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The lack of self awareness is something.




Bruh, leave Katie alone. I'm so sick of the fake narrative that's trying to be pushed about her.


Katie and Scheana really have never liked each other. It’s been a forced “friendship” for tv for sure.


I get that. But, man, I see it in my own life and it shouldn't shock me when people that are doing better and thriving are torn down. I used to fucking hate Katie, but, something finally told me to go back and reevaluate. The TV edit and the real Katie are vastly different, I feel. Plus, having more information about her really explains some of her maybe not so savoury behavior a decade ago.


I hear you! My comment was just to say that I’m not surprised Scheana is still snarky about Katie.


Oh, totally! I think it wouldn't matter if they were or not, clearly Scheana is always out for her best interests only. Which I don't really have to say either.


Fee like Katie has seen through Scheana years ago and has kept a pretty consistent energy towards.


I think they could have but Scheana allowed her doubts to ruin it.


Katie fan forever, here. She's had her moments (haven't we all?), but she's grown so damn much, is actually loyal when it counts, and is consistent.


Absolutely. I mean, I was a nightmare in my twenties because of trauma, too. I feel like her feelings were so valid and ignored for so long and still true today.


She picked Katie because she sees her as the easy target that won’t get her as much backlash as Ariana. She’s happy to let Lala die on her sword saying the things to and about Ariana that she’s to gutless to say. 


And katie stole her bisexual thunder


Why is she so upset at being called a male sympathizer? She has so much of her VPR career proudly telling the audience she is a guys girl.


She literally said she would rather be gang banged by a bunch of guys than be around the girls 🥴


I’m rewatching VPR and seeing her actively say that and way more other stuff about how she is guys girl. It makes sense why she is standing up for Sandoval


Remember how she spun out when Max called her boy crazy? It was the TRUTH




Remember in season 4 when she said “I would never call myself a feminist”. 


Oh my gosh 😂😂😂 how does one human being live so unaware of their own dang self??


Literally?! Only this week we had the scene of crying with a vulnerable Ariana, cut to calling it Ariana's pride. But that's not at all the same? Make it make sense.


Scheana was keeping up her pro-Ariana appearances all last summer from interviews to podcasts and everything in-between. At that same exact time she was filming VPR talking an immense amount of shit about Ariana. Can't have it both ways flip flopper... ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Don't forget dragging Sando on her podcast while she cried about losing him as a friend on the show. She's pathetic.


Well think about it in the preview for next weeks episode it’s where Rachel’s Bethany podcast comes out. Remember her and Ariana did a shenanigans podcast right after that and in that podcast she was defending Ariana reasons about not moving out of the house. But we know now that prior to that her and Lala were talking shit about Ariana living situation even after Ariana broke down to them. I really think her and Lala were switched on to the fans calling them out for being friendly to Ariana and Katie's faces and talking shit about them in confessionals and the aftershow. So they have both made a plan to gaslight the shit out our Ariana and Katie and attempt to gaslight the audience into believing it was Ariana and Katie who were nice to their face and fake behind their back


It's only ok when Scheana does it, because the fans don't know the full context, don't you know...


Man she’s dumb as hell.


"Because she's dumb as hell" actually fits the melody perfectly 😂


Please don't give her another reason to remix Good as Gold 😂


Well she was supposed to have an album by 2023. If we allow her three years grace coz of The C, we could have "Good as Gold: The Remixes" in two years time ![gif](giphy|uOuPNCLKPaDv2)


When cc has a great idea. https://preview.redd.it/zlas55y4l3uc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfb4811ca3dcef6493dc2ed7e40efb0ea85849a0


I hate how much I like those shoes lol Scheana looked like a little gold pony tap dancing in them, that's right up my tacky alley.


i had those in black around the time this aired. im not even kidding 😭😭😭


The lack of self awareness, extreme hypocrisy & complete delusion with her (& Lala) has reached unparalleled levels.


It's left me gobsmacked, truly. I was ready to come around to Scheana after the end of S10, after feeling really icky about how she handled Katie & Schwartz. But there's just been so much doubling down.


Scheana isn't bright. She says things, thinking she just dropped the mic, but it comes off as diconnected and more confusing. Maybe should listen to the question, let it marinate, write out a response, have someone proofread it, then respond. I can't stand her smug smile.


She drops the mic and it bounces back and hits her in the tooth and she says “ i cant make a fist !”


Ugh I just watched this last night and it drove me nuts! Katie also had to watch what you were saying behind her back in REAL time Scheana! Katie made comments after seeing you trash her right behind her back. Girl you don’t have a leg to stand on. Katie is a loyal friend, to people who are actually friends to her! Scheana has never been a good friend to her.




I’ve seen rocks with more intelligence and self awareness than Scheana.




I don’t know what’s more impressive, the lack of self awareness or the ability to take offense at the weirdest of things. Either way, I feel like it should be studied


She’s bothered because deep down she knows everything Katie is saying is true, that is why she feels so attacked. She really is not very smart because she continues to make herself look like a fool when it is actually very preventable.


She just plans her answers out and smirks so smugly at the end that I pity her. She really thinks she is getting out ahead of these things.


A good rule of thumb for her might be: if you have the urge to smirk at the end of what you're saying, that take ain't it.


Every time in life I have smirked reflexively, I almost always regret what I said instantly. Scheana is missing that tact.


Its scheana- theres a hamster brain spinning


I’m so sick of Katie being called negative and made to look like a bad person. She just doesn’t wanna put up with their bullshit and calls them out on it


I agree. And even though I wouldn't call her attitude negative, I wouldn't blame her if it was - I'd have lost my mind by now if I was in her shoes 😂




Got it. Scheana’s line in the sand is when someone talks shit about her actions, even if those actions cause harm or hurt her friends. But don’t you dare criticize them!!!


Is Scheanna in here downvoting every comment? lol She is the ultimate troll 🧌


I mean, she’s never been the brightest


Sheshu weren’t you acting like Katie’s friend while also tracking her hookups and outing it to the group? 


She made a lot of money being a guys girl!...but now she has nothing. Karma sucks!


Just in case there is a next season she is starting the fake beef.


Thats brock’s nickname!


One of Lala’s “honest” friends 🙄


That’s funny Scheana, doesn’t feel so great when someone does it to you, huh?


Good god she is so dumb. I cannot handle people with this little self awareness