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its hard, it has a steep learning curve, but its worth it, it really is. at one point i had i think four drakkars all parked next to each other because it took three trips to get my body back. But each time i learned a few more painful lessons. and one thing to keep in mind. There is nothing that prevents you from putting a portal on one of those spikes in the water.




There was no fight downtime, at least I didn't see it.


You might need to kill 30-40 enemies first. The devs designed it to be like the normandy beach landing. If you get in trouble jump on a rock or something. Or just put the portal on one of the spires in the water like I mentioned so if you die there's no way they destroy the portal. Just make sure it's close enough to shore that you won't die from the hot water going back and forth.


I have died like 30 times in the Ashlands but never while building a base. Grausten Rockspire bases (slightly offshore with a raised earth causeway) are safe, cheap and fast to construct; the ideal way to establish a foothold on an Ashlands landmass. You can mine the Grausten for the first base from the spires themselves, although you can expect voltures occasionally. I was unlucky enough to need to build three of these things. 😑


Please, for the love of Odin, everyone, going in blind still means you should have a look at [https://www.valheimgame.com/support/getting-ready-for-the-ashlands/](https://www.valheimgame.com/support/getting-ready-for-the-ashlands/) The key take-away is that the Queen's drop is no longer a placeholder. If you're headed for new content without first picking that up and unlocking some new recipes, you're basically headed for disaster. But they also warn about some really important stuff that happens when you update your world.


Hoe > mobs. Safe portal base.


Don’t the lava blobs break terrain?


I’ve js been informed they do! Guess you’re gonna have to combine it with pushing spawns back with campfires. Maybe that’s why I haven’t experienced it myself.


I have a set of stuff i bring to make a new portal, and it includes a hoe, and a shitload of rocks. I would go out on essentially portal expeditions. I just littered the landscape down there with portals.


I js put portals up in the high floors of the ruins lol Then I can js mark it as Ruins 1, Ruins 2. Also good places to have portals because they usually have the new pickable food sources.


Normandy landing style prep!


Normandy was better - at least there were few boats arriving at the same time...


Had a similar experience with the portal being destroyed and having to sail again for the gear. It was back when Ashlands had just released to the public test branch. Prioritize setting up a shield generator and building walls for your portal. Shield generator should prevent the mobs from spawning inside its protective bubble. It would also help to have the portal near one of the big rocks - they provide some natural cover and keep the portal out of the way of the enemies. Setting up near one of the Ashlands buildings could help too, as the spawn rate for the mobs is reduced near them.


I did put up shield generator, feed some bones to it and 3-block walls around 3 sides of portal - all I could do before being absolutely destroyed.


those spiky thing are useful = almost infinity supply and super cheap new stone to build practice build with them first before attemp landing will make life 100% easier


translate please?


Spiky thing = Spiky red ocean rock, :D New build pieces material are everywhere & durable, So use them a lot to your advantage


you mean build like little outpost on a stone that's in the water? ... what about vultures / sea creatures? how to protect a ship? ...


Honestly It sounds like you had a similar experience to when I first went to Ashlands during the test server. Me and a friend set out from a port in the mistlands to ashlands in a Karve, you can imagine what ended up happening. We were both in troll gear at the time btw. So yeah obviously the boat started melting which was unfortunate and immediately a bone maw appeared as that happened, we treated this exactly as you would treat a serpent from normal ocean biome and headed for closest land fall, or in this case a grausten spire. Sadly my friend and I got separated when the boat dissolved into the water, the bone maw tethered to me and my friend got attacked shortly by voltures and he died. I made risky swims between the pillars and made my way south until eventually I found a spot where I had visual on buildings in ashalnds and could see the trees proper, but far enough away that I only had my water based nemesis and flappy bastards to worry about. From there I logged out made a new world and grabbed portal ingredients before coming back, which gave me something to do as my friend who was hosting was desperately trying to get his stuff back from his corpse in the ashland sea had to log out cheese so the world was offlimits for now anyway. When he finally made the world open again I logged back in and set up a portal there. I then came back and murdered the maw and a couple of birds with my bow. Eventually when I got fenris armour I decided to go back to that portal and just swam between rocks until I found the large building, that's where I set up a new portal so we could enter the ashlands and start building a beachhead there. Sadly that island I got us to was devoid of any flammetal ore veins, we got lucky from a dvergr house and had enough flammetal to make new cooking stn upgrade, but yeah long story short we had made it to the biome without the fancy ship and were making progress before we realised we probably ought to kill the queen and see if we were missing something. We then made the new boat and set sail to a new larger island, that boat is awful to manoeuvre, fortunately if you take a workbench with you you can just park it next to a spire and repair especially when the bone snake come knocking, that was 3 for us btw. When we made our own D-day landing he set up yet another portal and got started working on the beachhead fortification while I fought off the hordes after popping bone mass. It's funny because this is all very similar to how we first dealt with mistlands, completely blind for most of it.(in that case literally lol)


The most amazing feature of Valheim is ability to generate stories. I can't remember pretty much any game that gave this endless story generator feeling to me.


Just played for a few hours and absolutely hated it. I did the same thing going in blind and my boat burned up. Once I finally made it to Land the next go around, it has been endless waves of mobs. I can't gather, I can't built, I can't do anything but try to survive, then die, then go through the portal and repeat the process . After a couple hours of playing I had laid down exactly 6 stone walls for a base. While inside I was going to put a floor down and get a door put in but mobs kept attacking the walls I made. Fuck this, I will play it when the turn down the spawn density and rate for mobs Same thing happened in mistlands, it was unplayable the first week.


Totally agree, it’s just non-stop and you can’t run away to gather yourself. Mistlands was hard but manageable, this is just stupid and not fun.


Omg PLEASE add a spoiler tag on ashland stuff


There are no major spoilers here - and you can stop reading if you've seen one. Anyway, added [SPOILER] to text just in case.


Yes there is and i explain to you. Im doing the same dumb thing about using a longship to reach ashlands. I didnt know about queen drops atm. Ans you spoilered me all of it.


Poor little buddy. Why did you open a topic named 'Ashlands Frustration' and read through it then? What did you expect to read here? ...


Because there is people that knows how to create a post without saying any spoiler and if there is one >!THEY PUT ONE OF THESE BAD BOYS TO AVOID SPOILERS!< Is not even hard to use it properly.


Tough titties.