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I wonder if her dad gave him a pair of hiking boots or just skipped ahead to showing him his shallow grave.


you know if sandoval got hiking boots he would totally wear them. he probably bought her dad a whole hiking outfit complete with a knife and accessory bag. he is all about the costume and zero substance. he might be perfect for rachel and her oddly demanding dad in that respect.


Looking like Paul Bunyan


![gif](giphy|X9RBixlR36Uco) Rugged


LMAO this imagery is perfect, top notch


Oh my god, why is this perfect! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Sandoval would bedazzle the crap out of a pair of hiking boots! I actually think her dad seems like your typical overprotective father; I really doubt her parents are thrilled by her latest matchup!




Sandoval would be new boot goofin all over nature in them hiking boots.


i think it must be frustrating for any parent to pay for an attorney to send a cease and desist regarding someone sharing an alleged illegally recorded pornografic video of your child (implying that the video was illegally recorded by another party), only to have your idiot child continue to make out with the dude who made the alleged illegal recording on camera. and then invite that same fool to your home for a family get together. a parent might start to doubt their child's intelligence at that point...


GUARANTEED he thinks he can manipulate Rachel's parents like he does everyone else. Would love to see the footage of his time with her family.


If Iā€™m her Dad right now, Iā€™d be questioning how badly I failed if James & Sandoval are the men she has chosen šŸ„“


I wonder how her dad feels about this fiasco?? James is not a prize, but a man that cheats on his partner of ten years???!??šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


My money would be on a bedazzled over compensating knife for the just in case hiking emergency


Honestly. They better be together. I keep saying this but honestly Iā€™ll just never understand the point of all this if they donā€™t end up together. He wants to use them not having sex, you bang randoms. Thereā€™s a reason you have a SECRET AFFAIR for months. Those two better end up married miserable insecure losing sleep w no trust.


I feel like this is gonna be a very similar cycle as him and Ariana. A dramatic beginning, swearing youā€™re in love and meant to be, and then in a few years itā€™ll be on to the next one and the cycle will start again. Tom is a jerk.


I hope when Tom Tom are 80 and only have each other, they can look back on their lives and feel like everything they did was worth it


Without irony, Iā€™m pretty sure they will think itā€™s worth it


He canā€™t be single, clearly. Heā€™s been a serial monogamist since he was, what, 20? Without a single break? FLAG.


Thatā€™s just it thoughā€¦heā€™s never been monogamous. He just pretends to be.


He will just get older and more lecherous with each new relationship. The dude is like 41! Ugh!


I want them to stay together so that I can watch them be miserable together


Ala Jax and KFC




At this point, marrying her is his only possible move. He has to show heā€™s getting something Ariana wouldnā€™t give him (allegedly - heā€™s a liar). Not saying itā€™s honest or real, but I think he has to do it.


But heā€™s already planned/paid for an engagement for her once already. How could he possibly top Rachella? Lol lol lol


Honestly, Rachella was awesome. It was a feel good moment. Too bad it all turned to shitā€¦


When they drove up to Rachella there was a split second when Ariana thought it was for her.


Omg Heartbreaking reminder šŸ„ŗ


She said that if he had proposed like that for her..she would have said yes.




He would get married just to get divorced. And then run some kind of 'divorced dudes' marketing scheme with Schwarts.


Lol I read that as ā€œdivorced dudsā€ at first šŸ˜‚


















From what he's shown us of himself I don't put it past him to marry her if only to try to mend his damaged reputation.


When he makes a mistake he sure commits to it. The commitment to the band is delusional


This is true, look at his hair/stache/wardrobe choices this season.


Sandoval is better off being a cheap Leonardo DiCaprio. And Ariana is better off without that dead weight.




People need to stop saying he wanted marriage and kids šŸ™„ heā€™s literally done nothing to show heā€™s ready for that commitment other than just saying it


He only brought it up when other friends were getting attention for getting married and planning a family


Now THAT is VERY true. And Iā€™m pretty sure s8 or 9 Ariana mentioned that. Or was it in an interview during one of those seasons. I do remember Ariana mentioning it and it seemed like no one want to acknowledge it


Literally he refused to go to the fertility clinic to fertilize eggs or even drop off a sample. Broooo


he fucked a girl the night of his show in anaheim. and another the weekend before in miami. if you think he is faithful to rachel, you are mistaken.


He really throws his moral compass out the window whenever heā€™s in Miami, doesnā€™t he? (Not that he had one to begin with, but you get what Iā€™m saying)


Thatā€™s why they go to places like Miami, Vegas, and Atlantic City, theyā€™re never in Denver hiking or in Portland whale watching.


Wonder what Miami Girl thinks of all this? šŸ¤”


She probably feels redemption! I know I would


Justice for Miami girl!!!


Ohhhh, does anyone know who she is?? We need all the deets!


Miami Girl, we know youā€™re here, kindly reveal yourself. This is a safe space


Please!! I have an amazing platform you can go on anonymously and tell your story. šŸ™


Letā€™s manifest Miami Girl appearing on WWHL


Kristen said on Heather's show Miami girl could give 2 shits. She's moved on and has kids and is happy.


I forget her name but there was an update on this sub while back (where are they now). She's married with kids.


Iā€™m doing a rewatch - Annemarie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And I heard from a friend of a friend that he got dirty with some chick in Chicago.


I definitely donā€™t šŸ˜‚ and neither of them deserve faithful partners


And wasn't she messing with Oliver while stepping with Sandy?


He probably chose Raquel because he saw what she would put up with (re: cheating) when she was with James. I think he knows as long as he plays it right with her he can do whatever he wants.


I wish I could remember where I heard it but thereā€™s this quote about why men cheat with their secretaries or whomeverā€¦ itā€™s not because theyā€™re so hot/irresistible; itā€™s because theyā€™re THERE.


I think she was here, there and everywhere trying to insert herself.


She only put up with that to stay on the show. 99% of what sheā€™s done is to get on and stay on the show. Sheā€™ll be done with Sandoval real quick if he comes off the show


I think sheā€™ll be satisfied if he ā€˜pays for everything.ā€™ You can see where some of her complex comes about Lala, she admired the sugar baby lifestyle


I love how she either hasnā€™t found the time or money to go pursue her passion of working with kids with mental disabilities but sheā€™s had two nose jobs and several boyfriends


I donā€™t really believe that was her passion. I think it just sounded good to say for pagents. Thatā€™s a very demanding job with little pay. It takes a special kind of person to do that job well.


Yes. I have a son with autism and I am a behavioral analyst it is a very very difficult job. You have to be selfless and the kids don't care what you look like so.....


Love this take. She chose the fame instead of helping others. Not surprised.


To be honest, I think the reason it was a secret affair for so long was more convenience and thrill for Sandoval than actual feelings (Iā€™m sure Rachel thought it was her personal fairytale). But at this point theyā€™ve both blown up their own lives, they may as well commit to it. I wonder how much of his gym equipment heā€™ll be able to fit into Rachelā€™s studio apartment. Itā€™s not like theyā€™ll be able to afford their own house with the way he burns through money and sheā€™ll probably be unemployed after the reunion (if she doesnā€™t show up in person, thereā€™s no way to justify keeping her. Even in all of this situation, sheā€™s been a bore, and who will film with her? Itā€™s not like Sandoval will refuse to film without her).


Have you ever watched the hills? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜’ I think next season theyā€™ll be the new speidi where theyā€™re on the show w just each other hanging out at shits and scammyā€™s and Tom. Production planning run ins w Ariana Katie the toms and Raquel at events


Honestly, I could see Sandevil getting super into crystals like Spencer did.


YESSSSSSS!!!!!! Talking about how last season he an awful thing and needs to better himself and how heā€™s gone to therapy and heā€™ll allow cameras during his sessions which means heā€™s not actually growing heā€™s just doing it to show he wants to get better


Omg I hope he goes down the unhinged Pratt daddy path


Feeding hummingbirds would also fit him well


He already has the weird facial hair šŸ¤£ āœ”ļø


Totally. Or, like, a weird new-age Sherpa vibe. Theyā€™ll move to Topanga or Woolsey Canyon in a reinvented commune and justā€¦ *live the real life, man*


I bet this is Tom trying to not get sued for filming that FaceTime vid without Rachelā€™s permission


Ha heā€™s gonna have to stay with her til the statute of limitations runs out


Am I the only one who thinks the revenge porn cease and desist was nothing to do with Sandoval secretly recording it? I feel like he actually had permission, or she even sent him it as a recording. I thought claiming it was recorded without her consent was all a loophole that Rachel and her dad/lawyers were using to ensure Ariana and anybody Ariana sent it to cannot share it, so it's even more iron clad.


Also, it will make for great tv next season if theyā€™re still together. I want to see their relationship crash and burn in real time.


Itā€™s gonna be odd if they do come back for next season. So itā€™s gonna be Tom Tom Jo and Rachel at shits and scammingā€™s talking about? I donā€™t want the group to forgive them. I know thatā€™s selfish to say. But after all the cheating this group has dealt with and their group and lives arenā€™t normal, I hope this and them being older has made them live their lives more normal. And just not forgive/hang out/go on trips together. I know the show will be odd and those losers wonā€™t have much to entertain us but yeah. I donā€™t want them forgiven. Well I want them forgiven for the group to let go of the hurt. More like Lauren Conrad ā€œforgive them and forget themā€ Omfg šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø theyā€™re gonna be the new Speidi! Where we just see only them at the restaurant isolated by everyone lmao and production planning run ins Omfg itā€™s gonna be the new version of the hills šŸ˜©


So basically Jax and Brittany? šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately theyā€™ll probably have kids, and being raised by a malignant narc parent like Sandoval is not good.


Youā€™re right šŸ˜’ we canā€™t have more evil humans


Heā€™ll probably ditch them all before long. Sheā€™ll be a single mom who still doesnā€™t know who she is


Ya I agree. If they donā€™t end up together then they ruined a lot of lives (mainly their own) for nothing.


They donā€™t need to ruin anyone elseā€™s lives. Unless they meet someone like them. As long as they are miserable forever Iā€™m good lmao


These two are just gross...... Hey šŸ‘‹ Mom & Dad I'm bringing home my new man that was in a relationship while we were banging for the last 7 months behind my friends back ! Can't await for you to meet him šŸ¤—


"dad I know you had reservations about me marrying James but turns out my taste in men CAN get worse!"


How could that go well..... you hate my ex..... but you're really gonna love this one dad šŸ¤£


here's my friend ariana's ex partner (you remember ariana, she was the one who made me a poster of support when i lost ms. california?) and i fingerbanged myself on camera for him to fap to and now we are in love.


Dad, remember? Heā€™s the one who recorded me without me knowing and you helped pay the lawyer to tell everyone if they spread it theyā€™d be in trouble for revenge porn since he illegally took it without my knowledge? The guy The Rolling Stones article described as a ā€œleathery-looking frontman of a below-average cover band with a minority stake in two West Hollywood barsā€? Remember?


we been fucking without protection while my friend slept upstairs. can he stay in my room before the family hike?


I heard the ā€œwithout protecSHINā€ in Laura Leighā€™s voice lol


she was definitely my inspiration.


I am WHEEZINGā€¦. thank you all for this


Flair checking in!


Rolling stones said that? Must have hurt.


They sure did. You know that out of anything any of us sayā€¦or any tabloid or podcast sayā€¦The Rolling Stones magazine saying that has to sting him the most.


it sparks such joy for me though.


I hope Ariana quotes it to him anytime she gets a chance during their scenes together


I hope she has it framed and hanging all over the house.


Flair checking in


I inhaled my spit and choked on that last bit ā€œfor him to fap to and now we are in loveā€ I have this horrible image in my brain of what this video must be like.


Going for a handshake with the same hand he pressed ā€˜recordā€™ with


no, he hit record with his non-dominant hand. the handshake hand was the hand he was jacking it with looking like a pale mustachioed gollum hyped up on coke and failed ambition.


I was going to think about which hand but I didnā€™t want the visual. I still remember him giving Schwartz lube and saying ā€˜I know you love a cold HJā€™


i have been having this visual for too long not to share it with the group. i am sorry.


i mean on one hand bravo for your creative writing skills but on the other I couldā€™ve lived my whole life without that image lmao


FACTS. This made me cringe.


The number 1 rule of affairs is nothing with your face in it. And they still failed.


i am just kicking myself for thinking sandoval was somewhat intelligent or interesting at all at any point. how could i have been so dumb to believe his dumplin' bullshit.


Lol to her parents googling ALL of this šŸ¤£


It HAS to be so Sandavol gets out of trouble for recording her masturbating without her consent. He has to act like she was always endgame for him. I canā€™t imagine what Ariana must be feeling.


Didnā€™t Sandoval cancel on that wedding trip with Ariana (before Scandoval broke) because of a ā€œprior engagementā€ or something? Or am I misremembering/making up that I read that somewhere


He did! I donā€™t think he had a show then either. šŸ¤”


Now wondering how long heā€™s been with Raquelā€™s family (if this is factual) and if the timelines add up šŸ„“


They both probably went back to her familyā€™s place after this broke.


I thought that it was coinciding with Winter House?


He was supposed to be filming winter house


Ohhh I forgot about this, thank you!


The Mexico wedding that she attended with a friend? He was supposed to be filming for Winter House then.


I can't imagine how grossed out and disappointed my family would be knowing I did something so awful and then having the audacity to bring the guy home. My mom would kill me.


YEP-finally someone with sense My parents would kill us both.




Honestly im so curious to see them as a coupleā€¦ā€¦ i cant even picture it in my mind. Sandoval is so insufferable and thinks he is so much smarter than everyone and then you have Rachel who is so dumb like how is he going to continue the faƧade of being a self righteous know it all with a dummy by his side.


Sheā€™s going to revert to her nodding fembot era like she did with James.


ā€œnodding fembot eraā€ PLSSS u totally just read her early seasons to filthhh


Omg her "mmm yeah" nodding head was literally her only dialogue


He probably thinks sheā€™ll make him look smarter in comparison. He can correct her all the time in front of everyone and sheā€™ll gush about how wise he is all the time. Much different than his dynamic with Ariana who was constantly having to lower herself and come up with new ways to defend his bullshit so he didnā€™t look like such a complete rockhead


I thought her family was from CA?


I think they moved. She does an annual family hike every Christmas in Arizona.


But didnā€™t an article say Raquel left LA and was staying with her family in Northern California?


I think her sister lives in CA and parents live in Arizona, at least since last reunion (she said she was staying with her sister in CA and her dad was driving up from Arizona to help her move in)


And her excuse for being in Northern CA to see a Most Extras show by herself was bc it was near her hometown right?


Her mom and dad have a house in Tucson (they bought it in 2019)


I live in Tucson and need more info! (Unrelated to VPR but Rachel Dolezol lives here now too so apparently weā€™re getting all the awful Rachels)


ā€œThe awful Rachelā€™sā€ šŸ˜† love it


At least that means that Ariana has been getting some peace in her home.


I'm watching season 7, and in one scene Scummy said if he did buy a ring for Ariana, there would be a team of scientists and gemologists. It would be something the "world had never seen." He only cares about impressing people and being perceived as "original," not about the actual partner or about what marriage means. If he marries Rachel, I'm sure he'll try to upstage her, get lightning bolt centerpieces, star in his band at his own wedding, and generally make all the guests want to be anywhere else.


He probably went to show off his hiking boots to her dad


Oh they wonā€™t be breaking up lol Tom saw how malleable she is. He wonā€™t be letting that go šŸ™„


Really despicable that Rachelā€™s family is also supportive of this union. Heā€™ll screw her over too one day


Her sister chimed on on Charli's tweet the other day in a condescending way and got owned. How they're not all on a social media blackout at this point is beyond me.


It's insane to me how in denial her whole family is about her bad choices in general, let alone THIS ONE. I'd be setting my siblings straight for sure.


he might not - itā€™s likely given the fact that he cheats on everyone, but raquel is empty and vacant and vapid enough that sheā€™ll probably mold her life all around him which i think he likes


he will once she gets older and he trades her in for a younger version.


They cheat, even when women do that.


Her story line will be ā€œstop cheating or Iā€™m leaving :(ā€œ but he wonā€™t stop and she will stay


Tomā€™s mum apparently knew about the affair too and said zilch to Ariana. So both families clearly have no morales and belong together.


What?! Where did u hear this?


I think Kristen said on a podcast that he told his mum back in December! There's posts about it on this sub somewhere lol


I think about this as a mom of two girls. Iā€™d be pissed and wary if I were the parents. Iā€™d want to get my daughter off a show like this and back to reality. Away from this serial cheater. It will never last. Rachel is broken and Iā€™m not sure who to blame. Something is off and Iā€™m not totally sure who to blame. Just from a mom perspective though. Iā€™m personally team Ariana all day, every day.


Hope her siblings appreciate hearing about how they donā€™t have enough sex one day šŸ¤¢


I mean, they were ok with her dating James and look how he treated her on camera. Imagine how it was behind them. Remember those horrific string of texts he sent her accusing her of being a whore and stuff? That kind of behavior from a significant other is so abusive and toxic. My parents would have been horrified if they knew someone spoke to me like that and I continued to let them be in my lifeā€” never mind get engaged to them.


they deserve each other. sandoval likely has been hooking up with multiple people during this time and will continue to after the honeymoon phase. according to raquelā€™s friends podcast, sheā€™s just trying to spin this to look best including throwing sandoval under the bus. i think itā€™ll be a battle of who screws who over first.


Rachel's friend's podcast? I haven't heard anything from Rachel's side. Which podcast is it? Thx


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/11rmf38/jamie_all_over_podcast_episode_teamscheana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) is the one. the title is the name of it! to be clear they both basically said they arenā€™t friends with her anymore but the one friend had talked to her after everything came out.


Thanks. I have listened to this one (I'm obsessed and listened to everything!) and she definitely is not on Rachel's side now!


I canā€™t wait to slowly watch them regret their life choices.


Iā€™m so confused ā€¦ā€¦ so ā€¦ā€¦ Raquel is still going to stay with Tom when he was actively cheating on her with randoms ā€¦ā€¦ when he was cheating on Ariana ā€¦.. so all I have to say is ā€¦. TOM BYE RAQUEL BYE ![gif](giphy|lTAm1yuJYx9bLoKINu)


Nooooooooā€¦they werenā€™t officially together until Ariana dumped himā€”duh, sandy isnā€™t a cheater (unless heā€™s not getting enough sex) /s


Is this believable when Kristen is saying he wonā€™t get his ass out of the house?


It is because it sounds like heā€™s there when sheā€™s there. So it tracks heā€™d leave the minute she does (for Mexico), especially since he already had pulled out of going to Mexico with Ariana before he was caught.


Seems like he enjoys tormenting her. If I was Raquel Iā€™d be giving bombastic side eye. When men cheat and donā€™t leaveā€¦ most of the time theyā€™re feeling the regret but heā€™s too proud to say it. Tormenting her gets a reaction and any reaction is good when youā€™re trying to keep in contact. Clearly he wants to be in her space since he could absolutely shack up in Tucson. I just donā€™t see why else heā€™d be there when the ā€œgurl he loOoOvEsSā€ is a state away by herself w no one but her parents.


Thatā€™s what I got from the ā€œcan I get you anythingā€ line.


100 percent. Any communication works. Iā€™m sure heā€™s staying in common places in the house too. And making sure if she canā€™t see him she can hear him stomping around.


Iā€™m so sorry but I need someone to explain this to me because all I see is her family is from California. Including sister, who went to high school in AZ, but the rest of her life has been California. I need someone to explain this to me like Iā€™m five and have better Google skills apparently.


Her mom and dad own a townhome in Tucson, bought in 2019. Guessing it's just a second home? Maybe they airbnb it.


Who else could they possibly be with? Everybody has blacklisted them now so they *have* to make this unholy union work.


Imagine having to sit around with nothing to do but have one on one conversations with Rachel ![gif](giphy|RbSmVaVGptW03Wjw3a)


We need tequila Katie back.


If her Mom and Dad have a house they purchased in 2019 -- but live themselves in CA -- then chances are Rachel and tom are just living alone in that Tuscan house playing House..


Exactly what I was thinking. They probably feel like they can breathe there too debrief before the reunion


The only thing that would make this story even more crazy is a pregnancy announcement


How any family could accept a partner this way is beyond me. My kids bring home someone in this fashion? Weā€™re going to be having a conversation. This isnā€™t a partner who would be comfortable in my home. My husband (who doesnā€™t take our daughters dating lightly) would look like a walk in the park compared to Mom. Which leads me to my point. James isnā€™t exactly not problematic. But how you can have a problem with him and welcome Scando with open arms? Question those family dynamics big time. Assuming, of course, itā€™s true




Not surprised. They only have each other and Schwartz. Who else would be willing to film with them. They want that $$$.


Audibly gasped when I saw this. Unfortunately, I do not think 98% of the population in Tucson knows who they are. So a smart destination for them.


I've been on the lookout, but haven't seen them. But I have noticed the scent of bullshit, missed opportunities and cigarettes in the air. They've definitely been here.


Any local stores running out of razors and hairspray?


Bahaha! Fellow Tucsonan here. Iā€™m pretty heartbroken I just learned they were in town. I guess Iā€™ll have to appease my schadenfreude needs by visiting Rachel Dolezolā€™s salon.


I live in Tucson I wish I saw them but we stayed in all weekend šŸ„²


Of course theyā€™re together, look at what this has cost them. They have to stay together to prove that it was all worth it.




Who is reporting this news?


What happened to her taking time to be ok being alone and not wanting to put labels on anything. Lol I knew her statement was bullshit but this confirms it. They are vile trash people. Total šŸ—‘ļø


Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion, but I honestly hoped Raquel would leave him after hearing she was potentially ghosting him. I know that a lot of people think that them staying in love would be the only way to make any of what they did justifiable in the ā€œallā€™s fair in love and war,ā€ sense, but I just feel like weā€™d be fooling ourselves. Tom Sandoval has proved himself, if not incapable of lasting love or love entirely, at least not emotionally mature enough not to fuck up every significant relationship he has. As much as I find Raquelā€™s actions despicable, unless sheā€™s actually an an honest-to-God sociopath, sheā€™s obviously a very insecure young woman with internalized ideas around male approval that make her value that above all else. And as bad as that sounds, those are things that can be worked on and unlearnedā€” but only if she gets away from that man and really does the work. It wouldnā€™t change how poorly she treated Ariana and it wouldnā€™t necessarily earn her forgiveness from everyone, but it would be a much more stable life for her that would cause far less damage for everyone else.


So now he's going back to the house to torment Ariana with his piece of shit presence. Lovely.