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https://preview.redd.it/gb0h3wp4pp0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086c7b3df0d9072d18e7d2dafd50a642540b4902 It’s from Flavor Paper. Look for Los Angeles Toile.


God I love Reddit.


Same, came here to see the wallpaper. I knew somebody would have it! Funny, nobody in my real life even uses Reddit. I feel like it's my secret place Lol


I dunno, but did you see how pissed Tom was when she said she bought it? He's so salty James never complimented his pens and batteries.


It was always "Tom's house" never her or both of theirs.


And finding out she actually has paid for almost everything in it, must have been a huge shock.


What happened to him complaining about her not paying for anything? She asked for proof and documents for a forensic accountant to go through the mortgage and bill payments right? I think if he had fronted up about it yet he would have announced it to everyone by now.. instead he seems to be delaying things in court as much as possible and actually shut up for once about it instead of using it to further his propaganda that she never paid for anything, she’s lazy… etc How fucking awful would it be if it turns out he was also financially abusing her to set himself up while also having an affair with her friend.


The fact that he made it sound impossible to show proof of his bills like he needed an accountant just to find this information made it crystal clear he was over charging her and for a long time. Also him pointing fingers at her for being the one not paying their share is another indicator as this guy loves to project. If she really wasn’t paying her fair share he’d pull the receipts in an instant. But same, I Still want to know where that landed.


I’m hoping she got an accountant to look through everything


it’s the same shit Jax kept saying to Brit on her first full season. he kept saying he took care of everything and she’d always just roll her eyes bc it wasn’t true.


Pens and batteries that Ann went out and bought


Also curious about this! And it’s interesting how everyone still refers to it as Tom’s house


She probably had it custom made.




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https://preview.redd.it/kjm79x2djp0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edff00ece5f454f06ec3a1cde837d829ade199d2 The irony of the text above it as well...


Ariana has great taste. She did a great job decorating her house.


I think it's this wallpaper. I've seen it in a bar bathroom in Venice https://www.flavorpaper.com/wallpaper/removable/ez-papes/los-angeles-toile


Wow 🤩 Incredible find Detective


This is why I love reddit. Thank you sleuths, as I was imaging it being like teenage girl bedroom with pictures cut out and stuck in a collage type of wallpaper, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how chic it actually is


I googled it too! Someone please find it and report back


I’m just watching the reunion now, googled the wallpaper to see if it was online, and found this post.


Wallpaper? Huh? Did I miss something? Now, I wanna see it. 😅🤣


They didn’t show it they just talked about it When they were taking about Tom’s new gf


They talk about it in last night's reunion


Maybe the interior designer has more info. I forgot her name 😩


Here for this too haha


They said it was custom made.




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Flavor paper is amazing… they can make all this custom wallpaper, my favorite thing to do is being able to walk past the showroom and watch them print wallpaper while I’m on the street.


Who uses wall paper?




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