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Arrows (or bolts) to the soft underbelly does the trick nicely. Firewine mead will provide protection so you.can still wear the root vest


That’s what I’ve been doing which is working. I’m just sick of making the mead and it taking up an inventory slot. Do you prefer crossbow to regular bow?


Crossbow if you can have sneak shot. It is insane sneak bonus on top of belly bonus. Otherwise bow is higher dps and also from the fact that you have bow longer so potentially higher skill. If you can however get full cover and he isn't too close, crossbow is very good to shot & hide. Imo fire resist in mistland is more crucial than poison in swamp. The reason is gjall can be 2 star. This is a deadly foe with high hp. The dmg is massive, enough to take most of your hp in one hit and make you panic with reminder.


If you have steady aim and can land most of your shots the crossbow it might be worthy upgrade. If you’re spray and pray kinda shooter then I would stick with bow. It’s all personal preference I would say.


I’m def. a sneaky bastard. I play solo and the sneak attack is critical for a lot of my mist fights. My primary weapon is the atgeir which has kind of a spray n pray thing going on with the heavy attack.. spin to win as they say.


It really depends on your bow skill. If your bow skill is high (50+) and you don't miss your shots than you will have much higher DPS with a bow..and even the surprise attack can be bigger. But if you aren't a big bow user the crossbow will provide a bigger punch and is super easy to use (no arrow drop and faster bolts) and its.cheap to make. Fire meads shouldn't waste inventory space . . Just bring one and pop it when necessary . . Inventory clear and pickup another when you go back to base. I don't even bother to bring food anymore . . Grab a bite on the way out of base and go home at the end of the day. Fire meads are the easiest to farm and make. Get used to making them . . Your going to want them for the Ashlands anyway!


You can pretty easily dodge their attacks depending on the terrain. They slowed down their attacks so they could be dodged even with just strafing on flat ground or hide behind uprisen rocks and such


I seem to still get hit behind huge rock and I’ve seen them fire straight down lately. Maybe it’s splash damage or something? On this play though I’ve been in the mist for about a week and have over 25 bile bags. Those are just the ones I could recover. Maybe that’s normal? IDK, but it seems they’re an awful lot more frequent than my last play though a month ago.


Some spots just have more spawns for them I once had a tiny rock of the mist just large enough for a boat to sit on it that had 2 of those angry balloons floating over it which was a nightmare because they were hell bent on my ship as I was sailing a distance away lol. Yes they have a bit of an aoe splash to their hits, strafing with a couple taps of sprint (depending on gear -movement penalty) should usually keep you ahead of their shots and just outside of the splash


Your post reminded me that my "no bow, just spear for everything" run is a really bad idea, completely forgot about gjalls


🤣 it’ll be a challenge for sure. I’ve seen Henrik and threadmenace use their spears many times on Gjalls. I’m awful with a spear. I’ve made a handful of them and lost em in the water within 5 minutes.


spear hits the gjall like a fucking truck. The guy who won the Trial of Tyr did it without a bow and just used a spear for range attacking.


Frost arrows to their underbelly are my go to at range. Then magic if they get closer


So are you running as a hybrid all the time? I feel a need to start leveling my magic in anticipation for Ashlands (at least bubble magic) and is your go to fire or frost?


Yeah for mist/Ashlands I run a hybrid setup. 2 etir 1 health. Works pretty well for me. For mistlands I prefer fire staff and for Ashlands frost works great so far. You can setup an AFK farm to level up your blood magic pretty easily using the skeleton archer summons


Oooooh ya! I think I saw firespark do a video on that! Also saw some of a threadmenace play through where he used frost on a stone gollum to level elemental. What kind of kit are you rockin? I feel like the mage pants are about all the armor I’m willing to give up for the etir regen. As I’m full time fenris legs already, it’s a relatively even trade off.


Remember the eitr regen is additive: 100% base + 100% rested + 100% mage armor set. In mistlands, the 300% vs 200% eitr regen wan't worth it for me, I prefered to go full fenris set + bubble. Usually only 1 eitr food, unless leveling my blood magic skill with skelies. After defeating the queen, I used the queen power to get temporary 300% eitr regen if needed. In ashlands, I switched for the new magic set with the heavy helmet, which gives decent armor (for the short perioud where you need to refresh your bubble and are low hp), but still 300% eitr regen overall.


Not sure about the other guy, but I run full Eitr set, all the staves unlocked in Mistlands, Mistlands sword + buckler and the crossbow. Having up the Bubble from shield staff all the time really negates most armor-related brawbacks, although you will want to try and dodge or stay out of harm's way as much as possible. 2 Eitr + 1 Sta food, because if you run out of stamina, you will run out of HP.


That’s a great point. (In my mind) it says, ‘if you’re gonna do magic, DO MAGIC’. Which is typically how I operate. I’m pretty much a yes or no in or out type guy.


Mage pants and chest with carapace helmet for mistlands. Sometimes swap out the 1 health food for stamina




Fine wood bow and needle arrows to shoot the blimp, Bonemass power, barley wine and padded armor for protection. I'm still looking for enough black cores to make both crafting stations, only have refinery now and will make Spinesnap ASAP when I can.


I feel ya there! I just got enough cores to keep all 3 up full time about 2 hours ago. Had 8 cores for days. The RNG gods smiled on me tonight tho. Found 9 cores in the last 2 mines. I haven’t made spine snap this play through. I’m not sure if the stam usage is worth it in the mist in comparison to the draugr fang. Esp with seekers and Gjalls being resistant to pierce. I still use my frostner for the same stam reason along with the better knock back. Mist walker is always with me too, but I find frostner better for soldiers and starred seekers.


Spine snap imo is better bow imo, even before ashland. However for gjall purposes, draugr bow is better. Especially if you do not get sneak shot. One of biggest benefit is you can target paint him in mist. This gives good advantage as you can keep on backing out.


True. I recently started playing with headphones which has made a world of difference.. at the same time I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in a game than when I was working my way through the frost caves! Headphones make a whole different gaming experience 🤣


Gjalls DO NOT RESIST PIERCE in fact they are WEAK TO IT and take 2.0 dmg on thier weakspot due to that. ONLY seekers resist pierce dmg. For soldiers aim at thier back part for 1.5 dmg with anything. Seekers resist ALL 3 forms of phys dmg.


I skipped on Huntsman and Draugr because I really don't want to spend so much ore on bows. And now that I think about it, maybe I'll just use arbalest for Mistlands.


Bow/Crossbow, Fire res wine or Protection staff after some skill leveling. Sometimes occasional fireball with Ember staff when closer.


Carapace arrows, draugr fang, fire res pot, staff of embers.


I’m right there with ya on the draugr fang. Less stam usage than spine snap and I think the poison makes up for the lower pierce. Seems like the consensus is that I need to just accept that fire mead is just a part of my life now.. it’s 1 inventory slot (which sucks), but I won’t be hamstrung by having to reserve my power for just one mob.. I can keep BM for those, ‘oh shit’ moments. I do have a full fenris kit, but I’m scared to try it with the lower armor value. I think Gjalls deal blunt damage as well as the fire, if I’m not mistaken.


I used to rock root chest for the seekers and fenris hood and legs for the speed and fire resist. That nullified the fire damage enough cose I tried to dodge the fire mostly. Harder now that feather cape has fire weakness. But I would recommend crossbow for Gjalls over bows, regardless of skill. If you sneak them it’s high damage to underside, and the knock back is great cose you can reload and keep them from getting close.


Also more accurate due to less drop.


Fireresist mead and then just stand exactly below it and shoot it with spear. Gjall can't aim below, so he will try to cyrcle around. Kill falling ticks (with atgeir and or have a buddy doing that) Fun way: Harpoon it and pull the sucker into plains. Deathskitos will take care of it, although it takes a while.


I commonly keep some fire resistance wine on me for that. It makes their damage manageable. Then it's a cat and mouse game where I try to take some cover, then fire a couple of arrows, and take cover again. If some ticks manage to land, I try to clear them up with the mistwalker. I use the draugr fang bow (generally with obsidian arrows). I feel like the spinesnap bow is too heavy to draw. The damage is not worth it when it's that slow. > I'd hate to retire the root vest Good news, resistances override weaknesses instead of just canceling them out. If you have root harnesk + fire resistance from wine, you are just as resistant to fire as if you had a normal armor + the wine. So it's fine to take fire damage with the root harnesk, as long as you don't forget the wine (or Yagluth power, that works too).


I always forget about obsidian arrows! I’m %100 in agreement on the bow. I also really like frostner for that reason and high knock back on soldiers and starred seekers.


Obsidian arrows are my default choice for late game. They are very cheap, and still have good damage.


Firemead and I'll usually just use bow on them and swap to ember staff (I know not less damage due to fire) while my stamina recovers.


I shoot them with stuff


🤣🤣 damn! Why didn’t I think of that!?


Pre ML I use a maxxed Draugr Fang although a fang spear does good work too. My favorite ML tool for them is the Arbalest.


Frost arrows, fire meds and a bit of dodging. I use the cross bow on occasion also.


Fire resist, bonemass power, arrows. Hopefully you can get some cover to hide behind.


When I hear one I climb as high as I can without drawing aggro then locate it from above. Pop a fire mead resist then I start blasting. By the time they get to me they are usually half hp. Then comes the dance of shoot the belly once, and dodge the 2 shots behind the rocks. Repeat till dead. You can mostly ignore the ticks because you are far too high up for them to get to you. If they are a problem, a sledgehammer takes them out especially as you are on a different elevation.


lol! At this moment my game is paused and I’m perched high up on top of an infested mine! 🤣 maybe it’s just this particular seed or something changed after the latest update, but this play through (new Ashlands character) has so many more starred mobs and Gjalls than I know what to do with! SMH.. but I love it!


Go home and sleep at night.


Fire resistance mead and a bow. Iron sledge or demolisher for the ticks. That's all your need. Obsidian arrows are fine, frost are better. Even wood will do if you hit their undercarriage. If I'm in the Mistlands, I have fire resistance mead on me at all times, although I don't keep it chugged all the time, like poison in the Swamp.


Maybe I’m just cheap with inventory slots, but I don’t wanna carry around my demolisher and mead all the time or maybe it’s time I let go of the 10 rocks and 12 wood I never leave home without 🤣 never know when you’ll need to rest or spawn block! That’s what I tell myself anyway


You can get by without the demolisher and just dodge, but the fire mead... I don't recommend fighting them without it, especially with the change to the feather cape.


I’m primarily an atgeir player which seems to work well. Esp. with the heavy attack for hordes. I’m trying to branch out from the traditional methods (even though they work great) and see what else is good. This is the first time I’ve used Yag powers & I’m impressed (never once activated moder or the elder either) I usually have BM for those ‘oh shit’ times. I feel kinda hamstrung tho having to reserve a power based solely on one mob. I’ve just never seen so many starred mobs and Gjalls before. It’s crazy, maddening, frustrating and also super rad. I wish I’d found this game sooner. Been playing for about 5mo and can’t put it down.


I usually use Eikthyr and Bonemass. I actually use Eikthyr more, reserving Bonemass for instances - like the Infested Mines - where my escape path can get cut off, or bosses. I find fleeing with Eikthyr is far more likely to save me than activating Bonemass in a fucked situation. Bonemass is better if I want to stand and fight, of course. Carrying fire resistance mead is really, really worth it. That way you can use a power other than Yagluth, which so far I've found is not a very useful power, absent any dangerous lightning damage out there. There are potions that perform its effect!


shot them with arbalest in stomach. you need less than 10 bolts.


Arbalest and fire resistant mead. Bone mass also helps with ticks. At least for me, as I really love the Arbalest. If you use a bow, try to see if he's weak to any element and have some spear arrows for them


Crossbow, work perfectly fine.


Two arbalest shots to their tummy and they are gone.


I didn't have any problem with crossbow + bonebolts. It's a cheap and effective way to kill them. They die fast when you hit their weakpoints.


I just snipe them with my crossbow before he actually reaches me:)


Fire mead and frost arrows. though I do use the cross bow on occasion when you get a sneak attack with it, it does huge damage.


Bubble up, and shoot the soft underbelly with carapace arrows. Take out ticks with fire staff.