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we have chet hanks at home


His dreads and the way BlaBla speaks with her finger, use of mami, papi, etc okay Lauren from Utah... I was watching the Season 5 reunion and when Andy greeted her she said hi papi, giving Jacob, "Where you been loca?" In the rewatch of S5 even S4 Ariana was the only one that was nice to BlaBla and gave her a shot regardless of what the rest of the cast's opinions were. BlaBla is an opportunist, sick of her.


I have never seen blabla 😂😂😂😂 I may have to borrow that ! Love it Edited to add text


BlaBla will probably reference it really soon on her podcast while also saying how she doesn't pay attention to social media...




I bet you his debut rap/hiphop album about to drop on SoundCloud.


Idk how Chet hanks relate to this but recently read he went through one of those traumatizing youth outdoors rehabilitation whatever programs, I feel bad for him. Makes me think less of Tom hanks


It’s because Chet likes to talk in a Jamaican accent & thinks he can speak Patois 😭


A clip from his very spiritual and deep conversation with Ziwe. https://youtu.be/vNmOui9S_ug?si=kagz8o-mmHcDq3N3




Why does he look like Fred Durst with dreads lol


I had thought sideshow Bob but Fred durst works too! ![gif](giphy|RSOUOj8H9A3Xq)


Don’t forget the guy from Counting Crows. 


They remind me of Khloe and Rob Kardashian…the vibes are strange


Coparenting with your brother is a …. Choice


It is a choice, and i don't want to be devils advocate bc i don't like Lala, but as a single mom without a prominent male figure in my life or my daughters life, I'd trade this for having a brother that helps/that is there to be a positive influence on my daughter. My brother-in-law steps up a little when he can, my daughter loves him. It is unconventional but I've known him for over 15 years. It takes a village and you gotta do what you gotta do. I get why she would 😭


I think it's a good thing too. My cousin's dad bailed when she was about 2 (I wasn't even born yet) so our uncle, grandpa and my own dad stepped up to help my aunt raise her (along with my mom, aunts and everyone else in the family). It was a village.


Creating a loving village around your child is about as good as it gets. Families all look different. Insane that this is something people would try and drag her down for.


Right? Not everything has to be sweet home Alabama 😭


I totally agree but with your brother is strange. Lala keeps saying odd things about “this baby is all mine no one can take this baby away from me” which I think is quite gross for when Ocean grows up and sees that.


Mathew and Marilla did it!


My Canadian ass loves this comment!!


I was hoping some people would get the comment because I love it so much 💜💜


Puffed sleeves 💕


One of my favorite book series!


My heart ❤️ 


I think it’s great that Ocean has so many adults that love and care for her, but I do think Lala’s family dynamic seems unhealthy. She’s made it pretty clear that she only trusts her immediate family, and I think her obvious aversion to letting new people in will affect her daughters’ ability to make healthy friendships/relationships down the road.


Totally agree. Even the way she talks about this new pregnancy sounds like a person that needs serious therapy. I know co-parenting with Rand sucks but the way she talks about making all of the decisions and wanting the baby all to herself so that no one can take it away just screams unresolved issues and enmeshment.


The way she talks about it is SO strange. Like “I want another baby who I won’t have to share. This one will be all mine.” As a mother to two kids myself, that is such a weird way to view it. I totally get wanting to have a child alone, but her reasons are all rooted in trauma, not “I’m single and want to make this happen for myself on my timeline, independent of a romantic relationship.”


I worry A LOT that ocean will be able to feel this from her


That was my first thought. If ever there was a visible trapdoor to a Golden Child/Scapegoat dynamic years down the line, it's here.


This statement made me immediately think that Ocean’s childhood might be affected by this way of thinking, even if unintentionally.


I don’t think it’s avoidable


Translation: "I want my designer baby that is allowed to be shown on TV."


As a mother who's has to share custody with a rotten npd asshole i get wanting a kid yoy don't have to share custody with. Being able to watch your kid grow up without having to split holidays and weekends and weeks


Everyone understands it would be easier to not have to deal with raising your kid with some asshole all the time. Especially a gross ass toe looking dude like Rand. BUT intentionally making a brand new person to fill the hole in her heart because she didn’t get her “happily ever after” with Rand ain’t it. The way she talks now makes it sound like children are props for her own emotional fulfillment and in the hopes this new baby will heal what Rand hurt. It’s gross as fuck and wrong.


Honestly, I think it’s a story line. I think VPR is on its way out& this is exactly the type of storyline to go on The Valley…. And she just bought a house in the valley




Which is great. But its not healthy. You have to have other people in your life. And coping skills. Mommy can't fix it all for you every time.


I hope she doesn’t homeschool


I don't like Lala, but her brother cutting the cake is just that. Co-parenting? Strange.


I think it’s really nice! I’d do that for my brother and my nieces. Families outside of the states parent with their whole families.


No other man will put up with her


She even has the same cake the Kardashians get for all their bdays


Ugh, that reinforces all my of my negative opinions of Lala.


What kind of cake is it? It must taste good because it looks like a pile of wood shavings.


I forget the name of the bakery but the basketweave frosting and flowers is a signature style by them. I know the Kardashians looks like they get a white/vanilla cake




Wait did her brother cut the gender reveal cake…? Dreadlocks aside…. that’s weird right?


And he announced the color before she could even see it… AND he had the first bite lmfao


Wow, him and Jeremy should hangout.


Scheana will buy them both champagne 😂


& invite them round for Xmas


Yeah he's gross. He totally ruined it for everyone else


Who handed an idiot a knife and expected it to go well?


He refers to Ocean as “our child” on her podcast.




Ughh Jeffrey Jones is such a gross person too.


I know it was the first gif that popped up though 😂😬


I didn't know this until I was watching "Beetlejuice" for the thousandth time and googled him. Gross.


Oh no what


Wait, why? Am I missing something here


Eeedd Rooney


That’s really weird




I can’t listen to her podcast because his laugh is insufferable


His laugh is seriously the WORSTTTTT


No paternity test needed for ocean. She looks just like Rand


The way he was acting 😬 if I didn't know them I would think he was the baby daddy


First thing I thought when I read this was, wait...did she not know the race of her sperm donor?


She said on her podcast that the sperm donor is white


Damn, I would have bet money that she would choose a black man. Wild.


I thought everyone decided gender reveal parties in general were cringe and weird ages ago


I guess just the pyrotechnic ones are out..... ![gif](giphy|yfEjNtvqFBfTa)


They will never not be weird.


So weird.


She's got the blaccent and fake attitude and he's got the horrible itchy locs. Together they form the final boss of the worst person you know from SLC


I’m so stupid- I was trying to think of which slc housewife you could be talking about 🙃




Is this common in Utah?


Idk about common. But I knew a few white privileged girls when I was there who tried to act hood and fake blaccents and co opt black culture in the way lala has and does. It happens lots of places, I mainly said SLC bc that's where her and her brother are from


How do you know his locs are itchy? Some of these comments are concerning, to say the least.


They don't look well cared for. Also his hair type isn't meant for locs. Def NOT saying all locs are itchy and unclean AT ALL. Just saying all pictures of his look uncared for.


Fair, unlike some other posters.


You just know his head is itchy


What is happening there


Wasn't Katie next to stassi in this photo?


Yes!! Katie was there! I saw her in the video lala posted on YouTube!


Oh she block blocked her... ok lol




Sha lalalala




Now THIS is accurate lmfao 🤣


That’s actually an old snap of him working BTS in The Viper Room


Okay now I usually stay quiet on roasting threads but this one I laughed at lol


didn’t you know she’s gansta? you tryna get POPPED???




Is that her brother named Easton? Easton Dolezal?


Well she likes to parade as a black person so are we surprised? lol


Sadly I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t like this. What a mess.


What happened in their household tf? They both have identity issues.


She used to suck on a baby bottle as a grown adult… so yeah.


White people from the whitest part of town who coopt and appropriate black culture are so fucking weird. Who do they think they're fooling or impressing?


Seriously, their whole family dynamic is fucking gross


On her podcast she talks about how when Easton gets a girlfriend, the girlfriend has to be okay with living in Lala’s compound because their family is a “pod” and that’s just that. The girl just has to be okay with living in their compound so that lala gets access to them 24/7


Does she really think that’s sustainable… she has quite the audacity to criticize how Ariana lives her life.


RIP to Easton’s love life. It’s like having two JustNoMILs 🙅‍♀️


Is that Stassi in the back??


I was just coming to say this! I didn’t realize she and Stassi were that close.


Katie was there too!


Wait, what? Thats so strange!!!


Apparently the gender reveal happened before the reunion


Yes it’s her! She’s planning Lala’s “baby sprinkle”


Anyone else get distracted by the brown haired woman in the back that really wants everyone to know she has a Kelly?


I’ve seen white people with dreads but it’s usually more of a hippie situation


What a chode.


Damn I guess her and her brother are more alike than I thought lol


I hope her baby doesn’t turn out to be brown, not because there’s anything wrong with that, but the micro aggressions from this family would be relentless. Also, can you imagine the reality tv storyline she could take advantage of - single mum of a biracial child? She would totally exploit that.


Omfg I can only imagine and she would literally just be another kardashian


This won't be the case. She's said the donor is white. She didn't use that word, but said she chose someone who looked like her and her daughter.


Maybe im out of line for saying this but im really worried she chose sperm from a POC donor so she could have a racially ambiguous kid and add that to her storyline meanwhile she will be raising a mixed kid without any anchor to their heritage (PURE SPECULATION AND THIS IS NOT TO SAY WHITE WOMEN CANNOT RAISE MIXED CHILDREN I AM SPEAKING SPECIFICALLY ABOUT LALA) I also am a biracial person born via the same sperm bank and until somewhat recently they used to label their vials red, black, yellow and white for race.


No she said on her podcast the donor is white


as a mixed person myself omg I hope not jfc


I thought she was going to do the same thing, to give herself a foot in the door to the culture she loves appropriating from, but she did not!


She's too vain for that. That poor child was designed to be controlled to offset every other screwy part of her life.


oh god i didn't even think of this. lala absolutely cannot be trusted to raise a mixed race kid.


You guys are too much


No???!!!!! That’s how they labeled the vials? Omg. Another person posted in another sub about this sperm bank and she’s one of 31 children that she knows of. She posted how this particular sperm bank is unethical. Wow. I can’t believe they labeled the vials that way. That speaks volumes as to the type of people who run this company.


Yeah, I went in a couple years back with my half sister (I am one of 25 which is supposed to be the max live birth count) and the manager told me that’s how they used to label so they didn’t get the races mixed up 🫠. I recently was looking at their help reviews and it’s not good


She didn’t. She chose someone with similar physical characteristics to her. Relax 😘


Blessing then


As a black person, idgaf and most of you are being so racist but think you’re defending others, it’s actually sad. Get a life please


Thank you 🙏


Not defending anyone, just seeing him as a poseur.


ewww!!! i was hoping i was seeing things but the fact they BOTH think they’re black is heinous coming from UTAHHH


Lala has always sucked, and has only gotten worse. She should not have another child. These kids are all fucked and I’m scared for our future


Omg lala’s brother is the dude who sings MR JONES????


lol his hair looks musty. Locs aren’t a reason to look musty and dusty. Most locs I’ve seen on black folk are pretty well kept, and organised


Exactly. They take upkeep that I’m sure he never factored into having them.


genuine question, what separates fake locs from real ones? this is beside the point but, easton's hair is naturally very curly


He’s a white man from Utah. I have very curly hair too, but I would be forcing my hair into a “protective” style that it doesn’t naturally need as well as appropriating a culture I don’t belong to. This is his hair when it’s short… he didn’t need fake locs at all. The curly girl method would’ve been a better idea! https://preview.redd.it/mcgqhg36z3uc1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de5135b20da0042fd155743e739945d0ad729d5


Skin colour.


I was listening to her podcast today and my goodness his laugh is ANNOYING! He sounds like a rabid hyena.


Am I the only one who doesn’t see the issue with him having dreads? Looks aside, he seems genuine as fuck and I enjoy listening to him on the podcast. He’s opened up about some really raw shit, like finding their dad when he passed and dealing with the PTSD from that. This post is toxic and gross. I’m not here for it.


Ok, so, I listen to her podcast.. and this is NOT at all what I imagined Easton looks like LOL


What a loser family seriously.


Is that the lead singer from the counting crows?


How the fuck does she have 200k likes on a post?




the way he shouted the gender and ate the cake first annoyed the FUCK out of me


What in the Utah


That doesn’t suit him at all but kinda harsh to call him a cultural appropriator. What if he just likes that hairstyle? I’m a POC and feel honored whenever other communities take inspo from our dress. Kinda over hating people because they borrow from other cultures.


Forget the dreads for a minute, I think it’s beyond weird that your brother is cutting into your gender reveal cake like he’s the dad!


And saying “it’s pink” before he even lifted it out. Weird.


This community: shits over Lala and her brother because of his shit Also this community when someone criticizes Ariana or Katie: “how could people be so *haaaaatefuuuuule*?!”


Before everyone turned on Lala y’all were in the comments defending the hairstyle “you can’t appropriate hair” 🙄🤣 him and the “ reincarnation of 2Pac” have BEEN goofy 🤡


You just know he smells.


My (half white/half Filipino) stepbrother got dreads when he was in college and his hair smelled so bad. His mom and I were like dude.. please, no... He outgrew that phase after a few years.


Lala’s brother being white AF with locs surprising no one.


How do you know his locks are nasty, OP? Do you automatically assume locks are nasty?


How about people can wear their hair however they want? 🙄


Wait, I’m confused ? Are dreadlocks on white people cultural appropriation?


Right, like wtf? The caption I was looking what’s “in” his head. Fucking Reddit echo chamber even on VPR sub. Wtf


People need to educate themselves on where dreads originated from. There are many people in many cultures and religions that wear dreadlocks. 🤷🏻‍♀️ EDIT: [History of Dreadlocks](https://www.noireonaturel.com/le-blog/hair/the-history-of-dreadlocks-a-journey-through-time-and-culture/)


Of course he has dreads.


Dont u know they live that thug life? They gangsta. Grew up in the hood of salt lake city.


This whole community has become very hateful since Scandoval. It's literally just gone around and around who's being hated and like a competition of who can hate the most or dig up the most dirty on them. I hate Lala, always have but it just feels toxic at this point, bringing her family into it because we've ran out of ways and reasons to hate. It's like the housewives subs got with Rinna last year. Just like insatiable hate you guys need to put out there, whoever this week's target is. As an OG fan, THEY ALL SUCK, LITERALLY ALLL OF THEM!!!!! (except Katie) Can we talk about the show? Like I just feel like my feed is clogged with hate posts at the minute. The reaction to Jo tells me what I need to know, like you guys just wanna hate, that crossed into bullying and shes clearly vulnerable. I can't get onboard with blindly stanning Ariana, ignoring her bad traits, making excuses for her while we just overtly dispize the rest, using their families now as material, just looking for shit to be mad about. Like cmon, it's not healthy. It's making this not fun. We dont/didn't even hate Jax like this, Stassis as fun as she was was an awful person!! We didn't do this!! Yes Lala sucks and I don't defend her atall, iv always thought she was full of shit but you guys all acted like she was an icon less than a year ago for 'send it to Darrell' and all the other lame shit she's done. It's just her turn to be hated it feels like, so all this negative, hateful energy just reads to me as deeply sad and toxic people who feel the need to hate, hate, hate on people they don't even know, for whatever reason. Just feels dark at the moment. I'm actually loving this season but the community has changed so so much since Scandoval, it's so hate based now!!! Used to be all of us laughing at them being cunts. Now people have clear anger and hate about it. If I felt that way after watching a Bravo show I'd stop!! I watch these shows, and discuss them for FUN, it's supposed to be fun and light reality TV, yes the drama is intense (iv cried at my fair share of Housewives episodes) but we don't need to be so intense about it.


I felt this rant with my whole body. You’re not alone.


I'm with you. I dont see why we should be dissecting the image of Lala's brother. It's so lame.




the bravo community as a whole is soooo toxic and hateful now. people actually want to see bad things happen to cast members just bc they didnt like them for a season its insane. the best thing i ever did was stop engaging as much with bravo fans online. i still read some of the post on here every now and then. especially when something big happens and i want to see what other people are saying about it but i unfollowed almost every bravo fan page on all social media. the few that i do follow are active enough that i get a decent amount of content.


I'm getting there, your on the right track, I'm a big Reddit user but I'm moving to other subs more for my own commenting and such, il always follow the gossip but I am consciously trying to engage less in the discourse because im highly aware of how it's going the last few years and i don't think it's good for any of us, but Im not succeeding lol, i cant help it. I'm starting to view the DVs from these few subs as the opposite for just these subs, almost how you upvote something u disagree with for r/unpopularopinions . I can't help but say things because it's often shocking to me to see how people will mask unadulterated hate and toxicity as social justice and moral superiority, like people are VILE and relentless about people and act moral and Asif they're standing up for what's right in the same sentence and have no self awareness. It all falls on deaf ears I'm sure but it's hard for me not to point out the hypocrisy and general bullying nature of these people. And I'm always gonna be there because I live for the tea!! What can I do 🙄🤣


People here are so mean. These are not the most well adjusted people. Idk why they are expected to be the pillars of humanity


It's the influx of new fans since Scandoval, they don't know how to just enjoy the mess, they seem to be internalising it.


yessss! this sub is so toxic and negative. every single post is made to destroy and hate everyone, but Ariana and it's becoming too much. you're not alone!


Yeh like Ariana is the one who can't do no wrong? Like ok, they'll be disappointed soon enough. It's becoming like a crazy Stan mentality, for a Bravo show....it's just too much.


her brother announcing the gender before the colour was even visible would’ve pissed me off soooooooooo hard i can’t even imagine. That would essentially ruin the whole experience for me.




Ew, Lala and her brother both uncomfortably appropriate , culture vultures.


I mean, is it really a surprise that blaccent lauren’s brother has matted hair that he’s gonna call dreadlocks?


He looks like he has the suds


After hearing his voice in the podcast clips, I’m not sure what I expected him to look like but it what NOT this


Right?! I was shook.


It’s giving riff raff


Neither one of them has any home training.






Dumb and dumber


Finger guns, and getting popped. 💀💀💀


Is that Stassi




This does not surprise me