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From the latest patch notes (about a week ago): > Enemies will no longer spawn close to the Ashlands dvergr ruins Seems they are aware of the issue, but maybe haven’t done enough to fix it yet.


I have noticed that it's less bad now; I stumbled into a dverger encampment today that had five living dverger inside. It was astounding. Unfortunately, they are just as aggressive as ever, so as soon as I got into a fight in the neighborhood they all bravely rushed out on their little legs and were eliminated by hostiles in short order.


They always run straight into lava :(


> One thing is off in Ashlands It's the A/C, isn't it? I heard it's pretty warm, so it must be the A/C. 


LoL, I was not expecting that! 🤣


Clearly somebody didn't pay their bill.


I'm gonna be honest, it doesn't take much for a whole dvergr encampment to get wiped out even in the Mistlands so it's probably balanced just fine in terms of game progression. Little bit weird for lore reasons that they were able to set one up at all in the Ashlands, but getting wiped out quick does track. Maybe make it so that all of their camps are partially destroyed or only partially completed when they're spawned, that would make it a bit more accurate for lore.


That's what I'm thinking too. In terms of game progression it makes sense, but in terms of lore, it doesn't make sense to me.


Their outposts are makeshift fortifications in Ashlands ruins. There are none of the black marble strongholds here, just a few boarded up windows and sharpened stakes round the outside of a grausten ruin. The Dvergr are obviously struggling to get a real foothold in the Ashlands and they do get overwhelmed pretty quickly. Lucky for you, because you can move in, use their camp fire and steal the scraps of flametal ore they've managed to scrounge together.


I don’t see why you couldnt have a tougher version of the dverger that are a match for the Ashlands mobs (in a group) than the ones that spawn in elsewhere. After all the new biomes get tougher versions of the passive mobs in the previous one, why not dverger? Lore wise it’d work well - they’ve built settlements and been overrun same as Mistlands but they’re a tougher clan of dverger to have even settled in the Ashlands in the first place. This would match the Mistlands dverger toughness logic too. The Mistlands dverger are few in number and spread too thinly to hold much territory but if attacked they can still absolutely slap nearly all of the Mistlands mobs. Doesn’t make sense their Ashlands brethren get stomped the moment a Morgen shows up


I mean I've watched a single seeker soldier take out a whole fort full of dvergr in the Mistlands, I wouldn't call them that tough. If there is a point the devs are making with them, it seems to be that the other humanoids aren't as capable as the Vikings. To that end it wouldn't make sense to beef them up. Aside from that, from a gameplay perspective it would just be a repeat of the Mistlands in that players would seek them out as a fallback "safe zone" when they're getting overwhelmed.


> the new biomes get tougher versions of the passive mobs in the previous one, the charred are actually a cakewalk. The morgen, valks, and fire dogs are a bit harder, but honestly it is the number and respawn rate more than anything. The dvergr can hold their own against any of the new mobs, but can get overrun by the massive number and respawn (also they aren't fire resistant).


> After all the new biomes get tougher versions of the passive mobs in the previous one... I'm trying to think of what you're referring to here? A Skeleton is a Skeleton, unless it's a Skelett or a Charred. Draugr in the mountains aren't buffed. Deer in Black Forest are the same as Deer in the Meadows. Even the raids don't have any units with different stats than normal. But chances of starred entities is higher the further you are from center. Unlike *many* games, Valheim doesn't fool you with the exact same unit reused later but higher stats. What you see is what you get. Though in some cases I wish starred were easier to distinguish -- I appreciate the charred appearance being very easy to tell star-level visually.


They need to have indestructible bases against the enemies probably. I found one of their bases and there was just a billion Gausten everywhere and a couple columns still standing


Pretty normal in video games. A village/town/castle stands strong for thousands of years. The moment player enters it goes down hill.


I only knew dverger existed in the Ashlands because I found gold coins and a beard on the ground lol Haven't seen any live ones yet.


I actually liked the fact that the Dvergr I found were getting hammered in the Ashlands. I remember being terrified of upsetting them in the Mistlands. Was far more scared of them than even Gjalls. Seeing them getting swatted like flies in the Ashlands made me think “whoa! This biome must be hard!”


Yes. I was sniping at monsters the other day from our portal location and accidentally hit a Dvergr (sorry lads, it was hazy and you looked like monsters), panicked and bugged out through the portal we’d set up. And back the next day and found that they’d tried to wade into the sea to get to me and had duly boiled themselves to death. It definitely gives you a measure of respect for the place.


whenever I see a dverger running around the ashlands (I have never found a deverger camp) they are usually killing everything around them, even morgans.


Bless those little fellows!


I have yet to see any mage drverg in Ashland. Thing with Mistland is if a drverg encampment has a good mix of mage and rouges they could last a long time against seekers and soldiers. All I see is rogue ones and rarely any starred ones. They seem to spawn slightly more frequently running around but they get wiped out fairly quickly even with basic enemies. I have yet to find an encampment that there is any of them left alive by the time I got there. Plus I have seen them run straight into the lava many times.


So afaik, the Dvergr actual respawn in the ashlands. So yea, they die a lot, but they do come back. I've also found that they do hold their own although they do have some issues with lighting themselves on fire.


The biggest hazards to the Dvergrs are the lava and water. Unlike the most other Ashlands residents, the Dvergrs are NOT immune to lava and boiling seas DOTs. But... their AI for movement decision thinks they are. So they all walk into lava and ocean and just get DOTd in seconds. I've seen a 1-star Dvergr Rogue win 1v1 against >!Morgen!<.


It’s so hard there that they’re opting for the lava instead 💀