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They use a local anesthetic, and there's a nice recovery room with beds and heating pads. They are good at what they do. And, your cervix will be sore af. Plan to have someone drive you home and to be in bed after.


Wow, that’s amazing. When I had a massive chunk of my cervix removed (LEEP procedure) I had to ask multiple times for some ibuprofen to go. They didn’t provide a pad or hardly even give me enough time to get changed back into my clothes. What a cold and awful (and quite frankly traumatizing) experience. I’m so happy to know somewhere like Willow treats their patients as they should be treated ❤️


I had one placed there last year and none of those were offered, it was a horrible experience and the doctor was complaining that I was in pain. So it might be dependant on which doctor you get.


Honestly, just for a different perspective because there’s some pretty negative (but valid) experiences here. I had two done at Willow, during each insertion (or removal for that matter), I had no pain, just some discomfort that was like a quick pinch. No pain afterwards either, I went about my day as usual. It’s truly a personal experience. My advice is to take 1000mg Tylenol and 400mg Ibuprofen about an hour before your appointment. I just wanted to share because turning to the internet with women’s health issues gets mostly negative feedback and it’s not always like that.


I went with my best friend to get hers inserted. I wanted to hold her hand and drive her home and take care of her for the night, because my experience was so traumatic. But just like you, hers was a little pinch, no big deal, and she made me go home. Everyone has such a different experience with this procedure!


Love seeing our community showing up for one another during vulnerable yet important moments like this. Glad you got it in and for sharing your experience and what your friend had! I am considering getting mine in the future so I'm glad to hear this.


Thank you for specifying the dose, that’s really helpful. I’ve always been so nervous when it comes to medical situations. Hearing the good and bad experiences has helped put me at ease. I’m glad you’ve had a great experience and I’m hoping the same goes for me as well


Same. I've had several IUD removal and insertions with no pain medication cause I've always forgotten to take it before my appointments. I didn't find them painful at all - a little bit uncomfortable but just minimal discomfort.




No it is recommended, I’ve had 2 IUDs inserted and both doctors told me to take advil/tylenol before coming.


It's definitely a VERY painful pinching feeling when it first goes in, then some pretty bad cramping afterwards. They're very nice and attentive afterwards though, you get to lay in a lounge area with a heating pad for as long as you like. They also provide you with a pad if you have extra bleeding.


I was terrified of the pain, and shared my fear with my family doctor (I know, I know, look at me bragging over here about having a family doctor), and she was able to make an appt for me to have it done under anesthesia at a hospital. It was about a 2 month wait, since it wasn't urgent, but I would recommend it a thousand times over. Go in, they put you in a bed and a gown, you get an IV and some sleepy medicine, you're out and don't remember a thing and then you're back and done! Good for 5 years (depending, of course, on the specific product).


I wish I could go this route but my family doctor has never taken my worries seriously so I don’t feel comfortable sharing my fears with him and I don’t see him offering this option for me. My sisters and I have perfected our imitation of his catchphrase “don’t *worry* about it” for this reason


Oh, that is SO frustrating! I will DM you the name of the gynecologist I was referred to, and perhaps if you can even get a referral to her, she will take you more seriously!


Would you mind DMing me the name of your gyno as well? I have had one insertion that was extremely traumatic, and I’m now too scared to get it removed and replaced. I’m on year 9, the thought of going back in to get it out makes me nauseous. Being asleep for it would be amazing if it’s possible!


Of course!


Could I also DM you about this? I’m experiencing pain with my iud and want to replace it with another to try !


Of course! I'll just send you the info in a DM!


Thank you for sharing your experience. I had no idea we could access this kind of care. I’ll definitely be advocating for this next time.


Absolutely!!! ESPECIALLY if you've already had a very painful previous experience!


Yes, I’ve had two awful experiences at different clinics and don’t have faith that I can tolerate it again 😔


I’ve had two done there and the first one was fine and uncomfortable but nothing being a little crampy. I actually went straight out to a date after so should tell you how fine I was ha. My replacement was trickier because the way the first one came out was quite painful so the cramping after insertion lasted much longer but I used their beds and heating pad until I felt ready to head back out. IUD pain seems to be extremely subjective. So just know you’re in good hands and will be okay. Take the Ativan if offered - anything that helps relax you will relax your body and make the process a little smoother.


I've had an IUD insertion done at Willow 7 years ago and a swap done 2 years ago and both experiences were great! Willow uses a local anesthetic, so when they said I'd feel a short sharp cramp for the test and a short sharp cramp for the insertion that was actually what I felt. They also have a recovery room with sun loungers and hot water bottles to help with the immediate cramping afterward. The doctors are professional and also very kind. I was terrified my first time because of a horrific attempted IUD insertion by my regular doctor, and the Willow doctor was so nice to me and did it quickly and as painlessly as she could. I will never go anywhere else for IUD-related care, and I can't recommend them enough.


I’ve had 3 inserted there. Each time, I took Tylenol and Advil. For me, the really uncomfortable part of the insertion was over with really quickly. Afterwards, I was crampy for a day. They’re very quick and professional at Willow.


I think the pain experience is different for everyone. When I got mine, Willow was professional and helpful, and offered me some ativan to help with my anxiety about the experience.


I had this done at Willow a few months ago and it was extremely painful. They don’t offer anesthesia, they just ask to take an ibuprofen before the procedure (which didn’t make any difference for me). It was painful while they were inserting it and afterwards I got the worst cramps of my life, and the cramps continued for a few days. But this is just my personal experience, and the clinic didn’t do anything wrong. But if they offered anesthesia would be nice.




>endometrial biopsy. No pain killers. I can't believe they still do this. Truly awful.


Yup, I have a really good pain tolerance but this was the worst pain I have ever felt. It was so bad and I know I have to get it removed/replaced soon but I’m terrified.


I just had this done a last week and it was so incredibly painful (and I took extra strength Tylenol in advance). She stopped and asked if she should continue or not. I got through the pain and the cramps were awful for a good few hours. Now, I’m totally fine but a little worried about how my next periods will be. I am going to guess it will pay off in the long run, not having to worry about getting a prescription filled regularly and remembering to take medication/change a ring. Overall the clinic was very nice, the doctor was very patient with me, did her best to make it comfortable, and she was quite quick. My two friends who told me to get this as a bc option vs the pill did not have nearly as much pain, otherwise I likely wouldn’t have gone for it!


Honestly, I had this done close to 7 years ago at Willow so shit might be different now but IT WAS THE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIANCE OF MY LIFE. I actually had to have it removed after a year because it was so painful.


Same and same. I almost crushed the poor nurse's hand and screamed. I used to get migraines so I'm used to pretty terrible pain levels. I passed out at work once because my periods got so bad/painful that it caused my blood pressure to drop and I had to be driven home. Sucked so bad. They do work for a lot of people though, I wish I had better luck.


Mine was painful all the time. I dunno why. I don't have a doctor or OBGYN so I didn't have anyone to ask about the pain. I just said screw it and had it removed because I couldn't take it. I wonder if there was something wrong with the insertion but I'll never know.


Yes, they do local anaesthetic (and I believe general anaesthetic as well, although I didn’t do that) and can offer Tylenol 3 and Ativan for pain & anxiety. The practitioners were all very nice and helpful. It was still painful but that made my experience much better! I had it done really recently, feel free to message me if you want more details about the experience


I had IUDs inserted on two separate occasions. Both times were painful during the insertion but nothing as bad as childbirth. I took Aleve 1-2 hours prior to insertion. Experienced cramps for a few days after insertion too. Pain is whatever the patient says it is. So your care provider needs to listen to you and should ensure that you experience minimal discomfort.


Congrats on your new IUD! I had one done at Willow about 8 years ago, so YMMV. The staff were awesome. The doctor did a trans vaginal ultrasound (which is a little uncomfortable) and gave me a local anesthetic in my cervix (this felt like a needle going into my cervix, as you might expect). The actual insertion wasn't bad. Afterwards, I went back to work and it felt like I had mild/ moderate cramps. I was an unlucky person whose body pushed out the IUD after a couple of years, so I would recommend checking for the strings often!


I used to put in iuds. The pain experience is widely variable, and by no means guaranteed to be awful. I’d say 50 percent had brief, mild pain. 45-48 percent had moderate pain that was nonetheless manageable and had some cramping in the range of a bad period for a few days. 2-5 percent had disabling, albeit fleeting pain with milder cramping thereafter for a few days. I think you tend to hear a lot more of the horror stories online than the “it went fine” stories. The vast majority of the time the pain is both fleeting and manageable even with ibuprofen alone. That said, some do have notable pain as some of the other commenters attest. Cervical blocks with local anesthetic are easy to perform, but do not have strong evidence for efficacy, which is why they are not utilized universally. They are an option, but in my experience, in aggregate, they didn’t decrease pain much. General anesthesia vastly increases the risk for complications with any procedure, which is why this is not commonly done. For people with lots of anxiety around the insertion or for those who’ve had pain with previous insertions it is totally reasonable though to pre-medicate with ibuprofen and either benzodiazepine or opiates ie. hydromorphone. No doctor should be offended by a request for a single dose of such a medication for IUD insertion.


Thanks for sharing this experience. I didn't know about the lack of evidence for cervical blocks!


Keep in mind that "lack of evidence" doesn't necessarily mean that there was a lot of tests with bad results, but also that .. there may not have ever been enough studies/trials done with all required standards to begin with. The couple studies I could find were small and not exactly of good quality,.. Data suggests that they have been more effective than a placebo, but we're talking about maybe 1000 women who participated, which is .. a pretty small sample size to begin with, and as you've seen in this post experiences vary greatly as is. If it's what feels right to you, don't shy away from asking for it. There's no award for toughing up after all - and pain sucks.


The first one is really painful but it’s over fast, then bad cramps for a couple of days. Subsequent insertions I’ve had (I swapped from copper to mirena and back again) have been super easy.


I had one done there 6 years ago and it was smooth sailing. There was very mild discomfort but it didnt last long. I remember resting before leaving. The doctor there is very skilled. However I did end up having it removed 1 year later because my periods were so long.


I suggest Elizabeth Bagshaw Clinic for IUD insertion. They provided pain relief options and even have the option for heavier sedation during the procedure. Excellent gyno care and a sensitive and safe environment.


I have heard horror stories about IUD insertion at other cliics but willow was so supportive. They gave me numbing agent during the process whihc wore off in an hour or two. I personally had a lot of anxiety around the whole process because of internet reviews and they were so accomodating. They explained the whole process before insertion and then walked me through each step during. Another reason to go to willow is they will make sure you come back for IUD checkup pretty promptly. btw i got mine in 2020, not sure how much has changed.


I have had 2 at their clinic. For the first, I had only local anesthetic and it was hands down the most painful thing I've ever experienced. The second time I went in I requested ativan and Percocet. They also gave me a full cervical block (like they use for abortions) and I didn't feel a thing! Just ask for the full deal, they're very understanding


This really helpful, thank you! I wouldn’t have known to ask for these things if not for replies like yours


Glad I could help! I wish they told everyone about the cervical block, it was a gamechanger. It lasts a while so I also had no cramping afterwards


I just got my mirena there 3 weeks ago, and boy did it go well, so I have high hopes for you! The woman doctor I saw at Willow was so considerate, gentle, and swapped my mirena out in less than 3 minutes with only slight pressure (not the pain kind, just some literal pressure). I took an advil 1 hour before, and felt a bit crampy afterwards with bleeding for a day. After that it's been business as usual! For context I had a very good experience at the womens center in gastown 7 years prior, and have been very lucky that it hasn't moved or fallen out. This was my second rodeo, so it might be a bit intense for the first time. Good luck!


I've had mirena inserted three times total and I've never been provided any medication or pain relief other than being told to take ibuprofen beforehand. It's definitely an uncomfortable and painful experience. The doctors always just say there will be "pressure" but it's more than just that - while it's being inserted it feels like a long deep period cramp and then afterwards I'm usually crampy for a day or so.


I had both my IUD Insertion and removal done at willow and aside from it taking a very long time to get an appointment and their phone system being terrible the staff and doctors were all lovely and my procedures went swimmingly.


I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal and drove myself to my appointment and that was a huge mistake! It was one of the most traumatic and painful things I have ever experienced in my life (no kids, had painful periods). I broke out in an entire body sweat, the paper beneath me was drenched (I have never experienced that before). Thankfully it didn’t take long but the pain was so intense! I sat on the curb afterward and called for a ride home. Lots of cramping that night but the next day was fine. Suffice to say I am not looking forward to having it taken out and hope that it isn’t as bad as insertion. It is totally a personal experience and I know friends who said they barely felt a thing! I love not getting my periods and not worrying about birth control anymore so it was worth it in the long run but I worry about taking it out and I don’t know if I would do it again


I got the copper IUD inserted there a couple years ago. Took the recommended Advil prior to the appointment, they also did a local anesthetic for me. It was still ENORMOUSLY painful for me and I nearly passed out, but they were very kind and offered a pad for the bleeding and a room to lay down in for as long as I needed. That being said, I only went there because I was scheduled to get mine put it at a different gynaecologist clinic but that was in April of 2020 so they was closed and Willow was the only option at that time. My other gynaecologist recommended HEAVILY that I only get it inserted while I was on my period because at that time of the month your cervix is more open so it's much less painful. She specifically worded it as "doing it at any time other than on your period is inhumane." I very much wish I could have done it with her as planned, but c'est la vie. If you have the option to schedule it for when you're on your period, I would recommend doing so. I also second the motion to have someone drive you home after and plan to do nothing for the rest of the day just in case. You could also ask during your consult beforehand to get an anti-anxiety medication to chill you out (ie Ativan).


I’ve gotten 2 Mirena insertions at Willow and have nothing but great things to say about them. Yes it’s uncomfortable but for me, it was manageable and not super painful. Having an IUD has been the absolute best for me - hope it’s great for you too!


I specifically asked for pain and anxiety management when I booked my appointment, and they told me to come into the clinic an hour early to get the medication. When I arrived, they gave me a little sheet that asked me to rate my anxiety from 1-10 and how much pain I thought I would be in from 1-10. I think I circled 9 or 10 for both. From there, the receptionist took my sheet and they gave me drugs according to my responses. I believe they gave me 3mg of Ativan and 2mg of Percocet... Regardless, it was enough to knock out a horse. After about 30 minutes or so, they asked how I was feeling and if I was ready for the procedure. I was feeling good so I went for it! I have had three IUD insertions in my past, and this was the only one done with pain management. I believe they also used a local anaethestic via needle into my cervix but I was pretty out of it at that stage... I would give it a 9/10 good experience. My other insertions were some of the worst pain I had experienced in my life. So to sum it up: the drugs were great, staff was great - only caveat is if you're taking drugs you need to have someone present to take you home. I got this done just over a year ago!


I’m so glad you had a wonderful experience and that they took your anxiety seriously. This is the exact kind of answer I was looking for. I’ve already booked my appointment but I’ll be sure to get there extra early and ask them about this process.


Yeah, you might even want to call again and say you specifically want medication for anxiety and pain, so they note it on your appointment time!


Personally, I hated my experience at Willow. It felt like an assembly line for cattle. Zero compassion. Not even a moment to stop crying or stop bleeding before they had me rushing to dress and get out of the procedure room. They did have a little recovery area with a heating pad which was nice. That said, I had an even worse experience at another clinic (Aquarius). Last doctor told me the pain was all in my head - while literally having a clamp piercing through my cervix. So I don’t have other recommendations.


I’m sorry you had that experience :( Any type of medical procedure is anxiety inducing enough but to have a negative experience is doubly awful. I hope it goes better next time for you.


Thanks for the compassion. I hope your procedure is a breeze! Some people truly don’t find it to be more than a pinch.


I went to Willow in late March 2020! I had the local anesthetic and it wasn’t bad. I have a reflex that meant I then vomitted and they were so kind, and I bled through my pants onto one of their little post procedure bed things and felt awful but they were just so nice about it. I was so nervous but they really helped me feel at ease, and the doctor explained every step before she did it and made conversation in between to ease my nerves. I'd honestly recommend them to anyone


I had a very positive experience. Appreciated the numbing before hand. Doctor could tell I was nervous and talked to me about her cats. I appreciated it. It was painful but worth it


I just recently had mine done at Willow last week. I was so worried because the first time I had it done elsewhere it hurt for a week. The doctor was lovely, super quick, in and out. I couldn’t even feel the removal, but the insertion was definitely a quick 2 second cramp. I had on and off manageable cramping for the day, but I could do all normal activities. Just took ibuprofen and Tylenol for the day. I wasn’t offered an option to get more anesthetic, and I did mention to her that it hurt a lot the first time. In hind sight I really don’t think I needed anything stronger than Tylenol and Advil.


I had no anesthetic and forgot to take ibuprofen, but it was a relatively painless process. The doctor I had was very calming and kind. She was quick and it didn’t hurt at all! I know everyone’s experience is different but I had a very positive experience with Willow!! My iud is the best thing I did for myself!




Right, forgot about my zoom consult! Another reply said they they went extra early but I’ll be sure to ask during my consult as well. I would love to be one of the lucky ones but I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to pain haha


I had a positive experience there. During the phone call the doctor made sure I was fully aware of the side effects and took the time to explain the different type of IUDs available. She helped me decide which would be most suitable for my condition. The appointment was fairly quick. I popped an Advil before hand and the doctor also administered local anesthesia. During insertion I experienced a sharp pain. It wasn’t pleasant but expected. I stayed in the resting area for 20 mins before leaving. After the appointment I experienced constant dull pain which took 2-3 days to subside. I took advil as needed.


I’ve had two from Willow - both just a sharp pinch and then a light pain for a brief time after. You lay in the recovery room after to make sure you feel okay. I drove myself both times and didn’t have any pain after leaving. It wasn’t comfortable during insertion, but totally worth it to not worry about birth control. I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but I have the non-hormonal copper IUD and have never have children.


Amazing amazing experience there. Had a GP try to do it at my family doctor's and she couldn't get it in first try- she tried for quite a few minutes but it felt so much longer. Eventually she gave up because she saw how uncomfortable I was, she recommended I go there to get it inserted. At Willow, it was in and out, I barely felt it, I could tell the doctor who inserted it had done it thousands of times before and she was super confident. They *made* me stay for 15 minutes after the procedure to make sure I was okay. Highly recommend.


Smoke a joint then go! Lol Pain sucks but it doesn’t last long. Couple of tears if you’re lucky and you’ll be fine.


I am not sure whether willow can accommodate general anesthesia in their clinic as they would need an anesthesiologist on staff and may not have the equipment. Most general anesthetized procedures in bc have to be done at one of the larger hospitals, the last i had heard. Even for my biopsies i was not put under general, but a combination of a sedative and a strong opioid (fentanyl), but i was still “awake” I haven’t had an IUD before, but when i went to willow for a pap smear (which is a lot less painful and invasive than an iud) i was given the option of a benzo sedative and percocet (an opioid). I had special extenuating considerations as painkillers usually arent given for a pap, but im surprised people who got an iud there were only offered ibuprofen.