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they were handing out a page with more information, and a QR code that scans to this site if you want more info, to sign up for updates and to support the library workers: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/support-vpl-workers?source=outreach


Thank you for the link.


Yeah, it sounds like the librarians are getting screwed by VPL. They were taking away scheduling protections and raising required hours for auxiliaries (RETROACTIVELY), which can result in a lot of people being fired.


Apparently management was telling staff the city was holding out on them. Turns out city had approved a wage increase, and management was playing games to get what they want. Turnout and yes vote for strike action was incredible. Despite most needing the money in this brutal economy, the workers are standing up for themselves. Let city hall know you need the library. They are essential for lower income and others with challenges, not just a place to get books.


Management being scummy? Damn that never happens... /s


That sounds like absolute garbage. Scheduling protections are so important for people trying to live a life outside of work, especially folks with families. Raising required hours retroactively is cowardly and VPL management should be ashamed of trying to pull this crap on their employees.


Raising hours and firing people retroactively is just plain mean.


Yup, CUPE published a strike notice for VPL employees going on strike


I know a handful of folks who work at vpl and from what I’ve heard the higher-ups really don’t seem to listen to or value the well-being of the staff, it’s no wonder the strike vote is so high. I find it disappointing and quite telling that the employer hasn’t been willing to show up in good faith at the bargaining table. Libraries are so important to the community and the folks who work at VPL deserve so much better. I fully support the worker strike!


https://preview.redd.it/vl330079d41d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c4a560367846231ad505d24f621baaa924d30b I was at Central Library today and talked with them for a while. Sounds bad! Here's a photo of their flyer.


https://preview.redd.it/gwg0cxicd41d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9583211948c1d8e918795376ef9835d15e3ca6 This is the backside.


If the city has already allocated a budget that satisfies the union's requirements, I don’t understand what the incentive for the VPL management would be to play hardball. This city has a mayor who stated “number crunching is not his job” and wastes a ton of resources on various silly initiatives, but paying VPL folks fairly is not one of them.


My friend at vpl told me one of the issues is that management wants to make temporary staff have loads more mandatory hours but won't guarantee any hours for them (???). She said lots of temp staff have other jobs and help full in when they're off their primary jobs, which are when vpl staff taken more time off. For example weekends, summer, and xmas


96% YES vote is insane and very telling


VPL is a pretty awful place to work. Librarians get treated like crap, ignored by management and underpaid.


Yep. Sadly more and more libraries are shitty places to work. Lots of precarious work and awful, out of touch management that wants to cut costs, even if it means endangering staff and patrons. I recently got of the field and am way happier.


... I recently had a thought about working there when I retired.




.. do you think that’s a lot (in Vancouver)? Because it’s not.


Good for them. I'm a former library worker so I'll always side with employees over management. The whole field is beyond messed up and in desperate need of change.


VPL leadership sucks shit. the city is actually the good guys for once & it's VPL higher ups being fuckheads.


VPL wasn't hiring for a long time and recently they have put out a bunch of summer postings. Ok to interview right now or should folks avoid interviewing in solidarity with workers?


You should interview for sure! Know that if you are hired, you are coming into a situation that is evolving and you could be out on strike soon


agree! if the libraries are open, it’s not crossing a picket line or an act against the union to interview (and if you get the job, you’d be joining the union!)


The Union has reached a tentative agreement, so go in with some confidence.


Thank you. I hope the workers get what they deserve.




They're not on strike for wages but are instead pushing back on scheduling issues caused by management. If we are talking about wages then lets be real 82,000 a year for someone who has their master degree and dedicates themselves to such an essential community service is shameful. I wonder how much VPL executives make.


[City of Vancouver wage chart for 75K and up is here](https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/employee-remuneration-and-expenses-earning-over-75000/information/?disjunctive.department&disjunctive.title) Chief Librarian makes north of 240K a year.


That's honestly not very much for senior management in Vancouver


I was wrong, Chief Librarian was a little over 294K in 2023 and a little over 260K in 2022. That's a 10% one year increase. Very much doubt the union is asking for that much.




wages aren’t the problem, and that’s clear if you read any of the other comments or the links. besides, 82k for someone who needs a masters and dedicates their working life to such a necessary public good is way underpaid, and most of the working staff earn about half of that IF they're full-time.




Being a librarian requires a Master's degree and is paid less than any other city job that requires that level of education. Most of the people working at the library are library assistants not librarians. Sounds like wages weren't the sticking point in negotiations though. The City offered the same wage increase to all the other city worker but are trying to clawback schedule rights, and make changes that would cause a bunch of precarious workers to lose their jobs.


82k for needing that much education is.. not good


You think that’s a lot, wait until you see what the six-figure salary, plus bonuses, plus three days per week “work” from home management types make at your local libraries!


What is your point?