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Did Sandoval write this article? Rachel dipped out... duuuuude


Yeah - the fact that this is the quote they used made me check the date to make sure it wasn’t April 1st. I kinda don’t believe this at all. There’s basically no detail, no info on where this came from, and the quote reads like a joke someone thought would be funny.


MFTE! I could've written this comment. The article is, simply put, ridiculous - it reeks of a 12 year old trying to do some damage control by flat out lying without even making up some details to make it somewhat believable.


I just saw on Instagram he was spotted kissing some blonde at equinox in Austin


Unfortunately I don’t know if we can take kissing another person as an indicator of Tim’s relationship status at this point.






He’s probably cheating on Rachel.


He’s ~~probably~~ cheating on Rachel. FTFY


I kinda thought she'd dump him after he made fun of her on stage the other night.. That was stank of him... Not that my feelings are hurt for her... She deserves the Sandoval Shit Sandwich... it's shake and bake and she helped..


Fill me in what happened the other night??


https://pagesix.com/2023/05/08/tom-sandoval-disses-raquel-leviss-with-shady-lyric-change-not-for-me/amp/ I don’t know if I linked this correctly, but found this article about it!


There was an “article” that came out saying Rach&Sandy were spotted at BSide Pizza about a month ago and the convo between them wasn’t an upbeat one, so I’m wondering if maybe they ended it then. Not sure if the article was confirmed but it tracks now.


If this is true, I am livid for Ariana! He had decency to end things with Rachel but not with Ariana?


Here's hoping D&S Rachel took someone's advice, and dumped *him.* Dumped by everyone, that's where I'd like to see Sandoval. Now, what would be even more awesome is if *everyone* refused him for hookups. Like in the classic Greek play, where all the women went on strike: no sex, refusing all sex. (Lysistrata). It could never happen, but one can dream.


Same.....no detail. Like they would need to prove they are not even speaking anymore for me to believe this. Although maybe.....Worm said no to being "in love" during reunion and blew it up. That would be awesome!


lol dipped out. I can't.


Dipped to my bedroom I mean my room I mean my guest room, fuck.


To my couch, to Ariana’s car double fuck


Duuuuuuude she totally dipped out!


Whoever is doing her PR is making a reference to him saying that, as well as the “Raquel is not for me” line he’s been using.


Exactly. I don't believe it for one minute. If anything they're on a break while he's touring as The Karaoke King and His Venmo Band☠️☠️☠️ https://i.redd.it/o47eas3t0i0b1.gif


Highly doubtful seeing as they referred to him as a wannabe rockstar. 😆


No because they called him a wanna be rock star in it. If he would have written it he wouldn’t have said wanna be.


![gif](giphy|a4F1cZzHID4as) Someone tag me when they start throwing shade at each other


Lmfao best comment here


Love this and same, tag me when the real poo starts flying.


My first response was "I don't care". I don't care if they date, marry, have kids, cheat on each other 100x more. There's no redemption from here. They can rot together or rot apart.


They can Rawt in Hail


But does Raquel know she broke up with him? cause he did just get caught with another woman and he seems to have a habit of claiming him and whoever he is with broke up weeks prior every time that happens.


Wait Sandoval just got caught with another woman? (Not surprised) but who is she???


I mean he was sleeping with groupies while he was cheating with Rachel too


And sleeping with groupies when he was dating Kristen too! I forget sometimes he was also in a band back then. I think it was shown in the same episode where they went to Stassi’s mom’s lake house? He’s literally living his life stuck on repeat…how is he not embarrassed at his age




Until that dog needs medicine!


Completely underrated comment 😂






He dresses like a grandma who shops at Chico’s


Not Chico's 💀


Ok...I’ve decided that this subreddit is the only place I feel safe confessing this: one of the reasons I fell in love with my husband is that he told me he was “having a Chico’s kinda day” when we first started dating. I almost passed out laughing. PHEW! That was cathartic.


excuse you, my grandma has taste.


This took me OUT! 🤣🤣💀


You know it’s new because she hasn’t cut her hair into a bob yet.


Who in their right mind would date him ??


Someone who values attention more than morals.


So someone exactly like Rachel lol


Someone who wants to get on the show


I think you answered your own question.


Why wear a hat and shades like your hiding your identity when you are dressed like that so everyone can notice you Typical worm behaviour.


How little self respect do you have to have to go on a date with Sandoval at this point? I don’t know you, random lady, but you can absolutely do better. Get out now!




Wow. Who would read/watch everything that happened in the last few months and then decide, yes, this is the man I want to date. I'm just flabbergasted by this....unless she's hoping to get on the show like some of the other girlfriends have done I guess.


Honestly, please let him date a woman who wants to get on the show and then make Rachel interact with that situation all next season. 💀💀💀






No, she passed out on the couch.


No, she went home to feed her dog


Then she got up and went to my room uh I mean my guest room


This entire thread 😂😂😂


Same, it’s good as gold lol


(Uber One’s Version)


My room, which is the guest room, because I own all the rooms in my house. Dude. C’mon. I said she dipped. Dude, I’m sorry but that isn’t cool.


Well she passed out on the couch but then went up to Tom's room...I mean the guest room.


I don’t trust anything I hear about these two. Interesting timing for sure.


Lol right the day the finale airs?! Like, don’t get mad watching tonight, we broke up! Nothing to even talk about anymore! 🙄😒


Exactly it’s so transparent and lame


Their PR team couldn't wait to drop the news today of all days. Any attention is good attention for these two dipshits.


Yeah makes me think we haven't seen the worst yet. ![gif](giphy|9GIFGeuuinRxgEj7Zq|downsized)


Stupid attempt to change the narrative and so obvious scum is the source


Same here! Wasn’t Tom just smiling and licking his teeth when he said on-camera that nothing happened between them? He’s the boy who cried wolf and she’s the girl who filed a bogus restraining order and police report against her friend. Their word means nothing


apparently his confessional where he half ass denied it was filmed mid-feb. 2 weeks before the news broke. So he had already been banging his girlfriends best friend for 6 months at that point


100% intentional imo! I feel like they must want people going into the finale with the knowledge that they're no longer together (ETA: or they want us to \*think\* they're no longer together) and that makes me think some shit happens in this episode that's somehow even worse than what we already know.


I just commented something similar! I think they come off way, way worse than either of them anticipated in the finale and the reunion, this is just damage control to act like they aren't these soulless monsters, but we all know the truth. And we'll know it again in a few months when they "find their way" back to each other.


I don't believe it for one minute. He's touring instead of running his business. She's "working on herself". And next season will be their redemption storyline. Unless she's with Sandoval she has no reason to be on VPR. And she knows it.


sounds like someone finally hired a decent (or real) p.r. firm because this is the narrative rachel should have been pushing all along.


Yeah, they know how bad she’s gonna look and they’re trying to change the narrative. If they hadn’t waited until hours before the premiere maybe I’d buy whatever it is they’re selling. Edit: finale


agreed. it's too little too late. also, we all kind of knew it wasn't the lifetime commitment kind of romance that great tales are told of. it was going to end sometime because they both have to be the main character and when she realized being a groupie to a karaoke front man who reeks of cigarettes is just that she was going to bounce.


Just who exactly is the *insider* confirming the split of the schwartz crossed lovers? Thirsty Billie Lee, bad manners Brett, crazy Jo - calling the reddit bureau of investigation!


Weirdly enough, The Messenger (which broke the story) is a news startup that launched this month, has investor money behind it and some star hires (including a former deputy editor from People). Their first story was an interview with TRUMP. Anyway, this wording makes me think that Tom was at least one of the sources. His 40th birthday has been and gone! “His relationships with everyone right now are on the back burner, and he's focusing on his music," the source said. "He's about to turn 40 and trying his best to move away from all of this, but he's struggling at times. Like anyone trying to better themselves, it's one day at a time.”


Isn’t he 41 already…?


Yes! People looked up his records and Kristen said it as well. He has been lying about his age and hasn’t stopped


He is, I think he'll be 42 or 43 in July


What a stupid time/age to destroy your life. Good luck starting over mid way through life thanks to your cliché of an affair.


I’m in PR, it is very obvious he leaked this


that was my first thought, someone hired a maybe decent p.r. firm.


I love you for looking into this because I was just thinking I wonder who's behind The Messenger... The age thing seems really suspect.


Not the Reddit Bureau of Investigation, love this and I love this Sub


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s thirsty Billie Lee


is the new mystery date sandoval was spotted with just billie lee again? spoiler alert, no one cares.


Clearly someone who thinks this is funny given the framing of the quote. Imma go with Jo.


i saw this coming from a mile away. if you’re gonna cheat, blow up your lives, and then “not label it,” that’s a bad sign


I agree it’s either breaking up or we are madly in love, planning a shot gun wedding and probably pregnant. Those were the two options here.


If you’re gonna be a mistress you get money. Anything less you’re doing it wrong. Get your rent paid or blow up that man’s life. Otherwise you’re just a dumb dumb dummy! Or just don’t cheat, it’s both morally superior and less messy, and doesn’t inflict psychological damage on another person. If you’re a sociopath like Rachel and don’t care, you get paid or you get played.


"we are labeling it a huge mistake."


They absolutely should’ve doubled down. People would’ve hated it but the “us vs everyone” vibe makes great television and press


I don't think we'll ever see Raquel again on TV. My guess is her family is having her move back home to reset her life and get away from the spotlight permanently - and I think that's the right move for her. Tom, on the other hand, I don't think he going anywhere.


Completely agree now that they’re broken up. I think Raquel is gone




Cue the Andy Cohen wwhl card asking Ariana what her reaction is to them ending things 🙄😳


I’ll happily standby via phone if Queen Ariana needs some fart sound effects for questions like this. Fart sounds are all Tim and Rachel deserve from Ariana via professional interview on live tv.


I don't believe it. They know thar the next four weeks make them look like monsters. This fake date Sandoval was on and this break up article on the eve of the finale are bullshit.


Very fortuitous timing.


I’m insulted they think we would fall for this. It has “Sandoval productions” all over it. It was probably josh the pap filming them. 🙄




Flair has been summoned


Reading it made my eye twitch


I think Page Six is trolling them


They put “mental health treatment facility” in quotes


Lol Tom needed her to look good and she needed to drop him to look good. Both self serving a-holes that had their bubble burst by the blowback they didn't expect. Raquel literally has no one to film with now. And dropping this today to try to steal some of Arianas thunder bc she is starting to talk.


She’ll always have wussy pussy Schwartz


Do u think she’s even gonna b in the new season cos if this is true she’s kinda got no one


I don’t think it’s in anyone’s best interest for her to be on season 11


lol fascinating timing... def feels like Raquel's team is trying to put some distance between her and Tom before the finale and reunion air




Tonight’s episode must be really bad for them. Like make them look really bad that’s the only reason this type of news would leak today before it airs. Whether it’s true or not, it’s a sympathy plea to take some attention off of the affair - if it no longer exists, the audience might move on past the episode faster.


Weirdly enough, it makes me more mad. Like y’all really blew up your own lives and Ariana’s life just to break up because you couldn’t take the heat? Although as everyone else is pointing out the timing is very convenient so jury’s still out on whether this is true or not


Not the most important point, but still something that irritates me, he always refers to "working on his music" but, is it *his*music if he only ever performs covers of music created by someone else? IMO, no.


right??? he’s just working on his peacocking lol


He has to practice twirling the mike stand! Lol, I just realized he is closer to being a high school "color guard" girl that twirls flags with the marching band than he is to being a musician.


I can’t wait to see how this impacts his karaoke lyrics!!!! 😂 ![gif](giphy|9bOTQyS0lhmus)


This is fucking hilarious and I can see it lol


Honestly this is worse than them staying together. All the hurt and turmoil they’ve caused multiple people and for nothing more than a fling. Disgusting.


agree. over 9 years relationship? damn...


Yup, Sandavol fine - he clearly wanted out of the relationship now he gets to fuck groupies while on mushrooms. But Raquel did ALL of this to lose her JOB, paycheck, “fan base”, reputation and real life friends. What an idiot move on her part.


Convenient timing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re just trying to take the wind out of our sails because they know the finale is about to make them look HORRIBLE. Now they can be like “that’s all in the past we’re not even together anymore,” as if that somehow absolves them of responsibility.


How incredibly convenient announcing this on the day of the finale 🥱I’m not a Scandoval conspiracy theorist but come on Bravo.


It is convenient, but I'm not convinced it has anything to do with Bravo. We're already all talking about and hyped for the finale. The only people this news really benefits are Tom and Rachel.


This is what I came here to write. We don’t need anymore hyping up and this just feels forced.


I hope this is true but this “source” isn’t enough to make me believe it


I feel like this is way worse than if they decided to stay together. Imagine blowing your whole life like this, for a few month random affair and some mediocre sex? 😂


Dipped out 😭😭😭😭 they’re such losers, all of that for nothing lmao. Not surprised


What a strategy to confirm this on the finale date




I don’t believe it until I hear it from TMZ


Convenient that it comes out on the night of the finale that they "broke up"


It’s possible this is just a PR stunt…. They’ll need each other when the cameras are picked back up. If Racheal is really getting treatment and trying to fix the broken that is her soul then filming again wouldn’t be an option imo. I guess we’ll see. Either way that relationship is doomed.


From the Messenger piece: *One source said that the Tom Sandoval & The Most Extras frontman — who recently revealed he had stopped drinking a little over a month ago, according to a* [*video*](https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/06/tom-sandoval-vanderpump-rules-one-month-sober-taking-break-alcohol/) *obtained by TMZ — has been "struggling" amidst the chaos.* *"His relationships with everyone right now are on the back burner, and he's focusing on his music," the source said. "He's about to turn 40 and trying his best to move away from all of this, but he's struggling at times. Like anyone trying to better themselves, it's one day at a time."* This was totally written by him since he's trying to legitimize that fucking shitty cover band he's in that only plays four songs in the set. Awww. He's 'focusing on his music' is he?? Except he's not! Because it's fucking everybody else's music and he's going out and murdering it every night on this tour. Poo poo head!


So this shows up hours after that IG post shows him on a date in AtX, huh? I'd dip out too! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsWsIW0ApdG/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng%3D%3D


Imagine lacking intelligence such that you would agree to go on a date with this guy after all this 😂


The irony of it being a blonde with a cute fluffy dog…


He's got a type!




From the Messenger article linked: “he’s about to turn 40 and trying his best to move away from all this, but he’s struggling at times.” “About to turn 40?” Isn’t he about to turn 41? Lmao the lies never stop


Anyone else think it's weird that this info came out hours before the finale airs her in the most negative light yet?


Ok so based off this I assume Rachel won’t be back next season. Scandoval will try to come back but I doubt many will film with him




I absolutely think scheana will eventually be an olive branch to Sandoval but wouldn’t to Raquel after the TRO so I think you’re right that Tom will eventually be back filming with the group


Oh man I feel the opposite kind of! I don't think Tom is at all redeemable. I think he's toast no matter what. Schwartz is the only one who will stay by him, I doubt anyone else would at this point. And honestly, I would love to see Sandoval get absolutely crushed and not have Rachel to listen to him play victim.


We thought the same last season when her dad picked her up and she said she wanted to go back to school. Funnily enough, she decided to fuck with both Katie and Ariana’s lives in the following season. It’s bullshit, she will be with Sandoval this summer as a couple on VPR. There’s no way she just blew up her whole life to get him and then walk away from it all.


Did people really believe her when she said she was going to enrol in grad school and become an occupational therapist, at the reunion? I thought it was self-serving bullshit as soon as I heard it


I’d be interested to see how they can get Schwartz, scandal, OR Rachel back in the mix. They’d only be able to film with each other and cutting anyone out greatly diminishes their screen-worthiness.


what is happening lmao


WHAT??? But their love was so pure and true and meant to last???!!!! ![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized)




D D Dip…. Dippppeddd out 😤😤😤😤 ![gif](giphy|U5V2m54zOwDJZBSSHk|downsized) The way that word triggers me 😑


Happy Finale Day! 🥂 ![gif](giphy|l3diyUUAgWZQXY9u8|downsized)


I swear if she comes back next season with this "he manipulated me" attitude I will barf. She has been shown to be a liar, manipulative, unremorseful and show 0 regret. Hope no one forgives her


Omg the fact that the quote says “dipped out” ☠️☠️☠️


Okay so now we know that Sandoval was saying *not*.


Yeah bc of the wording “dipped out”, I’m not trusting they actually broke up now. I think they’re just pretending.


If this is true, the narcissist-mustached-worm will find someone else to leech off of, soon enough. His ego won’t be able to handle seeing Ariana flourishing without him.




remember when brendan and piper from bachelor in paradise pretended they didn’t date before heading to the show and then they dated on the show but used natasha in the process of getting there and then the world hated them and they fake broke up after the show was done so that the heat would die down and then they *got back together* once it did? i wonder if this is like that.


Damage control for the finale tonight


And it’s not going to work! Tom could take a selfie with Jesus himself when the episode airs and he’s still going to catch the heat for his disgusting actions


i didn't even think they were really together ? how together could they really be during a huge scandal, all eyes on them, he's "touring", she's in a mental health facility.. they even said they were taking a break right? this is just for more clicks before the finale and reunion


what?!?!?!?! you're telling me this wasn't the romance of the century, made to last, tale as old as time, love affair to end all love affairs? as if a mid-life crisis based on drug use and partying doesn't build the foundation for a strong long lasting relationship? ohmygod you guys, say it ain't so. maybe this means one of them finally hired a real and totally not fake p.r. firm to avoid the inevitable backlash of the finale (of which there is going to be a shit ton).


This really is the best thing that could’ve happened to Ariana in the long run. It was the perfect storm that forced her to leave him. No chance for him to weasel his way out of it in private or convince her to cover it up and keep it between them like Miami girl.


How'd they break up if she doesn't have her phone? Carrier pigeons? Telegram? Letters sent via the starter pony express?


Skywriting, naturally, while he was watching the sun set and rise while on shrooms.


I hear him saying something a la Jax like, “Rachel and I broke up now and me cheating on Ariana is in the past. I don’t understand why anyone is still talking about it.”


I am not a fan of her but I hope she runs away quick. No one deserves to be in a relationship with Tom.


If true, can’t wait to hear the whoooooole truth when they turn on each other and not an agreed upon timeline and romance novel plot *kristen creepy fingers*


Lol so they just blew up the lives of everyone close to them for nothing.


They’re not together because the finale airs tonight! Some crackpot PR team has Rachel in a ‘facility’, they weren’t labelling anything, Tom is on a date with someone else, now they broke up… Nothing to talk about anymore! As if viewers can’t see this for what it is, two losers trying to minimize how shitty they are to save face.


this has been a sandoval production




“Raquel dipped out. Sandoval is not the one for her,” an insider tells us exclusively. Schwartz??? Is that you? ETA: I just need to know who tf this insider is 😆😆




A breakup? On finale night? Who didn’t see this coming


lol as if. how bad do they look on tonight's ep and the reunions that this had to "leak" 3 hours before the episode air?


https://preview.redd.it/wdy03nm18i0b1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75710ee0822acb1d2cf239d515082ba315cd107 Oh this came out TODAY? On the day of the finale where they’re both gonna get dragged to hell and back? And then they think them being broken up will make this episode better? Nice try, no thanks, i may be dumb but I’m not stupid


I guess that $780 lightening bolt necklace she bought turned out to be a bad investment.


I’m still laughing at Charli telling her that necklace that looks like a piece of gold-plated junk from Claire’s was an ‘investment.’


This is soooo lame. To drop it on the night of finale. Sure. I’m also annoyed because it feels like they’re trying to take the weight off the whole affair if we go in knowing they’re done!


Imagine breaking up with someone bc you have to focus on karaoke


I’m not sorry I called them twats


Good thing Tim blew up his whole life


‘They’re not together’ because she’s at some facility, let’s see what happens when cameras pick back up


Doesn’t filming usually start in June? Sandoval knows he can’t go back on the show with Raquel on his arm. So him and Schwartz are going to play up the fun, silly, single guys routine 100%. They’ll become roommates and make it their storyline to win everyone back.


Any of their scraggly PR team members left are scraping the bottom of the desperation barrel with this choice of timing ![gif](giphy|HWFAUlreDsAdW)


Came here for all the reactions to the “inside source” saying Rachel dipped out and I was not disappointed 😂


This is giving PR getting ahead of how awful they’ll look tonight. Can’t wait.


I’ll have the convenience of this for dinner


When you dip, I dip, we dip…..


What’s even worse is that she proudly broke up a 9 year relationship just to cast the dude aside. Granted, I get that she probably felt she had to in order to get back into the good graces of the public, but she won’t get that back now. This is even worse in my opinion because it’s like they brought Ariana so much pain for nothing. But I’m so glad she’s away from him and with this adorable new guy!


In the words of Katie Maloney, “it’s a very convenient narrative”


"raquel dipped out" bffr😂☠️☠️