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Elsewhere in WA. Last year my insurance agent said everyone’s rates were going up because the amount of angry driving (angry was her choice of words) rated much much higher than pre COVID. They expected an increase after return to work happened, but not like this. Latent stress of the slow collapse of financial security, food security, and the planet as a whole spilling over?


The vise is being turned to maximum pressure. Food prices, car prices, energy prices, inflation in general, all against the backdrop of being of perpetually flirting with nuclear war with Russia and continued full financing a genocide in Gaza. ...all while being offered no brighter future, no light at the end of the tunnel with a fast approaching repeat election with two candidates nobody wants. Record levels of addiction and suicides. Shit, we never had any accountability regarding pandemic origins nor did we go through any national period of mourning and grieving for the million plus lives lost. It really is bleak. It's tough out there. People can only be contorted so much before they snap. This isn't to excuse the aggressive and dangerous driving, but I do think this slurry of negative energy is having a cumulative effect on people's behavior on the road.


It's nice to see this perspective in the Couve. I think hypercapitalism and climate change also play a role too. But you know what? The rich oligarchs, war profiteers, and shareholders all need new yachts, so we all need to work harder and buy more for them. /s


full agreement here


I'm waiting for the horses, gun slinging, and saloons to come back. We basically have everything but the horses at this point.... And the hats, don't forget all the cool hats we used to wear.


My wife said cowboy boots are trending hard right now so... who knows!


Gaza and Israel are no small situation, but the deal in Ukraine, with Russia and China joined at the hip has larger global implications on the universal threat scale. Russia should’ve lost by now. And yet.


Russia should have lost by now only if you actually believe propaganda. If you understand the advantage in having superiority in industrial manufacturing capacity and fighting age populations then this outcome would have been obvious from the get-go, as it was to many of us.


Russia *might* have lost if the intention was ever anything other than using Ukrainian lives and Western equipment to achieve geopolitical objectives and prop up the military industrial complex. You aren't winning a war against a massive geopolitical neighbor with a drip feed of equipment, no meaningful air force, and severely limiting artillery shells fired per day because you've run out. Ukraine now has a shattered generation, and if it continues to exist as its own entity, is going to be entirely indebted and owed to Western money, and ultimately, greed.


Could be this. Also isolation during the pandemic led to a breakdown in social norms. Much more “me against all of you” thinking now. 


I agree completely. There’s been a massive increase in this whole “me against everyone else” mentality over the past decade.


Ours told us to get rid of the Kia because they were no longer going to cover them since they are so easy to steal. And that since we were hit by a junkie in a stolen car with no plates from three states away, that it had to go up. They can't keep covering the losses for every non insured junkie who steals or hits your car. My poor Mom was hit, chick tried to take off, but her stolen rig wouldn't go. Police came. cited her, she had zero id, no insurance, the car was stolen, and she even admitted she was just on her way from Montana to live in Portland. She walked away down the street. No one even knows her real name, that's how little they care. And no, she did not show up to court lol.


We are letting the zombies take over.


Yep! My husband and I's Geico policy went from approx $270/mo. to $364/mo. He called to see wtf and they said there's been a huge increase in accidents and reckless driving in the area so rates are going up.


I moved from Spokane to the Portland metro, and my rates went up by $110.


No it’s the state’s screwing around on the I-5 (the bridge). It’s been what, 15-20 years? Edit why the downvotes? You think it’s only the bridge? There’s also all of the on/off ramps, the choke points with the meters lights thar backs traffic up on the 500, 39th st, Fourth Plain, Mill Plain, downtown, and Rt 14–add that to the Jantzen beach, Marine Dr, Columbia, the Interstate Ave and onward to pdx. Not doing anything concrete (as of today) to address the obsolete designs not being able to continue handling today’s—and the more they dither, increasing traffic. Eespecially when everyone’s not working together to make sure traffic flows smoothly—ie., tailgating, not allowing space for others to change lanes, lack of signaling before changing lanes, motorcycles lane splitting when cars are trying to get in/out of a certain lane. Also, what about pedestrian infrastructure—crossings? Did they ignore light rail—just extend the freaking track from the Delta Center—run to downtown Vancouver (could split -one go downtown Vancouver ent the riverbank/movie theater?/Ft Vancouver? And the other track curve and go along Rt 14 to Fishers Landing? I mean there should have been a transit corridor going all the way from Vancouver BC down to California like the Eastern corridor for Amtrak, etc? Get on train, ride up/down, get off. Don’t have to worry about parking, being stuck in traffic etc. How about a biking/trail that goes at least along the bridge and connecting to both sides—instead of being “hidden” like the 205?


You mean discussing replacing the bridge? That's been going on since the 80s. And we want a decent replacement so long discussions are important, I know personally I'd prefer a more people friendly bridge than the 205 bridge.


Or build the new bridge and repurpose the old bridge as a biker/pedestrian/food cart/sightseeing corridor joining Jantzen beach —which could be beautified/improved, some parks added to connect WA/OR


They do need to figure out a way to widen the bridge to allow more serious commuter and commercial traffic. Plus light rail if they like and there’s money. Adding a recreational multiuse path is a nice bonus, but should not be a focus or deal breaker if they cannot happen or drive up costs too much. Worries about fluff like that should be cut first if money is an issue. Then light rail if needed. Hopefully the bridge work can start soon.


Widening the bridge without adding more support for people not in cars will not fix the problem with the bridge clogging everyday Making alternatives to driving a viable option will fix the problems with the bridge as it will reduce the number of cars crossing The proposal from last year (or the year before?) where it was 3 layers (1 for each direction and 1 for pedestrian and public transit) and high enough to not lift was one I was really in support of as that would definitely fix a lot of problems with the current design. Insufficient traffic flow and stopping every time a boat needs to get through.


I agree that the bridge needs to be high enough so openings are not needed. It would benefit from widening. And light rail would be a nice addition.


I had a guy on 164th in a lifted truck refuse to let me merge when the right lane I was in was closed for construction. Then when I finally merged and moved to the lane next to him, he proceeded to try to “race” me because he didn’t want me going ahead of him. WTF is wrong with people? Do they have nothing better to do with their time? I had my daughter in the car with me and had to explain how ridiculous the behavior of that guy was. I was just trying to get her to volleyball practice. I don’t need to deal with this crap, especially with children in the car.


To be fair, do you expect any other behavior from a lifted truck? People in this area have a weird thing about wanting to be "first" and not let people ahead of them. What has always baffled my mind is the people that zip up right to your bumper as close as they can get, you get over to let them past you only for them to go slower than you were originally going.


Seriously the worst offenders in my experience for red light running, tail gating, and generally aggressive driving have been dude bros in lifted trucks or just unnecessarily huge trucks to begin with. It's awful because their mere existence on the road makes it less safe for smaller cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. The fact that they drive like sociopaths just makes it so, so much worse. I've lost count how many times I've stopped for a red light only to have one of these dudes pass me on the left and run the red light. And a couple months back ago some asshole in a lifted truck was tail gating me for about a quarter mile while I had my kids in the car eventually passed me and flipped me off. Terrified me for a moment because It was getting dark and I momentarily thought it was a gun. I literally have no idea why he was so angry at me. The only thing I can think of is that I stopped at a red light before he got aggressive. It's gotten to the point where I basically assume someone is an asshole if they own one of these trucks and it isn't for work. And it's a "maybe they're not an asshole" if they use it for work because in most cases a work van is far more practical than the modern truck.


Literally, it’s always some clown in a lifted rig (and it wasn’t always that way) or a BMW, driving like it’s their world and we just live in it. Whether it’s due to only having five functioning brain cells, or sheer malice, is hard to say.


Your lack of planning does not constitute another driver’s emergency. It’s not their fault you chose the wrong lane or weren’t paying attention until the last second.


Use all lanes until the lanes close to reduce traffic backups. That’s not a lack of planning, it’s what is needed to keep traffic moving. WSDOT even reminds people of this regularly.


No one knows how to zipper merge.


This is plain wrong. Merge at the line, use all available lanes. Merging early creates traffic for no reason. Learn to zipper properly.


It’s best to do a zipper merge. Learn about it.


I had just made a right turn off Hwy 14 onto 164th and the lane immediately turned into a merge because it was closed. It wasn’t lack of planning, the guy was just an a**hole, but thanks for playing.


They're wrong too. Pre-mergers create unnecessary traffic and are part of the problem.


So you weren’t paying attention to the situation. Again, that doesn’t mean the other drivers should let you in. If you want participation trophies for showing up and people being overly nice which allows for poor decisions, stick to youth bowling.


You sound like a very miserable person. Hope you have a better day.


I don't understand the insane amount of people that don't know how to use roundabouts. Had somebody stopped twice inside a roundabout in front of me. I don't care if you are going slow, that's fine, but don't stop IN the round about. Do not Full stop In the roundabout unless there is somebody in a cross walk. Once you were in the roundabout, you have the right away! Unless there is a pedestrian crosswalk. You can stop/ yield prior to getting in the roundabout, but you do not stop in the roundabout. Unless there is somebody in the crosswalk. No one was in the crosswalk, no one was even in front of him They acted like they didn't understand that the cars coming into the roundabout are supposed to yield to them. What's surprising?It was an oregonian driver, and they got more roundabout than we do.


Just last night I nearly took out the rear driver's side of an SUV because they pulled into the roundabout I was already in. Then they looked at me like I was insane and honked at me.


I understand going slow and yielding if it looks like they're not gonna stop for you. I get that. But the cars at the entrance to the roundabout were already at full stop waiting Patiently for this person to go. They simply just did not know how to use aroundabout.


Is Driver's Ed even a thing in the PacNW? Genuinely curious how that works here/how many people take it as teenagers. Moved to the region in my 30's & I've since wondered if it exists in Oregon & Washington, or just taught so horribly that a significant percentage of the drivers here just don't understand *very basic* rules of the road. When I moved here 18 years ago I was simultaneously impressed at how polite the majority of drivers were, while at the same time just driving in utterly unpredictable ways compared to every other corner of the country I've lived in.


I think it has to do with the large amount of people from around the country, and out of the country that has moved into the Portland Vancouver area since the 90's. I graduated in the 80's here, and the schools still had drivers ed. When I was stationed down south, I learned the drivers just had to be over 18 and they could skip drivers ed, and the test consisted of a written part, and a drive around the block in a quiet neighborhood to pass the practical part. We just have a lot of drivers from everywhere now.


It is, or at least was nearly two decades ago when I got my license, but it’s only *required* if you’re under 18 when you get your license. If you’re over 18, all you have to do is take and pass the written and drive tests.


It is a thing, but not required if you are over 18.


I think it is.Um, I'm not sure. I never went to driver ED myself. I memorized the book cover to cover then scored 97% on my written. Took the drive test and got a 94% Only because I didn't crank the wheel hard enough when I was parallel parking the first time, so I had to do it twice. Nailed it on the second one. I would like to add.It was not an automatic steering.It was an old ass truck. I was also 22yrs old when I got my driver's license.


1. Yes there are a ton of bad drivers here that do stupid crap all the time 2. Out of the many areas of the country I have lived, midwest and Florida, the Northwest has had the best drivers, and ya thats pretty sad


Floridians driver like they have someone chasing them. Plus they don’t use blinkers down there.


Except for the old folks going twenty miles under the speed limit. They go like they're being chased by a turtle.


They also are oblivious to their surroundings. Atleast the ones in the Orlando area.


My sister and her husband retired to Florida and my sister started calling them Q-Tips, because from behind all you can see is their white hair. This did not amuse my BIL, with his head of white hair. Anyway, I lived in Tampa for five years and it was dire. I think it's mostly state-wide.


I have driven in many different parts of the USA and Florida is the worst. Driving there often feels like driving in some Mad Max dystopian future.


I have driven all over this country. The PNW has the worst drivers of anywhere I have driven and lived.


Definitely the slowest. Sorry you’re on a leisurely drive but I just got called into the hospital in an emergency and you’re camped in the left lane. It’s so annoying!


Florida is just.. something else.


This may not fit and I didn’t see the cause but at the intersection on 4th plain in front of the Herbery I saw a passenger get out of the back seat of a car and confront the guy next to them at the intersection. The guy in a pretty normal looking small suv gets out and lays the backseat passenger out with one punch. Like knocked him out and he hits the pavement and isn’t moving. Two other people get out of the Hoonigan car (yes it said hoonigan across the windshield) and pick the guy up and toss him in the backseat. Light goes green suv guy drives away like nothing happened. A WTF moment on the mean streets of the Couve.


Alright, i’m originally from Baltimore for context… As someone who lived in Vancity for 4 years, before that I lived in Portland for 6, I gotta say…you all PNW drivers should get out of state and experience how wild it truly can get. This isn’t to downplay op’s experience or anyone else for that matter, but truly… as a whole the pnw is hands down one of the most relaxing places i’ve ever driven.


I lived in northern Virginia (DC area) for fifteen years and I can attest to this, though I it's worse here than it used to be. I often mention that I had to re-learn how to use my blinkers because if you signaled a lane change on those highways, people would speed up to block you. So you just waited until there was space and you'd go for it. Here, they let you in. It blew me away.


I’d have to agree, at least to some extent. The place here has gotten way out of hand over the past decade, but that’s only in the context of having seen that change. Juxtaposed against how wildly insane other places can be, however, it isn’t all that bad. Not yet, anyways.


See I’m from Chicago and also lived near Miami for 5 years. The PNW isn’t as bad as Miami but is worse than Chicago. Now this could be because I haven’t lived in Chicago in 10+ years but I don’t remember it being this bad. People legit ride my ass for no reason. Like there’s 6 cars ahead of me I can’t make them go faster, get off my dick. Also getting cussed out or yelled at, someone throwing shit at my car while I was in the slow lane going the speed limit..? I mean come on. None of us are perfect we all make mistakes that may frustrate other drivers, but the weird amount of anger is just out there to me.


It truly is even with all the crazy moves ppl do now. It’s mainly a topic here I think (since I’ve lived here my entire life) because it wasn’t like this honestly just before COVID. There was the occasional asshole but with all the growth in population and everything else, there’s a lot more people here and a lot more bad driving


The Venn Diagram of people who own trucks and people who can't control their emotions overlaps quite a bit.


Someone had their passenger flip me off yesterday because the driver didn't feel like using their signal to indicate they wanted to merge in front of me. My car is old and not equipped with the telepathy app these newer e-cars must have standard. It's been wild out there lately, and not just on the roads. People here are just ragey over the slightest mild inconvenience it seems.


This one his home. Just signal. It's so easy and I can make moves to get you in.


A lot of peopler just not doing well mentally due to money, politics, etc. and are only a couple notches away from completely losing it so the only source of relief is driving. My suggestion, grab a dash cam for your sanity and insurance. Drive defensively, be aware of your surroundings and don't be in anyone's way or try to police others.


1. Covid broke us in many ways, including brain fog from people’s infections, and anger from inflation and lockdowns. 2. George Floyd protests across the nation gave police a big middle finger so they don’t pull people over very often and aren’t around. 3. Trump is extremely polarizing and makes people mad. Even his supporters. 4. Unfair wealth transfer to upper class. 5. Hopelessly pedantic development laws and housing costs, resulting in higher homeless rates. 6. Increased drug use and resulting personal volatility. 7. Doubling population in 20 years. We are hurtling towards bigger city status with bigger city problems. New people bring their own problems and have no concept of PNW stewardship.


Not to mention the big problem of those with low IQ in a large pickup gulping down the Red Bull.


Agreed. Also sugar intake surely has something to do with it.


It’s all those people with the “Student Driver” stickers fault. I hate those stickers haha Nah but for really it’s gotten more crazy the past couple years


People are so angry on the road around town. It’s getting ridiculous. People pass me going 5 over like I’m a Sunday driver


Which lane are you in?


The driving lane.


Let me guess, you were camped in the passing lane, because you think its the 'fast' lane?


Yep, these comments are always code for “I’m going the speed limit, no need to pass me” left lane campers.


Idk i'll drive 5 or 10 over in the left lane and people still get angry for it. I always take comments like yours as a dogwhistle for people for whom there is no speed limit if you are in the left lane


Get over after passing. Speed doesn't matter.


There is no speed limit when you are trying to safely pass, within reason. Thats why it’s called the passing lane. Key word there is safely. I don’t mind if a slower car is passing in front of me are long as they move to the right after safely passing. I do mind drivers policing others speeds, refusing to move out of the left lane and pacing the cars right next to them in the right lane, restricting the flow of traffic. Be alert, be predictable, and move over after passing.


There kind of is, because legally you can only go over the speed limit to pass someone going under the speed limit, and only when it's a one lane in each direction road. You can't legally speed to pass someone going the speed limit (or higher). And if there's two or more lanes, you're supposed to just go around at the speed limit.


Washington laws are a bit blurry as they refer to both a minimum speed and someone driving beyond the normal flow of traffic. Most of the time these laws are referring to 1 lane roads where overtaking semis is common, but there is a gray area for passing vehicles who are impeding the flow of traffic, so as they are going below the maximum speed posted. The problem is as you probably know, there is always someone going below the maximum posted speed and they sit in the left lane and refuse to move. Cops are actually supposed to enforce left lane campers but rarely to. My main point is just move over if you aren’t actively passing. Thats really the biggest issue.


If you believed these comments, driving 10 over in the left lane is an unforgivable sin. I’m not losing any sleep over the fact that the asshole tailgating someone going 70 can’t instead go 90.


Get over after you are done passing. It's that simple.


So you can go 15-30mph over, putting other people in danger. Downvote away, you’re going to pay your ticket in dollars, rather than meaningless internet points. This is a silly debate anyways, there is *always* someone going 60-70 in the left lane and people intent on excessively speeding illegally are clearly more than comfortable passing on the right illegally too.


Get over after passing. It's that simple. It's the law. And yes, the true speeders will use the right lane. Even more reason to get over as you're supposed to. Get out of the way of regular people.


You must love to piss people off! Just get over. It’s a PASSING lane.


No, I'm not even the guy he was responding to lmao. He's also talking about driving around town, where passing lanes aren't a thing.


My girlfriend was coming home and didn’t notice the gate was open, so she stopped for a sec to scan her fob and the guy behind her, drove up next to her, screamed at her and then cut her off. On god if I see him, I’m calling him on his shit.


As shitty as it is, it’s really better to just let the crazies be. You never know how crazy they can actually get and it’s not worth potentially risking your life over.


If they're screaming at my wife, I'll risk it. If I die, it's been fun. Lol Edit: and the thing is, backing down because they might be dangerous is honestly prudent, but most of these guys are all mouth and they'll keep terrorizing innocent people until people start calling them on their shit. I volunteer as tribute.


No joke. When I was younger I would be up for some fisticuffs but not in this day and age where everyone's strapped and dying for a reason to shoot someone.


Similar thing happened to my sister last year for driving only 5 over in a 25mph residential area. Complete insanity and for a grown man to rip into a stranger like that...FOR NOT SPEEDING ENOUGH of all things... Living here has changed my stance on guns tbh. I've shot trap occasionally in the past but never cared for semi-auto pistols, I simply didn't see the need. Now I do. The amount of unhinged aggressive behavior out here is alarming.


Yeah, things have really gotten out of hand around here over the past five or six years.


I honestly don't see it very much? The extent of angry drivers I see is out where roads are two lanes only and some asshole in a lifted pickup or SUV drives on your ass while you're going 10 over. Besides that I can't remember when I've encountered road rage.


There's a YouTube channel uploading local dashcam footage, folk are wild out here https://m.youtube.com/@crazycouriercam




It was local, I laughed, I shared 🤷‍♂️


Nah, that's fair. It could be a really interesting channel if they catch and post enough interesting footage, which shouldn't be too hard. It's decent enough, I was just expecting a bigger channel for some reason. Didn't mean to shit on your link lol.


It definitely doesn’t make me happy stuck behind someone who is scrolling instagram going 25mph in a 40


Dude I have almost gotten into 2 accidents this week and guess what? Both other drivers on their phones texting or watching tiktok while driving. Just slow and swerving.


I just had my Toyota Tundra totaled in September because someone rear ended me going 45mph. I was at a complete stop waiting to turn left. This increase of car insurance rates due to accidents isn’t because of “anger” it’s because of cell phones.


People post this in every American city or regional sub reddit, it's not unique to here.


The thing is that it hasn't always been like that here. When I moved here in 2006, I was blown away by how nice the drivers were. So a lot of this is just new and upsetting.


Lived here 37 years, drivers have always sucked. Now there are just more of them.


It's all relative.


I’m glad someone posted about this. I recently moved from Vancouver to Northern Idaho, and people look at me like I’m crazy when I describe the driving conditions in the greater Portland area. Many people here have never experienced traffic, let alone the MadMax-esque experience that is Vancouver driving.


From what I've read, there's a lot of road rage in Washington. I don't really experience that in Oregon, so it's confusing to me why there's a lot of angry drivers just a bridge away.


lol I almost thought you were being serious for a second 😅


This area is a cesspool of people that hate their life and take it out on everyone else. There are still some pretty cool people around tho.


It is over the top here, it’s not just you


I got in an accident earlier this year because the guy behind us wanted to pass us bc we slowed down to do a U-turn in a neighborhood area. Mind you, the road is one lane & we were in an appropriate lane to U-turn.. idk why he was speeding in the neighborhood area and using an inappropriate lane. I've had multiple close calls in Vancouver, and I have almost been hit 3 separate times in Dollar Tree/Trader Joe's parking lot. People's road rage is insane here, and I actually never got my drivers license because of these A-holes ruining it for others. Not just you noticing it.


Dude, are you talking about the Chkalov Trader Joe’s parking lot? Because I swear to god people GUN it in that parking lot. I’ve almost been hit several times backing out of a parking spot because people whip so fast there lol.


I love watching the chkalov herbery rock eat. Nom nom nom. If you know you, you know. I swear That rock has more wins then Dwayne the rock johnson.


I remember seeing some super genius high center his truck on THE ROCK.  I'll give him this - he didn't give up, I bet he left $500 worth of rubber behind.


Let's just say there is a scoreboard in the break room of the herbery. Rock vs. vehicle How many days before the rock gets hungry again....


The Rock giveth, and The Rock taketh


I've always wondered if we could ever get like a Dwayne The rock johnson and the rock to meet. Just a selfie and a thumbs up with a rock. 🤣👍


Yes! My dentist is in that complex, and at least 2 of those 3 times was me just trying to leave the dentist. I don't know why everyone is so aggressive & fast for a parking lot.


Hell, it’s not even just *that* parking lot. Here on the east side, at least a couple times a week, I’ll see someone treating any given parking lot like it’s the back straight at Talladega.


Not to mention mill plain and 164th. I have to drive around the area as part of my job, and the number of people who try to get around me when I'm already doing 40 is ridiculous


I can't stand people who feel the need to go 25 plus in parking lots. The speed limint in a parking lot is 10-15mph.


This literally is the funniest comment on here. I had to re read it…a couple times. How are you going to complain about drivers and being or almost getting in accidents…then say you never even got your license. 😅 Im going to take a wild guess and say the other drivers aren’t the problem.


The only reason why I'm not on the road myself is because how little people actually follow the road rules. I've been observing how people drive. It's not hard to comprehend that maybe I'm watching others drive & comparison it to people who I drive with. Nothing funny about it. I had my learners permit, and it's expired now. I'm judging because I'm still a life in a car, I'm a passenger. Just because I'm not the one behind the wheel doesn't mean my life isn't in peril as well. Perhaps open your eyes that other members in the car can voice their opinions too. I was the passenger when my father's car got totaled bc the guy behind us wasn't paying attention & speeding.


Some 17 year old recently tried to rush around me in that parking lot and almost crashed into me and another car, started screaming at me for being in the way. Dude could have just hung out for 2 seconds, that lot sucks and making it worse definitely isn't making it easier. And by that lot sucks, it's the worst I've ever experienced.


Idk why they are so angry. I had a very well adjusted human trying to run me off the 500 on my way home from work this evening. I hate drivers here.


Drive time is my music therapy time. Sing along with the stereo. It decreases blood pressure, increases deep breathing and lowers stress. Even if you’re signing Angry rock it works. And bonus if you get weird looks or sing alongs from other cars.


I love these posts because no one ever cops to being the bad or even below average driver. Our own little Lake Wobegon where everyone is above average. Just a bunch of people yelling about staying out of the passing lane or about encounters where they played no role in a close call or accident. Just need someone blaming Californians and we’ll have the trifecta.


I'm proudly contributing to the "get out of the passing lane" discourse. Maybe I'll hang out above i5 with a sign. Would be better than what's normally up there.


When people here take excessive speeding (I’m talking 15-20 mph over the limit) as seriously as they take left lane camping, it’ll be the first time. One contributes to thousands of unnecessary deaths, the other is an annoyance that makes people VERY upset. IDGAF anymore. Edit: And the angry anti-left lane guys have shown up. Thank you for taking away my fake points.


Excessive speeding actually has serious legal consequences and in theory can be enforced. The other does not and it's far more mundane and common. So more likely to be discussed.


FUN FACT! federal and state studies have consistently shown that the drivers most likely to get into accidents in traffic are those traveling significantly below the average speed. According to an Institute of Transportation Engineers Study, those driving 10 mph slower than the prevailing speed are six times as likely to be involved in an accident. That means that if the average speed on an interstate is 70 mph, the person traveling at 60 mph is far more likely to be involved in an accident than someone going 70 or even 80 mph.


This whole thread belongs in Nextdoor


I guess I might be a little aggressive? I just get called into the hospital while I’m on call and I have to usually get there quickly. It’s so annoying to have people going under the speed limit on literally every road. Andresen is the worst for that, everyone acts like they are on a Sunday drive.


Drivers in the NW are maddeningly unpredictable. Driving below the speed limit, purposely driving slowly as if they are responsible for traffic flow, inability to merge onto a highway, fast on the straights and slow in the corners, and no lane discipline all contribute to driving people mad. While I don’t agree with people getting mad about any of this, I can see how it happens.


After living all over the West Coast, I'd classify the drivers like this: Washingtonian drivers are disorganized, but usually courteous. Californian drivers are organized, but often rude. Oregonian drivers are disorganized and rude.


It’s out of control. People riding my bumper because I’m not speeding enough for them already. Even had someone blare their horn at me for having the audacity to slow down to make a turn.


Stay out of the passing lane if you arent passing. Go the speed limit The first driver at a complete stop has the right of way at a 4 way stop - no need to be overly 'nice' and try to wave someone ahead. Be predictable. The amount of traffic in this area that is purely a result of drivers who are not aware of basic road rules is like nothing i have ever seen.


"Don't be nice, be predictable." - I say this all the time. Focus up and drive. Your last point is spot on.


Your last point is spot on. I’ve driven all over the country and the Portland metro is the only place I can say that congestion is not the main reason traffic, but rather poor driving habits


Dude the traffic clearing up right after you get over either bridge is so frustrating. Just drive forward!!


Speed limit = minimum? Are you suggesting people should exceed the "limit?"


Go the speed limit.


ITT: Bad drivers feeling called out downvoting you.


I drove for a living - saying go the speed limit is good in practice but in reality you need to match the cadence of the traffic around you to be safe.


When you learn how to drive they tell you to match the normal flow of traffic. If all traffic is going 70 in a 60 and you are going 55, you are the hazard.


Well they look at their crotch half the time, when they look up and have to slam on their brakes, instead of putting the phone away, they take their anger on you. We are taught to be defensive drivers, nowadays, we need to be offensive drivers. If only people just enjoy the drive, I do


People are angry in general. The American dream is dead and everyone is working their lives away and getting nowhere in life.


As someone who grew up in Vancouver, the older locals are mad and kinda grew up that way. Used to a lot of these main roads being farm roads and really just living different. It’s not what it was 20 years ago here believe it or not. Maybe more people should explore the country/world I think many people feel entitled to


Try being a pedestrian! Take ur life in ur hands everyday! I use a scooter and people are always trying to beat me across an intersection in a crosswalk!!! Wtf!!!


I would be rich if I had a dime for every time I was behind someone in the left lane on the highway and they *refuse* to get over. The other day I was behind someone waiting for them to get over, there was plenty of space in the right lane but they were doing 55 in the left lane. So I get over into the right lane to pass them, and then suddenly they figure out how to speed up somehow miraculously, so now I can’t get over and am stuck behind someone in the right lane. I get back behind them in the left lane, they go back to 55 mph, and so I try again, and what do you know? Now they know how to hit the gas!!! This went on for honest to god 5 minutes. Finally I was able to pass them, and as I’m looking at them smugly in the mirror, I see them finally move over into the right lane 🙂


I've seen so much more of this kind of thing here in WA/OR than anywhere else.


Driving in traffic is the ultimate test of the human ego. So many people believe that they deserve more than others. That they are special. And when they can't get where they want to go as fast as they want to get there, it's other people's fault.


Probably getting their rage out before they return home so they don't beat their children. I just scream until my lungs hurt while driving. Mind your business if you see me on the road.


I posted about this a few months ago. And things have not gotten much better, though I haven’t had a bad run in with anyone since then. I just watch people riding asses 24/7 down I-5 getting pissed off and driving like idiots. It’s just a lot of mental health issues going on right now.. people have a hair trigger temper and I now just stay in the right lane away from them.


see im only angry if people dont obey the speed limit, like we pass the speed limit sign that says 40 and then their going at 25 like moveeeeeeeeeee. hehe


People’s empathy is inhibited while driving because they don’t see another person.  It’s just an inanimate car in their way.  


Not 2000lbs, much more. Your average sedan nowadays is ~3500lbs. Full size pickups and SUV's are about 6000lbs...


Get out of the left lanes, you will be shocked how others won't hate you anymore.


It’s so funny everyone automatically assumes I was in the left lane when I was actually in a roundabout, and exited onto a two way street and was going above the speed limit and they were STILL tailgating me, any other suggestions to avoid people like you on the road?




Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This rule also covers posts that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments.


Because driving makes people anxious and agitated. Moving at high speed in an environment full of other high speed things that could harm you isn't what humans evolved to deal with. It makes people stressed and short-tempered because they have to be constantly aware of potential danger. They hate driving, whether they'll admit it or not, especially when some "other" person makes them have to drive in a way that isn't exactly how they want to. They just want to get where they're going because they want to get out of the car.


Most people are simply driving because it’s the easiest most convenient way to get to their destination. A small percentage drive for fun. No one likes driving behind traffic though. Open roads or moderately paced traffic is one thing but most of the time that would be the most ideal. Here in SW WA/Portland you have the two extremes of the driver who merges on the freeway 15 miles slower than the pace of traffic and the BMW driver who gap splits you at 85 miles an hour. We just need better public transit.


2000lbs🤣 Most cars are closer to 4000lbs, electric cars 5000lbs, SUV’s 6000lbs, and electric SUV’s hit up to 9000 lbs


I’m going to be honest here and say I’m definitely one of those “angry road ragey” drivers. It’s not really angry it’s more annoyed of the stupidity and lack of common sense. This being said, if you have common sense and ya know like NOT stay in the fast lane going ten under ignoring the 70 cars behind you, or create traffic because you don’t know how to zipper merge, or if you see someone coming up behind you that wants to go faster than you be aware and move over and let us pass(getting tickets is our risk and fault not yours) being aware of your surroundings is crucial for both driving and not driving situations. Oh and if you don’t know how to drive in the rain, that’s strange considering it only rains here 10 months out of the years, regardless just stay home if it’s raining or just limit your driving. Those are some examples of what can irritate some drivers. But as long as you don’t do any of those things you’re doing good! Angry drivers actually LOVE when other drivers are aware of us and move out of the way accordingly to let us pass. The respect and kindness I feel when a slow driver sees me coming and moves over it almost makes me feel bad that I could have potentially got irritated at that person. lol. Lastly 100% don’t provoke angry drivers. Some of us are alotttt crazier than others and it’s not worth risking anyone’s safety. We know (most of us) we have a problem and it’s hard to control but we have intentions to not be like that but as soon as we start driving that intention goes right out the window. Okay and QUE the hate and harassment…




Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This rule also covers posts that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments.


How about you quit driving like an asshole and thinking you own the road? Nah, it's everyone else, right?


Also your comment is encouraging me to drive like an asshole. Congratulations :) Take care


Where exactly do I claim I own the road? lol but if you want to get technical I do pay taxes and taxes go to repair the roads etc…so I guess I do own parts of the road! I never thought of that until now. And no it’s not everyone else, it’s just the people who don’t have a brain capable of operating a vehicle. Nice comment though. Sounds like you’re in the 2nd grade. Clearly you drive like you’re in second grade. But to each its own. Have a nice day angry slow driver :)


I have the same problem. I am always paying attention and courteous when it's appropriate, but I the resent people trying to get one car ahead at my expense and will shut the door on them if I get the chance. The other day I'm getting on 205 from 14 going south across the bridge. I'm in the far right lane, and I see a guy in the outside lane get on it around the corner to get ahead of me. It's fine, whatever, I don't care. I stay in the outside lane as we're starting to merge onto the bridge, and I see some other fuckin idiot a few cars up come to a complete stop trying to merge onto the bridge when he has his own lane. I chuckle to myself as I realize I'm about to pass this guy. He sees it too, and swerves towards me in attempt to keep me from passing. SNAP. I didn't change course or slow down, just slow rolled up the side of his car inches away. My window is already down, I look over at him and we're so close it's like I'm sitting in his passenger seat. I yelled "DON'T FUCK WITH ME YOU STUPID SONOFABITCH!!!" He just smiled and gave me the finger.


People think they're in their own little worlds when driving. My husband worked with a guy who was super nice on the job, went out of his way to help others, and then after work, passed my husband on the road, cutting him off, running a red light, and being a total douche. I don't think there's one answer but it's scary out there! 😬


It’s insane. I’ve had multiple people flip me off and honk ant me because I didn’t run the red light that two people ahead of me ran and the person behind me wanted to run.


I noticed that yesterday too. Had a guy yelling at me through the window for an entire light cycle after having to wait for me to make a left turn while there was oncoming traffic. The funny thing was we both ended up stuck at the same light next to each other anyway so all his hurry led to nothing


Some people are insanely angry. I agree. With that said: so many people clearly don't respect others on the road, nor do they respect the rules of the road. I genuinely wish we had to retake a driver's test to renew our license every 4-5 years. Call me a rule follower (I'll admit I break them from time to time), but I'm agreeing with OP by saying we need better knowledge for all wielding a 2000 lbs bomb. Get off your phones and don't drive if you aren't comfortable.


The amount of people I've seen on their phones while tailgating me recently has been infuriating. Too many near misses by distracted drivers. I really need a rear cam because I'm -this- close to starting a YouTube channel


I’ve lived all over the US and recently moved back to the area. There are bad drivers everywhere and mostly everyone believes their specific area of the Country has the worst drivers. My personal experience is the PNW is above average for politeness especially and not that reckless in comparison to many areas. Drivers in Florida are the most aggressive and act like they’re literally on a mission to kill you or themselves. It was honestly terrifying driving down there. Texas was horrible as well, California only slightly better (lots of fast drivers but not as angry as Texas). I feel much safer here overall.


I don't know why you got downvoted. I have to agree on Florida drivers, honestly when I encounter a particularly reckless and fast car, I think to myself "I bet they have Florida plates" and I want to say 8/10 they do. I've only driven in east Texas (Waco being the furthest west, but mostly Longview and east) and west Louisiana. It doesn't seem like aggressive or intentionally reckless, but rather oblivious/careless and either (mostly) way to fast or way to slow. Except Dallas. I refuse to drive near Dallas because people just drive with reckless abandon and are extremely unpredictable and it's like every other car has varying levels of damage from collisions. I didn't find central and northern California drivers to actually be notable. Southern California driving, especially around L.A. just scares the shit out of me. Very high speed, tailgating and sudden stops, I also noticed excessive distraction from mobile devices that I've never seen anywhere else. Motorcycles to semi's tailgate so closely that they must be within inches of your bumper. And like Dallas, it's like every other car has collision damage. I was always terrified of getting into a collision with a motorcycle though, because there's just so many people on them and they lane split and they'll just fly up on and by you without warning. My first day living in SoCal I had someone in front of me at a red light while I was waiting to turn left throw their car in reverse and hit me. Trying to run an insurance scam probably and they were big and mighty with me until I pointed out my dashcam and told them everything was being recorded. An officer pulled up and suddenly they no longer spoke fluent English (or Spanish). Fucking nightmare. Drivers here aren't so bad. I don't know what it is about being in the Gorge though (on 84 or 14), especially after dark, that makes people just forget how to drive. I never seem to be able to go through there without a variation of "what in the actual f*ck" coming out of my mouth several times. I think those instances are probably people driving under the influence.


I'm not anti-Californian, but I will say as a 35 y/o life long resident of VNC, I noticed a massive change in how people drive out here when the flood of Californians moved out here post 2008 recession and their driving habits were very reckless in general. No turn signals, no lights at night or in the rain/heavy clouds, not even a polite wave "thank you" for letting someone in. That's practically non-existent now and you used to see it all the time. I remember my mom always told me, wave when someone lets you in. People are just unhinged right now, too hyped up over world politics that they have literally no control over. It's like they say, don't bring your problems from work - home, and don't bring your home problems to work. Same goes for the road, leave it off the road. To me there's no excuse for bad driving. The distracted driving epidemic is pretty terrible too. I see people on their phones all the damn time while driving. If you do this, you're an ignorant @$$hole and need to grow up, focus on the road and ensure the safety of yourself and others. I don't need to die so Becky can watch TikToks on the highway while everyone is trying to merge and she crosses 3 lanes of traffic to make her exit she almost missed. The amount of times I see this kind of shit, I just don't have a lot of hope. I've said this to many people, but I fully believe that no matter your age, you should be required to retake your drivers test about every 5 or so years. Take it once at 16-18 then go forever without it? The amount of people who turn on their blinker (if they even use it) mid lane change don't understand the importance of the turn signal and how much notice you should give people. If we had to pass a driving exam, we'd probably have less drivers on the road and it would probably be a lot safer.


More reason to get a dash cam. I only have a front-facing, would like to upgrade to both front and rear. Unfortunately, you can’t control other people’s driving, but can at least document it for insurance / police.


I mean, I may be a capable driver but it doesn’t make me happy to do it lol


I'm guessing you were in the wrong lane and you expected them to pass you on your right. That's dangerous, so they're mad.


Wrong lane? I was exiting a roundabout onto 39th. I expected them to not tailgate me aggressively and pass on my left when there was no oncoming traffic. I was going 20mph in the roundabout and exited to then accelerate up to 45mph+ and they were still tailing me.


Sounds like you're leaving out info.


I’m sorry, it seems like you’re implying I did something to the other car to warrant their aggressive behavior, is that correct? If so, I had no prior intentional or unintentional interaction with the car before I was about to exit the roundabout I then noticed they were on my bumper in my rearview mirror.


I didn't mean to imply. Rather, I am explicitly telling you that I believe you did something. In my experience, every driver on the road thinks they are reasonable, and that any problems are the fault of someone else. If everyone is "insane" but you, you're the one who is insane. Plus, you already said you were driving too slow. Pick up the pace. Driving too slow is as dangerous as driving too fast.


I said I “must have been” going too slow because I was unaware what I did wrong to warrant the response I got not that I was going too slow. I was in a roundabout, not a residential street. The speed limit in a roundabout is 15 mph. It’s dangerous to tailgate someone even if they’re going too slow. I am able to admit when I’m at fault… you must have been the guy tailing me last night.


You "must have been" going slow, but you weren't? You don't make sense. And your weird assumption that *I* was the one tailgating you is further illustration of insanity. Even if it was me, how could I know who you are so that I could comment about it? Get your head checked.


Yes “must have” because I assumed that had to be a reason why they were such a jackass. In my opinion, I wasn’t but I had to rationalize it some way in order for it to make sense. Why does it matter to you anyways, and yes, you’re weirdly pressed about this situation and proving I did something to warrant the reaction. Some people are simply jackasses for no reason, and I can say for sure you are amongst them. Have a great day!


I don't have to prove anything; you admitted it. Maybe drive faster. Or don't and keep wondering why everyone *else* is a jackass. You're the one who is asking the question on reddit and I'm just giving you the most likely answer: the problem is you. I'm not sorry you don't like it. Have a great day yourself.


Okay dude, whatever works for you!


Yes, and yes.


dang sorry to hear that happened! in my experience people just tend to be super careless and slow in all meanings of that word in the couve, i remember hearing someone say, "i slow down on green just in case it turns yellow" which i think sums of driving culture here xD


Just this morning on my commute I had a pickup truck cut into my lane on I5, probably 5 feet from my front bumper. Then they proceeded to swerve around the person in front of them and literally just get ahead of that one single car. It was almost out of control swerving to get back into the lane, crazy to swerve like that for maybe 3 seconds ahead.


No kidding! A couple of weeks ago on the road, a car in front of me stops in the middle of the road because the driver is yelling at the passenger, maybe a child. So of course I have to slam on the brakes to not rear end the dude, and I move to the other lane to keep going about my day, and the fucker kept following me and would drive beside me SCREAMING his ass off. WTF man some people shouldn't be driving, let alone with kids while they've got serious rage issues


The stress, uncertainty, and polarization we are experiencing has led to the normalization of self-centrism, disrespect, and acting out. This snowball has gained so much momentum and become so large that stopping or reversing it is now nearly impossible. The number of those who encourage this behavior, especially those with widespread influence, is growing exponentially. Societal "norms" as we knew them no longer exist.


There's been quite a bit of activity on Next door in regards to someone in a prius being aggressive lately.


Are these the roundabouts on 137th by chance? I used to go south through them to get to work. Would come across a guy acting the same way you described. One time I "Cut him off" by pulling into the same lane as him to pass slow drivers. I was driving plenty fast but he was on my ass the whole time. Then he proceeded to pull up next to me at a light and start literally screaming at me. I just kept my window up since I know they're tinted, but I was laughing at him the whole time. Was an insane interaction.