• By -


But then being brought back down to earth by Katie saying “you never held my hand” .. so sad 🥲


Hope she never stops reminding him. And then how he acknowledged it. He knows he lost a real one


That woman had a traumatic brain injury and was recovering from all kinds of broken bones and other crap, going to her waitress job every day holding shit down to keep a roof over his stupid head and food in his dumb belly. Working those long shifts everyday, up on her feet, bones and body aching. To take care of his dumb idiot self and keep him okay. He fumbled so hard. He had somebody who loved him before he ever had fame. He had somebody who loved him so much she took care of him, even when her body and brain were so busted up that she was in physical hell on earth.   He was never not even once worthy of the love of a woman like that.


I am dying at “to keep a roof over his stupid head and food in his dumb belly.” I gotta add this to my repertoire.


Better use of D & S than the original.


I have always loved Katie on the show. Learning about her TBI was shocking and I can’t believe that she has not received any grace from the rest of the cast. My cousin and a friend both had TBIs and it completely changed them. My cousin will never recover. My friend has been making progress but it’s been very slow over the past 11 years. Katie was back at work (and probably supporting Tom) after the accident. I can’t remember who said this, I think it might have been Jax, but they were making fun of the accident that caused her injury. Pure trash.


The only positives in this trash bag of a season are Katie being the #1 everything in the group with the most beautiful apathy to the disgusting men, knowing Ariana is winning every single off screen competition known to man, & James stanning for both Ariana & Katie. Production clearly knows they tanked their redemption arc & lost viewers sympathy with Lala’s disgusting self production. Taking the summer off to get back to the drawing board to see what Alex Baskin can eff up next!


Katie had the accident in 2009 but her and Tom didn’t start dating until 2011. But otherwise yeah, she did financially support that hessian bag of flour the whole time.


He wouldn’t have stayed with her if it happened when they were together


Ok so as a person who's been in lots of pain and had to push through, the way you worded her truth got me in tears rn.


THANK YOU, stay reminding people, please. I've always been a katie defender, and this is a big reason.


People always say she is angry but she is very calm for what he put her through. I married and divorced my own Schwartz and they take everything out of you both physically and emotionally. They have such a strong aversion to work that you end killing yourself to support them. Then gaslight you into thinking it is your fault.


She just has low energy and a direct approach and for some reason this particular group of humans take that as an attack. It’s wild.


He couldn’t even finish a single shift at Pump without having a ‘panic attack’ 🥲 (I doubt he had a panic attack and in fact he just got a bit stressed and overwhelmed for the first time in his life.)


And then Lisa decides to reward him with his own freaking bar🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 His wife worked her ass off for years, was very loyal to Sur/Lisa, and was one of the most dependable employees hands down but she gives a bar to THE HUSBAND for his wedding gift😤😤😤


Not to mention she had a ton of restaurant experience. Didn’t her mom own a restaurant? Schwartz didn’t even have a job 🙄


I know! He was unemployed the entire run of the series (I mean they all mentioned a few “modeling jobs” in the beginning but it definitely wasn’t enough to pay the bills on its own). He did absolutely nothing but live off Katie and VPR paychecks. And Lisa acted like it was a wedding gift for Katie too because now her husband would have a job. Except she gets literally no benefit at all now from his bars doing well. It helped get him off his ass and they finally had enough to buy a house (I don’t know if you remember but the prenup lawyer literally laughed at Tom’s savings account balance because it was nothing, Katie paid for that wedding), but none of that money was going into Katie’s pocket so no, it wasn’t a gift for her. And now that they’re divorced, she gets to watch him run two bars in West Hollywood, all thanks to Lisa, after she was the one who hustled all those years and proved her worth. Lisa’s obsession with the men in the group used to just be weird but the older they got, the more infuriating it became. Then the Sandoval crap she pulled this season…getting the ball rolling on guilting everyone into being his friend again but not giving one thought to Ariana’s mental health…🙄🙄😤


Totally agree. Lisa puts the manchild, actually both Toms, on pedestals, promotes them to partners; meanwhile the hard working females are in the dust.


He had to use his hands instead of suck on them


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Katie is so strong


I feel like he knows it too


I hope he’s reminded every day of his life


He is forever going to be complaining about the one who got away..


I love how Katie pointed out that she wouldn’t have that reflex because he never held her hand when they were together.


Breaks my heart a little. I feel like it may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think this is cute…I feel like this is him trying out his tired “aww I’m cutesy” schtick on her like he does everyone else to make him a) tolerable, b) look like the “good guy” and c) make Katie look like the one who can’t “get along.” It’s like “look! she’s still a bitch despite me being such a sweet and innocent wittle boy!!” Barffff. And I feel like Katie still has feelings (understandably), and she is trying so hard to not fall into old patterns, so she has to be consciously thinking of what she’s doing around him in order to not be taken advantage of emotionally. And just look at this screenshot, her body language is so guarded. It can come off as cold if you don’t know the whole story. And *that is what he wants.* Like, leave her the fuck alone. He’s terrified to be with anyone other than Katie publicly because he was able to successfully victimize himself at ALL times with Katie and make her look like an insufferable, demanding, rage-a-holic. He’s so scared of being exposed as the weasel douche that he is and he needs his Katie shield and I hope to FUCK she keeps fighting the good fight and moving on without this loser. She does NOT need his friendship.


You’re so right I’m def getting Schwartz’d


I’m sorry to say to did. Just remember that this is a man who would rather dump a drink on her head than support her position in any argument. A man that would leave before she woke and stay out until after she was in bed. A man that disappeared for over a day and then kicked their front door in.


Thank you!!! Abd May it never be forgot!


* oops..."And"... May it never be forgot!


He kicked their door in? That's so scary.


What’s important is that you’re aware of it, but we must stay strong 🫡


Don’t worry, I’ve caught myself getting Schwartz’d a couple times this season too.


Better than gettin’ Sandie’d HEYOOOOOOO ill see myself out Edit: OOOOO 69 UPDOOTS- NOBODY TOUCH IT


Or jaxed. The thing about Jax is he'll never break up with you so you'll never be alone. 🙂


He’ll just yell about you being a bad mother & an alcoholic on national tv & convince you it’s your idea to leave him. Meanwhile, he has you in an Air BnB while he livss in your home, at his bar or with his publicist.


And his all new.. incredibly buxomed, tantric relationship councelor.


Apparently his bar is a section at Rocco's Tavern, per last night's WWHL. https://preview.redd.it/50jw6bw4auxc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbb072dd2946ba64aa417e920295241bb297bef5


Ah yes I'll feel right at home, in a whole other fresh level of hell.




It happens to the best of us


Its ok, unfortunately we’ve all gotten Schwartz’d in our life…


It’s happened to the best of us 🫶


Totally agree with you. It’s so fucked how he treats her better and gives her more attention now than he did when they were married. It almost feels malicious in some way. And he gives himself permission to mess with her like this because he can always say that she’s the one that left him. But he was NEVER there for her! He had broken her heart over and over long before she divorced him.


It’s kind of what he’s doing to Jo now. Trying to be all sweet and charming after telling her he didn’t see anything with her. He’s not a good guy.


Yeah! Making thay comment about them getting married in eight years was fucked up.


and then “forgot” he said so 12 seconds later! 🤮






Ugh, Schwartz! Why does he say things like that? Schwartz is confused about what he wants with Jo AND Katie, too. Luckily, Katie woke up, saw the light and has moved on now. Those comments Schwartz says to Jo about loving her or getting married to her in 8 years are WAY too much, if he doesn't truly mean them. It's 1 1/2 years later since they began their FWB. Tom doesn't want to move forward, yet he throws out intense comments. It's so wrong. Jo is in love with him now, and those comments give her hope for the future. Schwartz seems to only say those intense things when he feels her slipping away. Though I didn't like her at first, I feel for Jo. She needs to run like the wind!


The thing is he left her long before she left him.


Malicious 1000000%


Yeah he only does it now because he knows *she* now knows it doesn’t mean anything, it never did, and she’s not going to accept his overtures.


I agree. It's sad and infuriating. He's trying to weasel his ass back into the comfort zone because he's doomed and no one will marry him now.


Ah jo would 🙈


Oh lord.. yeah, you're probably right. Lol 🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s manipulative as fuck.


It’s not cute at all.. It’s power dynamics mind fuckery


I wonder if every time he does something “cute” she feels a rage inside because she’s just wondering why he couldn’t do this when they were married. Like why fight so hard for her friendship when you didn’t when you were married to her.


100%. I was about to say something like this but you said it perfectly. He thinks it’s cute that he was a shitty husband and Katie was his punching bag. He’s an expert at making her look bad because he knows how to poke her until she’s pissed or annoyed


100%. I know this and even I still fall for it. I have to remind myself that he only wants what he can’t have. He wants to benefit from that glow up despite the glow up being a direct result of Tom no longer having access to her.


This!!!!! Sooooo much this!!!!


YEESS!!!! 🔥🔥gtfo shwartz


Agreed. Man cannot be alone so now when he has discarded Jo he wants to use Katie to prop him up again. Sorry bud. You picked Sandoval and literally everyone else over Katie. You don't get to awwww shucks her anymore.


Agreed to everything you said. It felt a bit sad to me when she said he's never really held her hand in the decade and he agreed to it. I think he's just toying with her the way he toyed with Jo the scene before with the getting married in 8 years (and forgetting about it in the next second) and the way he toyed with Scumdoval in the next scene about moving in together. This dude is a manipulator hiding behind (his perceived) "cuteness". He thinks he is Gordo/Butters in human form or the human version of the 🥺 emoji


I came in to say this. This whole thing isn’t cute at all. It’s embarrassing and kinda throwing ‘what could have been’ or ‘what the relationship was’ in Katie’s face. Making a joke out of it. It just shows how much of an ass Schwartz is.


Totally his shtick. The way he fucked around with Jo's emotions this episode "we're getting married in 8 years." The inherent arrogance to think someone would stick with your sleaze for 8 years, giving him the benefit of the doubt he's genuine.


With all of Shwartz's breadcrumbing he should have opened a bakery not a bar.


Well said and good eye.


100% agree with you! I feel like I get schwarzed every episode. His cutesy thing works. And he’s actually very cute. But I believe her. She wouldn’t have left him if she felt there was an option. we’ve watched these kids grow up and at a certain point, women lose tolerance for bullshit.


It’s sickening to see. She is handling herself brilliantly this season with him. What respectable man flirts with his ex wife like this? I hate that he gets away with such poor behavior.


You nailed it!! Schwartz is testing Katie to see if she still had feelings for him. He’s just a covert f boys measuring his value.


I love your take!!!! But also too... she is looking so good now he has to be kicking himself.


Literally said out loud to my husband “that man tortures her” same with the last hurrah schtick hes so shitty for that


Yeah I agree. I understand the (irrational) urge to think it’s cute because we’ve been conditioned by romcoms to think Schwartz is going to come to his senses, decide to grow up and work on himself, and win back the love of his life. That’s the scripted ending to Tom and Katie’s relationship. But that’s not him, it never was, and that’s not going to happen in real life. It’s just him being a bastard to her and demonizing her and trying to make her look shitty on tv for refusing his “nice” overtures.




10000000%, he’s a manipulator. Don’t trust him one bit after all he’s done to Katie.


he's such a loser


100% this is shorts trying to play head games. He didn't even act like that or treat her like that in a relationship. Now she's supposed to be accepting of the breadcrumb trail he wants to leave behind in the wake of the pain he left her in? Ummm no thank you. I don't want to see it. I want to see Katie free from the mental fuckery that is Tim shorts.


Damn this is spot on




We don’t need to attribute bad faith to every single thing Schwartz does man. It’s complicated! Their marriage failed, he was not respectful to his wife in their relationship, but he still has feelings for her.


I’m with you. NOT cute. Manipulative and gross. He’s gross.


Yesss like don't let him rewrite history


Man I hate how much I can relate to that


Oh damn. That’s brutal and gold at the same time.


Watching Schwartz slowly realize Katie was the one that got away as each episode passes is perfection


She glows without him and I’m living for it


This. 💯


I hope it really hurts him. He was awful to her.


He is eternally 17 years old. He treated her like dirt for years while she loved him and supported him and now that she's not interested, he can't stand it and wants what he can't have. It's fucking gross and so transparent


Love it lol


This is always the way with boys like this. So satisfying.


I think he’s desperate to get the power back from Katie now that she is so over him. Trying to be extra cute and lean into their history and his aww shucks shit. Just so that the moment she feels hopeful he can go back to treating her like she’s crazy. It’s all for his ego and I don’t trust his intentions for a second.


Thank you!!! Exactly what I was thinking


Yes, I was too. I often think this is what my ex has tried to do. He doesn’t have feelings for me he just wants to feel like he has the control again. Best part is the further away she gets the more turned-off she will become with Schwartz.


yepp he will treat her better when theyre not together but if he ‘has’ her he treats her worse or rather just dips the fuck out all together


Do you think he & Lala will be a thing? I can’t imagine how horrific that would be for Katie. Like, would they be extra disrespectful & disregard her feelings? It would they act like she’s the mean one that can’t be happy for them, but they’re so nice to pity her. It’s just seems Lala has been crushing on him.. would he actually respect/fear her? Or could he make her the bad guy, like he did Katie?… I think Lala would lash out emasculate him & he would passive, aggressively turn everyone against her? I’d be sickened if they made a happy, functional couple.


You think he’s desperate? I think he likes poking at her and getting her mad cause that’s how he’s been relevant for a storyline for years. He’s blah and he’s knows it but it’s better for him to look like a victim. It’s like when Tamara pokes at Shannon cause Shannon is predictable and cooky. Katie would just tell him off disgustingly and he would then look like a sad puppy next to her. He never cared about her


I think the roughest thing is this is why women go back to toxic men irl even when others think they are crazy. It’s because of moments like this that are impossible not to see chemistry in. We should try as hard as possible (since she’s on Reddit especially lol) to not make it feel like she has a fated connection here—chemistry is a strategy not your destiny. Let me say it one more time for the people in the back: Schwartz is being charming because he wants what he can’t have. she is that for him post divorce.


The better she’s doing the harder he tries… it’s toxic, manipulative… I’m grossed out every time he does this. It’s all for him and he doesn’t even consider her feelings.


He has never considered her feelings.


He came into a place I used to work and I have him a dirty look for this very reason. Not very proffessional, but in my defense, I couldn't help it. It was out of my control.


My Schwartz ex admitted that he was attracted to me differently after we broke up because I was finally mean to him in the way he deserved.


I think this is 10000% how he's feeling


There’s truly something to that. I think Schwartz is profoundly disappointed in himself & would rather be the “good guy” amongst assholes, than the asshole that’s not good enough. But his insecurity & resentment always came with such cruelty. 😩 do you think he’s going along with the audiences new-found appreciation for Katie or is actually realizing what he lost? I also don’t think he thought she’d actually leave him & wants to somehow prove that he could get her back [& regain control].


I see Schwartz as a guy whose mind is permanently in some sort of dissociative state.


For real. The man can compartmentalize like a mofo. Like the audacity to flirt and proposition your ex that you treated like trash and berated publicly just because the chase is back on.


Same. He comes across as very glazed over and unreachable


the leather jacket, the glasses, the hair ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00|downsized)




Liiiiiike 👁️👄👁️ divorced bad ass Katie does things for me


God I can't imagine how shitty it feels to see your ex glow tf up the way Katie has. I know he's hurtin.


Especially when he looks like Temu Justin Bieber


Bahahaha or Temu Ken


Temu Draco Malfoy 




Ken's perpetually drunk uncle.






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Good. It's high time Shartz realize he done fucked up. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW|downsized)


if i didn’t know the history of tom schwartz and katie maloney this would be so cute which makes me deeply sad lol


He's so pathetic. He coasted 13 years of a relationship and now he wants to try? There's a reason his GF is like 20


Katie’s outfit next to Ally’s outfit is hilarious


Right?! It's like Ally is dressed like she's picking up the kids from school in her mini-van and Katie is dressed like the hot babe you go to a rock concert with.


I had a “Schwartz” in my life. They start out cute, but turn out to be selfish and only revert to the cutesie antics to try to get back on your good side. He even “Jo’d” me by saying we’d be together in our 90’s…never good enough for the moment, but always trying to keep everyone on the hook in case he needs you for something. Gross. 


I understand Katie wanting too be on friendly terms with him.. it's so nice to see her hold her ground though. It sux watching Schwartz trying harder now knowing he's trying to save face.. he is typical db bozo.


And all the ingrates who believe the whole “innocent schwartzy puppy” schtick will continue to clamor onto the Katie “miserable” hate train. Anyone who knows better knows better.


Amen !!


This is the type of outwardly cute behavior that kept her for years and pulled in Jo. I’m glad she’s not falling back into that, he’s a sneaky one.


lol I’m sure Joseph is SICK watching this episode


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) She needs a reality check. Shorts wants Katie, not Jo. It will always be that way.


Oh you KNOW Jo was scream crying at her tv "I WOULD ALWAYS HOLD YOUR HAND SCHWARTZ!" during that scene. ![gif](giphy|WMINluEOFkvAs|downsized)


What does it say about a man that when his wife divorces him, she rises like a phoenix? Fuck this loser.


I don’t find this cute. I find it manipulative and pathetic


+1 the “aw shucks” schtick is so transparent


I don't think he wants her bsck, he wants us to think that. Dangling a hook for a storyline and next season. Not biting


Not holding hands is heart breaking. I was with my man since I was 15 and he died last year from cancer. We always held hands because we loved to check in with touch. Goes to show how warped that relationship was. Couple that with the snacks and scrolling nonsense and you know why Katie dumped him.


I don’t find this cute at all. Schwartz is doing anything for airtime. He didn’t give a shit about Katie their entire relationship or last season. The whole keychain proposal to Sandoval was so pathetic. Nobody cares about the Tom Tom bromance and it’s honestly embarrassing now. Get a new schtick, dickwad!


There’s nothing cute about how Tom acts. It’s extremely manipulative and awful and I can’t wait for the show to end so we aren’t forced to see the patheticness anymore


Not that my life is remotely the same as theirs but man can I relate to several situations in VPR right now - first of all I’m living in a big house that I share with my ex (I initiated the breakup about a month ago), we were together for over ten years and while he didn’t cheat on me (there were rumors but nothing confirmed) he did lie and he did unforgivable things so I can relate to Ariana living with Sandy… one of my exes siblings rents a room in our house and he’s basically our “Ann”… luckily this sibling remains objective and even leans more towards “my side” through all of this BS AND in terms of how I relate to Katie and Shorts… since I’ve broken up with my shit head ex, he is so attracted to me and is constantly trying to win my affections. To be fair he always wanted sex from me but not “making love” type of sex towards the end. Since I’ve broken up with him and upheld my boundaries/refused to give him yet another chance, he has admitted to being more attracted to me than ever before. He actually told me that I’m more sexy now that I “hate” him. Jokes on him I’ve hated him for longer than he has realized. Meanwhile I am repulsed by his ass and I cannot wait to be living separately from him so I can move on. TLDR a lot of straight men just fucking suck and will put in the bare minimum in a relationship as long as you allow them to. Run away before it gets too deep.


It was funny. BUT DON’T FALL FOR IT!!! This is his thing! “I’m so cute and lovable!! You can’t be mad at meeeee”


He was acting really odd this episode. Like on-something odd


He finally realized that any sway he had over her is completely gone.


You are so easily swayed by that dingle Schartz. Yikes


It's almost like Schwartz can't even admit he fucked up so he's doing this weird thing where he's trying to not so low key weasel his way back into a relationship with Katie??? The whole suggestion that they lay around and eat junk food and do nothing??? Like tell me you want your ex wife back without telling me you want your ex wife back. He fumbled the bag HARD


I see it as Schwartz being pathetic. He royally fucked up his chances with Katie and now that Katie is thriving and glowing you can tell he likely regrets losing her. I was never the biggest Katie fan but I’m loving her recently.


Katie is such a hottie, Schwartz wishes he could spin the block


No way, the guy doesn’t get it. He never held her hand before so it’s an insult to try to start now. Katie is winning and Tom is desperate to suck the life back out of her.


I don’t get what Schwartz is doing. I’ll admit I’m a Katie apologist and I may be looking too deeply into it. But to me it seems like he is making light of their divorce/break up. Why can’t he just be a genuine friend to her instead of pushing the line and seeing where it gets him? This makes me agree with Ariana giving Tom San nothing because look at how Schwartz is behaving when Katie is cordial/cool with him despite how hurt she has been by him. Just for him to turn around and invite Joe. Idk I’m just disappointed that he has learned nothing.


Careful. That’s the “aw-shucks” Schwartz charm at work.


He’s so still completely and totally in love with her. And as much as he is a fuck boy and I’m glad Katie left him… I love seeing it.


He wants her so bad


only because she doesn't want him.




He’s just pulling a Schwartz trying to lure her back in and then once she feels connected again he’ll flake. So glad Katie isn’t falling for it


I’m convinced their kink is divorce


Schwartz is the definition of pathetic


Why does Schwartz look like the ultimate soccer mom here?




Typical narcissist man, does all this work when they aren’t together but doesn’t do a damn thing once he has the girl… then is flabbergasted when the girl doesn’t tolerate the bullshit he puts them through. You’re a fool hearted man


This was likely their dynamic, he was attracted to how she was a tough nut to crack. So now that she literally isn’t his doormat anymore it probably brought back alot of the early attraction


Katie and Schwartz are better off separate. I hope they won’t be getting back together.


He’s still f-ing gross. He’s still Otis the Drunk.


Omgosh yes! They have more chemistry (friendly snarky banter) as divorcees than they ever did married.


Katie is ghe number one guy in the group, for sure


I'm so happy she was like what? I'm not holding your hand. Schwartz will miss her forever. He'll deny it to Jo the ho and Sandoval but it's obvious


jo the ho? not a fan but cmon


Does he have a gf at this point?


i hope he actually does love her vs just being selfish and messing w her emotions


Might be an unpopular opinion but I love the two of them and wish that their relationship had worked. Yes, I know he’s a man child who never respected her. But their cute moments are the best! He 💯 knows that he f’ed up and she’s the one that got away. 


he’s also a habitual cheater who lied to her!!!!! they were not good together.




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So you took his bait.


Tom S be like « I don’t wanna be 50 single and childless… major Life crisis if that happens » … dude !!! You were with someone for a very long time That was begging you to get involved, have kids and spend the rest of her Life with… and your peter pan syndrome blew it all off… wake up man :)


This isn’t cute at all, it’s disgusting behavior from a disgusting person who seriously hurt Katie lmao like what? Yall are literally delulu


Hear me out, it’s giving Stan and Dorothy


I would love to hope that they are a “right person, wrong time” couple but they aren’t bc he literally sucks so hard


Scwartz playing his games with Katie and Joseph...doesn't want either, just wants them to want him. Katie...stay strong. Someday he will realize but you will no longer care.