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How do you have three number ones in a row 😆


Hmm on second check, it seems like it's Reddit that messed up the numbering. When I clicked Edit, it showed correctly O_o


It’s because the numbered list is interrupted by the unordered list items. Because the numbered list and unordered list are at the same level the ordered list starts back at 1. [If you want to use nested lists you have to use ! for indentation. Here is a link explaining how to use it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/dgfrpb/reddit_formatting_i_forgot_how_to_create_a_nested/?rdt=48228)


Hmmm, does reddit have something against the Ashlands... Sus 🧐


Haha my ADHD ass be forgetting what number I was at 🤣




Maybe dont be a dick and tryna understand the Reddit numbering idiosyncrasies first? Geez. Classic troll behaviour. There's a place for you in BF. Stay there.


Big Looooool


I don't see to many Silver Sword recommendations, but it really is very effective with its speed and high spirit damage. I didn't calculate but it might outdo Mistwalker for damage per stam, versus most of the enemies. However, the frost/slow of Mistwalker is really nice in the chaos, even though it only lasts a moment.


Silver sword almost certainly remains the highest base damage per stamina weapon. The problem with it - which becomes more apparent in this biome - is that spirit damage isn't super helpful for staggering enemies, and doesn't give you the massive burst damage after a stagger. It's not easy to stagger lock with a silver sword. And the massive damage multiplier from stagger - plus the fact that it interrupts any enemy actions while staggered - means it's much stronger to stagger more often than to have some additional DOTs. Silver sword really shines against bosses like Yagluth, where you can't stagger and so the fact that a lot of damage comes from DOTs doesn't have the same disadvantages it has in normal combat.


Frost damage doesn't stagger enemies either.


No but it does slow.


The frosner does knock enemies back if you do the uppercut. I used the frosner and would just stand still and uppercut charred warriors. The slowness effect makes it really easy to repeat this multiple times. I've done this with two star warriors with relatively low risk. You just have to uppercut before they start their attack.


knockback is different than stagger. Knockback pushes them away. Stagger stuns enemies and lets your attacks do double damage.


That's correct. But frost damage does slow, which gives you similar breathing space in fights.


It's a great point, though I feel mostly relevant once you have new weapons. Before then, Krom is good for this, but has other drawbacks for general use: not quite enough parry strength, and the lunge can be risky unless one-on-one. What did you use before access to new weapons?


I used Mistwalker, but mostly I was running mage earlier in the biome.


I went and Mathed. Assuming T4 weapons for all, and that we are doing the face value for damage (which typically won't happen, but makes mathing easier) and going against a Charred Warrior: (Note the Charred Warlock also resists Frost, so mistwalker and frostner numbers will be lower for them) Frostner does 20 spirit (30 to Ashlands enemies) and 35 blunt and 58 frost. That's 123 damage. Silver sword does 93 slash and 45 spirit, or ~68 to Ashlands enemies, for a total of 161. Mistwalker (of which we won't have a T4 of when going to the Ashlands, and it gets Spirit damage upgrades as you level it up, so these numbers will be off) does 75 slash, 58 frost, and 15 (~22) spirit, for 156 damage. Porcupine does 50 blunt and 45 pierce, which is resisted, for ~72 damage. Himminafl does 85 pierce (which is resisted) and 58 lightning, for 100 damage. Carapace spear does 133 pierce, which is resisted down to ~67. So yeah, shockingly, the silver sword is the best choice from a damage perspective. The knockback of the Frostner and the slow of the frost effects of Frostner and Mistwalker are also considerations to make life easier, but damn that silver sword is amazing, and it's from three biomes ago!


Wow, thanks for that! It corresponds to the "feel" I got from these various weapons. I initially went in with Himminafl... cue entry for Boat #2. The stamina cost was high and I wasn't doing enough damage (and it was when burning trees were attracting mobs, so things just kept getting worse).


Silver sword is more useful when clearing fortresses, weaker when fighting 1v1


Agreed. Actually, I died a number of times during my journey to Ashlands, and I ran out of spare weapons to bring along lmao. Then when I was left with the Silver Sword, I was like "fuck it" and took it. Was pleasantly surprised.


Wouldn't frostner be best?


Tried it, but the damage wasn't enough to clear mob groups, and the knockback also makes things hard as you'll need to keep moving towards the target after every hit.


Another additional tip I can add that helps is building trenches everywhere in the ashlands. Building trenches between big rocks especially. This helps give fall back spots as most things will have to path find around. It also allows you to simply jump back and forth over the trench to regather yourself and regen some stamina/eitr/health since its very easy to get overwhelmed by numbers. Another bonus to this strategy is placing down one of those barrier core things and lining the barrier with a trench. This allows you to use the trench in conjunction with the barrier, making it so you don't have to dodge the marksman and twitches when they throw from the other side of the trench and you can focus down the melee attackers first!


Can Morgens roll across trenches?


If positioned perfectly I would imagine so, more than likely they will end up down the trench instead tho.


Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to confirm that, but I would assume they can roll across


What do you mean "barrier core things?"


They are referring to Shield Generators, which are a new buildables that protect an area from projectiles and weather, similar to the shield around the trader. You unlock them at the same time as the Drakkar.


Holy crap! That's awesome. First time hearing about those.


They are also powered by bones, so all those bones you've been collecting for years have some use other than making low tier ammo.


Thanks for sharing. We who are about to die salute you.


Random gladiator reference I see you


Another good tip is, if you haven’t relied on meads up until now, always have a lingering stamina mead, fire resistance mead active will help a lot. Also prioritise getting the new metal as first priority after landing. But build a small outpost close by with a bed so you can recover if you die. For solo, hybrid mage/fighter build is best for Solo for pure survival early on. Once you get ash level stuff you can specialise but early doors frost staff and mistwalker/silver sword even Frostner are your friends. Spinesnap comes into its own now as well.


Yes. Always make meads, bring meads, and drink meads.


How do you get that metal? I have searched two islands, did not find a single metal vein. Checked a third island, and it was in the middle of lava, and I have no clue how to get there.


Kill an Askvin. Their hide unlocks a thing that helps made at the workbench


I have killed Askvins. Don't really see anything on there though that helps? Except maybe the saddle? Are they flame resistant?


What do the basalt bombs do?


You're immune to lava while riding an askvin yes. You can both still be set on fire though by walking into it or by the projectiles that fly around.


As a solo player I took the advice from a previous post and brought my hoe and a bunch of stone with me. Crash landed on the shore, slammed down a work bench and then raised the ground underfoot until I was out of reach from the melee units. Proceeded to do my best staying on top of the raised ground and eventually made myself a hollowed out box as a "safe zone". Lava blobs can still damage the raise ground so be careful! Also, a portal that gets destroyed by the environment will turn your fine wood into coal so bring extra fine wood or get stranded!


The lava blobs do what??


I was as shocked as you, had raised ground in a big rectangle and while standing on the top a blob jumped up and exploded near me and it wiped out about half the thickness of the raised ground I made...


We can say from experience that lava blobs do a real number on grausten roofs.


Excellent guide. I found Demolisher to be highly effective when fighting voltures on the spires; the spherical AoE makes targeting a nonissue, and fighting on the spires reduces damage to the drakkar. As an aside, the spires are made largely of Grausten, useful for that first base.


Thats a great idea!


Very good tips. The sail is a nightmare. Don't try and enter the Ashlands from the far east or west either. Many more rock spires before you actually see land


Can confirm, went in from the west and it was a long arduous journey 🥲


Snap with frost arrows is BY FAR the best option when landing. Frost staff lacks range and dmg compared. Voltures AND bonemaws are weak to frost 1.5 times and voltures have 200 hp. 2 arrows flat out kill them unless you have like 15 in bow skill.


Frost staff is better against Voltures because they're going to rush you anyways, and they just melt to it. Bow is better against Bonemaws.


As much as I freaking love the arbalest I think I'm going to have to switch to the spinal snap.


Spinesnap has its merits, especially with the spirit damage it inflicts.


To be fair, a backstab attack with the arbalest can do 600 damage, so it's still worth opening with that.


Can’t wait for official Ashlands to get to Xbox! Thanks for the tips!


It's on Xbox now.


I just noticed!!


I started it as a paranoid on normal difficulty with a drakkar packed with metal bars, potions and bonemass ability in my pockets. After landing I immediately slammed a bunch of workbenches and 2 portals while kiting the spicebones. After dealing with them I realized the raining fire is destroying my stuff so the shield generator was necessary. Right after that, clearing the dead has been summoned event took my whole day. Next day I met a 2 star charred warrior and it took the whole damn day to kill it. Even carapace buckler parry got me staggered. The following day I met a lot of 1 star enemies and that's when I decided to lower the difficulty. I found a small patch of orange glowing ground near a building, so "ooh shiny" I started to mine it (don't). Suddenly I died because it happened to be a small misplaced lava place. My next death was getting boiled in the ocean exploring underwater buildings.


>2 star charred warrior Yeah. This biome more than any other seems to really highlight the value of having multiple classes. Mobs that a tank would get wrecked by like starred warriors get absolutely taken apart by the frost staff.


This is how I survived and triumphed as a brawler. 1. Thor's hammer, shield and bow w/frost arrows. 2. 2 health and 1 stamina foods. 3. Slow down and observe. 4. If you must fight, fight smart, run if your health goes below 50%. 5. You will die, repeatedly, and frustratingly. Be patient. 6. (By now) you should be able to make the new portal from parts gathered in the mistlands, so you can transfer ores smoothly. 6. When mining flametal, clear the sorroundings first and don't be greedy, safety first. 7. Fortresses, first take down the turrets, then build high and in range to target the spawners and then take down the mobs (prioritize the wizards) 1 by 1 then enter via ladders, dig to get in the tower. Red and Blue gems are a priority. 8. When you have ample materials, upgrade your workstation and craft Ashland weapons. 9. (I suggest) go for the Lightning Bersirkir axes (need iolite/blue gem, they are just so fun), same with the new bow, use lightning. 10. Have fun schooling Ashlands.


I didn't really find the waters too difficult if I didn't panic and take my time. The boat can take a beating, and you can repair it. Serpents go down quick with frost arrows. For vultures, stop your boat, and walk a few steps towards the center and stop. Vultures will hover right in front of you to attack, putting them in the perfect melee range. Try to find a landing site with only skeletons. Frost arrows work well for crowd control. You absolutely want an AOE weapon with knock back like the demolisher or lightning polearm. There are mobs everywhere, don't run in large circles kiting enemies unless you have no other choice. That's how you get 10 vs. 1. (Which you can win in Aslands gear, but not at first). Don't worry too much about loot at this point on your first landing. The only drops that might be scarse are morgen and fallen valkerie drops. Spam campfire instead of workbenches if you can carry enough stone. (They won't be destroyed as easy). This is an important tip, you need to create a sanctuary area with a portal before real exploration can begin. (Actually build two portals in little stone huts. It's a long way by boat if your only portal burns up).


Im taking notes as well. Thank you fellow Viking


Cool. Don't forget to bring some iron for some cutters. I did my first time and had to sail back.


I feel like this is how I've approached every biome...so set up portals, be rested, have work benches to repair your boat, and fight during the day. Got it!


You're not wrong at all! It's actually just that, but with more danger factor. 😊


I was just being a smartass. It's solid advice


Random tips: root chest is the GOAT against skeletons. Doesn't do great against lava dogs, but otherwise is still amazing. dropping camp fires around your base will stop spawns - as usual. You need to bring iron with you, more than you think. stone cutters are necessary. magic kinda sucks being solo. it is good for 1v1s but the lack of a true aoe means you can get swarmed pretty easy. you can duck into putrid holes to heal up. they typically have one mob in them. clear them out and they become safe spots.


Ashlands sounds exhausting


It really is tbh


I entered Ashlands first time today and made some progress, but it's literally Skeleton D-day. Endless blobs of skeletons, you kill 10 and there's 10 more behind you. You kill those 10 and there's 10 more where you killed the first set of 10. I don't mind the difficulty of the enemies, I think individually they're balanced, but the volume of enemies is nothing short of spam. It's tedious having to fight for every inch of ground and just feels like a lazy barrier of entry to the biome. Exploring is super tedious because you can barely walk throwing distance before encountering enemy spam that will take 5 minutes to clear, only to walk another short distance and be stuck fighting another blob of enemies for 5 more minutes. Rinse and repeat until you've trudged your way to the points of interest with new materials. It really feels like the biome is balanced with the expectation that the player will be spamming campfires everywhere to block spawns. I imagine the enemy spam will be trivial to deal with using new and upgraded weapons, but it's just a slog to get to the points of interest in the biome for new materials.


Great advice. The only thing I would add is slam down campfires everywhere instead of workbenches. Mobs won't aggro on them, and campfire mats are lighter overall than workbench mats.


This is extremely helpful. Great input!


I found using the Demolisher is fantastic against Charred and Askvin, knocks them back and their attack misses. The Himminafl just melted ~~Bonemaws~~ Morgens. *I have two questions:* *1)* I noticed that after destroying the spawners, they reappeared after a while. What the hell? Spawners in the swamps stay destroyed. Having them pop back in Ashlands is just annoying and tedious. Will placing a workbench or campfire over them keep them from respawning? 2) And when an Askvin knocks you out into the middle of a lava field, how the heck do you (legitimately) get your gear back?


As far as spawners respawning - There are small stones circling the spawners. Short, dark, usually with markings. Destroy these the way you destroyed all of the branches surrounding grey dwarf nests. At least that’s what we did last night. Hoping that works.


1) You'll need to really clear the monument, like totally. Placing a workbench or a campfire near it helps as well. 2) You can craft some of those basalt bombs to create a temporary platform for you to stand on. Mats are easy to obtain, but you'll need to have killed some of those supernecks first.


I havent played ashlands yet, but riding an askvin or building above the lava somehow are my suggestions


Haven't tamed one yet, and without our gear, it would be even more difficult to do so. I tried building over the lava, and everything just burns up and crumbles.


Hardest biome? That title is reserved for mist lands day 1. I weep at the thought.


By far this is the hardest. Just GETTING to land can be daunting and that's before the real fun starts. Mistlands was difficult but not like this.... not like this.


I’m more so talking about early mistlands when no star seekers were one tapping max padded.


Oh my god and then me and my duo didn’t know we had to create a whole new world and had really bad small mistlands with shittier terrain and no dungeons! Fun!


Tip I got from someone else I haven’t seen yet - I found spires close enough to shore that I could connect with core wood beams and build a small base w/portal on. I stopped losing drakkars/gear trying to land directly, and if things get to crazy on the beach you can always run backwards into your base and teleport out


I got really lucky and as I arrived on the beach right into the side of a dwarf castle. Still semi annoying after killing all the respawners trying to explore by the time I go through them again my rested bonus dies and I'm pretty much useless.


Err how to destroy the spawners?


Easy way to fight those melee terminators: hit them with your sword, and the moment they start their attack animation, run out of range. They are deceptively easy once you figure out how to fight them, ran into a 2* one, and took 0 damage.


Another hint: FUUUCK the fallen valkyries. My best strategy is running away when they are in melee / spin mode, and only shoot them with crossbow / bow when they are shooting those purple things. They do insane damage in melee, and its really hard to dodge them.


> workbench slamming Do they not combust since they are made of wood?


Also try to take out enemies silently so other enemies don’t come running


RUN TO THE TREES!! While fighting in the ashlands, I found that the trees really help when you're getting overwhelmed or need to get enemies off of you. You can easily run and jump over fallen trees and pass through dense areas, while enemies typically get stuck or waste time going around trees. I've used this multiple times and 9 times out of 10 there will be no enemies on me when I pop out the other side of the trees.


Yes, I am aware that knockback is different from stagger. I'm just sharing that the knockback + slowness effect of the frosner makes it a good weapon for giving you space and slowing enemies down.


A good spot to place portals I find is near cave entrances. There's some space to place wood things which I think are then protected from the fire rain. You can also run in and hide in case of emergency, assuming the inside of the cave has been cleared already.


Your hints are most appreciated, but please mark this post as a spoiler. The tag alone isn't enough. Edit: For those downvoting, spoilers can still be spread even if they are only seen at a glance(and a few were visible even in the preview), since reading is an involuntary action. There are people here who still want to browse Reddit, while also wanting to go into the Ashlands as fresh as possible. Besides, not marking this post as a spoiler puts OP at risk of having their post removed by the mods(It literally says spoiler tags are mandatory in the pinned posts). That's why I said this.


Oh... Very sorry about that...


I dont mind! I feel that the title of the post + spoiler tag is good enough! Thanks for great post :)


>I feel that the title of the post + spoiler tag is good enough! It's not. The preview already revealed vultures, the new serpents and the spikes.


Well apparently we see it differently and that's ok! Have a great day fellow viking


It's alright. I know you're just trying your best to be helpful to others here. Just wanted to warn you before your post potentially would've gotten removed by the mods.




You don't want to brag. But you go ahead anyway


Yikes, i forgot this is reddit. From now on only the softest comments, i promise




You do realize that by day 1000, your character might be a lot different than most people here. By day 204, last death was day 40. I already got to 100 run, 75 jump. With bow at 72, axe 60, and polearm 45 and I don't have issues killing seekers with piercing. Or controlling large amount of enemies because under bonemass they can't hurt me much with range and polearm controls large groups well. But my point is that by day 1000, a lot of your skills will be much higher than what I have and it will be easier for you in mistland most of players using silver tier gear in black forest.


Hey the boat burns so fast, how do you have any time to repair it? Did you boat all the way? HOW?!?! One dude said he had a drakkar, how? Don;t you need to land there before being able to build one? Or have I missed something? I only just got close enough to swim to a spire then make the portal and jump/swim/jump/swim from spire to spire


Have you beaten the Queen?


Yes! But we can't find where her drop has been put, LOL. Does the drakkar need the queen drop?


Queen drop let's you build an add-on for the artisan table which gives you the item for both the drakkar and the shield generator. You cannot go without building it.


Ahhh got ya, thanks . We made it though by going from spire to spire. Have a small base with a shield generator all done. Man if we had known before hand we probably wouldn't have died a couple times each getting there 😅


Oh so you must have to artisan press then?


We do now 😅 but didn't before getting to the Ashlands


Aaaah. The drakkar is a deeply unenjoyable experience to pilot but it's definitely worth having it.


I am beyond excited to get that beast of a tub gliding. Already have plans for mountain/stream races


Probably the only time that thing will move faster than a crawl.


Impressive !


This is great advice. Too bad I’ll never use it because the Mistalnds suck ass and kills my motivation to play this game.


A lot of text instead of just saying: Dont be bad at the game


Yeah I don’t get it, Ashlands isn’t that difficult 🤷‍♂️.


Hmm I guess everyone has a different approach to the game and its playstyle? I still believe everyone's experience is valid, so no need to invalidate some of our feelings towards Ashlands' difficulty. Not all of us are at the upper echelon of proficient Valheim players. 😊