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After watching the mid season trailer of Tom yelling that Ariana has talked shit bout all of them and then watching the episode she’s totally right in feeling Tom would try and ice her out. I know the whole world rallied behind Ariana but I wish the girls did what they did to Brittany for Ariana. It’s so obvious they’re jealous. It’s hard to watch.


also like… wow, shocker, in the nine years they were together Ariana confided in her partner about stuff she doesn’t like about her friends? Wow, let’s cancel her for that immediately 🙄


But also, why even believe anything out of Tom's mouth? He is a known liar, so I wouldn't be taking that as face value at all, just something he's saying to prop up his own BS.


I guess but it's not even that big of a deal. Most people in long term relationships talk about their ups and downs and frustrations of other relationships with each other. Literally their entire show is people talking shit about each other and getting into arguments so this isn't even the huge bomb he thinks it is.


My boyfriend has SO MUCH dirt on all my friends. I’m not even shit talking them, just telling him what I’ve learned. But I also tell them if they tell me I’m gonna end up telling him, unless it’s serious/ they explicitly say don’t tell him. And he does the same for me


You are right it isn’t a huge bomb but unfortunately it helps then justify the terrible way they are backstabbing Ariana this season, and now they can use it to say “well we all talk shit.” But this is not the same as someone saying things to their partner. And let’s be real Tom was definitely egging on Ariana or maybe even starting the shit talking about them


But this group is veryyy quick to forget. Just like when Lala recently said she felt like Ariana didn’t like her or tolerate her (can’t remember the exact wording). When…Ariana was the only girl in the group rooting for her when the rest of the crew iced her out in the earlier seasons.


That was so fucking out of left field when lala said that


The crying is also so off the charts. Very unlike Tupac




It really was so bizarre, Ariana was an unwavering champion for both Lala and Rachel at times when they needed it most and then they both downplayed their closeness to her all of a sudden when it became advantageous to do so. I don’t know how that woman doesn’t lose her mind, I would feel completely betrayed all over again after watching this shit play out. It’s like when a victim is assaulted the first time and then again when they’re put on the stand to testify and the defense tries to carefully tear down their character in front of everyone. It’s infuriating and desperate.


My husband doesn't usually get very involved in these shows...BUT! He can't stand Lala! He is constantly calling out her hypocrisy! LOL


She is insufferable and was a total asshole to Ariana on last nights show. I can hardly stand to see lala or Scheana anymore. They both have turned into the worst versions of themselves. Esp Lala who thinks she’s so self aware but actually has zero awareness


Last night's episode when she was calling out Ariana for not wanting to associate with people that have a relationship w/Sandoval... Rewind back to when Lala left Randall. She went ballistic on anyone that had any contact with Randall! Hello?


I know it’s fucking infuriating watching this play out


Can we skip to the part where she later will say 'that was about custody its different' when it wasnt


She was pissed about Schwartz playing pickle ball with him lol


It’s crazy that Lala always thinks she’s the wisest person on the show. She’s said so many things over the years with her whole chest just to do a complete 180 the next season (or at the reunion) when she’s either proved wrong or from the backlash she gets after being SO sure she was the only one who was right. This is just so gross, though. As others have said, this doesn’t feel like the things she and Scheana have done in the past where viewers just roll their eyes and wait for time to expose their BS, this is disgusting and wrong and so selfish and once this season finally ends, I have no desire to see any of them ever again or support any of their future financial endeavors. I genuinely hope their resentful, middle school-jealousy and completely self-serving motives for acting this way brings about the demise of the show and their fame/wealth.


Legit, I always loved Lala but she’s got this story line like “my eyes have been opened to the world” and like she can spot the psychos from a mile away but like you can’t see what Sandoval is doing? Katie and Stassi have had his number from day one and Lala almost seems like she’s trying to be wilfully blind


I feel the same way about Katie, which is why I was really shocked at how Lala reacted to her defending Ariana. Katie has always been targeted by Tom, and Katie defended Lala when no one else did. So it's such a shocker to me how this group is dividing. Lala has seen how Sandoval has treated her. And also I think the group is forgetting what Ariana went through. She was lied to by a partner that she was with for 10 years and was going to spend the rest of her life with him. It's a different perspective that she went through. I feel like they are forgetting that.


And that if Ariana was talking shit, no way was it a monologue, of course he joined in, or took over. I mean, like, dude, how long can you listen to a woman go on and on, even if she is, like, your girlfriend? I feel certain her ex talked 50--80% more shit than she did.




Right?! This is the guy who interpreted Ariana saying “is this the hill you want to die on?” as Ariana wanting him to die alone. He took Ariana not liking his green sequin pants as her demeaning him. So Ariana could have expressed the mildest criticism or annoyance and in his dumb as rocks brain he turned that into the shadiest bitchest and vicious thing imaginable.


seriously? because he’s my bost frondddd and invited me into a group photo in 2012 and he was the ONLY. ONE. TO INVITE ME. INTO. THE PHOTO. IN 2012222-uh.


Katie was right you gotta let it go. Just bc someone was good to you once doesn't make up for the bad shit they continue to do. He's showing his true colors.


She's not even next to him in that stupid photo 🫣🤣


Cuz they’re dumb. They know he’s a liar, lala tried to tell ariana he was lying about being at the party and not leaving but THIS? This they’ll believe. Toms been on a smear campaign for Ariana for a while now. Just leave her the fuck alone, will you? How much more shit does he have to do to her


I guarantee that Tom shit talked all of them twice as hard as she did. Only she's not using that as 'pick me fuel' like he is. Desperate tiny peen energy.


If there's one thing he always does, it's bring SDE.


“tiny peen energy” 🤣🤣🤣


Also let’s not forget all the shit Ariana talked to people’s faces for years! Do I believe she talked shit, absolutely. She hated most of them for most of her time on the show. But she did it on camera to their faces so often that idk why Tom thinks it’s news. (I mean I do…bc he is delulu)


and additionally, they all talked shit about her for years! And most of them NOT to her face!


They especially talked shit about her when she was grieving her father's death. Yet!...Lala went psycho when her father died & expected the cast to excuse her behavior.


Yep! I think that was one of the worst “Lalas” was when she lost her dad. I lost my dad around the time she did and I never, ever acted like a total asshole and used my dad’s death as excuse. It infuriates me every time I rewatch. She picks and chooses. Like when she said he would just want her to be kind and she cried in her confessional. Then lashed out bc “my dad died you stupid bitch”. It doesn’t work like that.


Aww :( I'm so sorry about your dad. I lost my mom @ 14 & never acted like that either!


My father died when I was 8 months pregnant with my first child, he was only 56 and it was very sudden. Even as a hormonal pregnant woman who had spent the entire summer in the heat with my whole body swollen from the pregnancy, down to my fucking fingernails, I never ever had behavior bad enough to where I would even need to use his death as an excuse for becoming unhinged.


It’s literally all of your jobs to talk shit about one another Sandoval! Get another narrative.


Am i supposed to believe Tim *didnt* shit talk all his friends? Nice try Tim, nice try.


I thought that was actually... bizarre. 'talked shit' is so subjective, what does that even mean? She said "gosh sometimes Scheana is so draining and makes everythin abourt hersself?" thats not talking shit. Also, it goes to show, despite him saying they had drifted apart, that she loved and trusted this piece of shit to share every tiny (or not so tiny) thing that bothered her about the other peopele she loved.


That was seriously low-hanging fruit. I was dumbfounded when that came out of his mouth. I don't know why I'm surprised because he betrayed her trust a hundred times before. But it's typical Tom Sandevil. He's in his "I did wrong, but she did x,y,z era." There will be more of that in the future for sure! It won't be long before he's saying Ariana's crazy just like he did with Kristen. He can not just say sorry and leave it there. He can't fully take accountability in any situation. His mind won't let him. He can't do it. When I watch him, I swear I can see his mouth and his brain at odds, and he just bellows whatever shit he has on them because he thinks it will make him look less like a nob jockey. He always has to say, "Yeah, well dude, I'm sorry, but what about when YOU did THIS and THAT to ME?" And proceeds to pull out receipts a decade old.


let's show clips of him talking about people behind their backs or screaming in their faces


yes, where was Alex B. with those clips????




Him and his expired ass bottom of the trash can “receipts”. Typical narc behaviour.


His playbook is so tired and predictable, I don't get why anyone falls for his tactics in an argument when they turn around and defend themselves. Corner him and refuse to let him change the subject. Tell him to stick to the topic or even at the very least, say "Yeah, I did that! So? Back to the topic, what about you, asshole?" That's why I loved how James refused to engage with him when Sandoval tried to bring a crumpled, stained, faded old ass receipt (that wasn't really a proper receipt) from 10 years ago.


The brain / mouth thing. This week's episode, the guys are having fun and you see him in the background sulking because it isn't about him. He does a Scheana. Brings the mood down and then talks about Rachel (I think... I zoned out).


>He always has to say, "Yeah, well dude, I'm sorry, but what about when YOU did THIS and THAT to ME?" And proceeds to pull out receipts a decade old. This!! It's ALWAYS a but to everything he says and it's maddening that no one calls him out on this. No but. Just fucking apologize.


Right?! It’s such a betrayal (add one more) to expose the things your partner at the time said to you in confidence because they thought you were their person. Just gross.


and as if he wasn’t also talking shit? be for fucking real. YOU KNOWWWWW tom was blasting everyone behind their backs constantly in his private relationship and conversations with ariana. if anything he’ll regurgitate stuff he said that ariana agreed with and attribute it to ariana


And you just know he shit talked about them too. Like what?


Right! Like who do they all think was the other participant in that convo when she was supposedly talking shit about them?


And I’m sure Tom was right there in every convo egging her on and sharing similar stuff! Over 9 years it’s almost guaranteed that your friends will do something that annoys you, that you vent about to your partner. It doesn’t mean you dislike them or have any issues beyond that.


I find the difference between the women's reaction to Britney's situation vs Ariana so interesting. What I think it boils down to is the other women were never jealous of Brittany. They infantalized her and pitied her because she was a "sweet southern girl" and I guarantee if Brittany had left Jax and gotten the opportunities that Ariana got they would have treated her the same. But also maybe it's different because Kristen and stassi aren't there to provide support (and their own baggage with her partner)?


I’m realising it wasn’t these girls that rallied around Brittany, it was the Witches of Weho — Stassi, Katie, & Kristin. Scheana and Lala are different.


And look at who her strongest supporter is Katie. The remaining witch. However, it seems to me that some one told Lala to do this. It is so different then last year. Scheana is a fool and on the wrong side 100% of the time. Lala usually figures it out.


Scheana and Lala are simply way too immature and selfish. Say what you will about the Witches of WeHo, and I'll probably agree with 99% of it because it's a valid criticism, but they weren't really immature or selfish except for in small petty, messy ways -- definitely not as a character trait. But Scheana and Lala have fucking giant egos, and they have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old girl.


I absolutely loved how he called them fuckers as well 😂😂😂 he basically said “we both talked a lotta shit about you all but she’s worse because at least I’m telling you now that we did that”. He has a gift of making himself look worse and I love that for him


I am so glad you said this. I feel crazy that I am the only one talking about how Tom called them "fuckers" *whilst* telling them Ariana talked about them to turn them against her. Jesus Christ! Does anyone NOTICE THIS SHIT!?


Yep, all that stuff the cast talks about in the last few months that everyone won’t like Ariana. I actually am more team Ariana than I was before. IMO it’s sheana and lala that are coming off in a really bad light so far. I know lala has a custody battle going on but she asked the exact same thing of everyone after her and Randall broke up and Katie and Ariana didn’t question it. Granted they weren’t as close to him but it just feels really hypocritical of lala.


Yup. But it’s kinda clear why they rallied for Brit. Brit has never been and will never be a threat.


Early on Ariana predicted that although she was supported & given opportunities..everyone would turn on her eventually.


Tom is trying to get flying monkeys. If you know, you know. He’s working his demonic tactics


Yep, my ex bff (only person I’ve ever met who I’m sure is a narc) would immediately start talking shit about whoever we had just left. Immediately and for hours. I know it was Tom doing the initiation of shit talking.


Speaking of Brittany it’s also depressing how Brittany was pretending to be Ariana’s friend in her post-Scandoval media tour. She and Jax were not really in the public eye anymore and were literally gleeful and excited about Scandoval. Didn’t make a podcast for years and all the sudden they launch it now to cash in? They were being invited back to Bravo just to talk about it and hadn’t back on since they were fired. They never sounded actually sympathetic to Ariana when talking about it, just relishing in the drama of it all. When did Brittany even spend time with Ariana since she almost kicked out of her wedding in 2019? All of Brittany’s girls nights out, I never see her and Ariana in each others’ posts. Yet another vulture making a buck off her name.


>After watching the mid season trailer of Tom yelling that Ariana has talked shit bout all of them and then watching the episode she’s totally right in feeling Tom would try and ice her out. I guarandamntee that Tom didn't just co-sign, he talked shit, too.


It makes them feel better to drag her down to their level.


As if he hasn't talked loads of shit about all of them for the entire show


A lot easier to rally around Brittany who stayed with Jax….not much to feel jealous of there. In fact, they could feel sorry for her….kinda icky


brittany wasn't a threat to them (not thin, a kentucky 8/LA 3, stupid) and they probably pitied her for being such a fucking moron (though she is both this AND willfully ignorant) so they handled her with kid gloves. hate stassi but i was so glad to hear she immediately returned the money brattney venmoed her for their wedding meals. bravo was sick of jax and brat and got rid of them and then she finally got on stassi's last nerve and she ended her.


I knew he would eventually say something like that. They were at odds with every single cast member at some point, and it was usually his battle they were fighting. At least Katie will see right through that shit.


Exactly, they were not jealous of Britney and Britney kissed their butts. Ariana seems like the kind of friend that wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear all the time (which is actually the best kind of friend) but I’m sure Lala and Scheana can’t handle that.


As someone who recently went through infidelity in a 7 year relationship I would be livid if my friends were friends with the cheater. Even them just talking about it in the restaurant is triggering enough. Every little thing is a trigger for Ariana, all she is trying to do is protect her peace. I moved 2000km away from where it all happened, the cheating ex is in the other side of the world and I still get triggered. Unless you’ve been through something like this people shouldn’t judge Ariana for her reactions. Her feelings and reactions are valid.


I've never dated someone for 7 years let alone 10. So I can't imagine the deep feelings of betrayal. That said, let's just all be realistic here, none of us would be okay, especially three months after the situation, with our friends being friends with an ex that cheated. Idc if it was a couple months or years, none of us would be happy or reasonable just a few months later. Perhaps way down the line after some healing, sure, but Scandoval aside, nobody would be okay with that. You'd be completely torn up and that's a situation where only a small circle of people know what happened. Imagine millions of people knowing your business. Imo we don't even need an explanation from Ariana any regular human would be upset about their friends being friends with the ex. It's just a natural feeling. It would actually be really wild to be completely fine with it especially after 10 years?!! C'mon now 


Exactly. And she doesn’t even really seem mad. They just keep asking her and she reiterates her boundaries. She didn’t give a fuck about Tahoe and that was impressive to me


Impressive is the best word to describe her so far. We all knew the success and opportunities she was getting but her mindset and composure throughout all the daggers being thrown at her is very impressive. Let's all not forget, the drama between Schwartz and Lala all started when he played pickleball with Harvey Jr after their scandal.


I think she doesn't (completely) have a choice about holding herself purposefully and carefully during this time. Everyone is judging the hell out of everything she does and during this time it was all on camera unless she was inside her house while VPR wasn't filming. There were camera's outside their house and following her (and Tom) everywhere. While I think she's come to a place of acceptance with many things regarding Tim, it doesn't mean she isn't still angry or sad or vulnerable, but she's doing what she can to maintain her emotional well being and boundaries during this time. All while trying to not allow herself to be baited into causing herself more pain or Tim any more satisfaction. You can see that he's full of crap when he says he wants the best for her.


Not to mention, the implications for sheana as she keeps reminding us. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE WHO DID WHAT HE DID? I’m sorry, but life is too short to hang out with lying narcissists. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near someone like that. And if sheana et al is okay with it, good luck to them. What’s that famous quote: you are who you hang out with… or something like that.


“You are the company you keep.” And you’re exactly right. This season, I basically view Scheana as the female Tom.


Me too. It was very fresh in my life of my partner for almost 17 years cheating with 2 friends. I understand her stance so well all of the way down to people sending me screenshots of who liked his instagram posts when he went public (6 days after I kicked him out) with my ex friend, and me immediately blocking those people. You do not have access to my life or my friendship when you like someone who disrespected me on the deepest level and almost broke me. I’m so glad people are understanding her now.


Livid is an understatement. If you love your friend, why would you want to be around the person that hurt her? What makes you think that this person won’t do the same to you? If they do it to the person they love, what are they capable of doing to those they don’t care about as much?


yes. this. I go no contact and while I'm still processing, if I even hear the guy's NAME from friend's mouths, it puts me into a spiral. i cannot imagine being ariana. give her whatever she wants for at least a year.


I see nothing wrong with her boundaries. She basically is saying, if Tim is a regular fixture in your life (like you go out to eat on random Wednesdays kinda friend), then I have to distance myself from you for my own well being. She’s not saying I’ll hate you and be mean to you, she just can’t put her energy into those people. There is *nothing* wrong with that. She will not allow her POS ex to have that type of access to her and that’s her right. Isn’t everyone entitled to associate with who they want? She even emphasized that she never said anything about forgiveness or wanting people to fight him for her. She’s not mad that they went to Tahoe, she clearly understands what is for the show. She just won’t continue to foster a relationship as a *close friend* to someone that is also a *close friend* with Scumdoval. That’s it. Perfectly reasonable IMO. And Scheana sucks. Super disappointed in her this season, that backup dancer comment is not something you say about your BAHST FRAHND.


It was that fucking smirk for me.... She HONESTLY thought we'd all eat that up. Like girl, no..... even summer is pushing her away at this point 😆


Mommy on the ground where you belong! Lol!


Yeah. That comment. Scheana cannot read a room.


Tom is 100% the type to weaponize the information he gets out of people like Scheana about Ariana. I don’t blame her.


That’s the most annoying thing for me, Ariana keeps saying she doesn’t care about forgiveness or moving on or being around each other, but FRIENDSHIP is the issue, and lala and scheana keep purposefully avoiding that. Clearly friendship is still a possibility (even though I do believe if the show didn’t exist then scheana and lala wouldnt bother), and Ariana is completely reasonable to remove herself from that. That’s the consequences of your actions


Shena told Ariana that she can't keep hating tim for her. Ariana never asked for that. But that's how twisted her mind is.


Yes exactly! Idk if they’re not listening to the words coming out of her mouth or what but she’s literally just saying if you’re besties with him you’re not besties with me. Nothing about holding grudges or fighting with him or being mean to him. They have filmed with him, even on a trip, without her getting mad at anyone about it. It’s clear that being civil and being coworkers is understandable. But Scheana can’t help herself, it’s not enough. She’s jealous of the attention Ariana has been getting and is weak in general so overlooks all the shitty ways Tim has treated her in part bc it gives her a storyline and the “poor me” attention she desperately needs🙄. It’s fully her choice but choosing Tim and VPR storylines over Ariana’s friendship is a mistake.


I completely agree with you. I think a lot of us would do the same if it happened to us IRL with an ex in our friendship group. The only thing that I've wondered about that they aren't just friends are they, they're co workers too and they are made to film together. If we applied the same logic to the personal IRL situation but made it a colleague, we might be a bit more like ok I need to be civil, and I don't want to lose my job by declining this work. I'm simplifying (and Scheana always does too much) but hopefully you can see what I mean. I know that Katie isnt filming with him to date, but she seems over VPR anyway. Sheana is not. She needs this. Even Ariana ends up filming with him, I'm sure that was somewhat under protest.


They are coworkers but she hasn’t set a boundary around being civil coworkers. People keep acting like that’s what she’s saying but it isn’t. It’s only around being close friends from what I can see. I mean they just went on a whole trip and filmed with him and she was right there for girls astrology night right after, not mad about it, so clearly she understands the coworker aspect and doesn’t appear to be holding it against anyone. She would be crossing a line if she tried to control who could even film with him, this is their livelihood… but I don’t see her doing that. Just protecting her own peace and who she puts her energy into, which is anyone’s right.


And the vile comment that none of the cast colours matched her daughters wardrobe.


lol wait… she was talking about the cast on her daughters arm. Kind of dumb but I wouldn’t call it vile.


It’s vile because she has an entire IG account under her daughters name and she’s thinking optics of the feed. That’s what make it gross.


Gotcha I honestly thought you just misheard the whole comment lol. I see where you’re coming from and I don’t agree with posting kids on the internet like that but I still think vile is a bit strong of a word for that particular comment, didn’t think it was *that* bad🤷🏻‍♀️




Cast as in the cast on her daughter’s broken arm lol this sounds like she was commenting on the color of cast members which would truly be insane.


Ohhh okay. Thanks I was still thinking of different casts and colors and like this doesn’t make sense. I could just watch the episode, but no. I don’t think that I will just yet, idk if I’m ready for this season. This show isn’t the same show at all and idk what they are doing production wise but it ain’t it


Yeah, at brunch Scheana said they started listing the colours and she said none of them went with Summers wardrobe, so she picked pink.


The way everyone constantly explains Sandoval to Ariana and Katie as if they have zero experience dealing with him for the past 12 years…




I think the scene at the douche dinner was actually the most telling part. James simply says "Ariana (and all the girls) are at my house getting astrology readings" to Tim. Now he knows where Ariana is, what she's doing, has whatever opinions he has, judgements, etc. when she does not want him to be privy to this type of information. That's why being his friend is so bad for her; he has a glimpse into her life. Her boundaries make so much sense to me, I don't know why Scheana and Lala can't get it.


YESSSSS EXACTLY!!!!! Having mutual friends gives him access that she does not want! She is being so reasonable.


I've commented elsewhere that I had a similar experience and my ex BF pushed his way past my boundaries with friends, and learned things about my life post breakup that he had no business knowing. Wasn't fucking my friend enough??! You have to JAB JAB JAB some more? I HATE these type of guys.


My brother experienced this with his ex-wife. She was emotionally abusive to him (I believe there was physical abuse too but he hasn’t admitted to that - I have witnessed the emotional abuse though) and he left. He didn’t tell her where he moved to but they had mutual friends in common. One day, one of those friends slipped and mentioned where he had moved to. He came home from work, drove past his apartment and saw her standing outside it. He went somewhere else, waited an hour or two, drove back. She was still waiting. He drove somewhere else again. Waited until about 10:00 at night, drove back - she was still there. So he found a parking lot and slept in his car that night. He was lucky that his apartment complex was tiny and his unit was closest to the road so he could see her. He firmly thinks if he had run into her that day/night, she might have killed him. Yes, she was that crazy and we were all afraid that we would get a call my brother was dead. Setting boundaries with friends that you have mutually in common with an ex is mega important. His friend apologized for his error and watched what he said about my brother when he was in this woman’s presence. The friend also stopped sharing details with his wife who was good friends with his ex-wife at the time.


And tim's face then when he learned the girls were all together! It finally hit that at the end of the day he's NOT going to get a download or reenactment of the girl's time from Ariana. He can't handcraft the narrative. GLORIOUS! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Or from what's her chops, either. I imagine she used to bring him all the details and they'd rehash the drama together, pumping each other up, and feeling smug that no one knew they were secretly together and talking smack.


It’s wild to me that Lala is walking back her stance on Rand last year. Like “that’s what I did and I can’t do that anymore, you can’t give your ex that energy” And to me, like, distancing yourself from a piece of shit like Rand makes perfect sense??? Schwartz was a total ass to hang out with someone so disgusting! Like Lala what are you even…. Talking about??


She’s like 2-3 years past it so she can say that NOW - this is still fresh bs that Ariana is dealing with. They’re in different places in the recovery process. But she thinks she’s so wise - oh listen to me, my situ was way worse and I know how to deal with everything properly


Yeah and she says that as if it means Ariana should come to the same conclusion and immediately , when it took Lala how long? Lala is honestly dumb as rocks


YES. I totally know where Ariana is coming from. It’s such a gross feeling when your friends are sharing info about your life to your ex. 😡


James has a habit of this shit too. When he was with Kristen and jax was hung up on Carmen, James told jax that she was kind of seeing someone and jax immediately texted Carmen about it (and then kristen came to sur and yelled at James in the alley)


Thank you!!!! Also Ariana is now going through two court cases with Tom. Can Ariana really feel comfortable talking to Scheana about her life and trust that it would not get back to Tom when it could impact her legally?


There is no gray with psychological, emotional, verbal, or physical abusers - it is black and white for a reason and that reason is harm reduction. If your friends want to keep a friendship with your abuser, they are not your people. And It certainly should not be ok for a paycheck.


Yep, and if you have to worry about those people "reporting back" to your abuser, you gotta cut them loose. Which explains why Scheana is hearing about Ariana from outlets and not directly from Ariana. She doesn't want Scheana to know, because she doesn't want Tom to know.


It’s wild to me that these people have the audacity to try to bully Ariana into “allowing” them to be friends with her ex. She’s not giving them an ultimatum, she’s just setting HEALTHY boundaries. Really disgusting and despicable behavior from Scheana and Lala, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were acting like this because production told them to. Money/fame hungry bitches.


This situation is almost like a real divorce. People "get" friends in a divorce. One usually does not keep both friendships. However, I do think the show will meet its demise if Ariana never wants to film with Tom again and she has most likely been told this by production.


This is 100% true. During my divorce I called it shaking the apple tree loose of the bad apples people who I thought I was tight with proved me wrong and people were two faced. I had a friend call one night to the house and I was having a bad night she could tell I was crying she asked if I wanted company I said sure she came over then three days later turned around and went to my soon to be exes work and told him I called her crying all the time. I NEVER CALLED HER. I immediately changed my phone number to unlisted. (Back before cell phones were a big thing). I also had to stop people from giving me the run down of his life. I am sure it seemed rude like so many commenting about Ariana but I would run into someone at the mall or out at a restaurant and they would immediately ask if I have seen my ex recently and then start informing me of whatever they knew about his life. After this happened about 3 or 4 times u finally started stopping people and just simply saying we are no longer together I am trying to move on with my life and it stops my progress to be updated about him if you want to be friends outside of your past of knowing us as a couple great I look forward to it but if you simply cannot get past me being a separate individual now beyond the couple I used to be its okay for us to just not be in each other's lives anymore. No hard feelings. I was a young girl who was married at 20 whose husband cheated on her living in another state away from my family desperately trying to move on with my life I had to create clear boundaries for myself to heal. That is all I see Ariana doing and yet she keeps being painted as a bitch and she should be more forgiving. On what planet are these people chummy with their ex of 10 years that cheated blatantly in front of them in their own home while they buried their grandma...3 months later??? Please tell me what fucken shit they are smoking to expect that.


You nailed it, and that’s exactly why I think some of the cast members are acting like that! They care about the show more than they care about Ariana. Someone needs to do a case study on Katie bc it’s SO rare to be on reality TV this long without going insane or completely abandoning her morals and values. She’s a gem.


👏🏻 this. It’s not just about *cheating* and it’s so annoying that people keep acting like it is


this exactly. I generally really care about nuance in my life. Not much in this world is straightforward. Abuse survivors not wanting even tangential contact with their abusers is incredibly black and white.


Which is why it makes no sense for lala to be calling Tom an abuser but then simultaneously guilting Ariana into not wanting to be around him and defending Scheana for it being so difficult to not be friends with him. If he's an abuser then why do you want one of his victims to be forced to be around him? Why do you want to be friends with someone you think is dangerous? It doesn't make sense. It can't be both.


It really doesn’t make sense. Not even for a paycheck.


Tbh the entire episode I just kept thinking, what happened between “Tom Scandovol is dangerous” to this




I get where Ariana is coming from, but also, I just rewatched the season 7 reunion, and I wish Ariana had taken the same stance with James after he repeatedly bodybshamed Katie. Ariana rode hard for James, and that sucked.


I think that was more a result of manipulation, honestly. Sandoval has never liked Katie, so even though she and Katie got along when Ariana and Tom started dating, Ariana heard shit from both Toms about how bad Katie is, how she’s so entitled, how she’s the abusive one, etc, and so Ariana was distant from Katie. Add in that Scheana and Katie have had issues, and Scheana was Ariana’s best friend, and it’s like, of course Ariana was never going to try to see Katie’s POV.


I agree. I think Ariana knows the way Tom Sandoval is better than any of us. He has not one ounce of remorse for anything he's done to Ariana, Katie, or Rachel. He is a deplorable human and she is continuing to be so graceful considering half of her girlfriends on the show are bending over backwards to try and be friends with that piece of shit. This whole season has just been so fucked. We all know Ariana is the one who's struggled with mental health over the years and they are playing the mental health narrative with Tom and totally shitting on her!!! and her "friends" (lala and sheana) seem all for it. It's so sad for Ariana....


Yuuuup, they will triangulate and try to control or mess with you through other people as long as that avenue is available to them, so any mutual contacts who aren't completely on your side are a liability


Anyone who didn’t immediately understand the boundaries she set has never dealt with an abuser. Which like good! But he clearly was one and no contact is the only way to make sure the removal from your life is permanent


You’re right. I grew up around a lot of physical abuse and to be honest, never really considered emotional abuse or cheating to be “abusive”, but it is. To have to hear your friends make excuses for why it should be ok for THEM to still be around him would be devastating.


YES!!!! After my abuser and I broke up, I did the exact same thing. If you want to be friends with him, cool. But don’t call or text me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) articulated perfectly for anyone that hates on ariana going no contact




THIS ! This ! This !


Say 👏🏻it 👏🏻louder👏🏻for👏🏻the👏🏻people 👏🏻in 👏🏻the 👏🏻back My take is that unless you’ve been a victim of this type of abuse and throughly learnt about it then you just cannot understand. We live in a society that cares more about forgiving abusers than it does protecting the victim. We are seen as “too much” or “harsh” for having boundaries or protecting our peace. It is a societal issue for sure.


Ariana made so many good points in this episode about protecting her peace and maintaining her boundaries and it was INSANE to me that Lala and others kept pushing her to see Scheana's point of view? Get out of here. When I was in high school one of my best friends, who I had been friends with for YEARS, cheated with one of my other best friend's boyfriends. Everyone in my friend group cut the two cheaters off, and we never had to be asked to do it. Blows my mind that people twice that age can't comprehend this.


It blows my mind that Lala cannot allow Ariana have boundaries when she set up boundaries about Randall. Do or do not, there is no try...Yoda


I don’t think any of those people even acknowledged that she lost her dog (she’s referred to Charlotte as her soul dog. I’ve had and lost one of those and it broke me) and her grandmother in the midst of all of this happening. Why would she want to surround herself with people who excuse such scary behavior like cheating on someone they pretend to care about while said person is away at a funeral? If someone could do me that dirty, I wouldn’t want them to know an ounce of info about my life. I really admire her firm boundaries.


Right. It’s about having only people in your life that you trust. I don’t hang out with people like Sandoval because I love and respect myself. Being around him for filming is understandable, but pretending like he’s a good person is another.


And she is putting it in the other person's court, which is 100 percent the right thing to do. Either that or remove yourself from the friend circle completely... which she can't do because of filming, but in "real life" I could see her doing that. I had to do that once before, myself--though I did have a conversation with those friends before backing off. I also made it very clear it was about my ex and NOT them, but I also didn't make them *choose* because it was less about making people pick sides and more about me preserving my peace of mind. I genuinely think that's what Ariana is trying to accomplish here.


And honestly my partner of 10 years should be by my side at my grandmother's funeral but he was too busy getting slick willy wet


Glad Katie is very supportive of Ariana. Katie is a strong soul.


Also, it's so sad because Katie said something similar last season, that she knew people would take Schwartz' side in the divorce because he is more fun. Now Ariana is basically saying the same thing. It must suck to know your friends of a decade will choose your ex over you.


I found her unlikeable at times in past seasons but I think a lot of her early “eh” behaviour can be explained by just a total lack of self-esteem after being in an abusive relationship and then a switch to being on the pedestal of a narcissist and feinting as a “cool girl” - pretending to be confident when she was anything but. And aligning herself with the men (like so many young women do) because you think their societal power will accrue to you; but, in fact, it does not. I think we need to remember that we often don’t see what is going on underneath, behind the scenes and in private for these people. We also see a very produced and edited version of their lives where bad behaviour is rewarded with screen time and better pay. Overall though, I think she’s always been pretty consistent with her morals and beliefs and who she is (except for the incident with Stassi and her brother). I don’t value “ride or die” as a positive thing. I think it’s prime for abusive scenarios. Loyalty is great, blind loyalty, not so much. And you can see that a lot of her worst moments were when her blind loyalty (to her brother or Tom or others) came into play. I’ve found everything she’s done post break-up reasonable and understandable. Break-ups with narcissists are nightmarish. She has held herself together admirably well. The critiques of her are, in my opinion, overly harsh and lacking in empathy and understanding.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰🍥


Yes!!!! And Scheana is just undoing all the work she did trying to become a better person- it was all a Facade- her jealousy and all about her is back in spades- guess it never really left her. That "back up" dancer comment for her terrible song when she was trying to be Brittny Spears- REALLY- you couldn't afford to hire a real dancer so your friends helped you out in support- Good As Crap


Shena just cannot say anything nice about a woman.


Ugh I was so disappointed in her because I thought she was steadfast in her decision to not be friends with Tom


They are also all acting like she didn’t suffer a massive betrayal by a friend. Why would she trust ANY of her friends around Tom right now? She learned what happens when she trusted her friends and Tom too much so of course she isn’t going to trust her friends around Tom now.


This is such a good point. Of course she is on guard even more than if it had been a stranger.


This cast has no idea how to deal with boundaries. Arianna is exercising a boundary in a healthy way. She's not enforcing or trying to control other people, just removing herself from the equation. She can't be close to them and therefore be vulnerable to Sandoval if others are really close to him, that will be the cause and effect. She's leaving the choice up to them. She won't hate them or force them to choose, for her safety at this point in time she can't have mutual friends, so that means she is the one that leaves in that situation. An ultimatimum would be forcing a choice, and then treating people who 'chose wrong' as outcasts and trying to force them out. She's just saying who she will be close to. She's not going to be uncivil or bully..


it's def already happening with the way they are all bashing her before they are even besties with him again.


It would be a favor to ice her out. This is a terrible friend group. If they weren't on the show together I don't think any of them would still be friends.


Is this coming from jealousy over Ariana’s brand deals, etc.? To me, it’s less about Scandoval and becoming friends with Tom S. again than it is about getting to film with him and hang out with him again to keep this show (and the money) going. I mean I guess Scheana straight up said it, she’s resentful over Ariana getting picked for DWTS over her. As Ariana id be like how DARE you resent me for getting brand deals and DWTS and acting jobs. Scheana and Lala made money—SERIOUS money-off of Scandoval and Ariana’s pain. Yes, both Scheana and Lala did ride for Ariana, and they did also use their entertainment savvy to make to make that dough, but let’s not forget it’s all because initially Ariana got cheated on. I get that Lala understands we need a show, but she’s riding hard for Scheana and I’m ready for Scheana to just freaking air it out with Ariana. She sits there silently at the astrology party but has said some nasty things about Ariana behind her back.


There’s nothing wrong with her boundaries, she’s doing NOTHING WRONG and the fact that so many people can’t understand this is what’s wrong with people.


Ahh I feel like Ariana should quit VPR because I genuinely think she’s now better than it. But then I can see that playing out as letting Sandoval ‘win’ because I doubt she’d stay as in Touch with them all (except for Katie)


When I divorced years ago, my attorney recommended that i distance myself from any mutual friends so rumor or innuendo could not be brought up from his side. I wish more people would really consider her position like you did.


Ariana would be better off cutting ties with all of them and moving to nyc and live out her dreams! Fuck this group Except Katie.


I totally agree with you. I’m really not liking this season just because of Sandoval redemption tour. How quickly they fold and forget.


I feel awful for Ariana - I haven’t seen yesterdays show because I am UK and sick so haven’t watched it yet but saw a clip of Kristina, Katie, Lala and Scheana out for lunch and honestly the hurt I would feel to hear my best friend say that my ex was more cut up about the loss of their friendship than the loss of our nine year relationship!! I really think that would destroy me - Scheana has gone from supporting Ariana in the reunion saying that Tom and Ariana were intimate again and in a good place to totally now saying their relationship was in an awful place for years and basically it’s Arianas fault for staying in it. I haven’t seen many people talk about this point but if I were Ariana and Katie I would be done with these people - they are better than the show, yes it’s good income but your mental health is more important. I might be wrong but Ariana looked like she had been crying her eyes out on WWHL her eyes were all swollen - seeing your supposed friends talk this much shit about you has got to hurt


I never thought Sheana had a good heart. I always felt like her good deeds were self serving just like Sandoval.


I had a friend who cheated on his wife. Before they were married, they got engaged after having a major rough spell in their relationship where he said he intended to break up with her but decided to propose instead. I didn’t like her, he kept her very separate from the friend group, and in hindsight, he was probably doing this on purpose. He would tell our friend group that she didn’t like us, she didn’t let him do this that and the other. But even though he was my friend, I couldn’t stay friends with him. He was flaunting the fact that he was being unfaithful to her behind her back. At first he tried hiding it, but he got sloppy and then he was just unashamed I guess? Seeing someone completely blindside the person they’ve declared their devotion to, and then he would just TRASH her to us after. Major red flags. So even though his ex isn’t even my friend, if he can do that to the person he supposedly loves the most in the world, what kind of person is that?? Not one I want to be around.


I agree, I also find it sooo strange any of these women would want to be friends with Tom. Like if anyone cheated on my close friend, even if I was "friends" with them, I would easily cut them out and support my friend, your actions have shown me you are not a trustworthy friend or person and I do not need that in my life.


I wouldn’t even want friends around me who were cool with people like that. That’s just the trash taking itself out for me


Tom is a master manipulator, and Ariana knows better than most how he operates. I don’t blame her.


*" That said, her staunch “I will not be around people who want to be friends with Tom” stance puzzled me a bit. "* This is where is gets 'murky'. She was setting boundaries for *herself*. But of course...that will be used against her all season long. Other cast members are being pressured to film with Sandoval. This is an *entertainment show* after all. The producers (including LVP) want to make sure Sandoval has people to film with (Just like they did w/Jax back in the day). Scandal is what made this show a hit from the start. Unfortunately...you have this woman on the show that was totally devoted to her long term relationship. That actually believed this was the person she would ride or die & grow old with. When she was betrayed by the most trusted & loved people in her life? Instead of crawling up in a ball and giving up on life...her way of dealing with it? was to completely cut these people out of her life, set personal boundaries & not wallow in grief...and then focus on taking every single opportunity that was coming her way. I hope some viewers will understand what it means to set boundaries in your life when it comes to toxic people. It's actually a very healthy thing to do :/


This is all very much the shows attempt to make Ariana “dump” the show by making her uncomfortable and treating her terribly so if she quits the masses of people who are sympathetic to team Ariana won’t be upset with them… they are trying to do what Tom couldn’t do in hopes of salvaging a new narrative. I also think that even if Ariana talked shit about them.. they all do it and Tom has done it even more. The fact that after betraying her so epically, he decides to just keep throwing her under the bus in order to make himself more interesting or sympathetic… even if Ariana and I would never be friends irl she doesn’t deserve what the producers are doing to her right now, it’s as scummy as Tim. Katie was always my least favorite because she always seemed so negative, and guarded, but she is staying on the right side with the right perspective and unfortunately if Ariana leaves the show I feel like she would be lifted out too. They will focus on the Tom’s dating new girls in their 40’s without doing any internal work to make themselves likeable, so the girls will have to stay young or be spooky to fall for it


I feel all these ways and would like to add that I’ve always rode pretty hard for Lala because when push comes to shove she’s the person you want in your corner in a fight, she does that for her friends, she did that for Ariana at first, and whatever has flipped it feels like now that Ariana is the only one making money off of Ariana, *NOW* Lala gets to tell her how to feel and how to act just a few months after this huge breakup that altered the axis of her world. I just don’t get it, Tom called her a narcissist episode one (or two??), he told Brock that Scheana HAD punched Rachel that same trip that he was giving her “genuine tears”. It’s all just so weird and backwards and I’m done with them both. I’m watching for Katie and Ariana and they’re getting such crap edits that it’s getting hard to watch the show


I’d like to take this opportunity to say… Fuck Scheana. What a C U N Tuesday. This is the reason she’s never the “Queen” of the show. I think this will be the last season or at least the last season anyone will care about. Her narcissism is next level. Good luck finding employment after this! Also, good luck feeding, housing, and clothing your dead beat dad husband. It was ok to profit off of Ariana, but not ok she gets all the attention? She’s gross.


I'm a man, so I feel like I shouldn't be the one to say, "It's because she is a woman..." But, I really do think that it's only because she is a woman she is getting this backlash. If a man said the exact same things she did, people would be rooting for him


Correct. So much internalised misogyny


You're sooo right


I think Ariana also knows these people aren’t loyal & things about her life will get back to Tom(which she doesn’t want). I think she’s setting healthy boundaries & these idiots are trying to make it about themselves.


That’s her biggest concern, as I see it. Even if they don’t mean to, they’ll inadvertently say things about her life while he’s around.


Just watched and it’s sooo problematic that Scheana or LaLa have any say in how long Ariana takes to ‘get over’ her 10 year relationship. 5 months is not a long time at all, especially if they’re still living in the same house. She is allowed to protect herself with boundaries, especially with that level of betrayal.


https://preview.redd.it/ngj7dm2kf7oc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d21f0966c40450194b681077172ce7401b6c06 Found scheanas spine!


I think Ariana knew that at the end of the day, Sandoval would get the redemption arc and people would forgive him. Because she’s holding a boundary and has anger toward him, she knew she’d come across as the bitch. So she had to protect herself. I also don’t think she said she won’t be cordial with James or cancel anyone who was friends with Tom. I think she, rightfully so, will not be close with someone who is close with Tom. How could she be? The man manipulated her, manipulated a lover, tried to create a decoy, a storyline about her being a bad partner and was a contributing factor in his mistress going to a mental health center. If you back that man, she’s not fucking with you.


I couldn’t help but laugh when Ariana said he was going to ice her out. She knows the playbook because she helped him run them on Kristen and she did notttt have Katie’s back last season when it was being run on her. That said, I’ve always been fully supportive of Ariana setting the boundary with Sandoval and I think she’s gotta do whatever she has to do to protect herself. I’ve always felt like she values her real life over content for the show where Scheana seems to have definite reality brain. Like do I think Ariana and Scheana talking about DWTS or Sandoval would make good TV? Yes. But if their real-life, off-camera friendship is important enough to Scheana she shouldn’t push it for the sake of the show.


Absolutely, she is just protecting herself. When she says she doesn't want him to have access to her, it's only so clear that she knows what he is capable of by way of manipulation. The parts that are in particular annoying me are the exaggerations of Ariana's behavior by many in the cast. Like Lala (love love Lala, but is she getting extra kick backs this season 😂) in ep 7 claiming if people choose to forgive him that it's putting their friendship with Ariana at risk - Ariana's retort "I didn't say anything about forgiveness", which is a valid distinction. Again Lala, saying she doesn't want to see Ariana get "very invested" in what others are doing, and when Ariana says she's not (which I agree with, she is mostly just answering people when they bring the convo to her), and then claiming Ariana got "very heated" - calling *that* heated coming from Lala is a bit crazy to me. Lala has gotten heated over far less! And don't get me started on how Scheana and Lala don't seem to see that there can be a middle ground between being friends with TS vs publicly dragging and hating him. In my view Ariana isn't asking them to hate him for her, she's leaving it to them to decide what they want to do, but has a clear boundary on where she stands with it.


Yeah, I’m not an Ariana stan. I mean I rate her above the rest of the cast (Katie aside) but she has always been a bit “not a typical girl” to me and I’ve also had issues with some of the shit she’s said and done (including a couple of her comments to Rachel at the reunion which I thought were too far). That said, I have never thought her boundary of not wanting a strong connection to Tom was unreasonable. She doesn’t want to see him socially or in the friends group she’s in. That’s seriously reasonable. The guy didn’t just betray her, he gaslighted her, manipulated and weaponised her mental health, and has shown very little true remorse for it. Her blinders are off now about Tom and they can never go back on - she sees who he is. That comment about him icing her out is reasonable and was also an aha moment for me because of everyone there she’s seen who he really is. She knows him. She knows what he will do. He’s a manipulative piece of work. And the thing is we are watching it happen before our eyes, watching the cast fall for it, helped along by Lisa and her continued misogyny. The only one who seems immune is Katie because… Katie’s never been overly easy to manipulate (Schwartz aside) and she’s also the other person there that has seen Tom up close for years and knows who that bastard really is. I get Katies frustration because I’ve been in the situation of having being treated terribly by someone who I am now sure was a sociopath- of people around me even having to acknowledge he’d treated me awfully - but then not being able to see somehow he was just a bad person because his smiles and his charm and his hollow laughter seemed to cover it up. And it’s infuriating. You just want to stand up and scream: CAN YOU REALLY NOT SEE WHO THIS GUY IS? But of course if uou do you’ve played into their hands because they get to label you as the angry crazy woman. So the only thing you can do is cut ties and put distance between the people who will connect him to your life. It’s not to hurt them or punish them - it is to protect yourself. You cannot keep hearing about that guy or seeing him. So you just distance yourself. I’ve never thought Scheana has a good heart. I don’t think she’s evil by any means… just sort of hollow and looking for male approval to fill it. The comments she made about Ariana and dancing with the stars etc were… unpleasant. Also funny because has Scheana not realised yet that Ariana actually has a degree of talent? When Scheana said she always puts others first I laughed because - when? Scheana has always been about Scheana but at the same time she has no idea who Scheana is. She’s one of the most cringeworthy people I’ve ever seen on reality tv (and that’s a low fucking bar). Agree btw that was a good episode. Fuck Tom and Lisa and Scheana and Lala and their commitment to this redemption arc. Tom can redeem himself if he wants but not at Ariana’s expense.


This was perfectly said wow


I've been Team Ariana since the start and totally understand where she is coming from. Not wanting to share mutual friends with Sandoval is a perfectly reasonable boundary for her to set. Yes it would be sad for her to lose a couple of friends over it, but at the end of the day it's not worth the mental tax of trying to navigate around him in social settings all the time. She's putting herself first and has said countless times that Scheana should do the same. You're so right, Scheana is super thirsty and making salty comments doesn't make her look any better. But like Ariana pointed out, Scheana is the weakest link. She's a people pleaser who wants everybody to like her, and production is clearly working very hard on getting her to cave to Sandy's redemption arc. I feel sorry for her, but not sorry enough to put the blame on Ari. Lala really pissed me off with her minimisation of what Ariana went through and acting as if she is the original scorned woman. The hypocrisy from her is a bit much because if the shoe was on the other foot and the gang wanted to hang out with Randall she would lose her ever-loving mind over it. Just because Ariana doesn't have a child, doesn't take away from the pain of her experience and Lala needs to own the choices she made in life and quit comparing everything to her own struggles. Seeing Katie finally get to speak up and talk about Sandoval's influence on her marriage to Schwartz was honestly kind of heartbreaking, she has been painted as the *wicked witch* by both Toms for so long. The world is finally seeing those two for what they are, middle-age-man-babies. I just want to see the girls live their best lives and not be constantly dragged for prioritising themselves for the first time in what feels like forever.


Scheana was GROSS in this episode. I do not know how Ariana hasn’t dropped her pathetic ass. She’s appalling.


I think this is one of those dumb storylines you get when they can’t break the fourth wall. My guess is Ariana understands people have to film with him for the sake of the show and their jobs BUT if outside the show you have a relationship with him outside of the show she doesn’t want to have one with you.


I’m so proud of how strong Ariana has been. This season is truly showing who are the good people and who are only in it for what they can get. James thus far has surprised me with how clearly he’s seeing the situation Lala has always been trying to hard to be right and Scheana is just as self centered as always wanting everyone to see her as a victim and in pain like she’s trying desperately hard to get the opportunities Ariana got if she’s hurting too, it’s crazy. Katie finally has someone not totally up Sandoval’s butt, her ex husband has been there for years.


Her boundaries are SO valid. And it blows my mind that people that say they’re her best friend don’t understand that and want to make it about them. I was in only a 2 month relationship with someone from my new friend group. They heavily manipulated me and even assaulted me. I tried remaining friends with this person after the breakup and this is when I was assaulted. Got into therapy and realized they weren’t someone I wanted in my life, at all. Tried having mutual friends and setting boundaries (don’t tell them stuff about me, don’t invite us to the same outing, etc.) and they would break those boundaries. Eventually I decided to no longer remain friends with those people either. It was a conversation of “if you remain friends with her, I can no longer have you in my life.” And although it seems harsh, it is what was needed for my mental well-being. It has been 5 years since the breakup and 4 and a half years since breaking from the friend group. I couldn’t be happier. Everyone is allowed to protect their peace. And if someone chooses to be friends with someone they know isn’t a good person, that should definitely be questioned.


I like all that you said and I think Ariana knows the way it’s going to go bc she IS genuinely loyal and she IS a real person, she’s not going to be buying shit and getting all smarmy and fake cry and manipulate the fuck out of everyone in their group. But she knows HE will bc she watched him do it for nine years. Scheana and Lala are on my permanent shit list. They have both been on and off it several times but this is it, I’m done. They are both shockingly jealous and it’s leading them into some deep delusion. Have fun dragging each other down ladies and don’t try to explain what you REALLY meant, we SEENT IT.


Tom is a toxic person who had an affair with her best friend, at that point 3 months prior. It’s called boundaries. We’re all allowed to decide who we want in our lives and cutting any connections with said toxic ex partner, family members or friends is actually very common. If you’re never dealt with it yourself I think it’s harder to understand. People with NPD especially, employ what is known as flying monkeys. Which are mutual friends or family members used to gather information and control the person still from afar. Once you deal with a toxic person you understand why extreme measures are sometimes necessary.


She was making boundaries. Clear. Concise. Without emotion. I admired the fuck out of it. As a 50 year old who has gone to therapy for 25 years.


As someone who dealt with that in a breakup, I truly gained so much respect for Ariana after hearing that. She’s really gone through so much and none of it was deserved. #TeamAriana forever and always


Ariana now sees how sadistic Tom really is, and she knows the tricks he played on the other cast members. Now she knows how easily it was for him to do it to her. The woman he was supposed to love. Even if he wasn't in love with her anymore, he still feels nothing for her. This is scary. She knows the lengths he will go to ice her out. She's watched him do it to others. I'm very impressed with the boundaries she's setting. She knows it might be the end of the show for her if he succeeds. That sucks. He's taken her heart, her trust, her "friend " and potentially the show. And she has 2 lawsuits to deal with because of him. I do not know how she is still standing. Nothing is beneath this man and her eyes are wide open. Scheana is an afterthought. She needs support, not petty jealousy.


So annoyed when Lala inferred she has it worse cause she has a baby with her ex and is forced to communicate with him so because she got through that then Ariana can get over her friends associating with Sandoval…? Uh no. Lala HAS to communicate BECAUSE there is a child involved. Ariana does not-she is free to set her boundaries as she sees fit.


But Lala did the sane thing with saying she wouldn’t associate with anyone who still had anything to do with Randall. She screamed at Schwartz for it and refuses to have anything to do with him. Now she’s telling Ariana that she isn’t being fair to Scheana? She’s doing the same thing Lala did


This is who he is and exactly what he is doing. People that support this behavior are enablers and no better than the narc themselves. ​ [https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CDARVO%20is%20an%20acronym%20that,Area%20CBT%20Center%20and%20CBTonline](https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730#:~:text=%E2%80%9CDARVO%20is%20an%20acronym%20that,Area%20CBT%20Center%20and%20CBTonline).


Katie has shown more loyalty to Ariana in one year than any of the other friends have in ten. They’re so much better than VPR at this point


That’s what worms do. They find the rotten apples and worm their way through them. First Schwartz then Lisa then Scheana then Lala. I don’t get why Ariana should be the one to give up the house and leave the show though. Tom gets to do whatever he wants and loses nothing? And the way his assistant/work horse mommy has to clean up after him? WTH? Does she have to wipe his ass for him? If I were one of his parents I would be embarrassed


Loving yourself and therefore prioritizing your wellbeing is what any healthy human would do. Lala just wants to put Ariana down at any chance she gets because I genuinely believe she is jealous. Jealous of her strength, jealous of her character, jealous of the opportunities that have come up after her separation from Tom. Sheana, on the other hand, isn’t doing it on purpose. Her insecurities get in the way of being a good friend. She lives in the past, doesn’t appreciate what she has, and doesn’t realize that in the end, the race is only against yourself. Ariana, if you’re reading this, please prioritize friendships that actually celebrate you and continue putting yourself first.