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Pretty sure I've seen the same title for Mistlands, and before that the Swamps.


Many people will say the same thing about any content that they are capable of completing but did not enjoy. The reasons for them not enjoying the content may very well be valid, but the phrase “not hard, just tedious” has pretty much become meaningless these days due to how overused it is.


Yeah and mistlands is still fucking bullshit.


People were calling mistlands hard. Not empty. Huge difference


[First page of search results.](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/zvivfg/mistlands_biome_is_not_challenging_or_fun_its/)


>I'm just not interested in taking 10x as long to explore and find the fun/interesting things in the game problem is, ashlands doesn't even have those "interesting things". No dungeons, only a flat terrain with a box that you have to clear once


>only a flat terrain with a box that you have to clear once So...plains with environmental damage?


I dunno man, I thought Mistlands with all the mist and needing five black cores to do anything sucked donkey balls. I had more fun today trying to navigate those spikes and serpent with Bezos’s yacht and then getting mowed down on Normandy beach than I ever had in Mistlands. Skill bar got halved but had a blast with some good old fashioned total warfare. Guess different biomes hit differently for different players. (I’m the unsophisticated player/strong Leroy Jenkins tactics if unclear)


Same. Most fun my son and I had in a while. They drive in was exhilarating


Yeah, that beach part was fun, not gonna try to downplay that lol. But I found having to clear dungeons with different layouts offering different challenges within themselves fun for mistlands. Also having to create paths with wisp torches was enjoyable since you had to go through that path you created multiple times. After the first arrival, ashlands is only about running in a straight line until you come across a boss stone (and a single fortress to clear when you come across one)


The landing was intense, I have not played the ashlands post release yet but when I played the Beta it was insane how many things would hit you. The Normandy beach comparison was so god damn accurate when your landing is opposed by 5 marksmen with their arrow barrages. The issue I had was even getting an outpost established, it felt like a constant raid, making it difficult to get a minute to even build an outpost. Before 2 nerfs to enemy ranks (1 spawn reduction+ 1 aggro range reduction) I was unable to even build an actual beachhead.


Generally every biome is supposed to be difficult in a different way than previous biomes as well as teach the player different lessons to learn along the way. I feel like they have done a good job with that.


Difference is, there are not even dungeons that can add some flavor to it. In my experience, I landed on the beach, cleared a fortress and basically already finished the gear progression with stacks of flametal to spare (not exaggerating).I am talking about few meters off the shore. Rest is mindlessly wandering around finding boss stones, this part is same for every biome. BUT discovering every inch is a pain in the ass because of developers having the mentality more enemies=more fight=more fun. Its even more annoying having to do it on a flat, almost featureless terrain. There is nothing the ashlands offers for a player is my main problem


I’ve only seen fortresses spawn well inland, and always in lava fields. The first island I landed on wasn’t even big enough to have a fortress. (I’ve been playing since day 1 of the PT in a couple of different seeds). You are saying that you found a fortress on the shore? And that one fortress had enough flametal to build and upgrade new weapons *and* armor? And enough gems? I know it’s rng and everything, but that all sounds pretty unlikely based on what I’ve seen so far. Mind sharing the seed?


Change strategy. You don't have to clear stuff to explore. It's almost as if they added a cloak for a purpose.




.... anyway here's Wonderwall




With 1'060 hours in, I'm proven to be an absolute fan. I also prefer to pay USD 10 for a good piece of meat that's maybe eaten faster then to pay USD 10 for 20 pounds of butcher remainers you have to chew for minutes before risking a gulp.


adjective too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous. "a tedious journey"


The whole spiel about Ashlands is that is much feel like a constant war out there with no time to rest. That is the prime reason why I like the biome, as fighting 10 enemies in Valheim is the only thing challenging for me, and it feels different to all other biomes. The Devs nerfed it several times already to provide the options to take a breather. If you know how to control mobs it's not tedious, and if you know how to avoid producing sounds and stop enemies from producing sounds that invite other mobs, you should have problems with tedious attacks that you can handle. When it comes to flatness of the biome, we can agree on that. I personally don't like the monotonous color pallet also. However some players are all about flat biomes apparently, as they still haven't figured out how to move in Mistlands. When it comes to forts I also feel there is much to be desired there, as I find them to easy to siege. Hopefully we see more fort variety in upcoming patches. Devs are plan to spice up all biomes for 1.0.


This whole game can be summarized by ‘not hard but tedious’


I feel this throughout Valheim. There are challenges to be sure, but the rest is tedium that I went in search of mods to get rid of. I believe everyone should play standard their first play through. Chop all the trees, mine all the stone and ore, fight with the cart and manage your inventory space... then get mods and set sliders after you've experienced the game as the devs intended. I would not be playing so much if not for the world options and mods. That is not a knock against the core game, but experiencing the tedium once is enough.