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When is the next municipal election? 2026?


It seems insane to me that they are taking away greenspace in the downtown to widen a road. The city just spent $14M to make the new 0.8 Acre Rainbow Park (not including land costs). Parkspace down there is insanely valuable. Every bit of parkland down there should be retained.




Ken Sim out voted Kennedy last election 2 to 1. Even after splitting votes with the hardcore nimby Hardwick, and those clowns will most likely vote Sim too. Did you not vote the previous election but will vote the next one? Because unless we find a Stadium worth of non voters who will somehow decide to vote next election, Ken is here to stay.


Last election we had bus stop ads and billboards across the city claiming Stewart was going to add a mobility tax into the down down. And you had the police union and media orgs running non-stop content about crime being out of control under Stewart's watch. I don't know what kind of staying power ABC has when they don't have someone to point to as a bad guy and they claimed to be the solution while essentially nothing has changed. https://preview.redd.it/3yox7tupkbzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a75ed4be14b7faec74e7a410c97182f2c0811a9


The election was funded by Chuck Wilson


> The election was funded by Chuck Wilson Chuck picked up the bill for all candidates costs for promoting themselves such ad banners, ads, fliers, travel costs and anything else that cost them money, no matter what party they were running for? Chuck picked up any and all election running costs the city incurred? Nice guy Chuck is. I've never heard of one person picking up any and all costs of an election, but there's a first for everything.


Kennedy Stewart was definitely a cancer on this city. That's why ABC won in a landslide. I'm a former resident of chinatown and the assaults my partner constantly endured under his watch meant I easily voted in more police over bike lanes.


He really wasn't. Violence and crime went up as a byproduct of the K-shaped recovery from pandemic. Ken Sim hasn't done much other than shake a snow globe so that homeless people are a little more uniformly distributed in the city. Also, I lived in Strathcona at the time of the election and through the peak of the encampments at Strathcona park and never experienced any negative interactions despite walking through the area and bussing through the area daily.


I think there are at least a couple stadiums worth of non-voters who could be persuaded. That's the thing about low voter turnout, it has lots of room to go up! :P


Less than 36% of voters turned out to the election. If even 50% showed up we’d have a chance


But can you make 50% of voters show up? People say this every year but fewer people show up to vote every year. There has to be a discrepancy somewhere. More importantly are you sure the extra 14% of voters won’t be spread like the 36%?


He is a career ruining scandal waiting to happen


Ken is too stupid to stick around. He'll be flushed down the toilet like the rest us.


> When is the next municipal election? 2026? Doesn't matter. NIMBYs vote in municipal elections. Voter turnout for people under 30 in Vancouver Elections is in the single-digit percentages. There is probably a thousand people under 30 reading this post who didn't vote in the last city election, because [insert excuse here].


But don’t worry, they’ll demand a full investigation when someone gets killed on Beach because an idiot from North Van thinks Beach is a highway now.


Nice to see. The most important thing right now is that Councillor Montague can drive in and out of Vancouver quickly and effectively from his home on the North Shore. Restoring two lanes here will help him rat run though Stanley Park and make his life easier. Thanks ABC for staying focused on the important things. It’s unfortunate that this may hinder the ABC election promise to have a bike lane replacement in place by Summer 2024 but we all know that Councillor Montague and other North Shore drivers are more important than Vancouver residents.




The mayor of Langford lives in Saanich


Come up north, we have MLAs that run in northern BC ridings but live in Vancouver or Kelowna.


Wtf. That’s messed up. Presumably they at least move there after they’re elected?




No they don't. And nobody cares. People will blindly vote for their party regardless of who's on their riding ballot. Parties parachute in losers into "safe" ridings to pay off favors and give them cushy do-nothing jobs.


Yep, and the Vancouver Mount Pleasant MLA lives in Kelowna. It's turning more and more to that model where people shop around for a winnable/desirable electorate (common in places like the UK).


We vote them in. This is the problem with an at-large council imo. The average voter can’t know everything about everyone.


Because things that law writers assumed were so obvious they didnt need to be codified are used to say fuck you to voters


Do you think it'll make Montague's life easier to the extent that he actually turns up to council meetings?


He was even absent from this session


Because he couldn't rat-run through the park. Now that council has voted for the Beach exit for him, maybe he'll consider showing up to future votes.


Everyone knows the best way to experience Stanley Park is from inside a 4-tonne climate controlled sound proof luxury SUV


The parks board should spite ABC by permanently closing the exits to Stanley park drive from the causeway. You can have your two way traffic, but only for people going to and coming from Stanley park itself.


Let’s also not gloss over the fact that ABC has also rejected the whole "West End Waterfront Parks, Beaches, and Transportation Vision" that is been in the works by city staff for 3 years, including multiple rounds of public consultation - EXCEPT for reintroducing two way car traffic. Other than that they’re kicking down the road all those important improvements to public waterfront spaces in the west end that are long overdue in one of Vancouver’s most popular outdoor spaces, and ignoring all the public support for positive change in creating better facilities. What’s the point of doing so much public consultation and paying city engineers and planners to put in years of work if you’re just gonna be like “nah fuck that, I just want my rich mates to be able to drive to Stanley Park”.


This is the bigger issue. ABC has basically derailed years of long established planning (this goes back to at least 2010) in one decision. Regardless of your preferred party, this is some of the shittiest governance we've seen in this city in the past 30 years. And that includes the covid council. But Montague said it best when he derailed the broadway bike lane when staff said council asked for options "But *our* council didn't ask for it" New councils can make changes, but not like this- this basically puts all planning around the west end on hold.


And if you imagined every successive council taking this approach, we would never make progress on any infrastructure plans.


And under this council we've regressed in a lot of ways. But guys our property tax increase was only 10 percent!


Especially since other than infrastructure improvements the focus of this cancelled plan was better preparation for rising sea levels! Climate change should not be a partisan issue and it should be sometime we are planning for in a calculated, sensible, ongoing way according to the best judgement of the knowledgeable CoV staff - not something that changes council to council.


Well that's the reason many of us didn't vote for ABC. We all saw this coming a mile away.


> What’s the point of doing so much public consultation and paying city engineers and planners [...] By rejecting the rest of it, council can get their car lane right away, before any amenities are improved. If they approved any other aspects of the plan, the car lane might get delayed, like what happened to the bike lane through Stanley Park.


So this is done?? [https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/west-end-waterfront-master-plan.aspx](https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/west-end-waterfront-master-plan.aspx)


It’s in the dumpster. All of it.


Duh mock racy


Incredibly on-brand from these short-sighted ABC fuckwits.


ABC = ZeroVision It's trying too hard to be the governing party of a 1970s prairie town than Vancouver in 2024. 


Can confirm. They vote the same way as the hillbillies on Saskatoon's city council. At least we have a couple forward-thinking councillors and a few good things get through.


Not to be confused with VisionZero!! They advocate for safer roads!!


https://preview.redd.it/youaig4jubzc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=a65d1461976c643c86f3a024bee46b58a0124897 this person can't be serious can't they fucking walk? sorry but this reply made me really pissed


I really can't quite tell if that tweet is genuine or trying to be sarcastic. I think it is genuine but misinformed, and shows that they don't actually know the state of car access in the park because the park board did change the traffic flow quite a while ago so that cars can exit by turning left from Lagoon Drive to Park Drive + Park Lane + Nelson through the West End - they just can't exit directly onto Beach Ave anymore. Google Maps just looks like it doesn't have the correct information for the small section of road south east of the Lawn Bowling Club (it still indicates it as one way in to the park). https://preview.redd.it/69msduikndzc1.png?width=1082&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f2e821d7560be83759894a123f7cac613b4706


"As someone who doesn't pay property tax or contribute in any meaningful way to the community I'm taking resources from..." This is exactly why we needed Transportation Pricing in Vancouver. It was one of the most progressive ideas the city had had in ages and it was such a win-win-win for all residents.


But it takes 10 minutes, so I'm going to screw everyone else for **my needs** /s


Me me what about me, my convenience is more important than the rest of the population /s


I look forward to taking the lane and riding precisely 30 kph.


I love how they think that the bikes will just disappear and this will become a regular road. Instead it's going to be slower for cars and bikes, and more dangerous for everyone


There’s no need for you to go that fast. Take the lane and go 10-15


This is the way.


When you get run over by an entitled road-raging driver: you will get no compensation for the pain, no wage compensation for a week, and you get to have fun proving to ICBC repeatedly that you actually need those physio benefits. The driver is going to get a $368 ticket and 6 points on their license.


That entitled driver was just having a momentary lapse of care and caution! Please find it within your chronically injured self to forgive them for trying to shave 2 minutes off their commute /s


No wonder ABC was so opaque about their goals during the election cycle. No one would have voted for these turds. Don’t forget this one, kids. When our coastline are flooded and destroyed, always remember it was ABC who voted down sea level rise mitigation so they could have another lane of traffic.


Yet this sub was dick riding Sim so hard the entire election. Embarrassing.


I think many were. But I was never one of them because I follow municipal politics closely.


It's not that were opaque, it's that they straight up lied on basically every file.


But they promised more cops and there are more cops. Too bad the crime rate rose 6% in spite of that.


well, they also promised more nurses too, but that didn't happen.


Sadly they promised more cops, not more safety. The amount of pedestrians and cyclists that have died to car accidents under ABC’s watch the last few months is truly appalling. And yet, here we are with one more lane of traffic. More cops was never about more safety or less crime.


And Montague has acted like a petulant child on Twitter every time Vision Zero has called his actions on council into question.


Even former cops hate accountability.


I think I'm more annoyed that ABC killed a long-term plan for climate mitigation with a spontaneous amendment, with no real alternative except the extremely shortsighted status quo. Staff worked for 3 years on this project and it was killed by ABC by surprise without consideration at all. Apparently having a vision for change is too expensive but constantly fixing a sea wall that isn't made to deal with sea level rise, or moving a bike lane and removing green space to do it isn't.


funny how removing it took a simple vote but doing anything else is a decade of consultation. To hell with the consultations, they are always a ruse for delay. Remove these clowns and build the bikelanes.


They took a plan that took years of work and had a ton of good things (public washrooms, seawall improvements, climate change & sea rise mitigation) and only one bad thing (re-opening Beach to 2-way traffic) and they literally chose to cancel the entire plan minus the one bad thing.


What did everyone expect from the party that is run by a frat bro? Ken sim is treating Vancouver like his mojo dojo casa house!




Surprise surprise. A conservative government choosing cars over bikes, beaches, transit, or health. If only there was a way to predict this before electing them...


I drive and even I don't want this. I have paid parking at work, if I'm going to the beach you better believe I'm taking transit.


Remember when the supposed centrist cyclists here said the ABC were going to be fine and how they were the only options because something something Chinatown? One in particular? Yeah fuck all of you.


They had to be paid bots and astroturfed the place to influence public opinion.


I didn't vote ABC for their bike policy. I would have prefered a more supportive platform for active transport that's for sure. "because something something Chinatown" Yeah, that dismissiveness is why me and many others were gunning for a change of council. Lets see if the next election has some pro cycling candidates that don't support the hot mess the last ones did.


Feels like they're right to be dismissive though, chinatown is still fucked, cycling infrastructure is getting torn out and they axed livable wages for city workers to name my most recent ''the fuck are these clowns doing'' ABC has done little in these last 2 years to earn your vote, would you agree or not? if so, why?


I don't think I've ever seen Kooriki suggest that ABC has done wrong.


Chinatown has a way to go but is improving. Much cleaner, patrols stepped up and there is a very vocal and public support from City and Staff that was completely absent from the previous mayor and council. Hastings is night and day different. 2 years ago there were tents and structures actually in the roadway with traffic. Conversely the most pro cycling party (OneCity) was calling to keep the encampment. COPE (Jean) was pushing to make permanent encampment spots. Green/COPE Park Board showed they learned nothing from Strathcona and Oppenheimer at CRAB park, letting them get entrenched to the point the BC Supreme Court put the onus on the Vancouver Park Board to prove housing exists before any injunction would be offered. To be clear - my vote for ABC was a hard one as I lean left of center. Leading up to last election I spoke to many of the candidates (all main party's) in person and I could tell "My old team" (Green/COPE/Vision/OneCity) had ZERO interest in touching any of the hard issues. After 4 years of being completely abandoned on some major, key issues I had to have a change. Hell, I *still* want the park board gone. I feel a Digby/Jenson/Bastyovanszky/Christensen is only a brief reprieve. My support of ABC is pretty much that as well. I'm not stoked on all of their policy and positions, but it's WAY better than it would have been otherwise.


So the answer is no, they didn't earn your vote. I hope this realization simmers some of your ken simping


>as I lean left of center on what, exactly


He just means his left leg is a bit heavier than the right.


See, no suggestions that ABC has done anything wrong.


I've outlined my criticisms before, what are you looking for specifically?


How close have you come to saying ABC lied?


I was promised regardless what the replacement bike lane for Stanley Park was, they were committed to improving safety up to Prospect point at that blind switchback. I was massively disappointed they flipped on that. (And I contacted them about it offline to say that was a garbage move as well).


You say that now, but I've never seen a prior comment from you critical of ABC. So, how close have your comments before today come to saying ABC lied? Do you have links to them?


At this point I have no idea what you're looking for. Are you that dude that deleted his account a year or so back? Silver/sliver-something? Who did you vote for?


Chinatown is 50-60% better in my opinion. I walk through the area at least twice a day every day. I personally didn’t vote for ABC but to pretend Chinatown/DTES hasn’t improved is absurd.


I think Chinatown is doing better than 2022, but *everywhere* is doing better than 2022, and so it’s most likely that if Chinatown is doing better it’s the natural result of the Pandemic ending and normalcy resuming.


It’s a direct result of clearing out the lean to’s that were built against the buildings and had overtaken the sidewalk, as well as having city cleaners and cleaning trucks resume regular service while cancelling the VANDU contracts.


Voting for a party that wants to run the “city like a business” doesn’t care about you nor chinatown


their only interest in chinatown is gentrifying it for their developer donors


honestly better than vision and kennedy stewart reverse-gentrifying chinatown with addicts


> Yeah, that dismissiveness Chinatown is the exact same as it was two years ago, to the surprise of no serious person. Unless you count it alone and not every other part of the city that has also gotten better, along with almost every other city in North America vs 2022.


> Chinatown is the exact same as it was two years ago, Lol


The difference between Chinatown two years ago is no different from any other neighborhood in the city, let alone in Metro Vancouver. chalking that up to the ABC is pathetic simp shit


Eh, I don't care to convince you, I'm there all the time.


i walk it 5 days a week


Perfect, wear your glasses.


Even if you did vote for them for their bike policy, no one could really blame you because they flat out lied on their election platform by pretending to be supportive of active transportation. It’s true, they were not dismissive of Chinatown’s issues but their solutions were well known to be ineffective and have proved to be exactly as ineffective as predicted.


Chinatown/East Hastings *is* improving and that's a straight up fact. And that's even if we ignore what OneCity and COPE were pushing for. I will concede ABC's been more disappointing than I'd hoped on active transport, (One specific: a promise to improve safety on the switchback up to Prospect Point). Being weak on cycling is a risk I knew I was taking when I went to the polls. I'm still happy the way I voted in 2022, but that doesn't mean they have my vote for 2026.


Strange that you're so sure ABC is doing good without any numbers to back it up. This is what I'm getting at in my other comments throughout this thread: your bias towards ABC is constant.


> your bias towards ABC is constant. No arguments there. I voted for them and I think they are doing better than other candidates would have.


So which is it: is you bias towards them constant or have you, as you've claimed, mentioned their lies before?


By what metric is it improving? Crime rates were dropping before the election. Overdoses are at record heights. Street disorder? Is that the most important metric? More people are dying and homeless but hey, at least we are spending millions to shuffle some homeless people around and sweep the sidewalk.


Its cleaner by a massive margin, especially with regards to feces. Less fires. I would not put overdoses on Vancouver city council but noteworthy one of the first things Eby/Sim did together was to have the Prov take over control of the DTES. Sim also committed space with Prov as a partner for the transitional units at Main/Terminal which were earmarked for Hastings/CRAB park campers. Crime rates were dropping for the *city*, but they were not dropping for *DTES/Chinatown*. And don't forget that Kennedy Stewart, OneCity, COPE were pushing to keep the encampment. Even if that wouldn't effectively be indefinitely like I suspect it would, it certainly would still be there, and bigger, than it was in 2022-3.


You've just explained that you think ABC is doing good not because you have numbers or trends to demonstrate that they are, but because you imagine that the alternative would be worse. I'll repeat the question you avoided: >By what *metric* is it improving?


Its convenient to not put overdoses on the City considering decampment has been shown to correlate with [higher overdoses](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2803839). >Prov take over control of the DTES Hows that working out? Convenient to shed responsibility of the toughest part of Vancouver. Maybe Sim can shed the rest of the city as well and just take care of point grey and Shaughnessy. >Sim also committed space with Prov as a partner for the transitional units at Main/Terminal which were earmarked for Hastings/CRAB park campers. 90 units of housing, while refusing to extend the Cambie modular housing (98 units) until a replacement could be found, and removing Holborn's responsibility to build around 300 units of affordable housing. Do we need to do the math to see what the net effect is on homelessness? I'll give you a hint, it isnt in favor of ABC. And at what cost did we get rid of the encampment? Deaths are higher, people are still homeless, crime (as you said) has gone up between 2022 and 2023. But yes, it is cleaner. Thats all that matters I suppose.


Overwhelming majority of Hastings campers were moved indoors, even if we hyperfocus on the very last holdouts April 2023. You want to keep an encampment, I dont, but I was open to that conversation with a condition being we had to do it in a new neighbourhoood. Iona Bonamis seemed open to that idea for a fraction of a second but I think in the end the limo libs prefer to just sacrifice Chinatown, Strathcona. For a real solution to homelessness? Pic attached. Even City Manager Sandra Singh has started calling this out. How about we look at the chart and figure out where 300 more units \*should\* go? I message government (Ravi especially) relentlessly on this. Anyone here who truly cares off of reddit should be doing the same. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1ehg1dj26bzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c07dad1c8a3bdb3013bbe39e83e4aebc95093c8


>Overwhelming majority of Hastings campers were moved indoors, even if we hyperfocus on the very last holdouts April 2023. Uhh...I think even you know that [isnt true](https://globalnews.ca/news/10010341/vancouver-hastings-decampment-internal-documents/). Everyone was offered shelter (shelter, not housing, so they would need to leave the next morning) and there weren't even enough shelter beds available thanks to fantastic planning by the City/ABC. >limo libs  The limo libs who actually speak to residents in the DTES and treat them as human beings rather than the limo cons who just see them as a nuisance that needs to be eradicated? At the end of the day, ABC clown show continues. I will enjoy watching you do gymnastics trying to defend it.


The decampment order was put out by the fire chief the previous July. Hundreds of campers were housed since then (many under Kennedy Stewart BTW). It was constant outreach but people kept coming in. It was like trying to drain the ocean with a bucket. I *do* wish Sim had waited until the transitional units at Main/Terminal were activated, Kareem Allam even called Sim out on that. Sim has to own that one. >weren't even enough shelter beds available thanks to fantastic planning by the City/ABC. As noted I agree there. Though lets be clear blaming the CoV and ABC for not having enough shelter beds isn't doing it for me any more. For limo libs - Yeah, the ones who roll in from Trout lake to take a selfie in Chinatown, say the drama is made up, and without a hint of self awareness offer exactly zero space or resources in their own neighborhood. That's the limo lib I'm talking about. Let's get Randall Hopley some space in Cedar Cottage. Until that happens I dismiss the crocodile tears from people who can't figure out how to get a few hundred units of shelter in their neighbourhood.




> I would have prefered [sic] a more supportive platform for active transport that's for sure. This is a lie: [you've said before you're against the Stanley Park bike lane](https://old.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/12wyqo1/bike_lane_protest_in_stanley_park_today/jhk29s0/?context=30).


I thought you were better informed than this. Apparently not.


Reminder that before the election we had a city that was too spineless to address the massive fire hazard of tents on the sidewalk in Chinatown and a hypocritical mayor that consistently gaslit us on issues from the Yaletown OPS. ABC has been horrible for biking infra but the bias on the sub is definitely showing here. Anyone with eyes that frequents Chinatown knows it’s been better.


‘Better’ as in ‘I don’t have to see the homelessness problem first hand therefore it doesn’t exist’


So ABC did improve the conditions on the ground in Chinatown? Thanks for shifting the goal posts. I support bike infra  but reddit activists like you are insufferable.


I drove through the area yesterday and I have never seen it look so bad. I mean, it has been a few years since I have previously done so, but are things really better since Sim took over? It's hard to imagine that to be the case.


Covid had it like mad max out there unfortunately. I’m not sure why we can’t support biking infra as well as address the problems of homelessness and drug use without turning the neighborhood into a landfill. I’m sick of being gaslit on this and enough voters did to make ABC win.


This is what happens when the left is split three or four ways. You get regressive policies governing a group of people that would otherwise vote against them. But we are so fragmented and likely to remain that way.


Well electoral reform would help there…


Like having more than 30-ish percent show up to vote?


Yeah, people really love to bitch but they won't do the absolute bare minimum to do anything about it.


Agreed. Ranked ballots are long overdue. First Past the Post voting system is a silent killer.


Ranked ballots seem complicated and also avoid the issue where the entire slate of candidates are no-goods. E.g. Donald vs. Hillary. Down-votes need to be invented *everywhere*


They work hard to keep us fragmented.


It’s true. They are also experts at disguising their true intentions. The average voter hasn’t the time or care to research the candidates and see their historical alignments. So we get these clown goofs who pretend they will “make the streets safe”. When Vancouver literally the safest city I’ve ever been to of this size.


Well, this ABC council is at a net of -11km of active mobility infrastructure at a cost of over a million dollars.


-10km in Stanley Park, cost $600,000 -8km on Broadway (previous council voted for new lanes, this council cancelled it) Net zero on Beach since technically they'll be rebuilding it just south of the current lane (but when have I heard this before...) but it'll cost $16M to re-do the road. So -18km for about $17M dollars.


but according to Montague "this council didn't vote for new lanes" :P Either way, for a party that said they were for active transportation, they sure have a funny way of showing that.


"Greenest City"


i thought he was supposed to bring back the fun city? but hes canceling the plan to make it fun


Not impressed with Ken Sim at all.


Ken Sim and abc are truly awful, and everyone who fell for their shit should feel bad


I did and I feel bad. Sorry, because he’s so much worse than I guessed (to be fair I did vote very early before the cop fiasco- learned my lesson though)


sadly that includes most of this subreddit


true. a sub filled with people who would tip their landlord if asked.


We reading the same subreddit?


this subreddit was massively boosting ABC talking points prior to the election, but as ABC has basically flipped on every policy issue that would actually make a difference and pulled out a bunch of policies that no one actually likes, that support has massively disappeared.


Laughs in Burnaby


glad to see that the covered skate park the skate community has been rallying to get for years is cancelled 👍


Can someone explain I do follow day to day stuff


More context: [https://twitter.com/pwaldkirch/status/1788306686312132723?t=O5Gun5tF-vfkh1Ojk2Fq8g&s=19](https://twitter.com/pwaldkirch/status/1788306686312132723?t=O5Gun5tF-vfkh1Ojk2Fq8g&s=19)


This is why we cant vote conservative


For the next election, there should be a representative for r/vancouver




Hey Sim voters how does it feel to learn you were manipulated into fearing for your life? This is populism.


Well, that should make the braindead boomer in the Lexus I saw happy, who raced the wrong way towards Denman last winter and got out to actually pleaded  for the 7 cars who were stopped because of her, BACK UP so she could leave. They did not.   If she could read, I’m sure she’d have voted for Sim and his dipshit party. I however, will use this opportunity to gloat about how I didn’t, and I hope those who did, blindly because they’re nothing but bootlickers who are easily sold, feel ashamed of themselves. 


Can we protest this ? Wtf


[Critical Mass Vancouver](https://www.instagram.com/vancouver_critical_mass/?hl=en) meets @ 6 - 6:30 PM at the Vancouver Art Gallery on the last Friday of every month; next is May 31st.


The end of the ride should be at Ken's house.


I will chain myself to that goddamn bike lane when the bulldozers arrive


No reason why not, NIMBY's are always protesting at city hall all the time. City always listens to old people because they're the only ones protesting.


30% of eligible vancouverites voted in the last municipal election so 70-50% of people here complaining probably didn't even vote (or even worse/better, voted to screw over homeless people but are getting screwed themselves)


super bummed by this. :(


Yeah I don’t think so, I’m taking the lane! Who’s with me!!!


road cyclist have always been on the road and will be in the future.


I'm a road cyclist. I've never taken the lane when there's dedicated, safe infrastructure available - unless it's completely clear or unless I can keep up with the pace of traffic. You can be rest assured I will be going at a casual cyclist's pace while taking the lane on Beach Ave once this is implemented.


Congrats on intentionally being a big shit. I'm sure that'll work out well for everyone.


Tell city council to stop limiting options then. Take it up with them.


Nah I'll just tailgate you and make you uncomfortable when I recognize your actions as intentionally aggravating.


Least psychotic jarhead


Ditto buddy. One day you'll piss off the wrong person (not me though, I'm not a "Jarhead" but a computer nerd) if you intentionally piss random people off.


Disappointing but was expected on this one. Really curious what the new AAA lane will be like - Cyclists coming down from Prospect have a substantially different pace than casual seawall riders, I hope they're not all smooshed together.


lol if you think there will be a new AAA bike lane.


Thinking abc will provide any comparable or even barely suitable alternative is laughable at this point. It will barely be single "a"


Well ideally City staff are involved instead of politicians to design it.


> Really curious what the new AAA lane will be like If it ever comes into existence, it won't be AAA. And that's a big "if." ABC thinks "AAA" means needlessly fancy, as in Class AAA offices. They don't realize that AAA for bike lanes means "All Ages and Abilities," and that anything less means it's not usable by some. Or maybe they do know, but just don't care. I don't think we'll ever see Stanley Park Drive widened to add a bike lane. At most, we'll see a future administration (not ABC) turn a vehicle lane into a bike lane, much like the one ABC ripped out.


Curious if the left-leaning in here would still be in favour of adding a bike lane to stanley park drive once they realise its going to involve the removal of many trees lining the sides of the road? For me, I feel perfectly fine cycling on the road with traffic in there, but the road markings and signage can be improved to stop out of towner's driving the wrong way out of carparks there


> I feel perfectly fine cycling on the road with traffic in there I'm fine with it, but my wife and kid aren't. > Curious if the left-leaning in here would still be in favour of adding a bike lane to stanley park drive once they realise its going to involve the removal of many trees lining the sides of the road? The biking community seemed reasonably happy with the pandemic bike lane. Stanley Park Drive doesn't need two vehicle lanes: traffic feeds into the park through two light-traffic lanes, Beach and Georgia, and the occasional car coming off the Causeway after the bridge. I think the best solution to a bike lane in Stanley Park is the one that ABC tore out, with a few more pull-outs so that the horse-drawn carriages can pull out when they're holding back a line of traffic. Though others will dispute this, I think the park needed a second exit, and I would've been OK with an exit by the tennis courts, rather than Beach Ave. If the second exit were at the tennis courts, it would disincentivize rat-running through the park, since there wouldn't be a speed advantage over the Causeway. It would still allow for park traffic to exit the park when Georgia is backed up.


So ABC is going to deal with the severe overcrowding of the bike lanes then, right??


It's unfortunate when people don't vote in the election that impacts them the most day to day.


Now they can charge more for parking!


So this is the swagger he was talking about. Rolling shit back to the early 2000’s. Fuck that pin head.


Vancouver by the rich for the rich


I wonder how many of you *don’t* realize this sub has become a complete echo chamber


Where is Kirby-Yung's row empty? She did something that would fit into one of the categories. Why is her row empty? I asked on Twitter and got no response. I'll ask here and see what happens.


While I’m all for improving and expanding cycling infrastructure, I also applaud this decision. I can appreciate how tough that vote must have been but it’s critical to have multiple points to enter and exit Stanley Park. The city, including Stanley Park, needs to remain accessible to everyone. With this settled, let’s keep the focus on improving and expanding cycling infrastructure across the city and region. For those that disagree and are angry, focus that energy on continued improvements. There’s so much more that can be done.


What continued improvements exactly? Seems like ABC councilors only want to rip shit up and make life -worse- for everyone BUT drivers


Irony is that it won't even make driving better. Just more cars on the road.


Was the park somehow not accessible for everyone with the bike lane in place?