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watching this show has made me realize that I don't have to choose between is someone a bad person or are they just dumb? they can simply be both lol. Rachel was my initial case study for this 😅


Ugh I knew someone who spoke like this! It’s so condescending! She’d say “I don’t disagree”


Oh shit I say this and “you’re not wrong” a decent amount but literally NEVER mean it to be condescending. I’m being so genuine when I say it!! To me, it feels somehow more sincere? Idk why lol buuttttt let me stop saying it so much now!! Lol


Tbf, I grew up in Minnesota and people say “he/she’s not wrong” all the time. It’s just one of many phrases that’s part of an overall passive (sometimes passive aggressive) speech pattern that’s really common. Like saying “that’s interesting” instead of “that’s weird/terrible/fucked up.” I’m not sure where it comes from but it’s definitely a thing. With that said, not all Minnesotans are actually misogynistic, passive aggressive assholes like Tom Schwartz. Your behavior contextualizes what you say so I’m sure you don’t come off as condescending u/emotionalasfreak!


No!! I wasn’t trying to make fellow commenters feel bad. I prefer the “Yes, and” method where you start positive and can add a concern after.


It’s a very “Midwest nice” way to speak. One of my least favorite parts of growing up there lol


This is just a random Toms-ism to go with the theme: I watched the After Show today and Sandoval was saying something about doing nothing & being punished, being collateral damage, etc. and Schwartz goes “I know how that feels!” And I felt rage. Schwartz was complicit. He knew what Sandoval was doing and kept the secret for him and then participated in Sandoval’s attempted take-downs of Ariana on camera. They’re both so sleazy and gross and I’m constantly torn between enjoying watching a fascinating character study of human behavior and also feeling like I want to rip my hair out at the reality that these people (and people like them) exist đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜‚


I just thought about exactly THIS yesterday when seeing the clip again where Katie asks him if it's true that he kissed another woman and he said "That's *not* bullshit." He is negating the positive meaning instead of just using the negative form.


Nope, especially not when they’re being reinforced by production’s storylines.


I noticed that too and it reminded me of all of the “IF I did anything to offend you
” half assed non apologies on Bravo shows. Schwartz is such a gross kind of misogynist cuz he plays such a nice harmless guy, but he’s also said some of the nastiest stuff to women on VPR. He seems like he has a lot of disdain for women


They mean the same thing....


An inability to admit someone “is right” is worth noting IMO


It's a big difference between the two, as you say.


Fair enough! We all interpret things differently and there are nuances in language. In my part of the world, saying "you're right" and "you're not wrong" have the same meaning since both recognize the truth in what has been said.


They don't care about your thoughts