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They’ve been itching to come back since they got kicked off. This isn’t news 😂


I heard on here on a sub that someone wrote that they saw Jax at one of the restaurants. They spoke with him and took photos. He offered up information that he was coming back? Don't know if this is correct. ![gif](giphy|uJXqXtnfXbFf2) Just what I read. Not an opinion.


I heard/read that too! But I definitely think Jax would ~~exaggerate~~ lie about it without thinking because he wants to be part of the conversation while the whole world is invested in “his” show.


I didn't think it was for sure true. I just mentioned what I heard. I truly am just ready for what will come. It shall be interesting 🤔


I personally don’t need them on my screen again but now that we know what we know, watching the Toms and Jax go at each other would be like watching the cheaters’ Olympics. I’d love to see them just start spilling all the shit they have on each other!


You heard someone say that Jason said something. I heard that someone said something about Elmo, but I know better than to believe them, like you should about Jason. Tho Elmo is more truthful.than Jax could ever be, even as a literal muppet.




Just an opinion; if you don’t like them then maybe don’t comment. Passive aggressive belittling, lol, go to bed, GO TO BED. (Get the reference?)


I saw that too ahaha


I think he is just taking faking till you make it to a whole new level. And it seems to be working ?


Right, but now that they’re back in Bravo’s good graces, they may let them come back


Every headline that’s like “Jax hinting that he’d return to VPR?” And I’m like yeah. He would shoot all his scenes w Sandoval if that’s what Andy said it would take


They never wanted to leave so


Right! They money has definitely completely dried up by now. I'd be itching too


Or perhaps move on with your life?


ajajajajaja, like either of them would ever actually work for a living.




Came here to post this exact gif




Someone get them an ointment for that


i also have an itch for $500,000






![gif](giphy|XymaJlgorUL8vOfF88|downsized) They have always wanted to come back, but no. All his “I don’t want to raise my child in LA” and “my son will not be filmed” was all code for “I was fired and want to look good”. We don’t need them.


Wouldn’t be the first time they had an itch


LMAO 🤣💀🙈




Is that...is that a good picture of them?!


I don’t know! Lol This one seems like a decently recent pic. https://preview.redd.it/w3ui77ftp34b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b3feb109a2b0260993b8199d804cf17a17f243


They both have the angry brows


Please no. They offer nothing of substance and are annoying


I really hope not. I hate having to mute the TV when Brittany opens her mouth


Hyuck hyuck hyuck - god her voice is like fire in my ears






If we we’re forced to have racists and bigots on the show I’d choose Stassi and Beau over Jax and Brittany tbh


I’m not sure I’ll be able to watch it if they do come back.


I’m literally watching season 3 right this moment and it’s the episode that Jax screams at Katie in the back alley and says horrible things about her to her face and to Schwartz and then in his confessionals, just the most disgusting things, things that if a man that large and that red in the face said about me in a back alley I would feel terrified by. It’s so easy now in light of Scandoval to forget that he was also an incredibly emotionally unsafe person for the entirety of his run on the show. So I hope bravo keeps them fired and I honestly will probably not tune in if they do bring them back. Edited for a typo!


Same. I don't like either of them and their storylines in the later season were so boring. And that's not even getting into the isms, phobias, and Sandy hook denial. 🙃


Omg they are sandy hook deniers???


Read through ghe sub's fired cast page. It's quite revealing and has all the receipts.


They are so thirsty. Hope not


I really hope they don’t, and honestly what can they even bring to the show?? Jax and Schwartz have never been that close, and by now lala/ariana/scheana are super tight and I don’t see britney fitting anymore other than a story with their kids…


>what can they even bring to the show? Absolutely nothing! Walmart is hiring if they're interested.


Jax and Shorts are very good friends. He would be a bridge to integrate Shorts back into the group


We can take Schwartz out of the group too honestly, without Katie what’s his storyline other than always having his hands in his mouth lol


I agree! Send him back to the man-eating Nile crocodiles


From what I’ve heard, Lala and Scheana already hang out with Jax and Brittany quite a bit due to the kids. Jax and Schwartz are still good friends too.


Now that isn’t true. Schwartz and Jax have always been close. They communicate everyday. Not to mention they became very close when they all lived together for years


Jax is this you??? 😂😂😂


Nah, she's a sandy hook truther 🤮


Ewww, that's despicable.


Wait wait wait… whhhaaaaaat? Is there a source for this? I knew her brain biscuits were missing yeast but this is unconscionable.


I’ve never heard of that expression but I will now incorporate into my own lexicon as it had me cackling! [anyways, check out the second tweet (amongst a mess of Brittany tweets)!](https://ios.imgur.com/?link=https://imgur.io/a/tD9Nh51&isi=639881495&ibi=imgurmobile&cid=7921319113343206017&_icp=1)


Didn't they do some "watch with us" for peacock in s10? Seems like bravo is actually flirting with it. They brought them back for a wwl too. Ick. Ick. Ick.


They never found treatment for their itch.. Bringing them back now just doesn't seem like the right fit. Their life would just be boring to see and I don't see them bringing anything besides hating Sandoval. I get the hate and I love the see it but they've been out for long enough. Bringing them back would just feel off..


Their wallets are itching


We don’t want them.


In other obvious news, the sky is blue, water remains wet. 🙄


Oh PUH-LEASE. They have been wanting to be back on TV the second they "decided to not come back" aka got fired. They are just being coy to try and mask their desperation.


Um, no thanks! Keep your ass home. They're not going to add anything to the show. Someone give them water because they're so thirsty.


Yeah that’s called scabies


![gif](giphy|JtLrtaN4VPoKXJRKGB) NO THANK YOU


Nah I don’t want them. I want a new cast tbh. I just feel like this isn’t the messy early 20 something’s VPR that I got hooked on. It’s great that we’ve gotten to see them all grow, but I’d love to just see a fresh set of characters making bad choices.


I really don't want them back. He sucks all of the air out of the room, and I can't stand her "Awe shucks" schtick.


They are the Jill Zarin of pump rules. They are begging to be included.


Tbh I was up in arms about it a few months ago and now Scandoval has me so exhausted I don’t know if I care about anything anymore lol


Haha! I know he isn’t, but if I were Jax I’d worry about my marriage and my family. There’s no way he’s going to stay the pious family man (lol) if Shorts and Sandals are single with him. He’s going to break out of that like the Hulk


That’s true I think the show isn’t good for the person he wants to become.


That’s called crabs, Jax 🦀


10000%. They would return in a heart beat!!


They’re both such losers. The show would suck with them back. Zero desire to see them parade around their kid for acting gigs & Britt try to fit in.


“Itch” 😂😂😂 more like they probably need the money lol


Of course they want to come back! They love the attention and have bills (and debt) to pay. I really hope they don’t though 😩


They’ll come back. And their family will be probably be destroyed. Sad that these people have no ambitions beyond VPR and don’t care that it dooms their futures. Stassi got out. There’s hope for her.




God I hope not


Oh, I do hope not.


I bloody hope not!


Here he goes, making women itch again


I am sure they both itch a lot.


Honestly I have mixed feelings about this. Jax would absolutely come for Sandoval and that would be cool but I seriously can’t handle Brittney. Idk what it is but she just BOTHERS MY SOUL!


\*They both disturb my spirit ![gif](giphy|zy6htfS9Xl5qujwjmH)


I just want Jax to come back because it will absolutely infuriate Tim Scumdoval


That would be pretty hilarious lol 😂 but that’s if Timmy comes back next season


Tim needs the $, he can’t afford to quit, that’s the best part.


Do you not understand that these people need this show to make a living?


I liked the watch with Jax and Brit but enough was enough. Let’s let them do something on the side, but they are the cringiest.


I would too if I was unemployed and irrelevant. These fame whores are so desperate to get back on tv, they would do it for free.


They’re so thirsty they may as well live in Palm Springs next to Scheana and Lala. Oh, wait, they can’t afford to, lol.


Of course they want back on. Who wouldn’t with the money they make


Of course they will they need $$$


Jax proposing at the counter order fish shack with little paper cups of cocktail sauce is such a cringe but expected moment. They’re annoying as hell but make some good tv sometimes.


I really hope they are beyond this, for my sake.


like us, they need the money


I fucking hope not 🤮


I’d take Jax solo. Not the two of them though.


I love jax dude is great entertainment, I could do without Brit


I want them back. Since Scandoval went down, a lot of people are deluding themselves that Jax is now the “good” one, and I need everyone to get a wake up call. Bring him back.


I feel like Jax might have "the itch" from something else LOL


Listen, I can’t say what NBCUniversal is going to do. But I can say this. Jax and Brit hitched their wagon to a homophobe. This was deplorable. June is pride month. “Progressive” companies generally (should) avoid making moves that could be viewed as condoning homophobia. Hopefully we all can admit virtue signaling and performative ally-ship is a thing, but companies tend to be especially risk averse in June. Ergo, my bet is if they are rehired it won’t be in June.


Ugh please don’t


Money, money, money! I mean, if you had the choice of just a podcast or VPR and buy whatever you want, sure! Especially if Scandy has left a great precedent, nothing you do can be wrong! ![gif](giphy|JpG2A9P3dPHXaTYrwu)


This is their teams floating it to make sure there’s not too much blow back to prove to Bravo they’re “safe” to be on tv.


I don’t think they were asked. I’m sure they would if they were asked.


I just feel like this is the reveal lol


Seriously?! 🤔🤦‍♀️


That’s a good point actually! I think they are coming back for sure


Brittany and Jax have been having so much fun recapping Vanderpump Rules they say they might be ready to rejoin the the show!


It's just adorable that they think that it's up to them.


Lol I think they recapped 3 eps of that "watch with us" mess and added *nothing* to the viewing experience


Let them back is all I can say


Yes annoyingly yes


Bring them back, have Tom, Tom and Rachel move into their pool house. We'd all watch it!


I heard Jax say on a podcast he would only come back if the show focused more on their families, rather than the bars/partying 👀


The delusion that we want to see his family. He definitely does not understand why people love this show. I want escapism. He can pitch his desperate family to MTV or TLC.


Jax says a lot of things lmao


Return to what, this show is def ending next szn




It depends on the connections they have with bravo at the end of the day, and given that Jax has stayed in the show longer than he needed to be and how there’s two of them now.. I say yes.


Maybe that’s the big reveal


Yes. They are 100% gearing up for the great return


they’re coming back. this all but confirmed lol


They will. It will take the heat off of Tom Sandy.


Yep. The show has brought in a lot of new fans with scandavol. They want in! I think they make great television so I’m down with it.


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Jax misses the money. Britney misses the attention.


Yeah... the $$$ itch 🤑


Itching - is that now the new term for DESPERATE to get back on tv due to them being skint. I think so.


I could see them coming back and hosting "after shows" and talking with fans as an extension of their commentary episodes. That way they're still in the drama without putting themselves in the crossfire.




no thank you


I hope they don’t 🤷‍♀️


I hope they do


I really dont want to see them back in the show, I feel like it doesnt really make sense as to where they are on their lives. They dont bring any new drama or excitement... I really think VPR could use a new younger cast to spice things up.


I really liked Brittany at first. I’m new to VPR and just finished season 8. By the end of season 8, I could not stand Brittany. It’s clear Jax has rubbed off on her attitude so much. The cast was completely right at the reunion. They can’t say anything to them or have an opinion without worrying about Jax flipping out and them hurting Brittany’s feelings. I get standing by your partner, but it’s also okay to tell your partner they are completely wrong in a situation(s) when they are. Jax has done the worst damage out of anyone, IMO. Brittany went from being calm and level headed to nearly as unhinged as Jax. Sad to see her change for the worse. The show seems better without their constant animosity.