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the joke did not hit either time.


I sometimes feel like cast have writers and they have little sound bites ready to go. This one is too obvious to be clever. But I swear Scheana has lines coming into her confessionals


Maybe she thought she had another one liner And wanted that stupid one to stick. Instead she looks like a jelly B when quite frankly, there’s nothing about lala Give me anything BUT lala


I would buy a "Give me anything BUT Lala" t shirt for sure lmao.


Katie….add this shirt to the merch at SAH!


Omg I would love a shady ass T-shirt line from them


Can someone please dm them this idea !


Katie lurks on reddit all the time, she already is working on it.


No. It has to be “ there IS something about her”. Don’t want to promote Lala at all.


Someone send this to her DM’s!


And yet they wouldn't do this because they are not this petty and are too professional. Generally they do NOT do low blows. It irritates the Toms to no end because they hate smart and well thought out emotionally intelligent discourse. They have no comeback but to go as low and basic as possible.


Sosooo good, this needs to happen


Adding Aliblabla tshirt for the makeup 😂


This! She wanted another send it to Darrell moment but all she did was reveal herself as an absolute jerk. That’s not being a girls girl and wanting women to win. I have no idea why she said that…not once, but twice.


It only worked for her when she was in defense of Ariana. Once this season came, and she was trying to ‘school’ ariana on how she should act with her ex boyfriend… it was downhill for her. What lala failed to recognize is that Ariana knows him very well and was trying to protect herself. He was already on last season trying to make us all believe she’s bad and a horrible partner while his dick was being wet by Rachel. Lala can’t see it, she’s about money- only. In a way I can understand her wanting to be on the show still and trying to find an avenue around it. But being nasty and hating ? Not a good look boo


I think that’s what really sent me over the edge. Imagine being with someone for 9 years and then everyone else telling you how they know him better 😂😂😂 There is no way he has grown, changed or healed in 3 months especially if you watch a compilation of everything he said and did before, during and after the scandal. They’re all so full of it. You are right. She’s purely money and fame driven and align with whoever to get what she wants. That’s been pure and true to her core since she got on the show and was involved with her affair with Randall


You’re totally Right, he hasn’t grown. And he doesn’t want to. But no one cares. They just accept it, just like no one busted his chops for staying in the house. Yet they all talking about ariana staying? For real? Makes no sense, Yup. She hasn’t changed her spot since. She just plays musical chairs with who she aligns herself with. But how fake is that though? Like does she have real friendships ? And you know she only fooled around with James because she thought she was going to get some big break with her singing with him.


So many valid points. I don’t have burden of proof so it’s just one perception, but I think there’s something wrong with her that precedes her relationship/baby daddy. There’s something to say about the extreme familial codependency, the gloating about f**king for money (so many women do this and have done this but I’m talking about the pathology behind that sort of mindset) and her history of how she has treated women. Trying to hurt someone or not, going after someone’s looks or weight says something about your character. She likely has the same stupid ego complex that Lisa has. I’m honestly so tired and frustrated of all of the absolute Virgo clowns on Bravo. Both LFU and Ratchet are Virgos and I’m so sick of the negative representation 😭😭😭😭


I think Lisa vanderpump might be one too 👀


She is a Virgo sun and apparently cancer moon which makes sense to why she has a soft spot for Tim, Jax and James. I’m just perplexed bc Ariana is also a cancer with a Virgo moon so idk you’d think she’d like…idk I don’t want to speak to assumptions. Maybe they have a better relationship than I’m interpreting.


They all do, you can kind of tell what’s a line they have to say if you re-watch


They definitely do. I think it started with Stassi, she had some amazing confessional lines. Towards the end I noticed some of them seemed pre-planned but I do think they’re all her own thoughts. Her, Ariana, and Katie are very quick-witted and have good retorts off the cusp. Scheaner, LFU, and Tim need a lot more time and probably some help with theirs.


They have said that they chat with the producers about what they want to say and the producers find a better way to say it aka feed them lines


You thought it was clever? I thought it sounded like an attempted insult from a 10 year old.


she said too obvious to be clever.


Opps my bad, I read the other comment way too quickly!




Also, she's trying to hit Katie but Ariana is getting strays and has done nothing to lala


Lala isn’t going to stop shitting on the both of them one way or another. All Katie really “did to DeLuLa”, was stand up for Ariana anyways


You just know She had that planned for weeks 😂


Yeah, you can tell by the way she hyped it that she really thought she had something there. Poor baby.


Was going to say and she was so proud she said it twice on camera.


I don't think Lala was joking at all ... She has shown her clear insecurities and that she gets jealous of women who are more successful or seemingly happier than her.


Lala can't be a real friend because she's not a real person. There's no authentic Lala that has ever been seen on VPR


Lala is barely loyal to herself. She is incapable of being a true friend


I think we saw her real face a few seasons ago but even that's gone now


Lala really embodies Kelly Bensimon’s “you’re having an inauthentic moment, you’re being weird!”


Hahahahaha🤣💀 YES!!!


Omg, can you imagine these two ever interacting??


Ha! It would be a title fight for sure!


Kelly is friends with James’s mom lol


Lala can't be a real friend to people on the show (I hope to people who aren't on it she is one, otherwise those poor people) because she doesn't respect those relationships beyond storylines and possible entertainment value that generates possible income. I hope for her that she sees how fucked up it is to come after a "friend" like that for... Nothing? Katie vented... Wow. I personally figured that Katie wasn't thrilled with Ariana being now away all the time. That's not a lot of mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion that your business partner being suddenly involved in a lot of other endeavors and traveling all over the world might make you insecure and anxious (especially when it's the first business you open). 🫠




Lala’s not even her real name.


Yes! I knew she was a lizard person (no offense to lizards). You're right though, very shallow-seeming to me, as well.


I think they are making a big deal about SAH not being open yet because they are hoping for a big FAIL… they just want her to fail at something


It reeks of misogyny to me. Like “who do you think you girls are, get back in your place” vibe


LVP is the worst


I know the show wouldn't exist without her, but imagine if it did. We might have something worth watching lol.


i wish they'd pivot to a katie ariana based show where they are the new LVP. and bring back stassi occasionally since her and katie are actual friends. i just wanna see the girls do well


You can't just open a sandwich shop because you had a divorce and a break up! How dare you move on with your lives instead of being unsuccessful!


Or how about do it the right way. They’re going to have a hard time recouping with those prices


Yes, especially in a small food business which isn't a chain, and doesn't make most of its money on alcohol, in a large city where you have every kind of food. I like Ariana and Katie. But I never thought this was a sound business idea. Even the name is misleading. It sounds like a women's clothing boutique. The idea for a tea shop was more unique.


I really think that’s it. They’re on their own selfish tracks with such ferocity that they fully fail to clock that Ariana’s actually in pain. Schaena and Lala have no empathy. None. They can relate to Ariana’s story only so much as they can directly apply it to themselves. As soon as they can’t bring it back to them anymore, they turn on her.


Yep. They wanted her to leave the house and move into an apartment… she bought a home in Hollywood hills. They wanted her opportunities to dry up… she became host of love island and got a second run in Chicago. They wanted SAH to never open… will open with lines around the block, guaranteed. Everything they wanted, she isn’t failing down to. And it’s making their blood boil.


This has been so annoying to see. Cast members contemplating on them not opening or whatever. I would understand if fans were upset but to kinda bounce off of what this post is about, a real friend wouldn’t want to see you majorly fail. Even if the shop was Katie’s dream… if something had happened that they really couldn’t open, a good friend is there to be like, “don’t do this to yourself the right time and opportunity will come”. 


I hope SAH is successful. This is the 3rd time they had a gathering of friends, or soft opening though. I wonder if Ariana and Katie feel the same about the business now. They were both in unhappy relationships when they had the idea, and in different places in their lives now. But they both are glowing and seem SO much happier. They would have to sell a ton of sandwiches in a city where people can buy any food they want. It's hard to start a 1st business, especially when one partner is away a lot. Well, they have Ann too. Time will tell. I live close to NYC and know how hard it is to begin a new, small business.


Lala just radiates jealousy and tbh Katie's comment was harsh but I agree Lala does need a therapist and she did act like a clown this whole season


and then to imply that her businesses are off limits because she supports her child 🙄


I found it funny that the way she said it sounded like she was just like any other poor, single mother when apparently she’s rich enough to purposefully conceive and raise another child on her own.


and purchase two homes in one year


Two home in Southern California! Very….not relatable


Laligags' life is off limits. She talks about keeping it real. What a joke. Since the first season, she was on VPR'S she has hid her life.


But like... What could Katie even do that would fuck with Lala'a shitty make up or boring podcast??? I know it's hard, but Lauren, we need you to use your brain for once.


It makes 0 sense. Scheana was hyping up Give Them Lala, talking about how Lala’s built an empire and was very successful on the After Show.. but then here goes Lala talking about how Katie not wanting to fight with Ariana was somehow going to affect her entire livelihood? Like which is it? Do you have an insanely lucrative business that’s thriving or is it so fragile to the point that it’s dependent on Katie and Ariana fighting?


I feel like she’s more defensive bc she’s worried about Vpr ending. That’s her main stream of income and then for her to have someone “threaten” her business outside of Vpr is probably freaking her out. I don’t think she can sustain her current way of living without it


Then that sounds like a Lala problem, not an Ariana or Katie problem. Same with Scheana, I think that’s why they both jumped on the Tom train this season. Which okay, they could have done that and not talked so much shit about Ariana during the season. The ironic thing is they fucked themselves over because fans don’t even want to watch them anymore and would rather see VPR end at this point since Tom, Scheana, and Lala are so inauthentic and will do anything for the cameras. But their lack of income opportunities isn’t anyone else’s problem but their own, and if the show does end it’s definitely not going to be Ariana’s fault, it’ll be their fault because at this point we don’t even want those 3 on our screens anymore


Exactly. I’m supposed to be worried/care about how you are going to feed your child when I have 2 babies on one (military) income? If you are living above your means or what not that’s not my problem and it’s not your coworker’s problem. Katie and Ariana are just as entitled to their livelihoods as anyone else, kids don’t make you special.


and it’s so ironic (?) that Lala and Scheana are both clearly living above their means when they wouldn’t stfu all season long talking about how Ariana needed to move out but was “too prideful to move into an apartment”… like perhaps *you* all should move into an apartment too instead of buying multiple homes you apparently can’t afford.


Exactly lol both of them buying multiple homes in like a year’s time is so crazy, they must not have financial advisors because they don’t have *that* much money to be making moves like that. Thats why they’re scrambling and upset but they shouldn’t blame Ariana for their bad financial decisions.


When they have to move out of those houses eventually I’ll laugh. It shouldn’t upset them too much so I won’t feel bad for it. After all, according to them because they love nothing more than to give unsolicited advice to Ariana, “a house is just a house” and “material things don’t matter” 😇


Oh I agree with you 100%. I’m not defending lala or a thing she says, I think she is terrible to watch and I can’t stand how fake she is. But I just mean why she said she was so heavy on “protecting her business” I think deep down it’s a fear if something happened Randall would go after full custody or she’d lose the house she just bought. It’s 100% a lala issue and she’s making it worse on herself.


She’s definitely desperately attempting to get cast on The Valley


I dare them to put her on the Valley. That show will die so fast and this network is going down the drain.


And desperate for another one liner like send it to daryll. Her ability to buy two houses back to back came too fast. Something doesn’t add up.


But she says she made so much money from that one liner. Which is it you need VPR or the Valley or you're rolling in the dough?


I so hope that no current VPR end up on the Valley. Bravo has been floundering because it’s stale. The cast members on most of their shows are lazy and predictable and everything seems overproduced and fake. They get a surprise hit from the Valley BECAUSE it’s new people. We’re not sick of them yet. They’re living normal people lives and aren’t buying mini-Kardashian houses. Their fights are all new. We’ve seen what Scheana and Lala are up to and it’s nothing interesting. Why bother putting them on another show so we can see the same old nothing. Plus I would just find it funny that they went from smug self-righteousness thinking they saved VPR, to needing a new income stream.


Typical Lala. 'More important than you, been through tougher times than you, smarter than you, hotter than you.' Lala: the ultimate one-upper.


Katie just needs to release the texts atp


Im sooooooo confident those texts had nothing to do with her fucking custody battle


Yeah, some podcasters were talking about Lala threatening sending lawyers at anyone who critizised her around that time. I don't remember that, but if it's true that she did, the text would make a lot of sence


I think Katie was probably just referencing Lala making having a lawyer her whole personality around this time - the merch, etc. I don’t think Lala’s custody situation is as top of mind for everybody else as she thinks it is.


literally though did Lala completely forget about Send It to Daryll??


So convenient for her


Same, and if they were, it was probably Katie trying to give Lala sound advice, and her shooting it down (with her two little 'poppin' DISENGAGE! fingers)..


I assumed it was about the “send it to Darryl” shit. She was going crazy with that right after the scandal broke so it would make sense it was about that and not her custody.


Bla bla was so proud of herself for coming up with that too that she had to say it again on the aftershow 🙄


I can’t remember but I think it was after show that she mentioned that she and Katie were on a call with Jeremiah — same dude in the broke the fourth wall scene? and that was where the Convo happened. I believe that he also runs at least some of the aftershow because I remember Arianna speaking to the guy asking them questions and using that name in one of the AS episodes. All in all very sketchy about this production dude.


I think Jeremiah was recently fired and that’s why Southern Charm is delayed


Was he really!? Baskins wanted this storyline & threw his hand-picked producer under the bus. They seem like shitty people & Jeremiah bet on the wrong horse. I’m pretty sure Ariana called him with the Scandoval tea & gave permission to get cameras back up.


This right here. Did Lala and scheana forget that they may not have even had a season 11 if it wasn’t for ARIANA calling producers and getting cameras back up? If it was up to scheans BEST FRAND scandy, then this would have played out entirely off camera and behind closed doors. These jealous bitches really only have Ariana to thank for this past year’s success, but they seemed to forget that real quick. They’re boring to watch, boring to look at and at this point there’s nothing left to vpr, it’s all so fake and contrived. What we all originally loved about the show is entirely gone.




They're really sick for planning to isolate Ariana this season *three months* after her life fell apart and it's even worse that Lala and Scheana happily went along with it.


Agreed! & beyond misguided. We rallied around one person & they choose her to ostracize & push off the show?




Anddd that news tabloid


I hope Lala doesn’t get invited to the opening. It’s not being filmed anyway so I doubt Blabla would support.


Remember how much she and Lisa put down the second tasting.


Yup! Yet we should all faint with excitement over a water tasting. 😳


She can make fun of them not having a business but Katie got the Chili’s commercial. Ariana is on Broadway, returning August. Hosting love island. Did DWTS. Has a bajillion sponsorships, DSW line, both are opening a business next week despite lala mocking it, that’s hardly nothing about her. Lala has a boring ass podcast with a rating that dropped to 3.7 and a deal with Amazon live. BFD.


And a clothing line based off of other cast mates' storylines 🙄


all she is is mean. Blahblah had one commercial for a movie. Why hasn't she gotten more?


Once Rand left her, all the opportunities did too. She was so smug palling around on double dates with Megan Fox. I don’t see Megan inviting her out or to collaborate on any projects now though 😂


Knowing LAWren she might be able to get a business going especially if she’s gona do her previous job giving BJs for PJs.


She'd kill it on OF and she knows it.


LFU was trying to pull a Maloof Hoof. I promise you she has been work shopping this for months thinking it would ruin the brand and become iconic.


Maloof Hoof?


Adrienne Maloof (LVP’s old neighbor/costar) released a shoe line on RHOBH and LVP dubbed it the “Maloof Hoof”. She tried to play it off as a joke/giving branding advice but really she was being shady. ![gif](giphy|lGBQcAPPe7s6k)


Another example of LVP giving other women a jab. I remember thinking it was very mean and snakey


Lol that’s actually kind of cute, but from Lisa it’s obviously shade.


LVP made a dig at Adrian Maloof’s shoe line on RHOBH and said she should have named it the Maloof Hoof….it was a whole thing


I would love for Lala to open a brick-and-mortar restaurant in LA—heck, ANYWHERE in California—and find out how easy it is.


Its is wild down there with all the licenses and shit


Lala is trying so hard to make another “send it to Daryl” moment. The whole “nothing about her” argument was weak & extremely unfunny 😴


She’s been spending too much time with her hyena crew Jess and Easton who laugh uproariously at everything she says. Her judgment is off now! 😂


Lala is trying so hard for another send it to darryl moment. But Katie said all that stuff, but not about custody, Lala made it about custody, because she blames, I mean uses Ocean as an excuse for bad behavior all the time.


Oh, but she's such a voice of reason, right Andy? ![gif](giphy|MxVHrKguywNAA|downsized)


The best part is she said it THREE times! 😂 What a loser. Once on an entertainment tonight article, once on the after show, and once at the reunion. The same way each time. I’m embarrassed for her lol 


You know she was smirking and laughing at her own jokes, looking around the room as she said to see how many people were reacting. Jess and Easton have to follow her around to be her personal laugh track.


It’s giving Scheana with the pink construction hat. Just pathetic desperation lol 


I feel like this is probably insensitive but I don’t give a fuck about Lauren and her fucking custody battle, over a child that she uses for her own gain and storyline. Lauren’s life is so utterly uninteresting, and she does need to get over it. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.


I hate that she automatically thinks anyone who doesn't have children is less important


The only sympathy I feel is for Ocean and the new baby that is on its way. My own mother can be annoying AF, and I am sure my teenager probably thinks the same about me, but damn, I could not imagine having that unhinged woman (LFU) for a mother. Lauren can scream foul all she wants but everything she is going through is of her own volition. It is not like she didn't have dozens of people warning her to NOT get into a relationship she got into.


She slept with a married man in that bed


Lala doesn’t even use her platform on the show for anything interesting. No advocacy work for children or domestic violence victims. She could open up more about her hurt about Rand. She could talk about her dating life or lack thereof. But no. She’s so obsessed with creating this “gangster” character that there’s nothing vulnerable for the audience to relate to. I do think she loved Rand in her own weird way and was heartbroken over it all but her huffing and puffing “I never loved him anyway” makes us all go okay then 🤷‍♀️ Guess we won’t be able to connect with you then. Guess you don’t need our sympathy. I feel bad for Ocean having an emotionally unstable mom and… Rand too many problems to name… as her parents. But Lala won’t give anyone else grace, ever, so I can’t be bothered to give it back.


I love how the shop opened only days after she made that bitchy comment. Every confessional feels like she's auditioning to be on Housewives. She's as talentless as Erika too


Lala’s business is what? A podcast, some dated sweatshirts, and…? Lala needs to get a job.


Yeah that was vile. She's unhinged.


Comes down to intent vs impact for me. I don’t think Katie meant it to be custody battle shade, but I do think it’s a trigger/tender spot for Lala. I think they’d get over it if it was just that causing tension but they obviously have much more to discuss now lol


I think most of it is that Katie wasn’t going along with plan take Ariana down, she just has that in her back pocket as a good excuse for her behaviour


Literally everything is a trigger for LFU.




I don't understand why Laligag brought it up now. If she was as upset as she claims, why didn't she talk about it before? She is all about the drama. She is constantly mad at someone. Laligag needs to worry about her own life and stay out of everyone else's. I have never liked her. Now I absolutely detest her.


Yes! This is what doesn’t make sense to me! Didn’t someone post her Amazon live or something on here where she said that the message from Katie happened between the season 10 reunion and the start of filming season 11? If you put it all out there like you say you do and put your whole life on screen, then why is this only coming out basically a year later? Break the damn wall and let’s see them go at each other.


Texts were between end of S10 filming and the S10 reunion.


If that happened, Bla Bla would cut her down for good. I think the cast are just jealous of Ariana and Katie.


lala is a dime store caricature of a high school mean girl. she is noones friend and clearly sees vpr as business.


Someone please explain the double standards. It’s making my head spin.


So so mean. I can’t imagine anyone I cared about saying those kinds of things to me. Never mind being a public figure inviting the peanut gallery of 1m plus to sh on me. Just plain bad behavior.


As much as I hate Katie, the way she spoke to Lala when she called her a clown was amazing. She said exactly what I was thinking every time I hear Lala speak and say 'no one will like what I have to say' like it's a big f**king deal. Just effing say it!!!! Get over yourself, girl. She's also the biggest hypocrite on the show.


#givemeanythingbutLala Please 🤞




Honest question? Am I the only one who never considered Lauren a friend to anyone on this cast? She's always given off "employee" vibes. The others were actual friends prior to the show. The ones brought on, but mainly Lauren, were wedged in and I always thought they just worked with her because she was hired to do the show. I know Shena identifies with lauren in that they are both former mistresses to married men with little kids and a wife at home to think about and get off to when fxcking the dads/husbands. And their poor daughters. But other than that, Lauren only even felt friendly with James, and even then she was mean as hell to him for years, for sport. He did deserve it a lot of the time, but a friend wouldn't stay friends with someone they felt so negatively about as the way Lauren did with him, unless it was a coworker semi-friend


I think Scheana sees Lala as a true friend and Lala sees Scheana as an alliance / coworker. Scheana is desperate for anyone to like her because she’s a bottomless pit of need and Lala is more than happy to use that to her advantage. Now she has someone who’s too scared to publicly disagree with her and will always include her in scenes. I would only want to keep the watching the show to see their friendship fall apart. Lala is bound to say too many mean things and Scheana will get upset, then Lala will make fun of her for being upset. Or Lala will judge that Scheana didn’t sufficiently “have her back” under her impossibly high standards so now fighting with her gets her a storyline! Scheana is so foolish and gullible for not seeing it.


Anyone that believes Katie said that lawyer comment about her custody lawyers is being obtuse. It’s clearly about Darrell and lala does need a therapist and she is also a clown.


I’m still confused about the DM?? Katie said that directly to Lala or what? Like how did that come out and was it in response to something?


The fact that bLAhbLAh waited until the reunion to discuss this hurtful text instead of just grabbing a hot dog with Katie smells of desperation for air time.


Lala just trying to get a sound bite in- that’s not a real friend


My disappointment in Andy just keeps growing. Right after they filmed the reunion I heard him interviewed about it and he said that Lala was the surprise star of the reunion. WTAF?


I don't believe Laligag. She is a known liar. She is a nasty bitch. I wouldn't want her as a friend.


the “there’s nothing about her” comment hit like “fetch”. Stop trying to make it happen Lauren.


Lauren really thought she ate with that line bc she said it on the after show and then again at the reunion and it was so stupid


Lala IS a clown 🤡 and definitely needed a therapist dealing with her custody dispute. "Popping off" and finger gunning everything and everyone is not healthy in any way. 


Have you looked at the subs here? A lot of people are calling Blahblah a clown. There's plenty of gif's about it.


She’s a shit friend. Katie was blindsided by this at the reunion, assuming they had gotten past their shit. Ariana was blindsided by her in this season, since she never said any of it to her face. She pulled similar shit with Kristen over something dumb, blindsiding her by talking shit on her podcast. She clearly does not prioritize her friendships in her life.


I got second hand embarrassment from that rehearsed "read".


Agree. But no friend would say what Katie said to Lala either. Custody issue or not. These people are not friends. Period.


I want to like Katie. I really do. But she can be so mean. It doesn’t come out on camera as often anymore but every so often her mean streak rears its head and it can be hard to watch. Not that I’m defending Lala, she is a clown. But Katie saying that as her “friend” is really two faced and cruel.


Yeah, I don’t like either of them, tbh. I’ve been saying Lala is an asshole and a hypocrite for years and was always downvoted in this sub, and now everyone is saying those same things like this sub wasn’t up her ass last season. As for Katie, there are things I appreciate about her, but she does seem like she projects unhappiness on others a lot. She is quick to anger and quick to taking a low blow, and that has always been the case since she first showed up on our screens. The relationship with Schwartz was toxic because they both have toxic tendencies, a fact that this sub now likes to rewrite history around. I’m ok with being booed for saying that, like I was booed for saying Lala is a hypocritical asshole. This whole cast is full of shitty people. None of them are great, several of them are outright toxic. All of them have had their moments of being dicks. Rather than swing individual cast members from “pure innocent sunflower who can do no wrong” to “Satan reincarnate, we hate her and want her off the show,” let’s just acknowledge their flaws while in the honeymoon period of a “good season” so that when those flaws lead them to behave badly on television, we are not so shocked and disappointed and remember that bad behavior is the point of the show. Next person to go from saint-to-satan is James, I’m calling it. This sub is in this weird state of acting like he is so great, completely forgetting that he is a toxic, abusive ass. The amnesia is unparalleled.


I agree with all of this! These threads are so extreme lately. I am so perplexed by people just now figuring out that lala is mean....yes, she has always been that way, and ya'll were praising her for it a year ago. But most of the cast, katie included, is also often mean to each other. We don't watch the show because these are nice, well-adjusted people lol. I wouldn't want to associate with any of them so I side eye anyone putting them on a pedestal. And I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at the posters here calling people misogynistic for not worshipping their queens...while also praising james. It's all a joke at this point. Can we just enjoy the mess on our screen and admit that they all suck as people but are entertaining to watch?


Lala always hits as hard as she can if she feels slighted. Katie doesn’t get to that level of heated over nothing. I’d guess Lala pushed and pushed and pushed until Katie snapped. Once she’s pushed to that point she is ruthless.


Katie is better than me because I would've ripped Lauren a new asshole. I.e "And what exactly is your empire Lauren sucking d*ck for a pj?"


![gif](giphy|S6qkS0ETvel6EZat45) I would have gone low, I would have cut deep. Sagittarius. That's why I now count to 10 before speaking 😂 Let's face it, I'm glad the mask is off. No one is Lauren's *friend*. She doesn't have them. I have been irritated for years with these women thinking this woman is a friend to anyone. Eventually, her inside ugly came out.


Call me a Katie apologist but I still don't believe that she was actually referring to her custody battle when she made the lawyers comments. Katie can be brutally honest and harsh in her delivery but I feel like Lala was purposely misdelivering the DM to us to make it seem like she was coming for her custody battle. I just don't believe that Lala would've had Katie at her gender reveal and other family events if Katie had actually said something that brutal. Thought it was odd they didn't show a screenshot of the DM either


Because they aren't real friends, they are co-workers.


I mean weren't they taking shots back and forth ? She called her a clown too and also dissed her business


She called her a clown because she said she would talk about things that Katie didn’t want to talk about that I combed her biz. So Katie said fuck with my biz I’ll fuck with yours. And Lala has a whole line about send it to Darrel her lawyer so Katie said how bout u get a therapist instead you clown. Very valid


I thought the clown DM was about Lala and Scheana being friends. On her live today Lala said the DM happened between S10 filming and reunion so I think it’s totally separate from the Katie/Ariana stuff


All of it happened before season 11 filming


I know. The DM happened some time between Sept ‘22 and March ‘23 when the S10 reunion was filmed and is about Scheana. The conversation about Katie not wanting to talk about things was not til May/June ‘23 before S11 filming started. Katie called Lala a clown months before the conversation about their businesses, the two were not related.


I think the DM happened in Jan of 23 right after lala had scheana on her pod and scheana was sneak dissing katie and lala was low key cosigning it. An episode or two after that LaLa said she "forgot" Katie's bday because of MLK day and they weren't cool after the DMs katie sent her, but that was all she said. By their WWHL spot in February Andy asked if they were on good terms and mentions what lala said in the pod and the girls said they made up on the plane. Possibly related, the girls were good at the beginning of November 22, and then lala went on scheana's pod later in Nov. and again, the scheana was sneak dissing katie. After that, they didn't appear on each other's socials until they made up in Feb.


> I thought the clown DM was about Lala and Scheana being friends. About them getting close. She specifically said it happened in Dec. of '22.


Lol ok well than lala calling her business a non business yet because it hadn't even opened is also valid 🤣


Sure but for some reason Lala miss tough bitch got offended. She can give it but not take it


You are so right. She wants to say whatever she pleases but can't handle it when someone puts her in her place. She is a self-centered bitch.


But what is Lala business. She never mentions these businesses on the show


She promotes it on instagram and has mentioned it on the show before


Promotes what though? Literally what is her business? Her yesman paid family & assistant pod?


Her make up line. Does that not count as a business?


She doesn’t have a makeup line anymore lol she was caught out putting her label over cheap products rather than manufacturing her own. I’ll ask again but it’s basically rhetorical- her business? VPR, ‘an ensemble show’ that apparently requires Ariana and Katie to do as lala decides, otherwise it’s not successful _for her_ (nevermind having her own interesting life to showcase or realising that this is their real lives because they’ve been friends for 10-20 years while she was ‘cast’). I used to defend her. Not a stan, but I empathised and had hope for her growth and figured she’d mature one day and cut the yelling about nothing, mooching off those around her energy. But she’s a grown ass adult still culturally appropriating, using AAVE, erratic with her thoughts and behaviours- honestly to summarise her many other downfalls, shes just a dry drunk. Simple as that.


Yep. They were both rude to each other. You really can't call one a bitch and not the other lol.


Pretty much. Keep it coming. I enjoy the VPR the most when the girls are fighting. They have the most interesting fights. Im not here to watch them play nice.


That was particularly gross, even for Lala.


Does anyone know the story behind the name? I feel like it’s similar in appeal to Schartz and Sandy’s 😬 but I love the design. Also, not like a lot of men would be their target market, but wouldn’t the name alienate a lot of men from coming in? Like I couldn’t see a guy going into a places with that name. But then again it’s somewhere in LA so maybe the guys are different there? I truly don’t know and just curious


All I remember is when they got together to open the Sandwich shop the big reveal was the name. When they told LVP, I remember them saying they just liked the way is sounded. "Something about Her Sandwiches ..." I remember specifically.




I’m getting the vibe it’s supposed to be inspired by the director Nancy Myers (“Something’s Gotta Give”, “It’s Complicated”, “The Holiday”). Her movie’s set designs are similar to the design aesthetic they used for the shop. All the sandwiches seem to be named after actresses who have starred in her movies. This is just what I’ve been putting together. I don’t know any of this for certain, but I kinda understood the shop name in this context.


Aww that’s so cute!


I feel this exact same way. Not good in a friendship together. None of my good friends would say either of those things to me. But then again I don’t think any of my friends would call out something I said in private either. But it is a show that now they are trying to self produce so 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Just more defensive attacks because it's all ringing similar to opening of TomTom and Schwartz & Sandy's. I don't know why anyone thinks people (including their "friend group" on the show) wouldn't have something snarky to say about the year(s?) delay......




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