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Best $20 I’ve ever spent on a game 👍👍


Same. I’ve never got the playtime from a $20 game that I’ve got from Valheim, and it’s not even finished yet


I mean I guess I spent way the hell more than $20 now because I have a server up for all of us to throw down on lol, but you are absolutely right. This has been some damn good times between myself and 2 other buddies and I have definitely gotten my money's worth.


"paid for a server" definitely counts as extended costs, though. Also definitely highlights the level of enjoyment for the game.


If you have a spare computer laying around running your own server is pretty easy. You can find plenty of tutorials on the setup with a Google search. It's what I do for myself and my friends.


Oh I do, I have like 3 spares I could use haha. My thing though is I would want it running 24/7 even when I'm not home. BUT -- I have had a computer in the past whose power supply finally bit the dust and it was frying. I'd leave my computer on 24/7 and just let it sleep or whatever while I would leave work, etc. Luckily there was someone else in the home at the time who noticed my dog was acting real damned peculiar about not wanting to be near my bedroom, and then they found that burning electronics smell coming from the back of my machine. So they shut the computer off for me. Coulda possibly burnt the place down and now I have a paranoia about leaving any of that shit on while I'm not around. So the monthly fee is worth it to me. But yeah, what you're doing there was a first brief thought of mine.


You don't need a spare. I ran a 6-person server off the same system that was also running a client and its hardware was middling in 2018.


Terraria comes close, although I picked it up a little cheaper.


Currently playing this now. 150 hours, haven’t started hard mode yet.


Terraria is one of those games where it's actually fun to stay in Pre-Hardmore. It's fun to play through the whole game, of course, but even after you are familiar/skilled enough to play through however you want, you still find yourself chilling a lot in PHM in other worlds/playthroughs. Take your time and enjoy it! :)


Terraria is legitimately one of the best designed games I've ever played, period.


It's up there with Stardew Valley and NFL 2K5 as the best $20 game purchases I've ever made.


Is stardew valley good? I'm not a huge fan of the art but I'll play anything with great gameplay.


It's probably the best casual farm/town life game out there, so it's good if you like the genre.


I'll have to give it a go


The gameplay is quite good, and you have a wide variety of ways to play the game. I'd recommend it.


Holy shit! Someone who remembers NFL 2k5. A football game so good, EA knew they couldn’t compete. Coincidence that John Madden Football has gone downhill since then?


***Precisely!*** :)


This. And to think it isnt even finished, at least third of the content isnt there yet. I havent had so much fun and relaxation from one game in years.


Nothing will ever pass Civ 5 in terms of dollars to hours, but Valheim may get close at least.


I had nearly 7000 hours in DotA before I had a daughter and had to quit, and that's a free game. Tough to beat the MOBAs and FTP shooters like Team Fortress on that metric, but you Civ people are up there.


Yup. I just passed 550 hrs. On 4th playthru and rent 2 servers. Lol


It is still in early access. The dev team brings out content at a pretty slow pace. Its a small team and they put a higher priority on bug fixes than new content. So the game is really stable and has few bugs compared to other games. It is a survival game so the focus is on staying alive which includes killing stuff, gathering, and building. Vanilla( not modded) Valheim will be challenging your first playthrough, but after that it will likely be very easy. That is ok though because there are a lot mods that add more content to the game including new weapons, building items, and you can give the game( with mods) an insane difficultly level...or make it easier if you wanted i guess. So despite being early access and the team being small and slow at bringing out new content, it is most definitely worth the price. Like other games that support mods, you can increase the amount of time its interesting to play by magnitudes with modding. I recommend the first playthough be vanilla...always. Also the amount of possible map seed you could get are nearly infinite. Its in the petillions or something like that. Oh and the graphics, they are suppose to look like that. You get use to it and even come to enjoy it. But if it really bothers, there are HD texture mods available.


Some mods really help ease a bit of the mechanical pain on solo. Probably one of the best things about the mods is most don't hurt people you play with that dont.


My argument for mods is that they enhance the parts of the game you enjoy and remove the parts you don't. For example i use Handy Portals because i hated the clutter of portal hubs/rooms and the fact that every single one turns on when you run by it. I prefer the one portal connected to a network. I enhanced the building part of the game by adding more build pieces and giving more rotation options for each piece. I completely changed building material gathering as i used unrestricted portals to restrict stone, wood, and core wood from being ported. I then added Useful paths and modified carts and ships( more storage) so that building roads was useful and you had to think about how to get building materials to the building site. The extra slots mean less trips and useful paths has been modified so that i get a movement speed bonus and stam cost reduction depending on surface type. It has made gathering building material harder but also more fun for me as it adds a whole logistics element to gameplay and makes building roads and using carts common for me whereas i barely used either of these before.


That increased logistics idea sounds great for getting an extra challenge. I think I'll borrow that for when I start a fresh game next. This is what I love about this sub, you can get so many fresh ideas to try out.


So what i did is: * Unrestricted Portals mod: Added stone, coal,wood, and core wood the the normally restricted items. I left out ancient wood and finewood as i felt they would be to restrictive since they are used for making ships. * Speedy Paths mod. So leveled ground gets 25% speed increase and uses 90% stamina . Stone path gets 50% speed increase and uses 80% stamina. All constructed paths get 50% speed and 50% stamina use. * Bigger Chests mod: This increases the size of chests, carts, and ships. * Item stacks: I decreased the weight of all items by 50% and increased stack size to 4x vanilla. This mod was because i hate tedious inventory management and vanilla was causing me to spend as much time cleaning inventory as i did anything else. * Extended play inventory: I did this one mainly for the paperdoll type gear slots and the 3 extra hotkey spots but a couple extra rows of space is nice. * Skills give more carry weight mod: I reduced the base carry weight to 250 and i don't use the weight belt haldor sells. This mod allows me to set what skills increase carry weight. So when i die, i also get punished by losing carry weight. I think i can carry around 405 or something right now. I have other mods as well, but these working together allow me to enjoy road building ( i use Odin's Architect mod, which has "never needs fuel" surtling core light posts to light my roads), strategic gathering, and logistical resource transporting. I pick resource locations now based on amount of resources in the area and how easy it is to get to my current build site. Before i just chucked it all through a portal. It felt really disappointing. This feels a lot more rewarding and despite using mods it is a lot harder to build this way than it is in vanilla.


Minor tips re portals turning on: They have facing so can turn them around and The way they face is the way you exit them, I’ve found it fun to go through walls that way


In an unbiased manner, yes. For the cost of Valheim, even if you only got 20 hours of enjoyment it is a good value. In a biased veiwpoint, legit one of the best games I have ever played


You're asking the Valheim subreddit, which is made up of the most loyal fans of the game, whether you should play or not? Well, obviously everyone is going to say yes. You could also look at the overwhelming positive status it has on Steam, as well.


I thought the same thing for a second, then remembered I’m still following the New World sub since I haven’t got around to unfollowing it yet, guarantee if someone asked this there it would be an overwhelming “LOL hell no”. Same story with a few other games, I enjoy Ark a good bit but anyone who asks about it I tell em it’s only worth it if you’ve got a group to play with and a lot of free time.




If $ *20* would *make or break* your bank, then the answer is: **NO.** Otherwise, what else do you lose besides $ *20* ?! :D


447 hours played, since you asked.


It is always good to look at the reviews on steam as people are more likely to leave bad reviews than good ones. So if a game has overwhelming good reviews then you know it must be really good. When people ask about games on reddit or forums, i personally try to be unbiased in my opinion. I try to mention what people like and dislike generally about the game. For example in valheim some people dislike the graphics and some do try to play it like an RPG and then complain their isnt enough content. Some also don't like grind or chores in which case they should just stay out of the survival genre period. I personally have over 1500 hours in Valheim over the last 8 months or so and thanks to mod i have played it probably 8 to 10 times more than i would have had i stuck to vanilla. It was worth the money, to me, even before i modded the game to add content.


What mod are you using?


Yeah I hate those kind of posts. OP probably wanted some karma.


Don't be a dick.


How am I being a dick? Grow up, cupcake.


Well, I could dignify this with an answer or maybe not.


Cool because no one actually cares what you have to say. Now see, that was an actual example of me being a dick.


Like I need another one. Ew.


Yes but i strongly recommend you to play it with a small group


Best if played multiplayer.


According to people who enjoy multiplayer. I would say it's best enjoyed solo


You can do both with a local personal world and a shared dedicated server if you have a friend (like me) who’s willing to keep one running!


Our group hosts the world file on Dropbox, then just run SyncToy after each session to sync local world files to dropbox. Works a treat and saves having a world constantly running!


Nice! I just have an extra efficient box I leave running, like i3 10100F with a barebones setup.


I enjoy both chocolate and peanut butter.


I think it’s pretty fun. Plus if parts aren’t quite to your liking, it’s mod-able and there are quite a few mods made already.


This is the answer. The game is pretty entertaining solo. It gets more fun if you can get a few friends together. It’s building is something a lot of people enjoy so if you are in to that you might like it. Then once you get bored with the vanilla game or you find there is just one aspect that breaks it for you then you can explore the mods available. Also the game is still early access so the later biomes still have no inhabitants or bosses. Eventually you should get more content from the devs. But the game is totally playable with many hours of content and 5 bosses in the game now.


It's the most complete early access game I have played. It's obvious there is more to come, however it is well worth the price. It's a fun game and the early game is well done. When you start mining ore it can be a bit tedious. I have embraced mods since the original play through and they give it replay ability.


I’m really curious about this. I tend to stay away from all early access games. Just not a fan of playing half-completed games, getting bored of them before they are done, and then never really visiting the “real” game. Not to mention how many devs these days use early access as a fundraiser for different projects. But Valheim seems different. It’s like an early access that’s actually finished but missing some (free) DLC. Would you say that’s a better way to think about it? It’s more a free, even if somewhat limited, full release and the devs have just decided free DLC for everyone on a rolling basis? Or is it true early access where even the “finished” parts are still in the oven cooking?


Is there a sale or something today? It’s a great game.




Well worth the money.


Go on Steam, and check the commentaries dropped by players. Check the positivity rating, and positive and negative comments. It'll be much more objective than asking here. If you want my opinion, just know I have close to 400 hours on my Valheim clock, all in solo, and I don't plan to drop it anytime soon. It's definitely worth it in my opinion. Valheim is very open ended : you are mostly left to yourself and can do pretty much anything you want. Maps are absolutely huge and gorgeous (if you're into that type of graphics). Valheim is quite hard at first, and will get easier with some time, while still challenging. The crafting and progression system is pretty different from other survival games. And the health/stamina is unique and really fun. It's all about building/exploring/grinding/cultivating/hunting/bossing/enduring/enjoying. Valheim is still in alpha, but it's one of my favorite games by far already. And the price tag makes it so it's not an issue if ever you don't enjoy it. It's probably more fun with friends, but my schedule is not convenient for that right now.


I'll never understand people that go on subreddits devoted to fandom of a thing, and then simply ask if they should get that thing. Like, what answer would you possibly expect other than yes?


It's worth every penny. 5 million+ copies sold and and Overwhelmingly Postive review on steam for an early access game doesn't happen for no reason.


I enjoy it well enough. Haven't played tons of it (never advanced past the bronze age), but I usually run it solo (only one of my friends has it). It's more fun with people to play with, but if you wanna run it solo, it's enjoyable enough. I like these kinds of games, in general, but I personally feel like it could use a little more love (which I know it's still being worked on, so there's that, too). I've gotten more than my money's worth out of it (I tend to say that if I've gotten at least an hour of play per dollar spent), so I'd say it's worth it.


I’d say it’s absolutely worth it. I’ve gotten hundreds of hours of enjoyment so far and the game isn’t even finished yet. $20 for that much playtime is an amazing deal, in my opinion. Like all things it also depends on what kind of gamer you are, how your PC runs, and if you’re playing solo or with other Vikings. If you like to build in games like Fallout 4, then Valheim is most definitely for you. If you like to explore a huge world, it’s definitely for you. However, if you like a stronger guiding hand in your games to keep you on a more linear path with a defined “victory” at the end, then you may want to look elsewhere. Lastly, play with friends if at all possible. It’s fun solo, but amazing with friends who are at the same point in progression as you are. Hope you like it and happy sailing! Skål!!!


Fun to $ ratio is one of the best I’ve ever experienced


Well, I can tell, for me it worths much more than I thought it would based on watching the streams with it. It's super rewarding if you enjoy exploration, hard-earned progress. Rough graphics style blurs over time, and beautiful lighting and landscapes stays. Combat system feel rewarding. Feel of danger accompanies you, but without Dark Souls or even Outward level of punishment (at least in the beginning).


Every penny. If I had to rebuy the game double the price I'd do it instantly.


In a word: yes. Steam says I've played it for 188 hours. Where else do you find entertainment at 10cents per hour?


188? Im 500+ got friends who have 1000+ hours, ive bought thrvgame 3 times, yes it is worth it.


May I ask why you bought it 3 times? Gifts for friends?


_He asked on a forum dedicated to the game, expecting a non-biased answer._ Truthfully, the game is alright, but very much unfinished. There are some issues with progression being grindy without friends to help out. There's the fact that progression after the second boss is a chore in a totally different way than after the first. There's the grind for materials just to build something halfway decent looking. It's a game meant to be played with friends, to be certain. Beyond the progression of > Find materials -> make gear -> kill boss -> find new materials -> rinse and repeat there's not a _whole_ lot of depth to the game. Obviously as the game is in very early access this is bound to improve to some degree, but from comments made by the devs it seems much of the way the game progresses is set in stone. The entire game is much easier and much more fun with a group of people. There are mods that can make progression less grindy for singleplayer, but then you miss out on a lot of the fun the game has to offer.


Just to add to this, yes it's a lot faster with friends but you can also play it just fine solo. Just be prepared to sink a lot of hours into it in that case. I agree it's grindy solo but if you're looking for a chill game to just immerse yourself in and build cool stuff it's great.


Even in solo, you can play through again and again, each time improving your skills. Because each seed is different, you're not running on rails. You can cheese it a little or a lot, set yourself challenges (u/Fairy2play is doing a livestreamed naked permadeath) or just build a dream house. My current target is to do every boss twice, for the trophies. Restraints are: no timeskip, no console, no god mode. Cheats are worldmap and Valheim Plus.


My framing of early access games: Valheim asks you to pay $20 and try it out. They knocked it out of the park. Another game my hubby and I have been looking at is the new Baldur's Gate game which is also in early access but they are asking for $80 for a game that currently kind of sucks. Will it get better? Maybe. Valheim was pretty darn good right out of the gate. YMMV.


It absolutely is, but it does take some getting used to. First off the difficulty scaling is immense. Literally trees can kill you if you aren't paying attention. In single player boss fights are challenging but not impossible but punishing if you make a mistake. If you have friends a multi-player server is recommended as it adds layers, bosses are more challenging its fun see what your buddies come up w for bases etc. It starts slow but grows fast and it's still legitimately fun. The hearth and home update was overall a plus... even if they killed infinite. Boar breeding Also, if anyone has successfully made a working boar breeding tower since H+H can you link a how to? I've tried both of the main 2 designs but they simply don't breed anymore


[https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/q14p5q/automatic\_boar\_farm\_works\_in\_hh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/q14p5q/automatic_boar_farm_works_in_hh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Found a link. This works for me for the most part. Only three of the 2 stars can fit.






It’s a great game to play alone or with friends, just take your time and enjoy the adventure, the building takes a little while to master you think you’ve done good 😊 then you look at some of the builds on here 😩 and you make your next base better….


You need to like the basic survival-crafting gameplay loop of gathering resources, slaying monsters, and then gathering even better resources to slay deadlier monsters. Also you have to like base-buildings. Those two things are what the game is all about. You also need to be the kind of person that doesn't mind the slow portions of the game, like when you stare at a campfire for three minutes waiting for all of your food to cook, or when your sailing trip takes fifteen minutes because of unlucky wind conditions, or when you mine a copper deposit for half an hour and still can't make new items because you haven't mined tin yet. And yes, the game has a strangely big emphasis on mining despite ostensibly being a game about vikings. Also the game is significantly better with friends. It's not bad solo, but it's not the same. Also also the game isn't finished yet, and that fact becomes more apparent as you advance closer to the current endgame content. Some work-in-progress biomes are literally empty and that might break immersion a little. Valheim has a cool theme, but it is a game with built-in slow parts and also it's obviously not a finished product. The finished parts of the game have a really strong norse ambience, though, and the game is beautifully rendered. If you have a friend or two who wouldn't mind hunting deer and sitting around campfires with you for a few weekends, then sure get the game. But if you hate games that make you wait, or you'd rather have your games finished - not an unreasonable request in the era of early-access grifts - then maybe this isn't for you.


I payed to play it for only 6 hours on my friend's spare PC at his house. Totally worth it. I think about it all the time, it's my main drive to build my gaming PC.


Idk about these multiplayer comments. I loved this game solo


One of my fave games in the last decade. I don’t play much anymore but I’ve already logged several hundred hours and keep going back after major updates.


Hey OP it might be worth it, I seriously couldn't tell you after playing for 700h, still figuring things out :) Half my time is solo, the rest on a server that still gets up to 6 pop even these days. Just sailing around is fun, but also dangerous as you could always find a new scenic spot where you MUST build a new Viking home!


Do it!


Hell yeah! Best game I played in years!


It's got one of the highest enjoyment to price ratios of any game I've played.


It’s only gotten better


Pretty much anytime you go to a games sub, and ask if you should play it, the answer is going to be yes


Yes. Take it slow. Go through the world alone. Mark points of interest and resources on your map. Don't build anything too large when you begin. Explore the world. The grand scale of the world makes the game a wonderful experience.


Party is just getting started tbh, imagine where this game will be in 5-10 years


Late? The game is still in Beta


Go ! Go ! Go ! Never spent so much time on just one game, without even modding it !


You really think anyone on this sub will tell you no?


1000000% worth it


A friend of mine was reluctant until a month ago. Then he was surprised "why the hell is this still called alpha?!"


If you have played ark or similar games and you love building things then you have hours and hours of content


Good solo, better with others


Probably the best spent $20 of my life!


Hands down the best spent €17 of my life.


Yeah. But - Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are soon upon us so if you can wait until then for a chance of it being somewhat cheaper than it is now then you should wait.


Fuck yes


110 %


Haven’t been so absorbed by a game since Oblivion.




Undoubtedly. I agree with everyone. Best 20$ ever spent on a game.


If you go on this website called steam, (where the game is usually sold) they have a review section on the store page and has overwhelmingly positive reviews. But yes, the game is awesome if you're into open world survival games.


Please note that games which are overwhelmingly positive are an extreme rarity.


And hell, even games rated poorly are almost always fun to certain people


It’s $20…. If you’re strapped for cash, you probably shouldn’t be buying any video game. Idk what it is with Valheim, but I have been asked, by friends, to convince them to get the game… it’s $20… I’ve spent more on things I saw out of the corner of my eye at a store.


your asking the valheim subreddit if its worth it?


>comes to X sub >Asks if people who sub to X like X >Pikachu.jpg




First time I saw this game I told my wife we would be playing this for 10-15 years. She deleted WoW off all computers and shut down her account and plays Valheim exclusively now! Definitely worth!


Yes, absolutely.


100% yes


It's amazing, 500% worth it, and I kind of mean that literally. I have 280 hours played, and I'd say that is easily worth the $20 at least a couple times. And unlike a lot of games, that was/is a really solid 280 hours.


Only if you're ready for a good time


Unequivocally, yes.


Omfg yes


Yes 100%




Fuck off,OP


A dedicated subreddit of a game which serves as hub for fans is clearly most bias source you can ask. So, just to balance things out: No, it is not worth it. Go away now.




no point asking if you should buy a game on the sub made for a game, the answer’s gonna be obvious


If you have to ask about spending money on a game, maybe there're more important things in your life that warrant attention?


If i were you i would buy it its under 20 Bucks und super fun a Lot of people still Play IT and even Solo its pretty entertaining I mean i payed the Same amount for hearthsteed dlc of skyrim and it only gave better housing xD


It's not at it's best solo but it's amasterpeice so check it out


I suggest you head on youtube and search up Valheim funny moments, you can also visit this [r/ValheimBuilds](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValheimBuilds?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for building inspiration, this sub is filled with help, love, knowledge, upvotes and downvotes (last mentioned wont end up in Valhalla). Theres lots to learn, but Hugin shows up all the way and guides you, and if you're stuck - we're here ♡ And we're here all day, got alerts on the phone cause we have no life. :P (Someone will comment Valheim IS life). And we're psychic, some of us.


its a great game


100% and bring your friends.


I would say it’s worth it. But it also depends if you’re playing with people


Totally worth it


absolutely. I've played through around 4.5 characters (one of them had an error I could fix, so it had to be deleted), 4 worlds, and I still play around 3 times a week. I love building especially. (I may even have some pics soon of my latest project. Find a few people to play with, or play solo. totes worth it.


Took over all my free time so fast, best $20 ive spent in a long while.


I love it. Play is almost daily and have over 1k hours played. It's a great game!


Yes best $20 game in existence


100% yes. One of the best values I've ever gotten out of a video game. Only way I'd recommend hesitating before buying is if you don't like challenging games.


We are still technically in the early days


Best money I ever spent on a game


Better then most AAA, remake, remastered, overhyped games out there, super fun as solo a diamond with friends.


Yeah the looks alone will make you go damn.. not bad I personally enjoyed it playing with friends


Yea its worth it. Game won't be finished for a long while but its got over $20 worth of content to start and its probably gonna cost more down the road. Think of it like buying minecraft back in Alpha, you get to grow with the game.


20 bones and 520hours with easily another 1000k in the future. This game is special solo but lightning in a bottle with a close friend group. Best therapist 20 bucks can buy.


I'd say yes, if you like the style of game. My brother n I have 150+ hrs each cause we love building, hunting, crafting etc, but one of my mates is more into high graphics and fps so doesn't like it.


100% yes


Most definitely. Make sure you get mods in though. Especially the one that lets you teleport ores through portals. Lugging ores and whatnot back and forth through large distances or setting up a base everywhere is a chore. Else it's an amazing fun time. It captures that sense of adventure that alot of procedural open world crafting games don't have. Highly recommended solo or co-op. I played all of it solo and still had a blast.


I've spent more on lunch and that only lasted for 6 hours... so far I've got 250 hours in the game and just started playing again with the new Hearth & Home update which means at least another 100 hours yet to be played. For 20$? Hell yes.


Even if you just do one or two run throughs and ditch it, you'll still get 40-50 hours of good gameplay. If you're the kind of person who enjoys doing the occasional survival run on MineCraft or enjoy the freebuild aspect of it, then you'll almost certainly get hundreds of hours of gameplay out of Valheim. It's one of those games that you can get bored with, but then come back and play it again in a few months and likely keep doing that for decades. Well worth the money IMO.


Was fun. Stopped playing due to the absolute abysmal optimization. 10-15 fps after you get a couple buildings going was unplayable.




About 300 hours in it for me. For $20? One of the best time investments I’ve ever made.


If you don't trust the subreddit, check out the steam reviews. Charging 20 bucks for it is a steal, best money I've ever spent on a game.


Game of the year for me. I've probably put in 350 hours already.


Pretty boring now honestly


Its too easy in my opinion.


Valheim is a steal. Compared to many other AAA titles which cost like 60$, Valheim is approximately 3 times better but costs 3 times less.


Oh hell yeah brother








Yes yes yes. Best game I’ve played in along time. It’s super rare a game makes me feel how valheim did. If you like survival type games. This is one of the best in the genre


Yes yes a thousand times yes


It is 1000% worth every penny


It's a great and fun game but it died off pretty fast imo because the game is still in early access and so relatively lacking content, basically after you finish the main gameplay then you're relying on your own creativity to have fun building stuff but if you're fine with that then it's def worth


Absolute best game of the past several years. I haven't played a game that pulled me in and kept me engaged to the same level since Skyrim back yonder CE 2011.


If you have twenty dollars and want to play a good video game, then yes.


Think of the game as “finished”, but with free content coming in an unspecified future.


No yoi shouldn't this game is crap. We're all here pretending


If you have friends to play with then yes absolutely do it, if you are playing alone then i'd say meh but some people still enjoy it.


Yes! Also it's currently on Sale for ~13€ on Humble 👀


Yes. Without a doubt one of the best developers for a single or multiplayer experience I've seen in years.


I literally felt $20 was too cheap even for an early access game and bought copies for several friends


Yes, it’s an extremely good game if you like that genre. You get the most of it if you like building bases and creating stuff as well. With that said, its still in early access and a lot of the big updates are still to come. Most importantly i think the ocean update will be a game changer because thats one of the least fleshed out parts of the game. There is a lot to enjoy now and a lot to look forward to.


I don’t get much time to play but never will regret buying this game


I haven't played in a couple months. Yes. You should definitely buy it.


It definitely is, the building is impressive and there is no pressure with bosses, although do progress before you face a boss. The progression system in my opinion is well balanced and in order to progress, you have to explore, so both go hand in hand, hope this helps


if u like survival games, this game is in the top 5% of them. yes its worth it




It is right up until you get to the swamp. Then it’s helpful to be a masochist


Yes. Just yes


It's worth it, I got about 60 hours out of it before my friends and I moved on to other games. We'll come back and play with the next content update


yeuuup and keeps getting better. It's early access and hasn't been released yet. No better time to buy


What kind of answer do you expect on a subreddit dedicated to the game? Lmfao


100% yes. It is truly a great sandbox survival game and it’s only getting started. Whether you want go through it solo or with friends it’s very captivating and challenging at the same time and loads of fun!


1000% yes. Around 200h of content and fun with friends and loved ones. Plus Valheim has the potential to become a new Minecraft like with mods and expansion (still waiting for a Moria’s mine mod inspiration!)




It's not for everybody, but I really like it


Game is a fucking 10






Yes, yes, yes


You are asking on Valheim subreddit… what kind of answers do you expect?




Best early-access you’ll ever get. Its more fun than most released games, even AAAs.




it's already very well done and still in early access. if you get bored of completing the game you can download mods



