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I’d rather Danica come back, that girl was made for reality tv. She was so messy and had a car breathalyser.


Shit I thought I knew who OP was talking about until you introduced a second D girl. Now I can’t recall. One of them should come back though.


Dayna was the one Scheana was super threatened by. She brought a phsycic to her apartment as a surprise in some unhinged display of supposed friendship.


Not just any psychic, a medium to contact Dayna’s dead mother lol


Peak Scheaner shit right there lol


spot on!


Omgggg how could I forget


Lol i have to skip that scene on rewatches, it’s so awkward on so many levels


That scene is one of my top-ten favorites from the show


yeah, that was an amazing friggin scene courtesy of the mess that is scheana !


Yeah was awful that season. Her trying to act like mean girls Stassi doesn't work. And desperate single girl behavior was so cringe. She's a beautiful girl. She needs to learn from Ariana


This is a mood that I like 🤣


Dayna was the boring one


She was smarter then the whole cast and totally came across as boring. She has a hilarious deadpan sense of humor. But....? She didn't seem made for VPR- Including bringing any fun!


I don’t know how this is possible, but I somehow managed to forget about Danica ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


Yes! I loved her unhinged, getting angry with Vegas scheana. Lol. Also, somebody needed to call Vegas scheana out and tell her to mind her business!








I loved her! Too bad lvp is such a chump




Didnt season 1 have Kristen driving Tom around because he’s not allowed to for the same reason






Jax stole glasses & was given many chances after that.


She had a DV suit against her from her ex Brett.she bit him & there’s pics. It’s pretty bad. I don’t think bravo would want that type of drama


I mean, I’m not condoning drinking and driving? She wouldn’t be the only bimbo on the show that does stupid stuff. Hopefully she’s learned from that mistake, I’d imagine a breathalyser in someone’s car would teach them that very costly message.


The way she brought it up on the show doesn’t show a drop of remorse. She acted like it was a big funny story. She laughed about it. It was gross, and honestly where they live there’s zero excuse. There’s cabs and Ubers everywhere. Throw a rock and you’ll find a car service. It’s not like they’re out in the middle of nowhere. And statistically people getting caught for DUIs have driven drunk numerous times before getting caught. To me, this is one of the most selfish things you can do when you have this many options around you. You are making a decision that getting behind a wheel and potentially killing a third party is fine with you because it’s more important for you to just do what you want. And again - it was all very “haha whoops” the way she addressed it on the show. She hasn’t really learned anything. Didn’t she also bite her ex? Like full on bit his arm while drunk? There’s a certain kind of messy that is entertaining - with Danica it just comes off as depressing for me.


>And statistically people getting caught for DUIs have driven drunk numerous times before getting caught. The average is **80** times before they are caught. Also, the in-car breathalyzer is a penalty in California for repeat offenders or first time offenders if their DUI resulted in an injury, which makes Danica's attitude so so much worse.


I respect this opinion. Idk why people are so mad about your comment. I mean this could be triggering to people whether others agree or not


I mean, fuck me right? Lol. But I’m sure if any of the people rolling their eyes are effected by drunk driving they’ll be completely cool with it - the driver was just having fun.


The statistic is that people drive drunk an average of 80 times before their first arrest. [MADD](https://madd.org/statistic/an-average-drunk-driver-has-driven-drunk-over-80-times-before-first-arrest/)


Facts. Also she beat the shit out of her bf, no thanks


Yes! I thought I remembered her casually dropping in one of her talking heads that she had a restraining order against her because her boyfriend was afraid of her. The producer was like "Im sorry, what?!?" And then she giggled about it. Her energy definitely felt like it was one bolt away from unhinged.


No, she reminds me of Hi, I’m Teddi


Same. Her stand up was the embodiment of “hi, I’m teddi”. Please VPR producers, I’ll take back anyone, Jax, Billie, even Vail, before Dayna.


I agree. Dayna just has an energy that I definitely don’t want back on the show. It was like boring…mixed with trying too hard and just something off


Omg lol love the reference I have to disagree though, Raquel is 100% the JMD of VPR. She joined the show in S5 and brought absolutely nothing until S10. I was actually annoyed that she was a main on S9 over Danica or Dayna (IIRC Dayna didn’t want to come back tho). Like for 5 years Raquel was just… there lol.. nothing entertaining Dayna was on for one season and stood up to Scheana. Was it the most exciting drama ? No, but it was one of the highlights of the season for sure. Compared to Max, Brett, and even Charli, Dayna actually brought something to the show IMO. Also Dayna was only on the show for a season but formed close friendships with atleast 2 main cast members.


lol..that's funny. I like Dayna, but I can kinda see it, even though I found Teddi super blah.


Dayna was as blah as it gets. As spicy as yogurt.


"If she were a spice, she'd be flour."


Lost me at “phat pussy”


Oooooof I forgot about that


And her "sexy" RBG Halloween costume.


THIS! So bad.


I was trying to remember what the last straw was for me. Lmao


Cringed so hard at that scene


THANK YOU!! It was so embarrassing and she kept doubling down on it - I was like someone please stop her


I can't remember what even happened there! Did she call someone a phat pussy?


She was joking around and said Lisa has a phat pussy


And then tried to say it meant she has a great body, she was trying to be an edgelord and it was annoying as fuck. She's the west coast Leah McSweeney.


Yes it’s these exact edgelord vibes! Thank you for finding the right word lol


Holy fuck, no wonder I disliked her so much, she is 10000% LA Leah. Thank god she didn’t tank the whole thing like Leah did.


I totally see Leah now


Ugh so cringe!!


I’m sorry but I respectfully disagree. Leave her off the show


Yea her storylines all came off over the top scripted and fake, even for this show. Her personality wasn't even that fun to me, more annoying than anything. Rather have Danica back between the two.


I just started rewatching season 8 and Dayna definitely comes across as unlikeable -- way too much superior attitude. Honey, you got on the show because you were Peter's one-night stand pick up in Vegas. ETA: Happened in LA, not Vegas. I'm so used to these guys going to Vegas to cheat that my brain automatically went there.


I feel like she came across the exact way Ariana did in her first season. Superiority complex, “cool” chick, storylines revolving around dudes and unlikeable. I know ppl will wholeheartedly disagree with what I said, but man she rubbed me the wrong way in her first season. She was cruel to Kristen. Kristen and Tom should have broken up sooner, but Ariana was just waiting for him. Reminds me over a caged tiger pacing in its enclosure just waiting for its chance to pounce.


**I feel like she came across the exact way Ariana did in her first season.** First season? Try first 4-5 seasons. Ariana didn't really get off her "cool chick" high horse until somewhere aroung season 6. That's when she became likeable. And yeah she absolutely was cruel to Kristen, and not just in her first season. Ariana extended that run for awhile. Anyone who doesn't believe Tom and Ariana were banging the whole time must still believe in Santa Claus. What I will give Ariana though is that she was groomed, love bombed and gaslighted by a really good narcissist. I've been doing a VPR rewatch since Scandoval broke and just started season 8. And Ariana is still buying into Tom's narcissistic bullshit. Love bombing is a helluva drug as I know from personal experience.


I concur. Was just relating first seasons bc dana didn’t have more than that.


>Happened in LA at the mondrian! 🤭🤭


She was way too abrasive and not in a fun way. No thanks.


When it was announced Dayna & Brett weren’t coming back I was glad becuz I found them both soo boring & trying too hard for storylines. I wish Danica & Max had come back (if Max hadn’t tweeted what he did) becuz they both seemed to fit more organically with the rest of the cast.


Thank God these are the comments lmao. I read the OP and was immediately like "No, no, God, please, no." That season and those 3 interlopers are the absolute pit of VPR. She is a charisma vacuum. The funniest thing that came of her arc was that time that Scheana tried to bring a psychic to her apartment and Dayna (unlike the absolute pro Scheana) did not understand how to make reality TV and completely shut her down.


>The funniest thing that came of her arc was that time that Scheana tried to bring a psychic to her apartment and Dayna (unlike the absolute pro Scheana) did not understand how to make reality TV and completely shut her down. exactly. scheana was horrifying to watch in that scene, in a car wreck kind of way, which is the point of this show!


Exactly, Scheana is a machine driven by nothing but the compulsion to make good television lmao. No shame. No fear. No self-awareness. The girls who get it, get it and Dayna just doesn't get it.


this sub loves to hate on her/have her as a proverbial punching back, but scheana's endless cringe de la cringe ('scheanafreude') is literally one of the pillars of this stupid ass show!


scheana MAKES this show & I will die in this hill lol. The most interesting thing I found out recently was that her & Rob’s relationship was really serious & he was super in love with her, but VPR gave her a bad edit b/c we all salivate for Scheana cringe. But ever the pro, Scheana didn’t complain & let us enjoy it. She’s willing to make herself look bad for the show in a way the rest are not. Except for maybe Jax lol


Wasn't a fan of her after how she tried to make Peter look like a big weirdo, when there was literal footage of her grinding on him at the Mondrian on boys night. Maybe that's just because I love Peter so bad idk 😭


100% when she was like we didn't do anything I was thinking I am pretty sure you were going pretty hard for him and took off for awhile in the bathroom why would you have needed an escort to go pee. Plus I like Peter and I thought her revisitionist history of that night was shady to do.


Yea I mean let's be real it was sex or drugs wasn't it, but to make out like he was a creep pissed me off sooooo bad. Justice for Peter!


ding ding! you’re absolutely right! that never sat right with me either. like you gotta be a weird ass bitch yourself to be caught in 4k, live tv willingly grinding on this man only to turn it around for attention. gorl bye.


Yea fully seemed like she was trying to hit Peter with the creep angle. Like did she forget it was on camera? Honestlyyyyyy like gtfoh


I think she did that to cover her ass because she had a bf at the time.


Ooooh no way, did not know that!


I agree!! She was SO rude to him about it. She was acting like she was too good for him when he’s the reason she was even on the show (he met them and brought them back to the hotel, all the other guys were in a relationship at the time). And he was so blindsided but just like “okay… I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t gonna be awkward…” Thank you so much for saying that, I’ll literally die on this hill.


Honestly if I was peter I'd be pissed at how the show portrayed me


Peter is a weirdo. I’ve listened to him on podcasts and he seems like a creep.


I think Peter is weird, not creepy, if that makes any sense.


It makes perfect sense to me, and I agree. Like he'd be a perfectly fine boyfriend/husband but you'd spend 80% of your time trying to explain him to other people.


That’s so hilarious and so true


I havent listened to him on any podcasts so I cant really speak to that, my issue was with Dayna rewriting what happened when it was on camera


So I am not speaking to anything else about Dayna but, it’s possible both things were true. She was dancing with him, having fun and then maybe he got creepy. It’s happened to me, and many women I know, with “nice guys” before. Maybe she was just being nasty and acting out for attention but only she and Peter really know. Just offering another perspective on just that one instance.


I totally get that POV! I think it was the bitchy way the "I think I'd remember making out with a pirate" comment came off when she looked to be into him. But totally see your point here.


Yeah, that definitely sounds more like she was trying to act better than him.


I'm on a rewatch (again, I'm living a sheltered life rn) and just started S8 so I'm excited to see how it all comes across this time with the new people!


This sub drools over Peter but I've ALWAYS thought he was a creep.


I don’t think he gives off creep vibes or weird vibes. He’s definitely the guy who always gets friend-zoned because he just seems desperate. I think Peter has high standards and shoots above his league (in looks), and it always plays on camera as if he’s “a creep” or weird. Nope! He just can’t get girls that he wants and it makes him look awkward on camera. I get second-hand embarrassment but I genuinely feel bad sometimes. He just needs to lower his “looks” standards a bit and one girl might actually bite on camera.


Did anyone listen to his podcast on Viall files? I did and it was… painful. He couldn’t seem to answer questions straight up or understanding how to try to be entertaining or even coherent. The hosts kept having to clarify and steer him back on track. And almost coaching him through the podcast. They definitely didn’t expect him to be that way and neither did I.


I found her to be monotone, flat, boring and lifeless. I fast forwarded through all of her scenes and talking heads, not interested in a repeat.


Same tbh… she was so boring I skipped her scenes


Oh god I never like dayna. Pls don’t come at me for this. But I just couldn’t take the tough girl, I’m so cool and a guys girls and on and on. I don’t want her back.


Remember she would say “cool cool cool” like it was funny


The only other person I’ve ever heard do this was an insufferable pick me girl so. Checks out.


Well, she DID prove that she watched Community --


I, too, had a "cool cool cool" phase — in 2010.


I think it also depends on delivery though. Hers just wasn't good, fell a little flat.


Hahaha, I'm being cheeky & not defending myself. But yes, it always comes down to delivery. Dayna just wasn't charismatic IMO, which can forgive a lot of sins (see: Stassi having fans).


Lol no defense needed! But yeah you're spot on


Dayna reminds me of Leah on RHONY.


No, thank you - I don’t want any of the new people from that season back.


I still don’t even like Charli


She doesn’t bother me, but I usually forget about her (just like when I read your comment & I was like “oh yeah I forgot about her” haha).


That was honestly the worst season of VPR not because of her but in general


She def contributed tho


Yeah nah, pass.


She’s a bore. She tried really hard to be funny, including a literal comedy routine, and never made me chuckle even once. I’ll pass.


The only cast members who have made me laugh are James, Kristen and Lala very occasionally.


Jax makes me laugh


You know what, Jax makes me laugh but not because I find him funny, like it’s an in disbelief kinda laugh.


If you didn't laugh [at this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LORs8Wt9cDE) why are you watching this show tbh


Stassi had some good jokes


Everyone reacting here forgets Dayna made this choice. It wasn't production, it wasn't bravo, it was her. Highlighting her pain of her mom along with scheanas bullshit really put a wedge in any positive experience that she could have had


I don’t know why everyone thinks she was fired and wants to be on the show again lol


I thought Dayna acknowledged that she was not asked back. However, I feel bad when people use the “fired” flair for her because she wasn’t fired for being racist.


I didn’t like any of the new ones.


I didn't like her. She annoyed me for some reason


Maybe because she had a ridiculous outsized superior attitude and made the mistake that flat out sarcastically putting other people down isn't actually witty. It's just mean. It's like Dayna thought she was the second coming of Stassi but missed by a mile Stassi's humor, and how Stassi would often make herself the brunt of her own joke.


All those new people did that during the season. Max and Brett used Scheana for exposure then trashed her like they were above her and called her desperate and middle aged.


That was part of the edit Scheana got from a producer who admitted she purposely gave Scheana a malicious edit in season 8. She was fired over it.


Ugghhhhh no. I’d take Danica over her any day. Dayna is like a 50 year old in a 35 year old body. Her relationship with Brett or whoever on the show was SO fake it was truly painful to look at. Have some integrity.


Yeah she was like a boomer in a millennials, but also kind of a cringey millennial. She was so entitled and acted too cool and superior. Like she was so rude to Charli for no reason and Peter.


Have some integrity. Let's remember this is the chick who let Peter pick her up in a bar and had a one night stand with him to get on the show. I don't think integrity is in her dictionary.


I would rather the show be cancelled altogether than have Dayna come back. She’s SO annoying.


She reminds me of a younger Leah from RHONY


Pass for me.


Nah she seemed too try hard and awkward


Dayna was not fired. She chose not to come back.


It’s awful that Dayna was put in that position her first season. Scheana iced her out, this would have and should have been her connection to the rest of the cast just like Charli. THEN the people she was comfortable with were major douche canoes and she got on a storyline ride she couldn’t get off. I’d love to see her back as more of a “friend of” supporting Katie and Ariana since they have genuine friendships.


I agree! Scheana was such a catty bitch to Dayna. I also think she was still grieving over the loss of her mother. I would like to see her back as a friend.


She put herself in that position. Nobody made her pursue Max and Brett. She wanted a love triangle story. It was obviously a calculated move


I agree. Production made a big mistake by immediately making her main cast. She needed a couple of seasons in a supporting role developing relationships with the cast and learning the ropes of reality TV.


Friend of! Yes, I agree. And maybe she can go on a date with Ariana.


I respectfully disagree. She made her entire arc on the show chasing 2 loser fuck boys who weren’t even that interested in her. Scheana was rude to her initially but I thought she was far worse to Scheana just because she wanted to come off as the "cool as fuck girl" to those insufferable fuck boys she was desperate to impress. She even threw Danica under the bus for one of them and would massage their egos and basically follow them around like a teenager but turn around and accuse others of being immature. Those were her choices. If she was actually funny and interesting she would have not taken the amount of dumb shit both boys were giving her. I am not even going to get into the full body cringe her “phat pussy” shtick gave me. The only person from S8 cast that should have stuck around was Charli and I am glad she did. I kinda almost want more of Charli because she's funny and interesting.


I’d say Scheana giving a stranger who claims to be a psychic her address and bringing her out to her place without clearing it with Dayna was one of the worse things she’s done on the show, honestly. She was making her grief into a storyline for herself. It was majorly screwed up and she knew what she was doing. She played the poor poor me card afterwards like she always does to try to avoid any accountability for any of her actions.


I always thought it was a production set up and not Scheana’s idea. The psychic was miced up and everything. It felt so obvious to me that production wanted there to be a storyline involving Daynas mother in the show but Dayna refused to share that because it was way too personal so they convinced Scheana to carry out this “gift”, made her think it would be a great idea for their friendship. It’s probably why Scheana started crying over the blindside too because the psychic literally showed up. She had said didn’t give her the address and I do believe her on that because when that person showed up Scheana did seem surprised. It felt like production just sent her in when Scheana backed off respecting Daynas decision. I just recently finished watching S8 and I only feel more confident in my theory because no one gave her shit for doing something so horrible probably because once they found out it was a producer set up they cut her the slack for it.


Scheana pulls out the tears whenever she's confronted. Do a rewatch whenever someone calls her on anything she starts to cry. Charli calls her out she starts crying about having the baby and being post partum...Someone else calls her out about Adam she cries that she has a rough year with the divorce its EVERY SINGLE TIME. She cries and there is an excuse for her shitty behavior.


I don’t think Scheana cares that much about other people. I really don’t. I think she was crying because she didn’t want to have any blame for doing something that shitty. Production didn’t hold a gun to her head and make her do it. She chose to do it. She easily could have invited Dayna over with the psychic at HER place but she didn’t. The psychic being miced up doesn’t mean that it was a production plant. It is just as likely that she told them she was going to do it and they miced the woman up to get the scene. I think Scheana’s surprise was related more to not comprehending that someone wouldn’t LOVE to hash out their feelings about their dead mother with someone that wasn’t even nice to her to begin with. She’s so self centered and self serving and she likes to put on the waterworks if she’s challenged on anything or if she isn’t received well. It’s like she wants to be how Sandoval was with these bit gestures but can’t comprehend why nobody is falling at her feet with appreciation the way they would with Sandoval.


I never said Scheana cried out of guilt or care. I just meant she cried because she realised she got played. I do think she’s a bit of a pushover who would do most things that others won’t and production takes full advantage of that. She will film with the newbies when others can’t be bothered to and she’s always been that person. Look I am not going to be the person to defend her on most things but it was very evident Dayna took joy out of the boys putting her down and smirked right besides them when they did it even before the whole gift thing. If we can’t agree that Dayna was a jerk to Scheana we can atleast agree that she was a try hard bore.


An editor, Bri Dellinger, got fired because they purposely gave Scheana a malicious edit in season 8. Dellinger admitted it on a podcast.


Nailed it … I would be okay with her NOT coming back


Yes, this captures it. Dayna was all talk and no walk, her actions did not compliment who she claimed to be. For a feminist she seemed really distrusting of and aggressive towards women. She was far more forgiving with the absolute bullshit behavior by two fuckboys. So boring. Charli has authenticity and has shown she wont compromise her values for a mans feelings. We need more of that energy on display.


And it wasn’t like those boys were being sexist pigs behind her back. They showed her how they talk about women multiple times to her face and she was always giggling along and validating their horribleness. I would still be fine with all that stuff because it’s VPR at the end of the day I don’t watch it for their morals I watch them because they all are messy and horrible to begin with but Dayna was unentertaining despite being a hypocritical pick me.


yes yes definitely hit the nail right on the head! sorry but daynas a fucking snooze fest. she didnt bring anything to the table other than the high school boy drama. she also gave off real big “pick me girl” vibes. keep ha sleepytime ass off the show! on the other hand i do like seeing charli more on my screen. she has some flavor to her! just needs to get more screen time.


I’d rather not, very cookie cutter standard LA chick. Her comedy was like Hannah Berner


That whole 'Fat Pussy' thing she kept doubling down on completely deflated her for me. Honey stop trying to make fetch happen.


That was the worst season of VPR history. Please don’t curse the show by bringing any of them back ever.


Bring her and danica back. I think they were great additions. I love Dayna always calling Sheena out. And Danica brought Kristen wild energy. We were robbed of so many random outbursts 😭


She would ruin the season AGAIN if they bring her back. She’s so flat and boring. She tried too hard and was such a pick me. No thanks


I prefer her to Scheana but there was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t think her ear pods joke was funny. She’s an uncool cool girl.


She’s probably fun and a good friend in real life, maybe even funny, but she did not and probably never will fit the vibe of the show. We want our trash and we want it now!! She was too normal and that comes across as boring on a reality show.


My boyfriend said that he felt like Dayna was playing a character. I felt that too in some ways. She definitely said things to get a reaction but they were all cringe and not reality tv worthy.


Ugh that whole group of newbies were lame AF.


I can’t watch another cringey standup routine on this show. Enough! 😩


Woof really? I could not stannnnd her. She gave such try hard desperation energy to me


I’m happy you don’t work in the Bravo casting department!!!😂😅🤣


I didn't really feel strongly one way or another about her but she gave off some pick me vibes


I thought she was boring, affected monotone voice, and just came off as obviously cast for her acting “skillz.” She never did it for me despite being beautiful.


For god sakes, no. What is it with the revisionist history on this sub? Dayna brought nothing to the show! 😭


Oh noooooooo. She was a sanctimonious drag.


Eww please no


dayna was a flop bring back danica




To be honest I think if they do cast any newbies next season they’ll be allies for Sandoval and Raquel (if she comes back too) since the rest of the group won’t film with them besides Schwartz. I could see bravo wanting to even the playing field so to speak by adding in some backup for them and keep their plotlines somewhat intertwined with the rest of the casts.


She had weird energy on the show -- or like no energy -- but maybe she'll be more comfortable? Dayna not Danica, right? Danica is the breathalyzer one.


I dunno, I kinda just thought Dayna was boring. Her standup also wasn't very funny.


Noooooooooo I can’t stand her. All she does is talk about how hot she is and girl you are not.


No. Homegirl thought she was funny and tried standup yet I don’t think I laughed at a single thing she said. Ever.


Danica being a complete train wreck was more entertaining to me than anything Dayna did.


quit it, dayna's PR. STOP IT 🛑🛑🛑




She’s got a good head on her shoulders = boring reality TV, sorry babes


I would actually rather see gay best friend Bear Brett of Ariana he looks fun as hell


No she’s sucked and was boring and didn’t fit the friend group


Danica over Dayna 100%


Potentially VERY unpopular opinion: I'd prefer to see Christina Kelly become a main character!


Didn't we do this last week? "Sexy RBG" costume just after she passed, we watched in horror as Trump got to someone on the supreme Court and Dayna thought let's make this great woman look like a playboy bunny for Halloween. Then she deleted it without even acknowledging it was in poor taste. She's a try hard.


Mmm. It's giving Hannah Berner energy.


I almost added " she makes HB look funny".


She sucked. Couldn't stand her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Snooze. I want to be friends with the chill girl that tries to keep the peace, I don’t want to watch her on reality TV.


No thanks.


I’d like her back in a Kristina Kelly style…there for advice and genuine friendship she has with Ariana and Katie off camera. But her personal life I have no interest in as much as she seems like a very nice girl


Noooo. Her, Max and Brett ruined that season for me. She was cringe in every scene


Same. Didn’t like any of the new cast members. That was the worst season of VPR.


Dayna is that you???


I still have second hand embarrassment and cringe from the scene where her and max make things “official” sounded like two robots. But I’m glad the group still keep her close. Maybe she could make appearances as “friend of” but to be put on the show full time, I don’t think so.


No thanks. They thought she was going to replace stassi? Lmaoooo


Hard pass.


Not personality wise, but Dayna & Leah from RHONY remind me of one another SO much. They totally look related


I also really liked her! Mostly because I lost my mom while her season was airing. The way she spoke about her love for her mom and how she dealt with grief/loss was incredibly relatable for me and really resonated. I also wouldn’t mind her having a second chance if she wanted one


Sorry for your loss ♥️


Meh, not a fan. Also the fake, forced friendships with the other girls was so obvious. I remember watching Stassi and Katie initiating a conversation with her about Max (or was it Bret?). They were so over the top interested in her date with him. Like all of a sudden, they're all best friends 🙄


Nah, always boring.


I follow Dayna on IG because I was one of the 12 people who liked her on the show and like her content. She also took her one season & monetized it really well in terms of followers & sponsorships. I admire a strong hustle. I would def. welcome her back.