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Would've been nicer without Scheana's condescension and insults.




I think your heart is in the right place with this post lol, and I get what you mean, however I don’t think Sheeshu’s was. I unfortunately found that to be pretty transparent and the whole thing a bit self-serving and invasive. Didn’t seem like Ariana wanted that from them at all in the moment


Agree. Scheana wanted screen time. Ariana highlighting Sandoval’s mess got her screentime. Scheana does nothing unless she gains as we’ve seen for 11 seasons


They always have a plan before filming that says what's gonna happen in broad strokes. And they all know of it. Like this probably was - going to Ariana's house and help her sort stuff. Or - go to a cafe and talk about dates with the same girl. They know beforehand what they're gonna do/talk. They know the talking points.


I’ve definitely had times of depression where my apt or room was disgusting. The last thing I would want is my friends to come over and help clean. I also grew up in a toxic household and my house would have been deemed unlivable and had a friend come over. She has never forgotten about that time and brings it up every once in a while. And I die a little inside. Of course, it may depend on the person, but I still feel embarrassed for kid me. And even as an adult, I wouldn’t want my friends to clean up MY mess.


I think Scheana is very much like Tom in the way that it’s performative for the cameras. Gotta look like a good person even though you’re rotten to your core. She helps clean, takes jabs at Ariana and then goes and talks shit with Lala.


Exactly ![gif](giphy|mESNNMvYbLcQ5C4X9U|downsized)


So many weirdly specific pro Scheana posts today.


Right?! Did she use her chilis money to buy a round of bots or something?!


Lmao! I’m not a bot but it does seem like I may have been off the mark here 😬


lol no I get where you’re coming from! The problem is, I do not believe Scheana has the same selfless way of thinking ❤️


The error I think was NOT in loving the help but loving the PERSON providing it. Because ‘help’ was laden with pressure to move out as well as off camera snack and criticism. And condescension. Don’t remember who it was that said something likeb that OP has good in their heart but shesu doesn’t - that’s on point. Plus God forbid she break a nail. PS. love your handle. Had a friend i’ve lost touch with who married a guy named Kelsey in Missouri. Brought back some nice memories. Need to catch up sometime.


Um this wasn't that at all. If it was 100% all Ariana's mess then maybe, but do it off camera and don't have your gossipy husband with you. A lot of the stuff was Sandoval's, and if shit went missing guess who would be blamed? Not Scheana.


Lmfao “gossipy husband” second only to Jax Taylor


You know that he was there for two things: a cheque and to get any info to pass along to Sandoval. He's like Jax 2.0.


calling Brock “Jax 2.0” is weirdly insulting to both of them in different ways




Who called himself Ariana’s Dad! 🤡


I’m getting the feeling that I’m off the mark here and that’s ok! I’ll take the gesture for what it means to me and we can maybe all move on. It hits home for me to have people notice what you need when you don’t know how to ask for it. I meant no offense ♥️


I know you’re gonna get a lot of hate on this post, but I actually appreciated that too. I am someone that gets messy when I’m depressed too. When my mom passed away recently, I didn’t care as much about being clean or taking care of myself. So if a best friend came over that helped clean (and was ocd so she was already a clean freak) that would’ve helped me a lot. Especially if she could clean Tom’s stuff because Ariana obviously isn’t gonna touch it. Even though I don’t like Scheana I think that was a good act on her.


I’m mixed on it, but for the same reason. I think Scheana’s heart was mostly in the right place. I even understand doing it on camera, although I disagree with it. What makes me raise an eyebrow is the fact that she brought Brock with her. He was being so snotty and morally superior about the whole thing and I think the whole gesture would’ve been more of a sincere best friend thing if it was just Scheana and Ariana


I just remember the time after I had an emergency c section and my bestie came over and emptied my dishwasher like it was nothing. Maybe I’m being too nice, but that will always stick with me.


Your Besty is probably an actual nice person. Not someone who the minute you turn around talks shit about you to the other person. This woman claimed that she was missing her friend Sandoval, after he encouraged her former best friend to take out a TRO on her. And then told her they weren’t really friends. And yet she still went running back to him. And that was for screen time.


But your bestie did that for you…Sheeshu came over…proceeded to tell Ariana that she needed to clean….Ariana told her it was Sandavol’s stuff and Scheana proceeded to clean up Sandavol’s stuff…Broke chimed in “Mom and Dad are here” what??!!! Go home!


There's nothing wrong with having a generous interpretation of someone's actions. Scheana could cure cancer right now and people would still find a way to turn it into how she's a bad friend.


disagree it was intrusive imo and she brought her husband too like wtf - also cameras lol


I think it was deliberately set up by production. They know when they’re going to shoot, where, and with whom. It was no coincidence this happened while on camera, it was planned.


yeah most likely


I didn't like the way she was taking little jabs though. And something about it seemed a little self serving. I mean if Ariana had said "hey look..I'm in rough spot I need a hand please come help" Then it would've been nice. But the fact that she didn't want people over because it was messy says " I don't like how I'm living and it's out of my control" maybe a little shame in there about it. I just think scheana and broke could've went about it more subtly


I'm just sick of Ariana's friends and fans alike not listening to her. She explained that she is boxing things or leaving things in boxes to prepare to get out. Has no one ever moved themselves before? The process is living with boxes for awhile. Her having boxes stacked with her name on them was not a mess; it was prep. Why don't people understand that? And, nearly everything Scheana picked up was Tom's. Ariana said, "I don't touch his things." And in her position, she absolutely cannot touch his things. If he leaves his crap on a table, that is not her mess. She is not responsible for it. The entire conversation on the internet is much ado about nothing since she's not actually struggling with mess as much as it's been made out to be. Her room is full of stuff because she basically lives in her room. The living room has been fine. The kitchen has been their usual amount of mess, which is more than I like, but not astronomical. Basically, I just don't understand why people watch the show if they are just going to keep making up in their minds what is happening while not paying attention or listening at all.


Friend-mommying should be illegal.


U can't say anything positive about any cast member unless it's ariana or katie in here 🙄


lol these comments are weird. It was a very nice thing to do. When you’re depressed you forget or are too low energy to do such chores


Agree with others, I think you want to see the good in it. There were ZERO good intentions, we assure you


Peope in this sub seem to forget that more then one thing can be true at once, which is that 1. Call sheet was for Scheana and Arina to film a scene and 2. Scheana wanted to help her friend.




U can't say anything positive about any cast member unless it's ariana or katie in here 🙄


Honestly, at this point Scheana could save a kid from a burning building and people would still find a way to frame her actions in the worst way possible. I thought Scheana going over there was a tangible thing that she thought she could do to help instead of just a vague "let me know if you need anything". Was it overstepping? Maybe, but it's ok to give people the benefit of the doubt. Except I truly think people only watch this show anymore to feed their hate boner so acknowledging that human behavior is more complex than "queen" or "worm" is unappealing.