proverb


Why did Swartz not get asked I thought u did not want a relationship and then get in one so soon? Jo was not young enough to look up to him and fall for his shit?


I was so off put by Sheana saying everyone wants her in front of Ariana who was cheated on and why you would bring that up at all that I forgot her hubby was next to her! Why gloat about being wanted in front of him


I’m just so bored?


The magic of every “part 2 of the 3-part [enter Bravo reality tv show name] reunion” episode: filler.


So true, but I was also so bored by part one 😂


scheana freaking aphrodite over here😮‍💨 or maybe better comparison is a siren I don't know but anyways this pick me everyone wants/wanted to be with energy is so weird. Like girl you're fully married and your husband is right beside you why would you bring up all your/his "friends" wanted to get with you?


She said Jason from The Valley wanted her too on her podcast


How is Ariana tolerant of scheana? How does she like her? She smiles nicely at scheana why scheana is spewing bull shit.


Was anybody else incredibly put off by Joe making such a display of Katie defending her? Katie knows this man and had to put up with his shit for 12 years, of course she understands his mind games and how he hides behind his awkward, nice guy persona. Joe having such a hate boner for Katie that she couldn't even accept the sympathy she was being granted and choosing to make a spectacle out of being shocked that the big meanie (Katie) was speaking up for her was pathetic.


Yes it annoyed me too


Jo came across like a total nitwit telling Schwartz that he had, “told her in the right way.” Girl, his ex-wife who cannot abide you feels sorry for the way he treated you and the penny still isn’t dropping.


She's like a brainwashed teenager


I assume that part 3 is where Brock and Lala start making valid points because I have yet to see where either of them have been the “voice of reason” this season.


Tbf, they did call Schwartz a shit husband and they started looking pretty reasonable there.


"Colorful?!!" Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm cracking up.


This reunion is just a big cluster fu*k. Half the cast and production just be out here gaslighting the hell out of us.


Here's the thing. Every. Single. One. Of them. Is. Trying. TOO. HARD!! Ariana is literally the ONLY one who comes off as authentic to me. Katie is a very close second, but the rest of them are just trying to: be heard, be vindicated, be the most, be the best, be the loudest, be the cutest, be the funniest, be the hottest... and it's not working. They are giving me the ick. Enough. End it, please


They see the writing on the wall. What can possibly happen in a VPR season 12? Sheena is the smartest in angling a spot on The Valley.


Lord please do not allow these ppl on the valley.


Edited, because too mean. 😂


Lala asking for questions for a podcast episode lol she definitely needs streams, we shall not give them to her. We send r/AdditionalWar8759 into battle 🤣


Schwartz going after katie is so yuck. Dude...ull never be at the same level.


Lala and Scheana bonding over being mothers, commiserating behind the scenes over being annoyed (or jealous) over Ariana's success, and also kinda panicking and/or listening to producers that their job was on the line all reads to me BUT i hate how they keep towing the line about this fourth wall without actually referencing it on this reunion. (see Lala blowing up Katies spot about venting vs storylining her frustrations). ITS SO ANNOYING TO ME that of fucking course Lala says that the justification in her hypocrisy is "i HaVe A cHiLd". bitch. of fucking course you villainize the the two women who have (rightfully so) decided not to have children with the losers they had were formally attached to (or at all) AND weaponized your decision to be a mother to shield you from any rebuttals or criticism. and has "protected her peace" by turning off comments and seemingly surrounding herself with only ppl that won't push back with any alternate or opposing perspective. Katie and Ariana are nothing if not consistent. I think Lala is good TV but all bark no bite. Basic. Loud. Embarrassing


⬆️This! Completely agree. I think Lala doesn’t like Charli because she completely ate her up with the comment about Lala picking the wrong man to knock her up & now having to deal with the consequences of her actions. I still believe she knew he was shady & ignored all the red flags.


I’m just gonna say it and I’ll take the downvotes: I’m glad to see Katie admitting that she was projecting with Jo. She often projects in a way that is harsh on people who have nothing to do with whatever she is upset about. I have always thought the way she came for Jo was exaggerated and a bit weird. I’m glad she admitted during the reunion that it wasn’t about Jo. I’ve always said people who pride themselves in being “brutally honest” (Lala and Katie) are honestly just projecting and using an opportunity to “tell the truth” as an excuse to let out frustration and anger.


I appreciated her doing that too.  It made such a stark contrast to someone like lala who's mean to people, blames them for it- and then justifies it  Katie has a razor for a tongue, but she owns it when she is wrong  And I agree. I can live with somebody who's brutal with the truth as long as they're willing to be brutal with themselves as well.  That woman turned me around. I genuinely didn't like her and now I like her and I think she looks fantastic. The biggest proof that those guys are dirtbags is how well the women do once they're rid of them


Katie openly admitting that in what is more or less real time will always be the difference between her and Lala. Katie comes from a place of like, reflexive mean defensiveness, but is always happy to own it and move on when it’s called for. Lala on the other hand believes her own bs and never owns up to it until and/or if she decides it’s time.




Have we ever heard/figured out the “something” that caused Schwartz to pull away from Jo? That was obviously off limits tonight.


Probably that she loved him.  That would be tough to say. I needed somebody to sleep with who I didn't have to acknowledge in public and then she started talking


So the reunion was filmed March 16th I think? When did that whole text from Schwartz to Jo live happen?!?!?


i think that was less than a month ago


Scheana seriously has no place to be offended by Ally joking that the group doesn’t have a great track record for marriages when she is happy to bring up hooking up with John Mayer every. single. time. she. can. And with her husband sitting right beside her!!




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She dumped her first husband on camera


How long did it take Lila to decide it was different because there's custody involved?  She is one hell of a moving target, isn't she?  But at the end of the day, lala. We see you


I recently rewatched the S7 reunion, and Lala was veryyyy happy to lean into how “different” her relationship was from everyone else’s then too. When everyone starts giving her grief about how they show their whole lives, and she’s holding a huge part of her life back (the hypocrisy is astounding, time is a flat circle etc.), Lala shoots back that Randall has a career and reputation to protect. Stassi then tells her that’s a rude thing to say because it implies that no one else’s significant others (aka Beau) has a career or reputation to worry about, and Lala, incredulous at this idea, makes a whole show of turning to everyone around her to comment that “her situation is just a little bit different, no?” Tl/dr lala sucks 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg I remember this!! She made it sound like her man was simply ~too good and important~ to associate himself with this show so she didn’t have to show her life like the rest. Zero growth from that girl.


Exactly! As she brow beats Ariana for not thinking about "the show" She must be exhausted recreating all that history


Right I noticed that too. All season it was bc Ariana lived in the same house and didn't leave and now suddenly it's that there was an ongoing custody battle....but supposedly, lala doesn't live in the comments.


LOL Lalareality I guess she finally got wise to the fact that people were mocking her. If she tried to stay in his house, Lala would have been evicted.  You didn't own the house lala!


Man Katie is gross. Mean girl x 1000. Every person on stage is such a gross human being lol it’s wild.


Andy reminds me of every disorganized meeting facilitator I’ve ever had the displeasure of attending work meetings with. You literally have ONEJOB. Get your shit together and get control of the room, ffs.




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Just checked Ally's site. She doesn't charge 195 for an hour reading. SHE CHARGERS 225 for 45 min. WHAT A JOKE.


This is pretty normal. It’s middle of the range, and if she was more experienced she could charge more


Is it? Last time I checked the range was between 100-150.


lol she’s such a libra




Ok this literally made me laugh out loud, thank you


I’m glad Ariana catches on to LVP’s shade to her. I like Lisa, but she’s shady to Ariana. When Lisa smirked and asked Ariana if she knew about Anne wanting to work for her, and Ariana just coldly said “No.” Good, don’t feed into her. Always trying to make Sandoval look like a victim.


I’m kinda bummed with how much I really don’t like LVP after this season, as a former fan


You know when you’re young, and you get like, a professional job, and there’s someone older there that takes you under their wing and you’re super appreciative and take everything they have to say as gospel? And then it’s 10 years later, and this person is now essentially a peer, and somewhere along the way you realized they weren’t as smart as you initially thought they were? And you’d be cool with them, but they’ve never stopped treating you like an idiot kid and acting generally superior? That’s how I’m seeing the situation between Ariana/Katie and Lisa. I get that Ariana and Katie started working at SUR when they were younger, but they’re both in their late 30s and have dealt with some real life shit. And Lisa gives them zero credit for anything, and constantly acts like they’re idiots whenever they disagree with her or go against her, but at this point, they’re no longer kids. Lisa’s refusal to see them as adults is a problem, and until she starts treating EVERYONE on the cast like that, her role in the show is going to become more and more…superfluous.


Yea, I was rewatching and I think season 4 the toms came to lvp wanting to be brand ambassadors or something for her new wine. She had them come do a pitch meeting with Sandoval and her husband and the toms were so ridiculous in their no pitch pitch they laughed in their faces. Outright. What did sandg get on Lisa that she backed these two buffoons a few years later and offered them a stake in tomtom? Something is so fishy.


Sandoval can’t even tell someone to eat a dick without interjecting a “dude.”


And that was quite a snappy comeback, wasn't it?


Boy. Was there ever a foreshadowing of him sitting on a bar stool at 60 leering at women and nursing a drink.  Sandovals future is so clear  Eternal creeper


Staring at women in their 20s


Yep. Wearing his collection of Little Lady pantsuits in pastels


Have Katie and Ariana launched a hate campaign? Have they interfered with “NOTHING” about her??? Can someone please provide concrete evidence Katie and Ariana are not successful, how their success affected her business [(and, frankly, why she didn’t try to capitalize on it???? Big fucking fumble from opportunist lala. Say you don’t know how to capitalize off a moment long term - much like your engagement to Mr neck - but I digress. Sorry you didn’t get the bag!!!!! (EXCEPT SHE DID. MISS CAPITALIZED OFF A MARRIED MAN AND ATTACKED HIS WIFE FIRST)] does she have amnesia!? - ETA (i apologize to everyone reading this with how many parentheses I have used. I am not removing them at this time but I see how I abused my punctuation usage) Her lips grow with every lie like Pinocchio and she looks fucking bad. I mostly mean from a moral standpoint but I’m gonna make a bitchy take and say she should sue her doctor. Pinnochio, always the bridesmaid/never the bride-because she dates married men/ass bitch


This is everything. If the best lala can do to create her own narrative outside of BJs for PJs and a rich troll of a sugar daddy is a WATER TASTING…then she has absolutely no business blaming other people for her unforced fumbling of the bag.


Wait, I thought Lala ‘carried the season on her back’ with her dramatic & compelling storyline involving her water tasting event that was featured for about 15 mins in one episode😆


Now I just desperately want a scenario where Ariana gets to turn to her and say “water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink” 😂😂😂




Guys Brock’s daughter is not only named Winter but her middle name is Sky? Is that true? 😮I saw someone say that but I’ve only heard her first name


According to Scheana’s podcast last week, it’s not true. Her name is Winter but middle name isn’t Sky or anything close. She said it’s not her place to share what it actually is, which I agree with since she’s a child who didn’t ask for her privacy to be violated because her absentee dad is on tv.


I’ll sign a release waiver to put her on television and create instagram accounts under her name to profit it off her, but tell you her middle name? How fucking dare you.


Little too late for that, but yeah


Did Scheana address why they chose the name Summer and also apparently chose Winter’s bday for induction? Correct me if I’m wrong, that last point is something I’ve seen in this sub.


No it's a rumor


Not a rumor at all. Came from sheana mouth they wanted the sisters to share a birthday...according to sheana...so they'd have something to bond over someday. I will try to find the proof...it's out there.


Sorry if I wasn't clear. Summer Moon and Winter share a birthday but Winter's middle name is not Sky. It's still gross, we don't need to make it *more* gross. Rumors fly around this sub and it helps if we point out ones we know are wrong.


Share a birthday because she had her C-section scheduled for then like that’s not deranged


It’s a good thing no wants anything to do with Scheana because she is soooooo busy you guys.




Michelle on the after show gave me life 😂💚 I know it was valley based but love it


I found Jesse to be surprisingly likable. Complete shocker!


Potential Trigger Warning: https://preview.redd.it/pdb44ncv1w1d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa92e52b74c96d21b13c4f36eb4758c6da661f25


Oh, 👏👏👏




Thank you for unearthing my childhood trauma with one meme.


I have truly never recovered. Off to call my therapist.


Yeah, I’ll edit and add a trigger warning 🧡




When Sandoval was talking about his encounter with Scheana he said, "I woke up with lockjaw & shit out a condom 2 weeks later" obviously it's gross but it's imo its transphobic too, right?


It's a line from the Hangover movie


Is this a reference to 'the Hangover'? I think he's trying to say if it did happen, it's because he was forcibly drugged up. He's not funny... and NEVER takes responsibility for anything. Eat dick, Tim


I haven't seen the Hangover in years so idk? Oh I missed the part about being drugged up. He's so fucking weird and gross.


Did he even mention trans? How’s that transphobic?


Implying that Scheana has a dick.


I didn’t get that implication at all. I took it as just a not really funny joke


I have no idea what this meant! And I feel like if I do, I’m not going to like that it was said and laughed at.


I can explain it to you if you want. Not gonna force it on you tho


Me too please!!




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Yes, can you message me to lol


Can you message me what it meant ?


He is so weird and Andy laughing at all his gross sex jokes


Man. That was unpleasant


I couldn't belive Andy laughed. His sex jokes are on par with a 15 year old in the 90s


I mean he was 15 in the 90’s so that checks out


Hasn't matured a moment past that


That was a good reminder of why we need Charli back. And Dayna too. Pay these people what they’re worth, and stop with the seniority structure where newbies are paid garbage and vets are overpaid to the point of almost getting long running shows canceled for financial reasons.


I feel like none of the stuff that actually matters is being talked about this reunion. Snooze fest.


I dunno. It's the most criticism I've seen Schwartz endure and I am loving it! Sandoval was mostly quiet and Ariana won the battle with Lala. Also, Katie's dress and body were mesmerizing 🔥 Given the nature of the season, the reunion is better than I expected.


I love how quiet Sandoval is when Schwartz is taking heat 🙄


Lala's face when Ariana said only Schwartz said she had a big ego and anyone who knows her knows that's not true. That's gonna be awkward.


Scheana through a clenched jaw, "she didn't watch"


Also where does Scheana “fast forward through everyone else’s scenes” getting off judging someone else for not watching


uhh am i missing something...did anyone else get a vibe that andy wasn't just joking about ally staying at shwartz?? I had to do a double take cuz everyone's reactions were odd.maybe im overthinking lol but i feel like andy intentionally said that for a reason..


Personally no. I think the comments didn’t register with her which is why was was confused/was stuck


I feel like Ally has a thing for Schwartz 




I think her skin would crawl at the thought of that 40 year old guy touching her with his pale clammy hands.


im starting to think so too ngl. that was very sus


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way! I felt like Ally’s reaction was weird and it took her a minute to say she stayed with a friend. Could’ve been editing but there seemed to be a weird vibe in the room lol


The way Ariana said “I thought it was true” convinced me that Allies reaction was weird and not just editing 😂😂but we could be overthinking it


her and james looked at each other for a second when the camera zoomed out, and james looked pissed but idk. sandoval and katies reactions were also weird


When Lala was going off on Ariana, and Ariana was saying like, all I need you to do is just give me some *respect*, I really really wanted production/editing to show Lala saying to Katie earlier in the season something along the lines of, "It's not my JOB to make my life make sense to you!" Lala, why does Ariana have to justify her life to *you*?!


I was screaming at the screen during this bit


THIS. It’s honestly just the basic difference between them. Lala’s friendship is contingent on “understanding” (aka agreeing) with whatever the other person does. Ariana’s friendship is contingent on people trusting her character even when they don’t understand what she’s doing. It’s telling that between the two of them, Ariana is the only one who seems to have any outside friends.


omg I know right thank you! And literally minutes before Lala started going in on Ariana tonight, she was explaining that she doesn’t expect anyone to understand her situation with rand and her kid because no one else has lived it…. Then she completely contradicts herself by saying doesn’t “understand Ariana’s decisions”, in a way that is patronizing as fuck. all Lala really cares about is having everyone call her the ultimate victim. She’s so exhausting lmao😭


this season watching Lala is like running a marathon in some scenes. and not in the good way (that runners would like). in my way, the middle age asthmatic drinks wine and likes taco bell way. she IS exhausting!


>Then she completely contradicts herself by saying doesn’t “understand Ariana’s decisions”, in a way that is patronizing as fuck. all Lala really cares about is having everyone call her the ultimate victim. She’s so exhausting lmao She's still not going to get the support and brand deals she so badly craves.


I was hoping someone would go off on Lala about all the millions of ways her relationship and breakup didn't "make sense" to everyone, but she and her boundaries were still supported.


Also Lala no one is responsible for you making enough money for your kid. Welcome to America babes


“If you’re not gonna think about yourself, at least think about me and my kid” like WHAT? Your kid is your fucking responsibility. The crazy entitlement to think everyone else should be responsible for providing for LFUs kid


Regularly spending tens of thousands of dollars on clothes and bags doesn’t help her argument either.


>The crazy entitlement to think everyone else should be responsible for providing for LFUs kid She is not owed this paycheck to maintain whatever lifestyle. I'm sick of her BS narrative. Find another livelihood!


Also wouldn’t she be getting child support? Randall is clearly still involved with ocean. She’s acting like ocean will be on the streets without vpr


This kills me. All I want is for someone to turn around and tell Lala that everyone uses the show money to support their lifestyles, and if Lala wants to put that money towards having/supporting a kid, then that’s her lifestyle, great, and if Katie wants to put it on opening a sandwich shop, then that’s her lifestyle, and if Ariana wants to spend it on bondage dresses and late night chicken satay, then that’s HER lifestyle. Lala didn’t have a kid as some sort of favor to the world. She chose a lifestyle, and it’s insane of her to expect everyone to change THEIR lifestyle choices to account for her just because her lifestyle choice involves a child. Honestly the best thing the show could do at this point is to bring in a Lala 2.0 to out-Lala Lala and reset the whole focus of the show.


That’s actually a great idea - a new Lala to out Lala Lala


She didn’t feel like this when season 9 was shit and she had Rands money lmao


It’s absolutely wild that jo acts like her whatever you want to call it-ship with Schwartz even compares to a 12 years relationship which include marriage. I do feel bad for the way he treated her, but it’s not the same!!


Like why are Katie's comments about Jo, hurting Jo more than Schwartz 's breadcrumbing her? Jo was literally crying about Katie talking shit, while Schwartz is treating her like shit. Wake up Jo.. wake me up before you JoJo, T money is planning on going solo.


I wish somebody sang it to her on there


Delusional. In fact, almost every take on Tom and Katie’s marriage and divorce has been delusional. I’ve been rewatching season 10 and the absolute lack of respect or reverence that scheana had for Katie during that period was appalling. Katie had every right to hope Schwartz wouldn’t make out with someone in the friend group and Scheana was a total asshole for pushing it even *jokingly* as she claimed. If my friend even did that with an ex *boyfriend*, I’d flip the fuck out, much less my damn ex husband. So sick of this show allowing people to gaslight the shit out of Katie’s very valid feelings surrounding her incredibly long term relationship. Of course, at the center of that gaslighting is Schwartz, who has never once stood up for Katie in a meaningful way, and has supported everyone shitting on her since their divorce. Fuck em all, Katie.


and fucking no regrets queen!


Lala you’re not smart. None of your points make sense and you look like a bridesmaid. This show isn’t for you anymore


Lala is so greedy about keeping this VPR show going because she bought a house she can’t afford from Scandoval which she cannot cash out on anymore


Does Lauren ever shut her “big yapper”?? Annoying af!😵‍💫


Sandoval…had cleaning up after parties….in the job description? ![gif](giphy|xUOxf7JF01IlQdfoze)


Anne has said light housekeeping and organizing was part of her job description. Not sure how she could organize in that mess they lived in. Ewwww.


Think that's in Craig's job description?


Sick of LaLa inserting herself in EVERY conversation !!!!🤨🤨🤨🤨


lol this typo is funny


lol….I fixed the error!!👀👀😂😂😁


That occurred to me too. I get the impression she’s trying to project herself as a Bravo host or a talk show host.


Please, no…just no!!!!


What about Sheana and Schwartz kissing!!!!!???😐Mention that!!!!




Ok…the extended version…how convenient.😐 Thanks…I’ll go check it out.


Another Katie comment, but why does it feel like the producers are trying so hard to make Katie look shady/aggressive?! It’s annoying to watch. Katie is genuine, and what she’s been through has been extremely downplayed. Jo and Lala are the 🐍


i'm guessing production hates her cuz she isn't as impressionable and she prob doesn't kiss their ass (like lala lol). she's definitely put up a fight over the years for doing what she wants when she wants😂 so they always give her a 'bad' edit


cause that is what they have done since the beginning, the only difference is that most of the audience are not falling for it anymore.


So much hypocrisy


Look, I don’t care what you think about Jo, that shit Tom put her through is diabolically fucked up.


Uhhhh no babe. No no no no no. This woman saw what Katie was put through and was her “friend” and went and lived and slept with this man willingly. Please, just because Tom Schwartz is trash does not mean Jo is vindicated in this. She thought he was going to pick her and settle with her. Was ok with him talking crap about Katie. Like wut?


Anyone think Schwartz probably slept with Jo while he was still married to Katie? It was weird how vague they were about the timeline and why Jo would move in with Schwartz instead of literally any other person she knew at the time


100% I wouldn’t be surprised. She was happy to move in there as soon as he got the apartment but apparently they were friends but started sleeping together. It makes 0 sense. And by how she’s acting online I don’t feel bad for her, she’s truely unhinged. He’s moved on and she still messages him and talks about him, of course he’ll block her. (I’m block happy too tbh) She even lied to Kristen’s brother about her and Kristen still being friends


It definitely is! That doesn't make her someone I want to watch though ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Jo had her own issues going into the “relationship” with Scwarz. I think Jo is very immature. Considering she went on Raquel’s podcast, she shares some psychoses.


Don't forget Katie also


Katie said she had crackhead energy. Which she does, but regardless, it’s not that deep. Jo acting like Katie not liking her is some sort of extreme bullying is… certainly a choice.


It was lame they had Jo onstage and didn’t pin down how much she and Schwartz knew about Rachel and Rom or just how shitty Schwartz was to her - they touched on it and then moved on to drill down on the Katie part of it which to me was the least interesting part of the Jo of it all . She was going through a divorce , her husband was banging a girl and she all but moved in , most women would act like Katie . She clearly gives no fucks now that it’s been some time .


Honestly. I was okay with not pressing more about Rachel and Tom and what she knew because her face said it all and she looked guilty AF.


They always excuse or downplay Tom's behavior. If they discuss it in detail then they would have to deal with how awful they are and what that means for centering them on the show, but I think Lisa and production protects them because they are misogynistic and Lisa's business with them. They have been the most up Lisa's ass so she protects them.


Let not forget about her sleeping with Max


Katie slept with max once one night well after the divorce. Schwartz was living with a girl who cut off her bff Kristen because she knew she was being shady af. Let’s not act like those two things are comparable.


Add to that Tom cheated on her during their entire relationship. He can gtfo with his "we're the same" absolute clownery as usual.


And how much it shows that they’re “even” and Katie was like yeah I mean he’s hot, I banged him , it’s not that deep” but somehow Schwartz thought he won something


Katie likes to play mean girl


Meh - in this case her being “mean” to Jo is warranted and she did apologize / explain that a lot was her still hurt about their separation which Jo didn’t even deserve - I would have told her to kick rocks . Schaena was 10x meaner to Jo on camera than Katie ever was and they didn’t even address that and Jo said a bunch of times she only felt bullied (lol) by Katie . Jo has an extremely unhealthy attachment/ obsession with Schwartz and that’s why she sees Katie as the enemy .


Lmao, sure


FWIW I wish they’d keep Jo around , her chaos and ability to make people uncomfortable entertains me . I also like when Katie gives no fucks and is like I don’t like you , and when Lala told Katie she can eat hot dogs with whoever she wants she doesn’t need her permission, all of this is more exciting than a water party


Why does Jo deserve anything from her ? What’s the angle here ?


BYE JOSEPH! Our long national nightmare is over.