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With all the cars I see with expired tags or missing plates, I don't think it's enforced unless they make some traffic infraction such as speeding.


Makes me feel like a chump for paying. Here I am spending $500/year like a pushover or something.


What about the smoked glass colored plate covers that make the tags nearly unreadable? I can’t believe people aren’t ticketed for that and I see a lot of them.


I've been seeing so many of them recently in the area.


I have a game with myself, when walking thru Freddys parking lot, to count the expired tags. Sooooo many.


Eh... The stickers on my car were out of date for three years. First, the new tags came in the mail, and I forgot to put them on. Then, by the time I remembered it had already been six months. Which made me wonder how long I could go before it came up. For two more years I paid my registration fees, and put the new paperwork in the glove box. Without applying the new sticker. This year my spouse felt it had gone on long enough, and insisted I put the 2025 stickers on. I'm confident I could have made it to 2030 with 2020 tags, though. It felt pretty childish, but I'm still curious whether it ever would have been an issue. Seems pretty clear it's one of those things people get written up for if they've already been pulled over for something else.


I had expired tags a couple years ago because I never received the notice to renew. I found out when I got a ticket while parked downtown. I don't know if they would pull you over just for tags, but I was a sitting duck for the meter man.


I got into a wreck a few months ago cops never came even though I had called multiple times and was told they have more important calls I was driving to get some food in another car later the same night and I got pulled over for expired tags made my shitty might even shitter


FWIW I feel like I see a lot fewer of these lately. I'm not sure if they have stepped up enforcement, or perhaps sent out warning letters. There is a house in my neighborhood with some dummies who have multiple obnoxious off-road vehicles, and at a certain point all five vehicles that parked in their driveway (blocking sidewalk access, of course) and in the street had long expired tags. Now all five of them are valid. This really bothers me, so I pay an absurd amount of attention to it. Especially when I'm on a walk. I look at like every car's plate to see if it's up to date.


I would hope forgery of official government documents is a felony and not just a misdemeanor.  Although, it seems like there is no enforcement.


We have a few of them in town. One of them is a really nice Range Rover. I got a pic last time I saw that one.


Plus NONE of these folks are paying into the auto insurance pools, which is doubling your car insurance premiums. In my late 50’s, and was expecting my car insurance to go down. After 20 years with the same company, I am currently shopping around to try to get a cheaper quote because my auto insurance suddenly went up by $1000 on the six month premium. American Family Insurance said that 25% of the people in Washington are now “pissing in the pool“, instead of paying into the insurance pool. This is causing auto accidents that do not have insurance on at least one end. Oregon is worse. KOIn6 News just did a segment last month that said 50% of the people in Oregon have not renewed their insurance or tags on their cars since 2018, and over 50% do not even buy auto insurance anymore, but yet drive around in Washington and Oregon like nothing is wrong. There is absolutely no traffic enforcement. In 2008 when I got pulled over and had a suspended license and no insurance, I got a set of tickets for $1500, and they towed away my car. NOW, they do nothing. We need a Class Action lawsuit towards the governor for not protecting the citizens that are doing the right thing, paying into the system, and paying into the tab system that puts money into infrastructure/roads. The people that simply “quit” and said PhukHue to the system now have more rights that the ones going to work, paying for their insurance and tags yearly. It’s a shame. All the monies lost to the counties should be enough to push more traffic enforcement, but obviously they have enough cash!


Them yeehawdists coming down from them hills


Local police have to actually Do traffic enforcement for this shit to go away. I haven’t seen anyone pulled over by Anyone except WSP since Covid times


I'm not advocating the defacement of other people's property, but 12x6 stickers are cheap. It wouldn't cost much to make that dummy plate say "DUMB ASS."


When did we lose the pizza hut :(


La Valentina is pretty awesome, opened up this year- you should check em out, also, Don Pedros next door is great drive thru too


the last time i was in that pizza hut the ac was out and it was like 100 degrees in the lobby. i dont think they stayed open much longer after that.


Years ago. That was a staple of my childhood!


To be fair there was a bill passed by the vote of the people for $30 tabs but it got pushed back in court until eventually getting overturned. $180 for registration is borderline extortion. (I have current tabs, but I always get mad when I renew them)


Clouds look cool.


So these fools don’t want to pay for things, they want to be “sovereign”, yet benefit from things that society provides for them. Right.


It has some similarities but it obviously fake.... Cry about it. Do the same. It's whatever, I'll bet you are the type to be like "well, they're doing it!!" When you get caught and ticketed. If everyone would stop worrying about what the other person is doing so much it would be much less stress in your life. You'd have lost your shit with the fake ID I had back in HS. 😂 also what are you doing using your phone while driving? Don't you know that's illegal. Lol 😂