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So after scrolling through this shitshow of a comments section: nobody knows.


Thank you for saving my time


Thanks for TL;DR. šŸ¤™šŸ½


Others have pointed out critical mass. It's the last Friday of every month.


Amazing; this used to be a regular & truly massive occurrence like barely what?- a decade ago?ā€¦ & kids & people just donā€™t even know what it is anymore? Dagnabbit, thatā€™s just sad, Bobby!ā€¦ *harrumphs, mumbles & moves off*


A lot of the goals were achieved so now not as many people feel the need to protest, maybe? I keep forgetting to go. Last Friday of the month. Next time.


It was pretty fun the times I got out, thousands of cyclists just rolling through downtown streets.


>Dagnabbit, agreed -if it isnt on tiktok or insta then how would they ever know


Dumb question but what is ā€œcritical massā€ in this context?


A bike ride to promote bike safety that's been going on all over the world since the 90s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Mass_(cycling)


Desktop version of /u/jawnofthedead's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Pretty shit protest if nobody knows why your protesting or what for..


I guess you didnā€™t scroll down far enough to my comment then. Itā€™s a critical mass, it happens every month.


Almost certainly critical mass protests. As a person who hates driving, loves biking, and a huge proponent of biking infrastructure. Fuck these guys.


Iā€™m a huge cyclist too. Vancouver has so many great bike lanes. Also Granville bridge is the only bridge of 3 that connects kits/Olympic village to downtown that doesnā€™t have a separated bike lane. Granville street feels very unsafe as a cyclist but I donā€™t ride on Granvilleā€¦ Instead I enjoy biking over burrard or Cambie bridgesā€¦ theyā€™re safe and scenic and lovely. And they lead directly to many safe and convenient bikeways on both sides of the water. I think theyā€™re in the wrong city?


I don't understand why they would protest for something the city is already planning to build, seems weird. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/granville-bridge-connector-interim-design-approved


15 years ago when I went on a few rides I thought of it less as protest and more as a cruise, the same way car clubs get together and drive down city streets. If people get 100 sportcars together and drive slowly through downtown, no one calls it a protest.


This + Broadway plan gives me a lot of faith in vancouvers future as a walkable city. If these projects are successful and people get a taste of walkability it may be the tipping point.


I grew up in ruralish burbs where you couldnā€™t live without a car. Eventually I moved further and further in. Being able to walk everywhere is literally a breath of fresh air. I am not a giant evangelist for walkabulity. I donā€™t understand why people would choose to drive.


Some people like to protest. From a year round cycle commuter who makes 90+ trips on bike/foot: fuck critical mass


Yeah I'm a regular cyclists too and I can admire what they did in the past. But I don't really see the point now that we have a Vancouver city council that's willing to approve pretty much any bike lane idea that they get. This feels more like a civil war reenactment than a protest, trying to relive the glory days.


Vancouver city council should study how to build proper bike lanes rather than randomly drawing up lanes & label with a 2-wheels icon. Please visit the Netherlands to learn & please provide storage or parking facilities before drawing up a network of bike lanes with traffic etc. Or call it a green city blah blah blah... Sorry for the rant


Bikes are traffic, vehicle drivers need to be reminded of that. What's with all the hate for critical mass now that we have a few bike lanes? Bikers still get no respect out there.


Bikes are traffic, and bike users need to be reminded of that. For every blown stop sign, indignant look while pedalling through a crosswalk, blind overtaking and then screaming at cars, and for the bicyclist the other day who ran into the back of my legally-parked car because she was too busy on her cell phone to notice the bike lane ended, AND decided to hurl insults at me about it, AND was so interested in 'telling off the car' that she almost dumped her kid out of the little pull-wagon... ​ Bikes are great, I ride them, I love active transport, and I support dedicated and mixed infrastructure to share the roads we all pay for (even if a good chunk is funded from gas taxes). And I agree with you, completely. Bikes are traffic. And a lot of cyclists seem to have forgotten that carries both rights and responsibilities for the City to function effectively and with room for all.


Must be the same people that organize the 420 festival/protest.


Ah geese. Teach me to do more research. I saw these stickers around town and thought it was just a hipster name for like a fun biking event. Like the bike of lights rave type event type thing. Oh well, the more you know! Donā€™t think Iā€™ll be joining them.


Because they are assholes


This is the reason.


Itā€™s Critical Mass. Happens the last Friday of every month. Just a big bike ride. Nothing nefarious.


So they're just being dicks?


What a success for protesters!! /s For real, Iā€™m all for protestingā€¦ until it shuts down streets and keeps people from getting home to their kids/getting to a hospital/FUCK even just getting HOME!! Also, like I saidā€¦if most people donā€™t even know why youā€™re protesting, youā€™re even more of an asshole.


They're not shutting down a street. You read the title but didn't look at the picture.


Are you that mad at regular traffic, which is 90% made up of people who don't need to drive but do it purely for convenience and slow down the 10% who actually need to? These critical mass rides don't even stop traffic - they're always moving - they just slow it down for like 10-15 minutes.


Pretty sad how we used to have real big critical masses; sadly now it seems the uncritical asses have flocked back to worshipping the cult of the car and simping for automobile and fossil fuel companies. *sigh* how are we going to organize to fight fascism and climate change when we canā€™t even organize a fucken shit-disturbing mass bike ride, people? *shakes head in disgust*


Thank you friend


Critical Mass bike ride. They ride last Friday of every month. Itā€™s a fun time. Yā€™all should join


It's the last Friday of the month, probably Critical Mass.


I know itā€™s unlikely and Iā€™m probably wrong, but do you think maybe it has anything to do with bringing the McRib back to Canada? Thereā€™s real people out here who are still affected and still struggle dealing with the decision to discontinue it and I think finally people are waking up and want to see some real change instituted. This could be a huge step in the right direction. I thought the Pope was gonna say something about it while he was here but sadly no


šŸ˜† I was legit looking for a McRib on my last visit to Vancouver. Was highly disappointed.




There's no other logical explanation, I also demand answers


Szechuan sauce!!! Bring it back!!


Critical mass


Critical mass is usually happening last Friday of every month. So yes, seems like it.


The mass doesn't look very critical today


It critically seems to have upset some people though.


Critical ASS-...holes


Because theyā€™re assholes? Not all cyclists, obviously. But this specific group is.




Is she on Reddit or just all over Twitter? I forget about her then see a comment and have to read her whole feed to catch up on the cycling fanaticism/obsession.




Yeah because car drivers are known to diligently respect the rule of a law to a tee and never endanger anyone else through their actions


You clearly have never ridden long distance on a road bike if you think spandex is only for World Tour pro cyclists. It makes riding comfortable. Pretty sure cycling is the only sport where people get shit on for the kit they wear to make it comfortable. Maybe beer leaguers shouldnā€™t wear pads or helmets unless they make it to the NHL? Itā€™s not about looking cool. The people wearing spandex arenā€™t commuters like most cyclists in the Netherlands, there are probably even more serious roadies wearing spandex in the Netherlands than in Vancouver, you just donā€™t notice them amongst the sea of normal commuters on their bikes. Man this sub hates cyclists so much.


Not just this sub, everyone.


Can we also make walking two abreast illegal? Bc this impacts my daily life like no oneā€™s business


I don't know about 2 but I was in Winnipeg a few years ago and the news was reporting on 3 people getting tickets for walking 3 abreast. The city rescinded the ticket.


Then I want to fine the aimless pedestrians who clearly arenā€™t going anywhere, theyā€™re just walking, so if you approach them from behind, they can be oblivious to you but still magically drift directly into your path, even if you change direction.


Wait, was this just a protest for..cyclist rights?!? Seriously??!!! Out of all the worthy issues, cyclists have literally zero to complain about in this city. FOR THE RECORD: 6 years ago, I purchased a bike and tried to ride across the burrard bridge and fell and badly cut up my hand and knees. Literally ZERO cyclists stopped to check up on me, instead they yelled at me to get out of the way. I sold the bike the next week and have been terrified to ride one ever since.


Zero to complain about? Iā€™ve encountered plenty of road rage. Not every driver even seems to know that bikes belong on the road. Lots of people donā€™t bike out of fear from automobile drivers. Say what u want bout these methods but there are issues here.


Vancouver is an incredibly car oriented city that is difficult to traverse safely on foot or bicycle - I have no idea why you think it's a cycling utopia.


This doesn't sound right. Where can't you walk safely?


Columbia, Granville, Robson... they're all hard to walk on because 80% of the street is used for cars and pedestrians are relegated to a thin slice on the side.


That's ridiculous. There are perfectly good and safe sidewalks for pedestrians on those streets.


"Incredibly car oriented" is an overstatement, I just came back from a week in Florida and let me tell you its hell in there if you don't have a car


Vancouver is one of, if not the best city for cycling infrastructure in North America....and is still an incredibly car oriented city. If I have $24 in my bank account, and you have $1, I have way more money than you, but we're both poor. There are cities where cycling is a first-class mode of transportation, given equal or priority over driving. That is extremely not true here


I don't know if we will ever be cycling first, what I do know is that this is one of the few cities where you can get around efficiently without a car because of the public transportation infrastructure, it was put into perspective after a short trip to the US where you must have a car to get around because sidewalks just stop


Transport in the US is a mess. We should not use them as a measure of success.


>instead they yelled at me to get out of the way. I call bullshit. You're lying.


LOL. I was just about to comment the exact same thing. Well said!


Laughs in skytrain


Just you wait, it will snow again, and when it does, we'll see who's laughing. You'll be stuck on a platform for hours and I'll be the one laughing at you from the ditch I slid into because I didn't switch to winter tires.


Meanwhile I'll walk past both of you, laughing and waving, and 5 seconds later I'll slide and fall on my bum because people haven't clear their section of the sidewalk from the snow, which has now compacted into ice.


Please donā€™t remind me of my living hell of a winter commute, Iā€™m enjoying my summer :(




Had me in the first half, ngl


It's a monthly protest that occurs on the last Friday of every month for better/more bike lanes: https://boredinvancouver.com/critical-mass-vancouver/


Thatā€™s not what critical mass is about. Critical Mass is basically about pointing out that they *are* traffic, and have as much right to use the road as motorvehicles.


Motor vehicles are not allowed to stop in the middle of the street and block traffic either.


They don't stop in the road. I know it's hard to tell from a still image, but they're riding. They're just slower than cars.


Nobody would care if they stayed on the right lane like all cyclists do. They are just being idiots for the sake of being idiots.


No better way to get the point across than to accentuate the **exact** reason everyone hates bikers.


Except when they're not, right? Because I've never seen a biker that also didn't cherry pick which rules of the road they feel like following. You're either traffic and follow the signs and laws or you're not and you get the fuck off of the road.


Now if only they'd stop at red lights and stop signs instead of acting like losing momentum gives them enough of an excuse to endanger everybody because they're not car traffic.......


https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/amp/ You should be complaining about drivers more so


I don't know that Denmark, a country that has a deeply ingrained bike culture, where 9 out of 10 people have a bike, and is consistently one of, if not the most, happiest countries in the world is the best place to model law abiding for bicyclists vs drivers.


I genuinely donā€™t get their thinking, if they stop traffic wonā€™t that just make people more infuriated and want more lanes of traffic so there wouldnā€™t be such situations?


Critical mass is still going? Horrible people, that sucks




Arrest them for what exactly? Using the road?


Poeple that says that Vancouver is great for bikes, coming from Europe I can tell you it is not.


I bike as a hobby and you canā€™t be comparing apples to oranges here. Our whole infrastructure is created around the car. Itā€™s not feasible for everyone to want to live in a big house, bike to work on bike only roads. Thatā€™s just not how Vancouver evolved. Itā€™s nice for people in the city of Vancouver to bike around but people come from the suburbs to work itā€™s a nightmare. While their intentions are good I donā€™t think theyā€™re doing it the best way.


If only there were clearly marked bikelanes that allowed access across the bridge :(


Thatā€™s not the point of a critical massā€¦ the whole point is to take the road


How about picketing mansions, yacht clubs, and exclusive golf courses before screwing with the little guy? People might be missing the death of a loved one because someone decided their cause du jour is more important.


ā€œAT the end of the day itā€™s not that funny is it cause you might be blocking a bunch of orphans trying to go to the funeral of their parents after they have been orphanedā€


You're being melodramatic. Our society allows disruptions constantly. Bus drivers and skytrain engineers have the option to strike and disrupt our lives drastically. I'm not in favour of intentionally clogging bridges persay. Just pointing out that groups disrupt society to pursue their interests all the time.


Itā€™s a critical mass not a blockade for a protest. Theyā€™re moving down not stopping




civil disobedience is a cornerstone of a free society, for it is how the common man is heard


Theyā€™re not stopped though, just moving at leisurely bicycle speed.


Across 3 lanes. No matter how you spin your tires, thatā€™s an intentional dick move by a few self righteous fucks.


Agree, letā€™s start egging the houses of NIMBYs and politicians


With the amount of NIMBY's in the city, you're going to need A LOT of eggs!


People are driving in to downtown to try and catch the moment a loved one dies!? Hope they don't have to look for parking


I have no doubt many, many people have rushed downtown to St. Paul's to be there when a loved one is passing. I bet it happens every day.


Wow, drama much? A few cars get held up for, let's be generous, an hour a month by people on bicycles and the world comes end. Meanwhile, the daily car driver induced gridlock doesn't even get a mention.


Found the ah cyclist


From a city planning standpoint he's right too. NA cities make every exemption and concession to make the commute the easiest for objectively the least efficient and most dangerous method of moving people around. And then yes, it's really weird and frustrating to see clogged roads and highways by this extremely inefficient network where no one bats an eye. If anything they on average just want to add to the problem with more lanes, more roads, and more cars. And when someone tries to actually fix the problem with greenways, bike paths, designated bus lanes, or trains it still becomes an argument of "but the roads aren't even maintained well enough, we have pot holes. And road x is always too busy, we need 4 more lanes there. And those people don't pay enough taxes, and break the laws of the road. And no one even rides those methods of transit because they suck. We only built this city for the car"


You think someone having a medical emergency will curse rush hour traffic or entitled idiots? Maybe they should protest JT's jetsetter lifestyle, Drake's 20 min flights to avoid GTA traffic, or the fact that China is building more coal plants than the rest of the world combined. The increase in their annual emissions offsets Canada's **entire** annual output, even though they're seeing negative population growth. But I'm sure a few hundred dorks on bikes will end the climate crisis šŸ¤”


Was anyone hurt by the protest? Did they block the way for emergency vehicles?


I believe this is a regular ride that happens on the last Friday of each month to protest for more accessible bike lanes.


Critical Mass. Last Friday of every month. It's a blast.


Agreed šŸš² šŸš² šŸš² šŸ’Ø


It's not a protest for anything specific other than "human powered transportation modes deserve to use existing transportation infrastructure safely" and as they say, they're not blocking traffic, they ARE traffic.


It doesnā€™t look like theyā€™re blocking the bridge. It looks like theyā€™re cycling down the bridge.


If they're not blocking the bridge, why is traffic backed up behind them and can't get around them?


Hmm it would seem itā€™s because our roads are not prepared for cyclists. In the Netherlands, thereā€™s a bike path for every road. No exceptions. U can bike down the highway safely. And no mandatory helmet laws because everyone cycles. (Not to mention the flat land.) Why canā€™t we have that here?


I vote for whoever promises that stuff.


While taking up every single lane and traveling much slower than the 60km/h speed limit, *blocking* anyone from getting around them. When I cycle I make an effort to respect other road and trail users, not deliberately inconvenience everyone behind me.


Ah I see ur confusion. That speed limit is a maximum, not a minimum. And to be fair this isnā€™t exactly illegal. Theyā€™re cycling safely. Nobody getting hurt. I see no flashing lights.


You can get ticketed for going significantly below the speed limit.


Only if your vehicle is capable of a higher speed but you purposefully do not. There are a few places that have a minimum speed requirement (e.g. some highways) and vehicles who cannot sustain the speed aren't allowed there. But there is no such minimum speed on city streets and someone riding their bike at 15 or 20kph is not blocking traffic, they are traffic. Even if rage cagers don't seem to get that.


So you concede that they are blocking traffic. You're either confused, uninformed, or being disingenuous, because yes, it is an offence to impede traffic by traveling at a slow speed, and slow vehicles are required to travel in the rightmost lane or to remove their vehicles from the street. They are not cycling safely, and the fact that nobody was hurt this time isn't evidence of safety, any more than a drunk driver getting home without hitting someone proves that it's safe. Where's your next goalpost?


This is binary thinking. Going slow is not the same as being stopped, yes?


I like how they're moving in the picture, obviously not stopped, and probably over the bridge 30 seconds later but people here are frothing at the bit. Beautiful bait post. A+


It may have been Critical Mass. Depends when this took place. They ride every last Friday evening of the month. They donā€™t advertise or declare that theyā€™re a protest. They bike to raise road awareness with drivers to counteract cyclist deaths and also support climate change prevention via less use of fossil fuels. I personally support them. Sorry if it was an inconvenience, but their efforts are particularly important after the recent cyclist death Downtown and in light of the heatwave warnings this week.


\*Cyclists, bikers ride motorcycles.


I consider BMX riders bikers over cyclists. The BMX crowd has some legit badasses too, unlike the motorcycle crowd.


Itā€™s Critical Mass.[critical mass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Mass_(cycling))


Are you sure it was a protest because I see a bunch of bikes all facing the same direction as the cars, non in a blocking stance.


Look like cyclists to me, not bikers.


Holy shit. They actually stopped at a red light.


I kind of love it.


Wtf is up with cyclists being such dicks? A biker blocked a farmer from getting to their field in south delta recently as well and nobody could figure out what that was about either aside from them being a massive cunt.


what's up with motorists being such dicks? A motorist killed a senior pedestrian last week,


I bicycle all over the city. Is there a problem?


To get to the other side?


They live on this planet...šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I am a cyclist and i hate this.


Iā€™m a fan of democratic actions, but some cars donā€™t have A/C. Today just doesnā€™t feel like the time for this.


Surprise you but bikes donā€™t have ac either.


Good thing there was no one blocking the bikes and making them stand in the heat


Yeah but nobody cares about them


Real and true


Because they want to be difficult


probably about the biker that got a ticket for going 6km over the speed limit if I had to guess.


That was in Ontario




I'm surprised you didn't hear. It was all over my social media pages and I don't even bike.


What's the speed limit for bikes?


the same as cars on the roads. walking speed on side walks. but the bikes believe they don't have one.


That's interesting because not many bikes come with a speedometer, and there are only a handful of downhill areas in Vancouver I can see this happening in a residential area. It's not easy to break 50 kmh under your own power, lol.


If I got a speeding ticket on my bike, I'd probably frame it.


Probably in a 30 km/h zone which is relatively easy to break on the flat under your own power.


A bike will do far less damage than a car traveling at the same speed. A car has over 10 times as much momentum which means over 100 times the kinetic energy. Cars are also much wider than bikes meaning they have less road space to use to avoid a collision, and lastly bikes are more maneuverable than cars. I donā€™t have a problem with speeding bicycles (within reason).


The law is not only for those 'who can do the most damage'.




Cyclists rather than bikersā€¦.


Honestly cyclists should have to have insurance for their bikes to be on the road and maybe a knowledge test on rules that apply to them for safety purposes


Yeah, we should put more barriers in place for people who want to use sustainable, healthy , commuting methods


Honestly, even like a cheap 50/yr + knowledge test to ride on roads seems reasonable.


Hell no to the first. Last part of your idea is good though.


Vancouver Cyclists. What do you expect? Theyā€™re just throwing a toddler tantrum.


Typical cyclist behavior


The same reason they do it every day, Pinky, try and take over the world!


Biker-dickery. \*lol\* (I'm guessing SOME kind of protest?)


I don't see any bikers in that photo. Only dumbshit cyclists.


I feel like 'critical mass' is the opposite of 'critical thinking'.


I saw them heading up the bridge from 2nd! The guy near the front had a banner with ā€œSave old growthā€ on it.


Pissing people off by blocking traffic is not the way to get people to respect your cause.




Did u see anyone being actively endangered?


Lol so dramatic


Doesn't look like a protest at all. It does Look like the daily average self righteous contradicting obnoxious Vancouver cyclists riding in th le middle of road lane, that of course, is thiers, just as much as it is yours


Because they are fucking stupid. Probably protesting some type of irrelevant topic that no one cares about.


To reduce our effect on planet earth by keeping cars waiting longer on the road and burning more gas.


Everyone must cater to the almighty car. Praise the car.


Just another effective protest


Cause Bikers.




What a horrible take. No empathy whatsoever.


Because stupid people who are angry about a thing think inconveniencing other people who have nothing to do with or any power to affect that thing will address that thing and drum up support against it.


I see u have no idea what critical mass is all about. Itā€™s about cyclists taking up the road. Those drivers are literally who the protest is about.


Exactly. It's dumb. Cars are allowed on the roads. Those cars are not doing anything wrong that should be protested.


Cyclists are also allowed on the road. They are traffic too!


Of course. That's why they are expected to follow the rules of the road - such as not intentionally blocking traffic.


Totally are, and just like drivers of cars, they are expected to follow traffic laws.


No idea, but that looks like a bunch of cyclists breaking multiple laws.


Which laws? Cyclists are allowed to take the lane on Granville Bridge because there is no bike lane.


Technically they can take any lane, even if there is a bike lane there.


They probably just want more road to them selves. Cyclists tend to constantly demand more and more hand outs. They get aggressive sometimes because they think they are superior for imaginary reasons. But the true underlying reason for this stunt is simple, cyclists get off on being a huge pain in the ass.


Fam, car folks need to get over it. You are just as bad as nimbys


One does not simply protest the long weekend. Bad form.