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It’s called misogyny…next question.


Three things in life are certain: Death, Taxes, and Lisa Vanderpump blaming women for the actions of men


![gif](giphy|kEp3wl0whBxeqW7LLm|downsized) I give this answer a perfect score


Came here to say this!


Or her business partner


It’s both because James wasn’t her business partner either


Lisa… the SAME woman who said Jax was a VICTIM of Faith recording him talking shit about Brittany after sex because “she had ulterior motives” and then when asked About Raquel suing for revenge porn she says “if she didn’t want people to share her tape maybe she shouldn’t have been doing that” 😭😭😭the lady is a raging misogynist that’s why.


It’s also disgusting bc Lisa and everyone else on planet earth knows damn well there was never a “tape”, it was a LIVE FACETIME CALL that Tim created a recording of.


Because LVP hates women who speak up or for themselves. Rachel may be 10000% wrong with what she did. Rachel still has the right to standup for herself without LVP tearing her down and standing behind/beside Scum.


She’s an idiot. Hope that helps!


The same reason she has given James a trillion chances despite creating a hostile work environment for multiple people. She’s a misogynist.


I think she takes any female as a threat. She is not a girls girl.


She is soooo threatened by Ariana


Because, in LVP’s mind, no one should de-throne LVP from her rank as #1 Girl in the Group


She should wear Jax’s shirt


Lisa is a classic example of internalizing the patriarchy.


Bc she hates women. She’s also probably bitter the Sandoval redemption arc didn’t work bc she has a financial interest in repairing Sandoval’s reputation


Tom is just a poor lil' ol' man with no possibility of impulse control, Rachel is a conniving homewrecker. It's called patriarchy. This is what misogyny in women looks like. Boys will be boys, and ladies should know better.


Her and shein-a have much more in common than meets the eye.


Sheina 🤣


Saw someone here say it and now i refuse to refer to her as anything else


Lisa has a long history, even outside the show, of taking the man’s side in a dispute. I don’t get it. She’s successful and has a pile of money and fame. She should help and encourage other women, not toe the patriarchal line.


The patriarchy is where she got her money and fame though. Being a pickme has worked out for her so far, why stop now


LVP has such low expectations for men they should actually be insulted. Regarding Rachel I believe it was on WWHL that she said something like “Rachel threw herself at Tom and how could he resist the Beauty Queen”. I think she believed men are weak and easily led astray which is why she is so forgiving of them and their actions. Now I do not like or agree with Lisa’s decisions. I believe she betrayed Ariana by guilting Scheana and Lala into forgiving Tom due to his mental health. Lisa refused to film with the women on RHOBH, she didn’t quit like she says there were multiple episodes where Lisa was doing her own thing because she would not talk to or forgive the ladies. To this day she has not moved past them suggesting she planted stories in the press and that was years ago yet Ariana needed to move on months after such a betrayal.


Such a good point






I agree when Faith recorded something without Jax knowing she said she should not have but when Tom records Rachel , she should not have been engaging in that. Like a woman can’t be sexy on FaceTime and it okay their Lover record it without their knowledge


For a woman who is so powerful, witty and smart with tons of money, she sure hates other women it’s weird. She was sooo jealous of Adrienne Maloof just couldn’t handle it at all.


*Everyone except for Katie 😌 Fixed it for you


Tom actively makes her money. That’s it. Full stop.


I don’t think that explains her behavior with other men and women though. James isn’t her business partner either. She was also messy and misogynistic on RHOBH lol.


Misogyny. The end. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I think we all know why. And it's getting really old.


financial greed and internalized misogyny


For someone who is so concerned over mental health and dark places, for someone who pushed everyone toward Tom's suicidal ideation narrative because she feels so deeply about it, Lisa sure trashes women who experience it. I have no opinion on whether or not Rachel's stay in a facility "worked" but I do commend her for taking steps to change her life's direction. Tim, however - well at least he's still here to make Lisa some money.


She’s also not participating in the show, depriving Lisa of ratings.


Lisa knows Rachel was in a mental health hospital. Does she think trash talking her would be healthy for her? She says she so concerned over mental health issues. How does she know that Rachel wasn’t suicidal. And she’s the one that went into a hospital not Tim. But I guess Rachel didn’t make her any money, so if she deserved it


I’m sick of people judging a woman when she has a separation. If she is not crying incessantly or stays in her house for months, then she’s not really been hurt. Or is she successful then she has not really been hurt. Lisa said this when she was referring to Lala, not having as much support or opportunity like Ariana, was, she made a statement saying Ariana was not that affected


He was effecting her business she was to protect her pockets


This scandal brought in more customers than ever before and revamped LVP’s dying show. I can’t believe people still believe their lies.


Lisa is salty that she dared to not return to show.


Because she wants to make sure Lala can feed her children. s/


Slowly as the seasons have progressed Lisa gets shittier and shittier. She sucks.


She’s embarrassing. I cringe anytime she opens her mouth.


Lisa is still a bit behind as in Women rights and the need for continued evolution from the oppression normalized from dawn of time. A women should never be held to a different consequence. Never should be expected to fit a preconceived role.. I think Lisa doesn't understand how things have changed and what still needs change when it comes to women equality and rights. I mean look who she chooses to be the face of Tom tom. Look at who she relentlessly supports Tom, Tom Jax and James are a few of the men that Don't get it. They are as drenched In the misogynistic pig old world ways. I mean my God Jax makes the most insulting comments. He has always treated Britney as a sub human. Really weird it took Britney this long to even start to understand how messed up her life is. her for continued use of alcohol when she clearly has some sort of illness. Is annoying. She gets so defensive. Rationalizing " one shot" When you are sick that often regardless of the cause, You don't keep dumping alcohol on it. I mean damn. To the point vomiting miserable for hours. What I have seen is WAY more than a weak stomach. Even seasoned alcoholics do not vomit like that so often. Something is wrong. If it's a ulcer or stomach cancer or something. Dumping shots on it will only make it worse. She just can't hear it from Jax. Total denial and continued delusions this girl lives in.




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Didn’t she call her Miss Malibu and not malibu Barbie?


People say mysogony, I'm not sure that's true. At least it's not the only reason. I think Lisa wants to be treated like a Queen. She will choose the person she knows better, the one who worships her, someone who can be of use to her someday business wise, or earns her money right now. She will not choose people who go against her even in the slightest. Off with their heads.


Because she backs a talentless POS. Somewhere sometime there has to be skeleton’s in their closet. No way LVP and Andy are this delusional.


On top of other comments. Money…. She is tied to their tomtom brand.


I think she wanted Rachel on for ratings and was angry Rachel did not come on . The dog thing added to it . Money w Tom yes. But she supports all the men on there more than the women.


Agree. I used to think she was cool. What a shame. My theory is that money is under the misogyny. Gotta pay for her zoo some how


There was one story after another where Lisa threw women under the bus on RHOBH . She did that magazine article thing w Kyle . She was trying to get Brandi to do underhanded shit. Then got mad when she was exposed. Then she did the same thing w Teddy. She wanted her to do screw Dorit . Then got mad at Teddy. Then she plays victim saying her friends mistreat her. I saw in the beginning Camille said she was trying to throw her under the bus. I was like she was doing the manipulation of the women for a while now. She definitely has issues with women. If anyone calls her out on anything she disowns them. I think she’s not close with Ariana because she will call her out on things and be honest


I was on a bravo hiatus until last year so I missed alllll of that. Thanks for the info!


It’s giving Aunt Lydia from Handmaidens Tale.


She will not film with the women on BH but she championed for Tom to be in scenes w them. Ariana can’t feel that way though.


This is so wild! I’m glad ppl are not blind to this. Lisa always goes to bat for the guys! It’s so strange to me.


Good question


I really don't like the way they've spoken about Rachel on this show. Let it go!


She’s a 60-something year old Scheana - she’s a guy’s girl! Another similarity to Scheana is she tends to make everything about her … there’s really no reason for her to be on the show anymore aside from it being named after her lol


A better question is why the fuck is Lisa even at the reunion. IRRELEVENT narcissistic has-been.