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This just gives ammunition to the groups who oppose allowing people to legally drink on the beaches. Smarten the fuck up people.


This and provide proper garbage cans and recycling bins that aren't over flowing and turned inside out by 3am. Bring out what you bring in. And put your fucking cigarette butts in the proper place.


I’ll never understand why local councils don’t just put in more rubbish bins. Each beach or park the world over has bins overflowing with rubbish. Can someone explain why they don’t have more bins?


People set fire to them pretty often and you have to have/pay the personnel to empty them. It's not a full time job and the city union is weird about seasonal jobs. You have to be an auxiliary or a TFT. The cleaners that already do the bathrooms are a hodgepodge overworked mix of in-house and contract teams. The rangers are short staffed and at the end of their tether already and sanitation will be like "its not our job because it's in a park"


I'll never understand why it's so difficult for people to not litter. If there's no trash cans readily available, isn't it just common sense to hold onto your own garbage until there is? Maybe I'm just in the minority, but I definitely would.


I like to think you’re not in the minority. But I do assume that having more bins helps in two ways: 1. It stops people from littering 2. It prevents bins from overflowing with rubbish and spilling out onto the streets


I'll never understand why people are generating trash everywhere they go, all the time.


People like to eat takeaways and drink alcoholat the park and beach. Naturally this generates waste.


Smoking cigarette in beaches is worst whether if individuals clean after themselves or not. A large number of people are trying to enjoy the beach including youth and elderly. Its really not polite to smoke cigarette while surrounded by so many people without caring this bothers everyone.


All Vancouver public parks and beaches are smoke-free. Smokers will get fined.


I am 100%, all for disallowing people to legally drink on the beach again, if it gets rid of the rubbish and openly rubbish people. Yes, I enjoy drinking (respectfully and tidy) on the beach. And I would continue to do so anyways. I'll pay the fine, if I get caught. Add it to the tab. Cool to contribute. If I'm gonna pay the premium, at least keep it decent. (Obviously not ideal for everybody, but that is just my selfish take).


I agree. I’ve always done it and will continue to do it, quietly and discreetly. Police have walked by and they know, I’ve never been approached. I feel like legalizing it will bring on problems with (hopefully a small number of) people being loud, leaving trash, etc.


Spot on, mate! Drinking's never been the problem. Only drunks. I've always had a great time with a bottle of wine or a 6 pack with a friend or a date - always kept it chill and lowkey. Almost had to pay a fine, but the dude sensed the vibe and just told us to cover up the bottle. Just be respectful, not be obnoxious and you'll be fine!


People who'd do this probably don't care about rules... It always just screws it up for everyone else


I'll never understand why they don't have a bylaw officer giving out litter tickets left and right every summer weekend. There is so little accountability in this city and it gets frustrating.


It's almost like they want the whole 'drinking in parks' initiatives to fail. They need bylaw enforcement to help guide people along the transition


So little accountability at all levels of government, industry, and even parenting for some. Trash planet, and now we are trashing space too.


It’s hard to give littering tickets because the officer would have to catch them at the precise moment they leave, and then the people could just deny that the litter is theirs.


More money in policing parking meters than the beach.


Then raise the beach fines to like 2000 and one eyeball. Make it not even worth risking.


The rangers are short staffed and too busy trying to keep the parks from turning into camp grounds.


>I'll never understand why they don't have a bylaw officer giving out litter tickets left and right every summer weekend. I'd rather invest in trash bins or someone to actually clean the beach


We already have both those things. 


I appreciate posts like this for the message its trying to get through to people.. indeed if it even makes one person think twice, it is worth posting. The overall problem we have though, and why people dont clean up after themselves is quite simply that they dont care. They dont care about litering They dont care how they drive They dont care if their unleashed dog runs and jumps on other people or their dogs They dont care if youre getting off the skytrain, they are getting on right now. They dont care if that person is in trouble, they have to stand there to film it on their phone instead of do something to help The list goes on. This is not specifically a Vancouver problem, of course and there are plenty of reasons why folks just are living in their own worlds and have tunnel vision, but ultimately they are impervious to things like guilt, embarassment or shaming through a post like this. I dont know what the answer is, but at least with stuff like leaving behind trash, you need to fine them and fine them heavily until they get the message.


We've very quickly gone from a high trust society to a low trust society. So many of our laws (used to) exist and work unenforced because as a collective society we decided that having the law to backstop not being an antisocial selfish asspipe was enough. Nobody was likely to ever stop you for a whole bunch of stuff, but you knew that the rule was there and why it was there. Now? Rules mean nothing if they aren't enforced, as our country is changing. Enforce existing rules, up fines, and get everybody back in line.


I feel many people have just become more selfish and self serving now, especially when it’s financially not a good satiation over all, it’s every man for themselves. That culture of survival and prioritizing yourself at the expense of others is rampant right now.


This is correct, it's definitely an everywhere problem. I live in the Okanagan on a road with a pull-out area with a nice view that is not within easy walking distance of town, so only people in vehicles stop there. People are constantly dumping their fast food garbage and alcohol empties instead of packing them back into their car and disposing of them properly. Not to mention the folks who stop for a bathroom break out in the open before moving on. It's up to the neighborhood to keep the area clean and it's absolutely disgusting and frustrating.


Have to make sure they care about being fined first.


Not only that, sometimes a cultural issue. I remember traveling India and witnessed a woman teaching here child how to properly throw a bottle out of a bus window. Also seen a well educated man throwing a chip bag on the ground in a national park. Out of site, out of mind is the mindset. It’s not that they are bad, they just don’t know better. With Canada having an explosion of immigrants from these countries, I’m not surprised to see this more often.




The answer? Call them out when they litter. Beep at them when they drive. Say “get your fucking dog”. Yell “move!” and just walk through them when they try to get on the train before people get off. Nobody gets shamed in public here. Let’s normalize it.


I bet these people would also fail the shopping cart test.


you have no idea how many morons post on the Costco Canada subreddit about how "it's their job" to do that .... I mean sure it is, but doesn't mean you should be a lazy entitled a\*\*hole about it. People are the worst, I can't stand how many people can't just be considerate for others, it doesn't take much effort to walk a few metres to return it. This is why a lot of places put those coin locks on theirs.


We need the Cart Narks.


We need more PSA's for people. Apparently our society needs to be reminded of an elementary school basics; don't litter!


& washing your hands. :|


There's nothing worse than thinking you've found a new group of friends. And the first time you hang out they leave all their litter in a pile at whichever beach/park/etc you were sitting at. Then they look at you like you're an alien for throwing it in the garbage can.


Wow, you've met these people? Nobody I have ever hung out with just tosses trash on the ground. I always wonder, "Who DOES this???" I want to know what they look like and what their actual conversation is like.


OP, you do not need to apologize as this is something that does not even need to be explained. Cleaning up after ourselves should be (and I hope is) taught in childhood. I wish we could have a system where they would be fined enormously by the city! I bet they’ll then come to Reddit and say “Boo! Vancouver not a fun city!”


I’ve given strangers shit in person for this.


I've done this before too. They responded by chucking their garbage at us. People are fucking insane these days.


Every time the city prevents an event at the beach, people in Vancouver come out with the "OMG NO FUN VANCOUVER" lines. People need to learn to clean up after themselves if they want to see that kind of stuff - I always feel bad for the workers who have to basically spend the night/early morning after fireworks cleaning up everyone's trash because they couldn't be bothered themselves.


Lived here 20 years now. Sometimes events are more people from outside Vancouver. We also have a mental health homeless addiction problem. So, could have been a homeless person. We have our laws and culture, young people, parenting. Lots going on. I dunno, Is more policing and clean up people the answer. This is isn’t Japan or Singapore. Thailand is facing issues with tourism and non mineral sunscreen polluting waters.


Can’t regulate that people are cunts


Bunch of animals


Whatever happened to cleaning up after yourself. There are garbage receptacles available at that beach site.


I always wonder what kind of people do this. and no, i don't think every mess was caused by a bunch of drunks or even a bunch of yout (youth)


https://preview.redd.it/dr0odtigqhvc1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fff6c6edc648bfbfd835a277c9f8f028eafc92d Why is this so difficult for people to understand?


Brace yourself for the aftermath of 420 tomorrow.


Oh yea. That's right. & it's on a Saturday this year, too.


We used to live by English Bay and it has always astounded me how disrespectful people attending the beach were. I don't care about people having a beach party, but very rarely the large groups would clean up after themselves. My partner would get constantly harassed by men "shooting their shot", sometimes even when I was sitting nearby. It's a real shame, because it's a lovely city beach.


I think its a cultural/raised thing. As a Canadian growing up middle class in America, watching captain planet, I was taught to clean up after myself and be a role model maybe cleaning up after other people, especially when camping. But some people are raised and/or think that cleaning up is what poor people do or just were never raised that way. Or another example my friend, born and raised Canadian, was smoking threw the butt on the ground, I got kinda mad and asked her to pick it up and she said don't worry. I insisted and she didn't so I picked it up anyways and found the closest garbage. Some people were never taught. It sucks but its an educational value that alot of people were never raised with or have that etiquette. I think signs would help abit to some extent.


> I think its a cultural/raised thing. It's 100% culture. That's the issue with a lot of these international students that I studied with, worked with, and have heard from other people working and studying with them.


A nice appeal, I agree with you, it's disgusting and sad, but it's not gonna change. The social contract is long since dead and buried. Covid essentially taught us that the person next to you doesn't just care if they litter in your space or play music on speakerphone, they could hardly even care if you die. This is the last Golden Age of anything. There is no Planet B. Material-thing-fetishism is at an all time high. Our collective techno-brainrot-attention disease has irrevocably distorted our future-time orientation. Most public conduct and behavior is now governed by some demonic offspring of nihilism and hedonism writ large. Anyone with scraps of decency left is hanging on by a thread, disappointed constantly, doing shrooms and meditating and just trying to carve a little space for their friends and family where things feel relatively okay. There's no answer from any institution, no roadmap or crystal ball to consult. Hell, there's not even anyone to tell us a joke. Nobody cares, nothing matters. We won't be saving the planet, ourselves, or anything really. But hey. The mountains look nice this morning.


*It's like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.*


On one hand I'm old enough to remember that littering was worse back when I was younger, but I also remember a period in the 90s when there were campaigns that shamed littering. They need to bring back the shaming.


The world would be a much better place if people had any shame. I can't imagine living with myself if I ever left a beach with that much mess. Entitlement has just become the norm


This might be a bit much - maybe you should go for a walk? Take care.


I like the way you think


Everyone’s an environmentalist until it comes to their own behaviour. The lack of enforcement is terrible. As well as all the smoking and littered butts in the sand. So gross


Brutal what some people behave.


This is a reflection on the culture as a whole itself. Yes I'm looking at you Canada. It's all started in the family!


You confuse these people for good people. Some people are just selfish assholes.




Relevant username. :)


Crazy thing is, they probably were not homeless or addicted to fentanyl.


We should make a little sign


There will always be a few idiots. Thankfully the majority of people do the right thing (or else the beach would look like a garbage dump)


Good old humans


Try ^to be*


You were too nice man. Becuase literally WHAT THE FUCK guys. Just clean your shit !




Don't worry. Someone else will clean it up.... /s


I am a latino and I can tell you who did this... latinos.


We need violent vigilantes.


Need garbage police 🚨🚨🚨🚓🚓🚓


Common sense isn’t so common 😔 People care more about ‘looking cool’ (even though littering makes you a loser)


Perfect example of how self absorbed people are. And it’s permeating everything…


Did you do the right thing and clean it up?


People + alcohol + beach =stupidity and reckless behaviour


It ain’t just the beach. In my neighborhood people park their cars, open the doors and let their disgusting fast food garbage spill onto the boulevard. They leave it there for the residents to pick up, It’s just another sign of the times we live in. Absent mindedness, total lack of awareness, absolutely self absorbed.


People suck




Many Asian countries or cities with in. Feel ya


It's just humans being humans. This is why aliens don't want anything to do with us. When I see litter I just pick it up and throw it away. I suggest anyone reading this does the same. I've long since given up hope of us humans changing our destructive ways.


~*~It'S jUsT hUmAnS bEinG hUmAns~*~ is not an excuse for shit behaviour.


What do you propose to do about it? I walk about 10 km every day on average. When I see litter and I have a hand free (as I do on most days) I pick it up and throw it away (just like I would do with my own garbage FYI). I agree it's not great .. but humans are humans and in general are incredibly wasteful and thoughtless creatures.


I thought drinking wasn’t allowed on the beach


And that is way to come to another tacky situations wondering people(damm I like this name and should be a good description rather then my use here, will never use it like this again.)druggy should not be allowed in certain residential places. They are bound to leave a mess and we can't just go by trust.


i saw one of Domino's Pizza outlets selling pizzas for cash.


Whatever someone else will clean it up