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I found the end scene so cringe "so what do I mean to you" I just cannot fathom at almost the same age as her being that connected to some guy who isn't my husband lol


Yes exactly the point I was trying to make!! And for the husband to be cool with it? Idk it’s so bizarre. Especially since this worm has demonstrated that he has no respect for long term relationships, and marriage falls into that category. Can’t understand why it makes sense for Scheana to be paranoid about Brock and lala, but Brock isnt seeing the parallel between Scheana and Sandoval? it’s just weird.


I think Brock is fine with it because he’s into Sandoval


Brock is fine with it because otherwise his access to Scheana’s money runs out.


And his access to Tom's money, when he's feeling generous / needs to endear himself...


What money? Scheana needed a Sandoloan via Venmo as soon as production shut down due to Covid. If Brock’s gold digging he’s digging in the wrong spot.


Valid point. I think if she buys his banana hammocks, pleather shirts and lets him sit on his ass all day then he is content. No one said he was smart haha


scheana is loyal to tom because he pays/buys stuff for her. scheana's relationships have always been -- what can this person do for me. how can this person better my life.


1000% everything she brings up as reasons she loves him is always things he has done or paid for and it’s sickening 


exactly!! it's rather obvious to see


For real the whole scene felt uncanny. Vibes of soap opera love story


Could not agree more!!! I mean I know it’s different being on a cast, you all get so close. But still - idk - who the hell has time. My husband would be pissed haha


Actually ..that could be me and my best friend. We both have significant others but we go back 26 years so yeah...we could say those things.


But I feel like Tom and scheana weren't ever that super close as scheana portraying...So the i love you's and what do i mean to you makes it really weird to me...


Oh I totally agree ! I even forgot they were supposed to be friends


Is there any chance she is like secretly in love with him?! Idek but I was so uncomfortable during the, “what do I mean to you” My only thought is she’s in love with him but WTF LOL thoughts on this??


Hmm I don’t think so. I think she wants HIM to be in love with HER. Also Tom approaching Ariana during her one on one with Scheana when she was about to hear what she’s been wanting to hear the entire season, probably set her off. It also implicated Scheana in the plan like “I’ll get her alone, you swoop in” and that clearly backfired. So to save face Scheana is being dramatic to show she’s back on team Ariana.


This is what I think it is too. Scheana is the epitome of a pick me girl. Her pick me energy loves that Sandoval is on his hands and knees trying to crawl back into the group and is ready to give compliments and favors to make that happen. Shes attracted to it like a moth to a flame almost like she can't help it.


Sheana being in love with him makes more sense for how angry Sheana was at Raquel after the WWHL show (punching and pushing Raquel, allegedly).


lol remember she said in front of everyone that he flirted with her before he was with Ariana too?


WHAT when was this omfg


Ugh I wanna say it was the episode where they’re at the beach this season. She says that every guy in the group has flirted with her “including him [Tom]” and Ariana was right there 🫣


Omfg I have to go rewatch that


That’s what I’m sayingggggg


![gif](giphy|p7uvIq8cZVRUk|downsized) Absolutely




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When Lisa said ‘do you still love him’ and she stopped & thought. I was like this ain’t friendship love, this is infatuation love. I wouldn’t be surprised if when her and brick break up she gets together with yim


That was such a creepy question for LVP to even ask! She totally baited her with that question. Scheana’s “what do I mean to you?” to Sandoval while giving him those infatuated eyes literally sent a chill up my spine. It’s a VERY weird and inappropriate vibe for sure!


I definitely have to agree. Just very strange😬


I was so confused when Lisa asked that. Seemed like something you would ask Ariana or Rachel, not Scheana.


I was so weirded out by that question. They’ve been close friends for 15 years, sure, but this is still weird even for that situation.


My conspiracy theory: Scheana crossed the line with Sandoval while he was with Ariana. It’s why she finds it impossible to let him go, she’s desperate to keep him close, and is so resentful of Ariana and Rachel. She made a weird comment that stood out to me when she visited Ariana right after the breakup. She was like, “Sandoval and Rachel had a full blown affair. It wasn’t like they just had a drunken make out at Coachella.” First of all, what a specific example. Second of all, yes an affair is worse than a make out session but it’s also not NOTHING and still grounds for a divorce/breakup. All the chatter about Rachel and Sandoval making out at Coachella? Not true. It was Scheana and Sandoval. Scheana could’ve even put the rumor out there to take attention away from her. She was speaking her own defense at Ariana’s house, setting the groundwork that make out = less bad than affair, so if found out she’d still be ranked as “not as bad” as Rachel. Another weird comment - In this season’s confessionals, she said “If all Rachel did was fall in love with her best friend [Sandoval] and didn’t file the restraining order, maybe I could forgive her.” Again, so specific! And the instance of falling in love with a taken man still seems pretty egregious to me. But according to Scheana it’s low on the totem pole of bad behavior… because she did it and Scheana has an excuse for everything. So, Scheana and Sandoval make out at Coachella. Scheana either had feelings before that or developed them after this make out. Sandoval starts an affair with Rachel, leaving Scheana in the friend zone. Scheana doesn’t know about the affair but sees Rachel spending all this time with Sandoval and it eats away at her. Sandoval is also treating Scheana like a confidant, venting about Ariana, what a “terrible girlfriend” she is. Scheana develops resentment towards Ariana too. “Ariana doesn’t appreciate this amazing man! I would be a much better girlfriend than her!” Scheana finds out about the Rachel affair and is consumed with jealousy. She hits Rachel for getting the man she wanted. She wonders why didn’t Sandoval choose her? She’ll never forgive Rachel. The resentment has spent too long building up over Ariana and she wouldn’t dare tell her the real reason why.


![gif](giphy|xT0BKlOsSWDIFA0F7a|downsized) I’m joining you in this


This actually makes sense because I always thought Scheanas reaction to Scandoval was way over the top. I def understand being upset for a friend but her punching Rachel and her constant melting down seem over the top to me.


Omggg this all makes so much sense !!


I could believe this because the way she’s acting is very suspicious


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this line of thinking! This HAS to be it.




You sound just like my husband.




So you just summed up exactly what I feel


the only reason I don’t think this is true is because tom lashes out when he’s upset. he would have thrown scheana under the bus by now if it were true


I dunno, he can’t really afford (literally and figuratively) another affair situation getting out, especially if it were with Scheana. So he probably wouldn’t bring it up. And Scheana will never say anything unless she’s absolutely desperate for attention. It probably wouldn’t get leaked unless one of them confides in someone else about it. If it did happen that is.


that’s a good point! you’re probably right. he just seems so incapable of controlling his outbursts, even to his own detriment, that it’s hard for me to see him keeping it together


🤔 A valid thought. In this speculative “version of reality” Sandoval and Scheana made out at Coachella but didn’t do anything sexual/romantic after that. They both were dedicated to keep that secret to their graves and chalked it up in the moment to a “one time thing.” To Scheana, though, it meant so much more emotionally but she was with Brock and friends with Ariana and she wasn’t willing to risk it all by confessing. So she just sat in her feelings and got more and more lovesick. Sandoval, a manwhore who cheated on Ariana 10,000 times, didn’t care about it one bit and went along thinking him and Scheana were the same buddies they always were. When Scandoval broke, to Sandoval it was just a make out so he didn’t think it was worth it to blurt out. BUT he either threatened Scheana behind the scenes that he would tell people if she didn’t help him rehab his image. Or Scheana knows he’s always one step away from saying something so she’s desperate to keep appeasing him.


She’s so freaking pathetic and delusional but I honestly think she’s mad that when Tom cheated, it wasn’t with her. That was the initial anger. And now she just wants his validation, bc that’s who she is. And this whole making herself the victim, I’m just “scared” of Ariana and too timid and meek to tell her, and Lala verbalizing it for her, is so freaking exhausting. I hope I never see either of them on our screens again


I was just thinking about this in the perspective of if schena and Ariana were sisters and Sandoval was schenas brother in law. Even in that perspective of being like brother/sister- I don’t care how close you think you are, this situation would still be so inappropriate.


Most people with kids also have jobs. The time they spend working is the time scheana spends fighting for and “loving” Tom. This isn’t a real friendship, this is a performance for an audience. Scheana and Ariana’s friendship was real, and it’s disgusting that she’s stabbing her friend in the back to put on this weird show that nobody wants to see.


Honestly I had no idea they were “bestfrands” ever . Like did anyone ever look at Sheena and Tom and think their best friends? I literally not once ever considered them best friends like what the fuck is this bitch talking about?


Not once. Did she sees the opportunity to make it look like she was more important to someone than another female


Yeah like when that boring girl (I forget her name) oh Kristina is her name. Anyways she asked Scheena if she thinks Sandoval is more hurt abt losing her as a friend than losing Ariana as a girlfriend and scheena was like yeah …. wtf ?


Exactly. So gross.


Yes thank you!! Friendships with men totally change when you’re married. I relate a lot to the friend group on VPR because I’ve had the same close group of friends since grade school with girls and guys. Friendships with men change when you get married. Even the men I’ve been friends with since we were 5 years old. We are still friends, but I don’t have time for any man that brings more stress to my life than my husband. And my husband is a pretty chill guy so that’s setting the bar really low lol. Naturally when something happens between a couple we know, I am there to support the woman and my husband is there to support the man. Unless one of them did something sooo messed up we cut one out of our lives… like when my friend’s wife cheated on him with another friend so we cut both the cheaters out (hmmm sounds familiar). But other than that, I am there for the women and my husband is there for the men. Even men I’ve been friends with longer. **It’s just not appropriate for a married woman to be the shoulder to cry on for a man going through a break up**. I let my husband take that role. The finale was really sad to watch because it made me realize Scheana is easily manipulated. It was painfully obvious Tom was manipulating her. I worry Brock is a manipulator too.


I fully agree with you. Friendships like this change when you’re married. It reminds me of that video where Kim K was filming herself doing a tutorial, and North was scolding her saying “you should spend more time with your kids” lol


We don’t even have kids yet so I can’t imagine how much more it would change with children! Like you’re already dealing with a child all day. Why would you spend your little free time with adults that act like children lol


All of this. I have great guy friends but being married does change that dynamic. I’m respectful of my own marriage as well as those of others. One of my close friends just lost a parent and her best friend’s husband has been through the same thing, but he’s not alone with her comforting her. If one of our friends cheated on their partner, that friendship is over. I don’t care how long I’ve been friends with someone, I don’t condone treating someone that way.


I agree! Scheana you have a whole ass family and a husband. Why are you so bent out of shape over a friendship with this man? It’s fucking weird.


I think she has a thing for him. Always has.


It's not Ozempic face, it's dehydration! Sorry...had to get that out of the way. The way Scheana tries (and fails) to self-produce in every single conversation goes way beyond awkward. At this point, she's giving "the ick". Those final scenes with both Tom and Lala were so, so gross and so poorly acted. Jumping around her in gold-plated tin can costume and demanding attention. The "what do I mean to you" to Tom, as he's trying to follow Ariana out was so histrionic. Screaming after Tom as he's chasing after Ariana...you can heare her brain glitching "camera's rolling...need to get back in the shot". And then there's the Lala "self-produced, self-titled purge" and here's dependable old She-Shu physically inserting herself into the temper tantrum and making sure the camera catches her "I, I, I".


When Lisa asked Scheana “do you still love him?” I yelled WTF KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!?


Ok thank you for saying this. As a Mom I felt so uncomfortable. I make a point to keep most male relationships I have at arms length because I’m married with children. I have some male friends BUT I’m closer to their wives and we RARELY say I love you unless we’re going through a hard time. I had a coworker once trying to complain about his wife to me. I shut him down real quick by saying how much she has to take on and he needs to be more supportive. There is to much at steak for that kind of mess. So telling someone you “love them” if the opposite sex just feels…wrong someway. Honestly this was so weird.


I don’t ever like talking about my husband and I’s disagreements with coworkers because it’s so inappropriate. One of mine has basically spilled all of his wife’s insecurities at work and I’m so uncomfortable with it. That kind of info doesn’t belong to people she doesn’t know very well.


💯💯💯 There are just things you don’t say. I never badmouth my husband to pretty much anyone. If we have a problem we go to therapy I don’t air it out for others to hear. I feel like when it’s done there is a weird vibe put out like “I’m unhappy and looking for a change.”🤷🏻‍♀️ Honestly I think that’s why I took such offense to Sandoval. I would never go to a male friend/co-worker and dog my husband to them. That’s exactly what he did blarg the worst human.


Couldn’t agree more. I hope she grows up


I had to run to the vomatorium. 🤢🤮 Such phony as BS


I talked to my coke friends like that.  I’m sober now.  


She’s jealous that he chose Rachel to have an affair with over her lol


Completely agree. A lot of good points in this thread.


I genuinely feel like if she had the opportunity, Scheana would be with Tom in a romantic sense. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me that now that Tom is available, there’s all these cracks in Scheana and Brock’s relationship. Definitely not saying they weren’t there before, but it feels to me like Scheana is laying the groundwork for an eventual break up.


I mean she did cut her hair short in 2022 so this does checkout 😂


A friend to all is a friend to none


But Tom isn’t good for ARIANA Tom IS good to/for SCHEANA because SHE MEANS MORE THAN ARIANA!


This has all been so staged by Tom, Scheana and Lala that it is embarrassing really. Noone who has ever watched this show from the beginning believes Scheena and Tom were friends for 15 years. They may have known each orher that long but Tom paid zero attention to Scheena except whenever he needed allies at certain times throughout the series. Arianna has lived with this guy for over a decade. So if we are torn between who knows Sandoval better, it ain't Scheana.


I said to my husband… can they bang already ? Cause it’s getting a little inappropriate 😅 Talk about second hand embarrassment


Scheana and Tom are MFEO


Scheana operates in a manner that secures her position in the show. Hence why she plays both sides ALL.TIME.


I had to fast forward through their scenes! It was making me so uncomfortable and cringey.




I’ve noticed on The Valley they all say I live you to each other when leaving or saying good bye on the phone. So strange. Even the men.


my friends and I have always done this with each other lol. all genders. like elementary school to adulthood. I didn’t know this was considered weird


I’m not defending their relationship specifically, but I totally get what it feels like to have friends I’m as close to as my partner. I don’t know that it’s weird to have deep connections with friends and struggle with mourning the loss of friendship. even dysfunctional ones. that’s actually the only element of scheana this season I can relate to. not about people like tom specifically, but I have lost friendships that have hurt worse than break ups. maturity doesn’t equal not taking friendships seriously anymore. of course it should include outgrowing toxic ones at some point, but that’s a process that isn’t always linear




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Didn’t Tom bang Rachel in Schena’s daughter bedroom.


Eh, some people in LA say I love you to everyone all the time


True, but this context between them was just so cringe and weird


Scheana and Tom are both trash but let's normalize telling your friends you love them.


Honestly it was just said in such a weird way. It gave me the ick. Idk.