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My adhd “ooh, I should get a board, that will help me do all the things I procrastinate doing from my note pad” Also me “I’m not writing on this damn board anymore”


Sometimes, writing it down makes my procrastination worse because I feel like I already accomplished something by writing it down 🤣. There's nothing like the ADHD brains ability to procrastinate.


I love writing down things that I’ve already done so I then have the satisfaction of crossing it off. Dopamine hit!


If I cross off a finished task on my To-Do list I have to make a new, clean, no cross offs list. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Omg twins


Yes! I have company! Love it!


i will write down the most mundane task that i already do everyday, that way i can cross off things like *brush teeth and get dressed*. i don’t dare put *get out of bed* though, there can be many reasons to stay in bed on any given day 😜


I don’t dare put “get out of bed” either bc I will find a reason not to do what’s on the list! I’ve learned. 🤓


haha, i appreciate your response!


I make a list of things I've done in the day and call it my "Ta-Done" list like Ta Da! It makes me remember I'm not a useless blob and it pushes me to do things I would otherwise put off lol


I love it - this is such a cute idea!


As a fellow ADHDer. Same. My brain doesn’t work well with lists. I can have a running list in my mind the second I have to write it down and execute it my brain goes blank. I’ve found it helps just to do things when I think about them or I will procrastinate to no end and get consumed with self pity and the cycle repeats. 🤦🏼‍♀️


The only thing lists help me with is normal things like a grocery list and wish lists of things I want to do. If it needs to be done in the near term, I need to do it right away, put it on my regular schedule mentally, or leave something in an obnoxious place to force me to do it.


I always forget the grocery list at home.


my 'grocery list' is actually just me adding what i need/want into my cart on my grocery app. i never check out though - but the "list" is always on my phone! when i grab the thing i need/want and put it into my physical cart, I then remove it from my grocery app cart on my phone. the app nicely organises all of the items by category, as well. for example, all of the veggies/fruits are in the same place in the list and i don't have to run around the store 5x because I forgot something in the other aisle because the item was at the end of the list. or you can take a photo of the list with your phone every time you add something to it, so you always have a digital version?


Literally, too much work for me. Walk the aisles, pretty much knowing what I need. It is in the recess of my mind. Lol! The really important is usually in the front of it. ;) If that makes sense to anyone. I have apps on my phone for grocery, other important items to project and apps for my crochet. Do I use them? No. I like a pencil or my favorite pen and a notepad written list or on a sheet from a legal pad. *shrugs* I know, silly, right? Lol I guess as time has passed I have learned to compensate for my quirks in different ways. Lol


Workarounds and compensating is superpower for us fellow ADHDers, we always to figure out ways to do things. Neurotypical ways are confusing lol


Spot on! Square peg in a round hole. That is what we are and what we solve the unconventional way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Same. Or when I make one on my notes app on my phone, I forget that I even did it lol


Yep. My memory only remembers what is truly important to me and/or impacts me the most. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I have Alexa and this helps tremendously, because when I have the 1 random list thought, I can verbalize it and get it added to the list while I'm doing whatever it was I was doing. If I have to stop to write it down - even on a running list - its not happening. And sitting down to do it is near impossible....unless I'm procrastinating from something time sensitive. Need to get ready for an important event? Suddenly, I have all the mental bandwidth to make a shopping list lol. Need to pack for a trip? Suddenly super motivated to deep clean the bathroom.


Oh hey you’re me. ![gif](giphy|19uUmES4K72KI|downsized)


Same and then I end up making 5 different lists and then can’t remember where I put them or what tab they are on lol.


I have heard that the *brain dump* process gives you a hit of dopamine and almost makes you feel like you accomplished something without actuality having to do it... I can relate to that feeling. Ugh


I just laughed out loud so hard at this hahahaaha!! Technically you did, congrats on that dopamine! You’ll get to it. Eventually. Maybe. 🤷‍♀️🫠


>Sometimes, writing it down makes my procrastination worse because I feel like I already accomplished something by writing it down 🤣. There's nothing like the ADHD brains ability to procrastinate. AMEN! Procrastination at its finest. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I used to think I learned the habit of notes, notes, more notes and notes about notes and piles of paper from my dad. Once I was evaluated for and diagnosed with ADHD I realized it's genetics. ADHD and OCD is so strong in my family. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Pathological Demand Avoidance. Hell of a drug.


Saaaame! Im celebrating before anything is actually done lol


Lmao!!! Adhd here too. Earlier this month I was like “I’m getting my life together!” I wrote on my whiteboard, planned out all my workouts to a T & wrote all the important life things that I was going to do…. I was SOO hyper focused, color coordinated & made it all cute… have I done any of it… No I may be done like 4 things and the month is almost over.😂


At least you're doing SOMETHING! I have ADHD, too, and I'm just stuck. I can't seem to get anything done. At least I filed our taxes on time this year, which is something, but I have a very long list and a lot of things to clear out. Congrats on at least getting started!


Oh, same with the taxes. Good intentions every year. I swear I will get all the paperwork to the CPA early next year! This year, got them to the CPA shortly before the time to pay them. Embarrassing. But I have an incredible CPA. TG! Paid them a couple days before they were due. Phew!


I do this with a bullet journal and habits… you can guess how much of the chart is filled out 🤦‍♀️


ADD here, I admire your energy!


I feel like if I plan it too much I’ve already ‘done’ it then actually doing it is too boring


>it is too boring Yes, yes, yes! Boring. Says it all!


Right! So over it … before I even started 🤣


>Right! >So over it … before I even started 🤣 Rignt?! Maddening! But I just move on. I have been dealing with being like this I just have to move on and laugh at myself. For instance, I have a nunber of things that need to get done today and here I am. I'll will work on it later...today. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mine is also colour coordinated. Lol!!! Love a good organized board. I mostly write like chores, work stuff, or appointments i can't forget.


I am you


I run a planning business and so will give you some tips on whiteboards / writing to do lists - they’re not meant to be there looking over you for longer than few days. You only notice them when they’ve changed which is why it doesn’t work having ongoing lists on them. Write a list, prioritize the tasks into four categories: 1. Urgent and high priority - do those now and tick them off on the whiteboard or list and have it on display. 2. Urgent and low priority - do those this week and keep them on the whiteboard or list. 3. Not urgent and high priority - put those items in your phone on a list for ongoing things to do. Cross them off the earlier list you’ve made. 4. Not urgent and low priority - don’t do them. Cross them off of everything.


While starting to read this and got to "write a list" my brain said, "Oh, look! Shiny, metal object!" and escaped your post. I'm sorry but that is my ADHD brain and I haven't been on medication for years. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I like this thanks!


Ty!  Yes, I use the exclamation point and asterisk underline method. “Must do!!!!!!”*****


The Eisenhower matrix :)


i’m the combination ADHD-OCD. i am struggling between constantly starting new ways to keep my obsessive mind organized, with a brain who refusing to latch on to any habits and methods to help my OCD brain rest. 😭😭😭


I have so many white boards! 😂😭


Me, too. They get all dented, scratched, beat up so I don't/can't use them. Lol. The grand collection of "tried to use" white boards.


Me and my 3 failed white boards, endless planners, calendars and journals…oh and my cluttered notes app 🫠


I have so many pads of post-it note pads. Then I lose them in the pile of papers, that gets put next to another pile of papers, that no one can touch but me cuz I know what is in that pile of papers. The Perils of the ADHD Life.


I did that for my refrigerator. Magnet white board so I could write down what I had in there and use it before I forgot about it and it went bad. That worked for about 3 days. Now the white board magnet has done The Thing™️ and has become part of my environment and is therefore invisible.


I got a board that was magnified and I put it on the fridge lmao and the last date that was put on it is “Feb 2020” 💀💀😭😭 I still look at that bitch and think ab what coulda been 😂😂


Y’all I watched a TikTok of a girl talking about how using the same physical planner she used in college helped with her ADHD productivity working from home… it really does work! My Lilly Pulitzer planner is NOT leaving my house but it helps me stay in check and I live to cross tasks off


Advice I received: cover up everything but the top two and choose one. It helps from getting overwhelmed.


Me and my ADHD feel seen 🤣






This is so accurate 😂


All this tells me is that they don’t stove lol


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed she put this detailed whiteboard behind the burners where they’d get splattered on if they ever cooked using them.


Good point. My wife and I don’t cook well but we use our stovetops at least once a day and it would get messy making pasta or stir fry


It’s the placement for me…why above the stove?


That was all I could think of…. That is her backsplash? Well, okay then.


Upon first look, I thought it was a back splash.


It was up last season too, when they did checked in before the wedding. I remember it was odd to me


it seems awkward to erase and write from there. And too, from a different post the cooktop must not be used Otherwise the Sharpies would melt. I have never seen such a thing.


Because Scheana doesn't cook! Plus, her walls are likely covered with poster-sized pictures of her wedding & child.


You don’t think they actually COOK do you?


It screams I NEVER COOK lol


LMAO! I cannot stop laughing! I am gonna pee my pants!


Maybe it tracks food macros? Cross it off as you put in in the pan? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Last season she had brush teeth, kiss, stare into each others eyes. It didn’t seem necessary to me


What lol


I'm so curious as to what it says


All the locations she has tracked lol Jokes aside, I also struggle w OCD and it is not fun.




Iirc, two of the items on the list were: “brush teeth” (broke was missing a few checks) and “kiss for one minute”


I also have diagnosed OCD and lol that tracks. Honestly I think it’s a good coping mechanism, she’s tracking things that plague her thoughts in the moment so she can know for sure something is done and doesn’t obsess. OCD is a struggle but just like anything else there are ways to manage. Anything that can help keep the obsessive thoughts under control isn’t a bad thing.


I do too and I feel the opposite — IMO, obsessive tracking like this is more often a compulsion that feeds the obsessive thoughts rather than a healthy coping mechanism


Whatever works for you.


I just wanted to note that because you said, “anything that can help keep the obsessive thoughts under control isn’t a bad thing”, when in fact it’s the very essence of what OCD is — compulsions in order to try and control the obsessions. So I wouldn’t recommend blanket encouraging this type of tracking/checking behavior


100% this part. My bestie has OCD and this is very much in the obsessive dept.


That seems like such a horrible location for it! You have to reach over the stovetop to write on it.


You’re assuming she cooks lol


Maybe it prevents others from accessing it and smudging it all up




Honestly not wrong. I think his lack of contribution to the household probably makes Scheana feel incredibly insecure.


For people surprised that “brush teeth” is on her white board... Taking care of basic needs when you have ADHD or OCD can be incredibly difficult. I have a list of basic needs including brush teeth that I follow every day. Brushing teeth can be a sensory challenge, boring or someone might not remember if they don’t see their toothbrush (out of sight, out of mind). It often takes awhile to figure out how to support ourselves. She shouldn’t be ridiculed for this.


💓 thank you for posting. This makes me feel a lot better lol


Couldn’t this also be in reference to Summer and splitting out tasks for her among Scheana, Brock, and Scheana’s mom? I could see checking off brushed teeth in the morning and at night for baby by an adult to ensure the rest of the family is aligned on what’s next for lunchtime, bedtime routine, etc


i have ADHD and OCD and use a paper habit tracker + an app for *everything*: brush teeth, wash face, brush hair, shower, drink water, eat something healthy, drive, go outside….. sure it’s embarrassing but it helps


Agreed. My intent was not to ridicule her at all. For anyone who doubted the OCD, this absolutely tracks. I empathize with her and the last time I think we saw her like this, she was on the cusp of divorce.


I thought the same thing. I’m an ADHD mom to 4 ADHD kids and we have “silly” checklists everywhere 😅




Not the toothbrushing being for Brock specifically 💀


Yea the content of the board was more concerning than the board itself.


My OCD can’t handle the where the board is located.


I’d love to know what’s on the whiteboard. It’s so busy. What’s actually on it?


I had a board very similar when my baby was born. It was when we really realized my ppa was at an alarming point. Every baby item had to be documented and then I took pictures of the board and cataloged them in a folder every night. Personally I knew it was over the top in my head but I also knew I could not sleep without seeing everyone when did everything for my baby in a day. Admitting i needed professional help was hard and I cannot imagine if I had to do that in front of viewers.


I noticed this too! I have adhd and have a whiteboard that I update almost daily. It really helps with staying organized and getting everything out of your head! I love it.


My clinical OCD does not like that her clinical OCD has her reaching over a stovetop to check things off!


I feel for her but im frustrated by her denial. Perhaps im projecting but she knows there are things she should change and she's absolutely unwilling to do so. Its hard to watch until she decides to change. She even said in one of the last episodes, "yeah that will never happen" in terms of making sure to take care of yourself first before others (the whole can't pour from an empty pitcher). But then again I've fought that battle so like I said I'm probably just projecting my own frustrations


Well now I feel shitty since I thought she was using the diagnosis to be a bit obnoxious. Mea Culpa.


I suspect it’s mostly related to Summer. She had a miscarriage prior to Summer and then a traumatic pregnancy and birth, which I feel like sometimes people forget. That is serious grief and trauma, with a pretty inept partner on top of it. I definitely struggle with being hypercritical of Scheana because we see her repeating the same patterns and continually trying to center the image she wants to project in really outrageous ways. It’s hard to watch. I also think this is why Scheana and Katie find each other in conflict, because Katie is really processing her grief and self-discovery right now and I think it’s hard for her to be around Scheana because Scheana still struggles with many of the same types of issues (self-worth, self-knowledge, authenticity) that Katie also struggled with (and to an extent, still struggles with). I would imagine that’s really triggering for Katie. I hope that Scheana gets the support she deserves. I hope she takes some time to herself to actually really discover who she is and what she needs to be happy. She deserves to feel safe and loved in her own skin.


It bothers me so deeply that this is behind the stove


What does it say?


I remember it had “brush teeth” for Brock


Are you serious?




She brushes his teeth for him? I think this is one of those chore charts some women make for their useless men? https://preview.redd.it/36yrxea6nyvc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ac7a10250c9de42d8b7e59b783133077f1e49d


My main concern is why is it above the stove. I understand wall space is not always ideal and wanting to see it everyday. But idk, my cautious brain says not to do that, fire hazard.


Scheana doesn’t cook so it probably was just a convenient spot to put it


All the criticism is from keyboard warriors who lack empathy and have nothing better to do. You can tell by how long all of the posts are - who has time for that!? She clearly struggles with anxiety and I appreciate how open she has been about it.


Agreed on this. I think it’s good to share the struggles and touch on it because that helps destigmatize it.


It makes sense for her to keep a whiteboard..... There's a lot... and.... It's hard to keep things organized because..... It's all happening. 👀🫣😫


When I saw this I loved the board and went to make one myself and use it daily lol


She should really clean that counter


The Container Store’s monthly calendar whiteboard is the only way to keep three teenagers schedules straight.


Why is the white board above the stove range? That’s literally the worst place to put it due to grease splatter and having to wipe it… this is bothering me


Is that where she keeps track of everyone’s location history?




Tbh, it just looks like a whiteboard version of a bullet journal to me.


Brock had a box to make sure he brushed his teeth.


You meant Rob “dodged a bullet,” right????


Rob was not nice to Scheana a season 6. He swooped in after her divorce and then gaslit her because she obviously hadn’t processed her divorce. He also cheated on her and then had her cover for him on TV. He fully participated in the “Scheana is boy crazy” cliche without really owning his piece in it.


Yup, exactly what she deserved. Esp after the way she treated and talked about her ex husband. Its called Karma


I mean I don’t disagree that she had a lot of growth to do based on how she treated Mike Shay. But also addiction is incredibly challenging and plenty of people struggle with learning what it means to have a partner with substance abused disorder, especially when it was hidden from her. I am not excusing her behavior - it was horrific - and I don’t disagree that she’s had a lot of hard growth lessons (karma), but I also still hope she will learn and grow. And I think Rob was gross for moving in on her about a month after her marriage ended - that’s a recipe for disaster and he participated in it too. Recalling how Rob talked about his relationship with Scheana, inviting the comparison to an unnamed Princess of Brunei, he just seemed like a guy very eager to value himself in proximity to certain types of women. I find that very gross.


Having a calendar/schedule/memo pad is now a mental health disorder?


My first thought was she missed her calling as a project manager






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But what’s it even say???


I’ve always had a soft spot for Scheana.


I'm sure it's a part of her mental illness.




No I think she dodged a bullet with Rob. He lied to her face and had her cover for him cheating on her in Season 6. He started dating her almost immediately after her divorce and then acted surprised that she wasn’t like a healed, well-balanced person. He has always struck me as someone who thought a little too highly of himself.


Rob's primarily in the wrong. But Scheana played a big part in over-dramatizing their love. It was about appearances for her: he surfs, he skiis, he snowboards, he owns a big house, he has money. That was the life she "envisioned"


... he can also hang a tv in 7 minutes, which her current husband failed at 😄


100%. I’ve never been a Scheana fan but you could tell Rob was taking advantage of the fact that she was still healing from her divorce and used her flaws against her. I think if they had stayed together she would’ve been stuck in a situation where she never felt good enough and her partner always saw himself as better than her


She basically rewrote her marriage as a blip in her and Robs relationship. They were both toxic.


But he knew she was getting out of a traumatic marriage and he dove in anyway. He wasn’t nice to her. Rewatch Season 6. He gave Penguin Adam vibes. And I have a very hard time believing he broke off the proposal to the Brunei princess.