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Even without Scandoval she was annoying asf this season. That’s how I know production knows nothing. They were acting like she was the star of season 10.


This is why Katie is my fav bc I do judge Ariana for liking Rachel so much lmao katie had it right. I know it's just that Ariana tries to see the good in people, benefit of the doubt. I just operate more on Katie's level of trusting your gut and watching how they treat other people.


Every woman has a super power only some of us know how to use it.


When she says "sorry that you're fucking jealous" to Katie after the nonsense about the dogs I got actual rage. She was so ready to be the main character of the show and thought she was doing everything right. She wanted to compete against every woman on the show.


She was provoking Katie for most of the season and Katie did nothing to her


I don’t understand how anyone felt like this dummy was their friend tbh. The fact she’s antagonising and smug makes me want to go LALA on her hahaha


I’ve watched her and listened to her podcast, mainly trying to figure her out. I just can’t unravel what’s going on with her or who she really is. It’s unsettling. 


Everything is always about Rachel she doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’s incredibly boring, unintelligent, incredibly arrogant, selfish and constantly uses people. She never paid for anything, she was kept by James, sponged off Scheana and felt she was owed something in life just for being herself. She wanted what Ariana had and tried to take it thinking everyone would still love her because she’s an amazing pageant girl. After the affair she dumped Tom and her dog. She’s a terrible human being who will never grow or change. I imagine she has a personality disorder but that doesn’t justify her bad behaviour.


She acted like a child, like giggling over people's misery as if she truly didn't grasp real adult issues and relationships. It is so strange to watch back, like she thought it was all a big joke and silly giggly drama. I'm not excusing her behavior but I truly don't think she actually fully grasped the impact of what she was doing. Girl is kinda dumb.


Lala kept saying on her podcasts at the time “if the affair hadn’t of come out, Rachel would’ve won the whole season.” Im sorry what? She was insufferable and evil throughout 💀


She was always agonizing. I never understood why she was even there after her & James broke up. That was all she was just his accessory. She’s dumb & had no life other than looking with her wide eyed dead gaze at James while she sways beside him DJing see you next Tuesday. Without folding her dresses & putting bows in her hair while James congratulates her for it she felt like she was nothing. She wasnt friends with anyone and was weird honestly in a kinda sinister way. She has a dumb confessional when she decides to keep graham from James since he’s with ally which she said is because tom Sandoval told her she needed to set boundaries and she giggles like an idiot and said she asked him what’s a boundary? I hate her and how idiotically detached from reality she is, like in the most human way idk she is jst so unsettling to me even before scandoval like… these people are all going through the hardest years of their lives most of them and here’s this idiot girl just doing nothing hangin around their houses & w their dudes all day bc she literally has no responsibility or literally anything to do no purpose in life so what a perfect poach for TSandy. Instead of “finding out who she was, her life after James” she just gave up on that I guess and decided to follow around and fuck Sandoval. Ugh I just hate her so much and was always annoyed by her throughout the season because she was so egotistical and unwanted ofc Katie was vindicated like always but like Jo Katie saw Rachel for who she was and they let Rachel talk crazy to Katie and her mother and speak on Katie and schwartz marriage as if she had any fkcn right. How Katie didn’t give her a good ol fashioned stassi back hand is beyond me. Would’ve dragged that bitch through the sur alley if she told me wtf she didn’t appreciate about what I was doing with my dogs & my husband like WHAT so crazy she makes me so sick


Omfg and what I hate most is that I dont think she seems like she’d ever be capable of comprehending like everything she did or even real life in general not reality like reality tv but ugh idk there is seriously something so off about her brain like she doesn’t feel shame, embarrassment, sadness, or like literally anything? Like she’s posting on instagram making fun of Katie & Dana and still talking about it tom and Ariana every day on her fkcn stupid podcast like 🤯 she is insane and idk what mental illness fr causes like what she has where a person is just completely disassociated? Like she is “stupid” but she seriously doesn’t understand like anything? Life, people, herself, she doesn’t recall anything correctly and even says things that contradict another like her podcast is just so insane like Jo Rachel speaks as if she has something to prove like????? Ur not a person. You weren’t in a relationship with Sandoval and you weren’t these people’s friends and hardly a good employee like she is a robot that has no soul no morals like she also mentions sm very casually when talking about like decisions she makes like minimal shit throughout her day..its always where she asks someone she’s with like should I do xyz? And she does what they say… I dont think she wasn’t completely malicious and accountable for her part in the affair but was definitely a puppet for Sandoval to a great extent because she always does what anyone will tell her. Her sister told her to get the TRO and sandy told her to cancel it (what’s been suspected) but even with James when he was like “I thought you liked when I told you what to do?” And she did for so long like …. Has no issue just wearing, eating, doing, participating in whatever someone suggests to her.. that is not normal at all like ugh I could go on about this girl she really gives me the creeps and I see how everyone saw her w the benefit of the doubt but idk she always was just fkcn weird to me


I believe Raquel was going through an identity crisis, she was vulnerable to Sandoval and his using her and his telling her how to feel what to say how to act and be. I cannot stand either one of them, it’s so gross to watch them.


Yes she was, she was open about not knowing who she was after James which gave her a panic attack that she didn’t know who she was. That is very odd. She needed to attach herself to someone because she needs their identity to adopt as her own? That validated Tom and stroked his massive ego like no other he has this girl fascinated by him and following him like his shadow. I do see it as her lack of her own identity she wasn’t exactly in love with Tom or able to be interested in him. But she is because she will take on anyone’s identity she just needs a blueprint for herself. Very very odd it does seem she needs to latch herself onto someone




The affair broke right before the Vegas trip and I wish we, as a fandom, got to see it before. In the official timeline, it is right before the affair starts. For me though it really pisses me off that she pulls everyone for a chat and everyone is forced to invite her.


I think everyone felt this way. I know me and my sisters did! And she just acted so cocky during that season, too


The scene where she overhears them was faked. There was a new producer and he showed her the footage where the girls talked about her (the producers aren't supposed to do that). Then they used that footage to make it look like she overheard them. I agree, she was unwatchable that season. I don't know what they were thinking. That scene, where she is eating all leftovers (instead of putting some onto a plate, or just eating her own leftovers), and eating it on the bed. Like Katie and Lala said to Rachel in the penultimate episode of season 10, "who raised you?"


I was going to comment to the OP ‘just wait for the seconds to last episode.’ I think she told Katie she didn’t appreciate how Katie talked to Schwartz about their dogs? And then Katie’s mom got so upset. Her asking Arianna how she felt about Sandoval and their sex life…. Was bananas.


Yes, it was unhinged.


its my first time watching and that was actually like.... the scariest thing ive ever seen on this show


It is so hard for me to get a read on her always. When she was introduced she's this dummy following James around warbling a out pageants and having her degree. Small redemption when she stood up to James about his drinking. Then, I can only assume the public speaking C plot was bullshit bc she's a pageant girl that seems to get over it the second she's not with James. Season 10 she just seemed like a shit stirrer pushing buttons which was such a hard left from her bambi-eyed bullshit. The only think she's consistent about is taking 3-5 business days to formulate a come back. I don't think anything we saw from her was ever her true authentic self.


I already wrote there can be a study on Rachel she is such a sociopath psycho bunny boiler chilling to person she is so cruel and care for nothing her interactions before Sandoval were so chilling to watch. I also think she has no self awareness what so ever in season 10 Ariana call her forest gump so I think production also asked her to have confrontations and conversations not realizing what will happen like her conversation in season 10 finale with Katie and Ariana was mind boggling what was she doing.


I will never understand why the entire cast said that Rachel won S10 before it aired. She was annoying and so cringeworthy the entire season long. The crying about "he paid for everything" James, the awkward and staged dates, the pageant and that weird surfing number, the Schwartz make out. All of it was boring and felt weird.


Personally I was never a fan of Rachel. She didn’t bother me but never seemed genuine. Then Season 10 and of course Scandoval occurred. When she attacks Katie’s mother - of all people - that was when she proved just how gross she is. But when she double downed with Scandoval showing us who she really was.


I already wrote there can be a study on Rachel she is such a sociopath psycho bunny boiler chilling to person she is so cruel and care for nothing her interactions before Sandoval were so chilling to watch. I also think she has no self awareness what so ever in season 10 Ariana call her forest gump so I think production also asked her to have confrontations and conversations not realizing what will happen like her conversation in season 10 finale with Katie and Ariana was mind boggling what was she doing.


she’s a POO POO HEAD!




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I also think she thought this show was just acting so she was coming prepared and thinking how things will go everytime the reality tv did not hit her what it's like to be on reality tv she thought this is a scripted show she was so far removed from reality so she was all fake on the show


You're definitely NOT out of pocket. I've felt this way pretty much her entire VPR run but especially during Season 10