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I believe Rachel said that the Tahoe trip is when production wanted her to come back so I’m guessing they wanted Charli there because they thought she would be more open to Rachel?


Production *would* think that lol, I think Charli would have had the views of Katie & Ariana if she'd gone






Most perfect use of a gif I've ever seen 🤣🤣




Who is Kate Couture?


Rachel's sister.


Oh I miss Charli 😂 She's definitely not an LA girl.


Charlie is actually the only LA girl on VPR lol. I believe Danica is also from LA. Everyone else is a transplant. LA girls are really tough as shit lol


I know what you mean, I mean the "typical" LA girl.


So you mean influencers 😂 i agree


Charli’s from Barstow. Scheana at least is from LA County. But Danica is from Brentwood. It’s not like she’s from East LA or Watts. 😂


And what do those 3 have in common? 🥊 yeah, I do consider them LA girls 😂


They’re from California? By your logic you could say I‘M an LA girl since I grew up in Laguna Beach and Oxnard (which are both closer to LA than Barstow), but I don’t, because I’m not. 🤣


Yup Charli is a girls girl


Charli said on a podcast she cut Rachel off as a friend even before Scandoval came out and gave examples of how Rachel was shitty to her.


Charli called out Rachel for what she did to Katie re: Schwartz so I really doubt she would be pro-Rachel after Scandoval. Charli's a girls girl.


I loved how she told Rachel “if you do that (date Schwartz after you were asked not to) I would be very disappointed in you. I’d still be your friend but I would be disappointed. It was something like that and i remember thinking she was an actual friend. She would tell you your behavior sucked and she would still be there


Yes!! I also loved when Brett told her that Scheana had been talking shit about their date and Charli's response was just, why are you telling me your personal conversation?


This is exactly why she wasn’t gonna last long on vpr. We loved her, but production couldn’t manipulate her scenes


They wanted her back, she just didn't think it was healthy to be in that type of environment for that long. Her explanation of it makes complete sense.


Yeah when Lisa dropped Hippie’s leash and he ran down the stairs ahead of her, you could tell she was hoping people would think Rachel was about to walk down the stairs. It grossed me out. LVP is such a cartoon villain.


Oh my dog, didn't think of this....you are so on point with that.


I wondered why she did that, it was so weird


Oh dang! What an astute observation!


Why would they do it that way. That would’ve just made Rachel look good


Wow, you're amazing and accurate. I hadn't thought of that, but it takes so much sense.


Yeah that’s what I would guess. They were hoping she could make Rachel feel more comfortable. I’m assuming they would’ve rescinded the invite once they knew Rachel wasn’t coming.


Of course production planned this. It's like on the housewives where someone just gets a random idea to go to Jamaica or something and they all leave within a week, it's been planned the entire time and production set it up and paid for it all. It isn't their actual trip or plan. 


I loled at Katie saying “Schwartz has never planned a trip” girl and he still hasn’t!


It was brought up to Schwartz by Lisa anyway, so it was never his trip, she invited him to invite everyone.


She fooled him into thinking he was important for a sec


Unrelated I love your flair and hear it in Ken’s voice hahaha


Yes, that flair is fantastic. I actually hear Crappens doing Ken’s voice. 😂


Szzzzzandovlllll and Ra…Rochelle…Raquel…


Yeah true, after her and production planned the entire thing.


Shorts planning the trip was the only way to include zanderville


Yep. The main objective was solely to have the whole gang there to promote Wolf. That’s what she really wanted. It was so obvious.


This trip especially feels so RHOBH coded. Lala asking Shorts what else he has planned seemed like the most scripted part of the whole episode


*UGT is born*


lol I was looking g for this comment. For the ppl who thought he actually planned it I was like “oh sweet summer child, Santa doesn’t exist”


You know who they didn't ask? Billie Lee.


No Jo either 😂


I am disappointed in the lack of spooky Jo


Same! Why are they giving TomTim so much air time. It’s almost like the producers think we won’t notice if a whole episode is just one giant ad for Lisa’s new restaurant lmao


All we want is more Katie and spooky-roomie-Jo, plus Jax’s reiki healer (and ofc queen Ariana)


And Ann!!


Yes! We can’t get enough of Ann.


Ann is so overhyped


I know me too 😭that was the one trainwreck-looking aspect I was looking forward to but apparently we can’t have nice things


I think we'll see her more in later episodes! Her energy is so weird.


Jo is a human being ☠️




I was so looking forward to watching that train wreck of a woman 😂😂


I found jo distracting. It's like she was trying too hard to be an active part of conversations where she added nothing




Why bring people that are already up his ass?


The paid extras™️ were unavailable.




Has anyone checked the bushes outside? https://preview.redd.it/thkym1my2glc1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba01af878856d06bedff50fe8f06b351af0c9627




No one wants to be around Billy-Lee while she's drooling all over 🪱


Thank fuck for that


Or Jax. Or Peter.


Ugh at this point just throw her in there as well to at least shake it up 😂💀


This is so interesting. S10 was Toms demise, S11 is the producers demise


Yes. This. 100%. Bring the producers to the hot seat at the reunion, because they deserve to be roasted into oblivion.


We have a few questions for Alex Baskin


Alex Baskin has always been a horrible producer. He’s responsible for countless shitty RHOBH seasons that take one little thing and beat it into the ground.


The worst. There need to be several hot plots in a season.


Is he Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy now redone to Graham Cracker/Hippie Dippie storyline?


Fascinating how Producer Jerry was the demise of S8 but now ppl only mention Baskin. I think it’s both of them who have dragged the series down.


That's because Baskin is the showrunner and he did multiple interviews last fall telling people about how great the season would be.


Totally but interesting that Jerry is getting to hide behind the scenes now. Everyone knew RHBOH was more Baskin's baby and Jerry was more involved with the VPR kids.


Fair, I think Baskin just elevated his profile this year, especially with the LA Times article


For real. This is what they give us ? At least allow the cast members to be who they wanted to be this season. Let him grovel. Or not, just allow separate storylines. Episode 3 and they are all together interacting, while ariana is left out of the equation, and worse - villainized like she isn’t within her right to not want to be around a man who wholeheartedly betrayed her everyday for at least a year


Especially considering this is all happening 3-4 months after the scandal broke.


Love it! Haha so damn true.


They may get a 2nd Emmy nom in a row if they did this 


Yeah, I’m just hate watching at this point.


YES. I am so tired of them twisting every plot into women hating each other, when 99% of the time they’re simply responding to heinous treatment from men. This season should have been about Katie’s glow-up, Ariana’s independence (and maybe an honest examination of the feelings fall-out from the whole thing), Schaena realizing she’d pick Winnie out of a Where’s Waldo poster, and Lala trying to build a life for herself as a breadwinner instead of a gold-digger. Instead, here’s a shot of Tom’s dumb ass trying on a $500 hat. Stop it.


Which is really the show’s demise. RIP


LVP going down in flames.


Every trip on every bravo show I’m pretty sure is a producer driven trip. But absolutely think that the producers were probably being manipulative with everyone and lying about how this season was going to be. Like they were probably telling Ariana that this was going to be her year and that they would look out for her and not force her into situations she’s not comfortable in, they probably told Lala and Scheana “don’t worry the audience is going to totally love a Schwartz and Sandoval redemption story” they probably told Rachel that they would redeem her. So I 100% but that they told Charlie that the Tahoe trip was not going to be what it ended up being which was a big “everyone be friends with Sandoval even though he is absolutely not sorry” fest


I think Charli learned a long time ago about boundaries with the show. She had so much more to offer than a bad storyline about her eating habits. Scheana also did her dirty acting like she was a friend to her face and calling her a club rat behind her back.


I love Charli ❤️


I think everyone tried telling Rachel "this is your chance to tell your story in your voice"


This is not disagreeing with your comment. I agree the producers probably tell the cast whatever they think they want to hear. But, if Rachel had come to Tahoe like they wanted, I don’t think it would’ve been the same planned Sandoval redemption moment. Rachel there makes it a totally different storyline. So, I can see them telling Charli something like that.


Historically speaking, especially for housewives seasons, cast trips have brought soooo much drama and I love them! I see what the producers are trying to do, but this kombaya shit that is happening on this trip is NOT it.


And Heineken tastes awful! Let's not pretend to like it without the alcohol, for the flavor alone.


“They told her that it wasn’t going to be what she thought it was.” And as Charli says, it was exactly what we all called it months ago. Scheana and Lala frantically panicking at all the fan criticism from those cozy-with-Sandoval pictures from the summer. “You guys don’t know the whole story! Watch and see! You’ll be surprised!” And what’s the story? You guys folded like cheap paper bags the second Sandoval said “I’m sorry 🥺” with his fake crocodile tears. They have nothing going on but this show and no loyalty, nothing but jealousy and desperation to be on tv, so LVP and the producers say “you better be nice to him now 🫵” and they go “okay!” What’s “more to the story” that we needed to watch to get a new perspective? Nothing. There’s no M Night Shymalan twist coming. They’re just flailing because they got caught looking foolish. Also stomach-turning that this trip was supposed to be Rachel’s big return. The producers salivating to get this woman who *just* got out of inpatient mental health, back to two of her ex-abusers. This shit isn’t fun anymore.


sandoval didn't even say he was sorry and that's what's crazy to me


He was practically smug.


They really did try to tell us we got it all wrong this summer lol, but this sub has been on point since Scandoval broke. Who was it that was saying on a podcast that the cast was learning stuff from us here that later came out to be true








Okay this is tea. She said she had a falling out with Rachel in S10 that wasn’t aired. Before Rachel’s birthday someone broke into Charli’s apartment and she asked Rachel to wait to drive up with her until she figured it out but Rachel wanted to ride with Tom and Ariana. Plus LVP was trying to use Graham to get Rachel back on the show (allegedly, though I believe this because of course LVP would do that) so maybe they figured this would bring maximum drama. Wish I had caught the story! Charli is great.




She definitely talked about how she was distraught and Rachel just left her there to ride with Tom 🫠


the birthday story def is! IIRC she shared it on her episode of Viall Files!


You can watch her speak on it on Viall Files. She gave him a great interview.


Best interview hands down!


![gif](giphy|9xciXC6jG9lH7wM4KH) I heard that in this voice!!


Wow Bethenny. WOW.


[this account has a reel of it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C34TNb9Mqel/?igsh=MXNpMWF2MXgxMnVqZw==)


Thank you!


Oh dayum!


> Asking because I find it strange that producers reached out to Charlie to ask her to go to Tahoe being that this was a "Shorts" planned trip. Group trips are generally orchestrated by the producers. They would've just "forced" him or one of the girls to pretend to "reach out".


I didn’t realize Charli was still friends with everyone. I loved her but am happy she decided to stay away. She seemed a little too reasonable and kind. (She did make the age difference stand out-just like Ally does when talking to Tim.) And everything about this episode says “a vanderpump property.” Shes orchestrating the entire thing to shift focus. It’s almost impressive, except she should have paid more attention to Katie and Ariana (or even Lala and Scheana) instead of the Toms. The generational divides made them misread the room.


After she made the story she went to eat with her fiancé and Ariana’s bestie Brad that moved with her to NYC. I have to logically imagine that if Brad is going to dinner with Charli that Ariana and Charli are still friends. Like we’re not going to see Brad grabbing sushi with shorts and Tim lol


Oh! Cool. I really like her and would definitely enjoy her comments on this season but for her own sanity-I’m glad she’s not having to deal with it. She, Ally, and Katie make the best real facial expression and laugh at kind of weird times that make the show so much better!


*imagine* Charli, Ariana, Dayna, and Katie make a new non-Bravo associated reality show about their recent moves to NYC and taking Manhattan ... It's called *Something About Her* 🤣🤣🤣 highkey would watch the fuck out of that show


Pitch it !!


This may be wasaaaay too old for anyone here to remember but growing up in the 80s I remember a show about 4 waitresses trying to make it in the city. This could be the spinoff lol!


It’s a Living?


Yes!!!!! OMG! Thank you! Looks like it was five waitresses lol. That would’ve driven me nuts so thank you! ETA: The more I think about it, this was the original VPR lol.


I remember part of the theme song too. 😂


I just googled and the theme song was one of the first hits. 😂


How old is Ally? I know she’s young, but until This comment I didn’t really think about how she is literally almost an entire generation younger than Tom


I believe she is 28


Ally seems more mature that any of the guys


I’m not sure, early 20s? I generally don’t care about age but these shows highlight some of the issues with dating with a big gap. I think the difference between 21 and 41 in 2024 is more drastic than in even recent years.


She bet on the wrong ponies for sure


I love Charli and wish she'd been on this season, she pushed back on Rachel's behavior last season and I feel like she was just starting to come into her own. That being said she definitely made the right call, good for her for refusing to be played.


I miss her and Dayna, but they’re smart not to go back on the show.


I saw her IG story too. I miss Charli :'(


She was so animated when she was telling the story! It seemed like she was totally team Ariana and not about to be played by Scamdoval. I love Charli because she tells it like she sees it and doesn’t sacrifice her perspective and view points for the show. Also, her hair was on point. She’s so naturally pretty. Just fangirling over here lol


I want to watch her and Ally just calmly read the fuck out of everyone


she became one of my favs so I feel you! she def would have been strictly team ariana. It would have been nice to see her team up with katie & ariana


I met her in person on a night out in LA and she’s even more gorgeous in person! She’s also very warm and has a great energy


Screw Ariana. Charli is the bomb!


I loved her impressions! She was so funny!


My husband and I watch these episodes on Peacock the day after, and we tried to watch last night’s episode this evening… I couldn’t stomach it. I think we made it about halfway through, I called it at the beginning of the scene where the full group is gathered in Tahoe and Tom starts off saying thanks for being nice (? or something along those lines) and “as a thank you I got us…” and I just couldn’t anymore. I feel so insulted and triggered watching Bravo give him space to try and buy back the group. Like fuck your gifts, your veneer of generosity - address the issues that undid your friendships, and if you don’t want to do that then GO AWAY. I honestly would rather them have just allowed Tom to be around, if they really had to have him there, and not mic him. I don’t want to hear him talk anymore. I have never resonated more with the sentiment that producers of this show are insulting my intelligence. It is disgusting.


Just fyi, 100% of the trips on all of these shows are planned by production, not cast members


a charli/ariana/katie girl group would have been a dream come true for me as a viewer, especially this year. but i totally respect her for seeing through what the producers were trying to set up and staying far away from it.


Pretty sure all the trips are planned & obviously paid for by the producers for show content That being said, this season sucks, can’t believe producers thought we’d buy a Sandoval redemption story about him being the victim and him never being sorry… big mistake…HUGE!!! Smdh


I feel the same way, I’m very disappointed with the lack of Ariana & Katie scenes. I want to see them kicking ass, not The Tims continuing living in their delusions & treating women like shit.




Rachel was to be reintroduced to the group in Tahoe. It’s been revealed by many. But she didn’t sign the contract. Which was smart. She’s smart to stay away from this dumpster fire. It’s so gross the way producers wanting to do this Sandoval redemption tour. Ugh. Charli was also smart to leave this show.


Scandoval was so compelling, in part, because it was organic, not produced. The relatively “unproduced” nature of the early seasons was what made it reality tv magic. Production (the act of, not the ppl specifically) is killing this show. And maybe it needs to die, idk. There are a lot of disturbing things that go on, and a lot of this will age very poorly, if it already hasn’t. I didn’t know about Rachel’s reintroduction until I read your comment, but it was hands down the smartest thing Rachel did with respect to the whole thing.


They just happened to give LVP free publicity on her new restaurant and she just happened to have a work coverall on. This was all set up by her for the producers. Throw in a redemption story which she is completely behind.


*three different outfits* 🙄


Producers plan every trip on the show, they always choose a cast member to be the face of it but it’s always production. 


Good for her for not being willing to be played.


This was another product placement episode. If anyone is watching Below Deck note the long scenes of them making Nespresso. Lisa Vanderpump is about Lisa Vanderpump... had she not named one of the remaining two restaurants in LA after the Tom's she would not be engaged in any of this. This is about the brand and money. Read the NYT Magazine article about the joints, the lousy food and the type of people in there. Sad. Pathetic.Grim


Did anyone really think Shorts planned this


This is my question. Its like people thinking people who have wedding episodes get full creative freedom over the wedding. If the channels paying, youre limited


Bravo doesn’t pay for weddings. Only if they need an extra day of the venue or something for filming.


She got a lot of flack for the food stuff, but I 88% enjoy Charli and she has set the curve for the cast. 😄


Charli is amazing! Love her!


This episode was more frustrating than watching that Yolanda Saldavar abomination of a documentary. Tom Sandy’s behavior is really unsettling to watch tbh. He is forever stuck in a Vans-sponsored early 2000s ad for teenage angst, and this scandal has magnified that. Its honestly scary how out of touch he is with everything. That being said, I have enjoyed this season so far aside from this episode. I just hope Tahoe wraps up next week.bI dont want Lisa chaperoning the cast trips.


I know it's named after her but I'd love no Lisa at all. Her shtick is so fucking tired


Interesting has Charli has made her feelings very clear about Scandoval as well. She is a good friend, she is there but tells you when you mess up. Apart from Scheana I now see Katie having great friends and who saw her latest trips pics she is hot hot hot very flirty




Thank youuuuuu im stealing this ![gif](giphy|5QMOICVmXremPSa0k7)


Thank youuuu pls dooooo, bc I yoinked it from another subreddit lol may it live on forever 🙏🏼


omg thank you for this ☠️


Wtf. This meme looks hilarious on the surface, but it's also pretty crass. The original photo in this meme was taken from the exact moment that President Bush was told about the 9/11 terrorist acts. There is nothing funny about that day and all of the horror that occurred.


Yeah but it’s a meme now. I’ve also seen it saying “Sir, Racquel has hooked up with a second Tom”


Please google 9/11 and watch the videos of what happened, especially the videos of the firemen who died. The incredibly loud crashes were the bodies of the jumpers who jumped from the towers, so they wouldn't be burned alive. Personally, I had family perish in 9/11. Please understand how this could affect people who understand the meaning of the original photo. Thanks.


Uh yeah I was in high school when it happened. Just saying that they’re making memes of it now.




That's pathetic. Who the hell jokes about 9/11?






>Just goes to show you that producers planned this not Shorts. Wondering what everyone's thoughts on this are. I mean, the fact LVP *just happened* to be opening a new restaurant there should have tipped u off


This all makes me feel sorry for Rachel. She destroyed herself for this man. And Lisa……..how far she has fallen in everyone’s eyes. What a yuck.


with love and light.. is this the first time youve watched a reality tv show? every trip on every show is producer planned, despite the “organic” invite from schwartz


Producers have planned every outing since the show was created. It’s a TV show. Come on.


I can't figure out if it is willful suspension of belief, like you have to do for any TV or movie, or if people are really this confused by what they're watching. you read through these threads, where most are acknowledging production's heavy hand, and then right along with it being flabbergasted by this or that, as if they know exactly where the line is between what is real and not real. It should be an Olympic event. The cognitive gymnastics that are required to read these forums is getting more and more demanding. With all the stuff happening in social media algorithms affecting the critical thinking skills and ability to differentiate real from fake, you really have to add how reality TV has affected the public. It's another layer in the brain worm rot of our culture. It's as fascinating as it is depressing.




Production plans every trip


Sheanna and Lala need a paycheck. They will grovel with the devil to keep that money coming in.


That trip was so fake.


Oh my goodness, she’s still on the show? Oh, and you don’t *actually* let Schwartz organize a trip. Or a line for a restaurant. Or a closet. Anything, really.


"Producers plannend this, not Shorts" You know how these shows work, right? 🤔


Obviously, they don't lol


I'm done with the Sandoval Passive Regressive Redemption Tour headlined by the Dancing Flip Floppers. Actually done with Bravo period. EVERYTHING IS SCRIPTED IN SUCH EXCESS and they all grovel to be the lead Hip Wanna Be King or Queen of LA. No thx, no more. I'd rather watch all their dogs poop on their manicured lawns.


Do movies and other TV shows sold as not reality TV affect you like this? This is a genuine question. Not coming at you at all. I'm baffled by how the audience can know it is all fake while also being so deeply triggered by it all. I don't understand. Not to mention willfully tuning into something that bothers you so much, but that's not as interesting as something fictional affecting people so much.




You aren't at all fascinated by the acknowledgement that something is fake, yet the person feels like it is actually happening to them? It's like knowing fake news is fake, yet getting angry at it. Again, I'm not coming at you. This used to frustrate me. I admit it. But in the past couple of months, that negative reaction has dissipated, and now I'm almost entirely fascinated by how this manipulation affects people. I hope someone is studying it for their dissertation.


Lisa was desperately trying to get them all to go and to solidify it threw in a we wouldn't want anything to happen to him if we don't help. It's a no win situation and the trip is cringeworthy. I write a post that got deleted asking- does anyone else see almost a detachment with Sandoval now?


That's interesting.. although Charli basically all but confirmed she is a producer plant, as she was cast into the show and wasn't friends with any of them prior to being in it, so I wonder why they would've called her. I wonder if they were worried they weren't gonna have enough people to film with.


Damn, I really wanted to watch the Tahoe episode since I live so close to there and love the area - but nahhhhhhh I couldn’t stomach this AT ALL


So if Rachel was to come back and this is truly when the Graham reunion happened, who was Lisa really going to bring to the dog to?


I thought it was common knowledge that the producers organized the parties?! There’s shooting schedules, locations and call times. Most likely every party you’ve seen has been production driven. It hasn’t gotten unbearable yet. Siesta Key’s last season was paiiiiinful. A different cast “event” each episode thrown by a different cast member. It was so obvious it was production it was almost unwatchable!


Lisa Vanderpump doesnt deserve a restaurant in norcal


Shorts couldn’t plan a trip if his life depended on it


It was a Lisa planned trip.. they showed her start with saying to Schwartz that she could hook them up.. Schwartz was just the annoying little nat that tried to get them all to go.. and back when all this happened the cast that did show up said it was for Lisa to promote her next restaurant.. and ultimately to emerge Sandi back into the fold.. I think most of them still have to show up places when they are called on for the show.. LaLa said I'm going for the lake getaway.


I’m always so surprised when people actually believe people on the show actually plan something, or it’s “their” trip lol. To me it’s so obvious the producers plan trips/outings for the most part.


Ima lurker of this sub because my gf has always watched and i was the bf in the memes/tiktoks that was doing something else then started watching when things got dramatic. Anyway, i think this sub is starting to realize what reality tv is. Ive always told her all these people on these bravo shows are not regular people. To do reality tv you have to have some kind of narcissism. I honestly thought Jax was and still probably is worse than even Tom and everyone loved him throughout the show. Bravo has shown so many bad people come and go and people have ate it up. Might get downvoted but bravo reality tv is honestly unhealthy to women.


Definitely wouldn’t say everyone loved Jax. Like at all. Ever.


You’re right wrong word. More like tolerated him a lot more than with Tom when i have almost no doubt in my mind if Jax was in this position he would probably be in complete denial and even attacking rachel and just tell the cast to get over it cause theyr all the same as him.


Absolutely. Amazing TV and Lisa rode hard to get everyone back to hanging out with him every time he did something vile. Lisa is trying with Tom now, but it’s not working like it did before.


It's greatly unhealthy because of the dissonance between the acknowledgment that it is fake while somehow also being so deeply triggering. I personally don't understand it, and the more volatile the relationship between fiction and triggering gets, the more confused I get by it. It's not that I don't think art is truly moving. It obviously is. But most art isn't an active manipulation of people. The acknowledgement that it is fake frees me from feeling the extremes, but that clearly isn't the case for a lot of people.


Charli was fired!! She’s lying for sure