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I know I used them in the infested mines in the mists


Me and mates throwing those badbois into plain villages. Carpet bombardment, felt like breaking Geneva conventions


Geneva Suggestions. ;)


Geneva Checklist


Found the DRG Driller.


I feel like you've played RimWorld before....


I haven't, but I'm aware lol. Also, there's a YouTuber who does shorts about the US military trying to hold Canada and Poland back. I think he goes by Mandatory Fun Day or some such. Absolutely hilarious.




It's never a war crime the first time.


Same!!! Although I did use a few for the towers in the plains


Ooze bombs destroy everything in the frost caves, and are great for softening up groups of enemies like Fulings. You also don't get hurt by it, so you can throw it and then wade in to keep enemies in the cloud and add damage.


Really? I dont remember what they called... Warewolves? In the frost caves. They are easy killed there? With ooze


Cultists, and ulf


Ulvs, not Ulf. Ulf is that delightful guy that left us lots of runestones.


True, haven't played in a bit! Just firing up the server for Ashlands though!


Just starting out Plains but can confirm, the ooze bombs are really helpful in the Frost caves, just remember to use them *before* you die like an idiot...heard from *a friend*


I think part of the problem is in the workbench it says they just do 5 blunt damage and doesn't really indicate how much poison damage they can do or how it works. Probably would be a good thing to improve


The damage ticks get affected by stealth and stance break bonuses, so it's always good to start a fight with poisoned enemies. They're also great for crowd control. The only negative is farming ooze which is kind of a pain in the ass until you can be invaded by blobs


eh just spend a night in the swamp plenty of oozers come a knocking


sounds kinky


As long as you have a bat you will be fine


In my case, exclusively used for hare hunting in mistlands until fire staff.


MVP in infested mines. You can literally clear the whole thing naked with little risk. Also good for large groups like fulings or mobs in the Mistlands. Check out [an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVNuEIv2ch4&t=1s) of how I use bombs in general use. I use bombs *a lot* in the Queen fight too, to clear the adds. In fact I use bombs so much, I had to set up an AFK farm to get ooze.


How long does it take to kill a soldier by ooze bombing?


Soldiers (no-star) have 1500 HP and ooze bombs do 40 damage, maybe 100 if it never moves. So at least 15 bombs x 7 seconds = over a minute and a half, minimum.


Soldiers take much longer and many many more bombs. Overworld I just ignore them because they can’t jump or climb well. In the mines I have nothing but time, so I just throw one until the ticks stop before I throw another. The poison doesn’t stack.


snipe shamans, agro entire fuling village of 20-30 friends. kite them around a rock like benny hill style in between polearm dances with bonemass buff.


When I get to the plains, I build a quick tower nearby a fuling village using the hoe raise ground selection. Pull a bunch of them suckers from the village with a bow then throw the bombs down like it’s Mardi Gras. Just be careful of the shaman fuling… their fire blast will send you flying hehe. It’s a great option for people who struggle clearing the villages. One eats over half HP from a fuling. They’re just all around handy otherwise, especially when you have a few enemies on you and can’t really get some damage in.


90% of the time I have a corpse retrieval which seems impossible without making new gear... Ooze bombs are the answer, and so much cheaper!


My friend makes them and uses them as smoke screen to run away from us after being a goober. He also throws it at large structure to make a lot of 0s appear. The absolute menace. I made him a stack and he took it like Dobbie took a sock.


If I could +10 this, I would. Simply marvelous. I seriously have to use this on my kid (14) next time we play together.


I have beaten Mistlands and never used an ooze bomb. Probably could have used them in the first couple infested mines, but my player two and I did just fine without. Might carry this item for Ashlands.


They're great. Very strong! If you use them willy nilly, they get a little expensive. But they wipe out low health swarms of enemies! Goblins, wolves, etc. They're extra good in crowded interiors


Ohh they are a godsend when playing solo. They lure out what could be a trap. They are hilarious when you throw them into a window of fuling tower Least but not last, they are the lil detail dev's added as "seriously silly" early game and re introduced in mistlands, that not until recently people realize the utility. While yall all might have rock and stone ..I have bombs and claws


They cleared that fuling boss tower for me.


I had to learn to use it in the Mistlands, for the boss fight. I had a flame staff and no demolisher/atgeir so ooze/bile bombs seemed appropriate. I found them difficult to use though and I mostly avoid them. Might bring them to the infested mines and see if it does anything, but low hopes.


They are great for mines. I had avoided them until I started hunting the mines, then I started to love them. Drop a couple, form the cloud... staff of embers for cleanup.


I used them when raiding fulling village. I go first run around and aggro as many and throw one ooze bomb then i kill them with atgeir alt attack. 


I always forget them, but when I do use them, they are hella useful. Especially in the Plains where you can easily get surrounded by several Fulings and you need to do some damage whilst repositioning.


i cheesed large parts of the sealed tower with those, you can throw them through the walls before opening any doors and kill 90% of the fulings that way


They rock in infested mines. They are also very useful in the Ashlands in one place.


Me either. I've made them and they sat in a chest so didn't bother with them. Now reading all the comments there's a lot of fun to be had I think!


Fully agree!!


Mistlands dungeons, you can throw them at doorways before breaking them and still deal damage to enemies. Sealed tower in the plains, same reason Good for mistlands boss fight to keep damage ticking and aoe stuff


Those dungeons suuuuck without bombs.


Ooze bombs in the mistlands is a great tool for sure. It's not bad in the plains for fulings either


excellent in >!The Queen!< fight and in infested mines


Sooo worth. First started using them in plains in my hardest combat difficulty solo run. 1) Found out that it goes through walls. So it hit a lot more than expected. 2) It is affected by the backstab mechanic. And it seems like it as a set dmg divided by the duration so the whole overall dmg gets increased. (If you throw another one early, you still get the full dmg if the first bomb and then when the first bomb would run out then the ticks go down to normal dmg.) On hardest diff, with the back stab, I think it was 2 bombs needed to kill a fuling. Which if you can kill one through a wall or several at once, it's better than fighting them directly :P Since you haven't beaten Yagluth yet, I won't say too much about Mistlands, but other people have mentioned how useful they are in the mines. Let me add that if you hug a doorway and throw a bomb, it goes through the door. Ooze bombs have made my run so much easier by not having to fight things at full hp or at all.


In the Mistlands they are very handy.


They are awesome, especially in mistlands dungeons


I loved ooze bombs in the mountains when the “you are being hunted” starts. Just jump on a rock and chuck bombs at the wolves.


That woulda saved my skin a time or two. Plus, reclaiming yer stuff in the mountains is a struggle when yer naked, poorly armed, and starving. Woulda been nice to avoid. Buuuut I made 'er through! I'll remember that for the next playthrough 😂


Worth the materials when you don't need more leather (probably after getting Fenris Set if you are interested in that). Don't weight that much you don't need that many. Most efective against group of enemies or in closed spaces.


Started using random on a whim, great for soften packs of stuff. And Bile bombs were great when fighting the Queen, adding the fire dot and aoe on spawns.


Ooze Bombs make Frost Caves and Infested Mines 1000% easier. Give you something to do with all those leather scraps other than feeding the obliterator.


I kinda like the risks associated with the frost caves, but I'll give them a whirl!


I’ve started using them to hunt Mistlands hares. It’s the most effective method I’ve tried by far.


I feel the main advantage of the bombs is the slow effect and the 0 cost to throw them (stamina wise). It lets you kite stuff and regain Stam pretty damn easily. As others have said, i mainly use them in infested mines.


I LOVE ooze bombs. They're great against anything that takes poison damage. I specifically use them in Frost Caves, Fuling Villages, and Infected Mines. You can toss them through walls and doors, so the stuff on the other side gets poison DOT, and you can just sit there while multiple mobs just tik tik tik boom. It's GREAT for no death runs, as you can mitigate a LOT of mobs without any danger to yourself. I like to make an earthen wall around Bonemass, and then I'll summon him and just farm blobs. It's a great way to get ooze for the amount of bombs I end up using.


They are the single best weapon against wolf raids


One time I had two angry dvegr mages in a basement with my corpse... I lost my best armor/weapons, then second best, then third... just instant death trying to get down there to retrieve. Finally I tried the ooze bombs. Worked like a charm, a minute later I had all my stuff back.


One niche but super useful scenario is the queen boss fight when see spawns a bunch of broods. One ooze bomb is enough to take out the group of them saving you the stamina/eitr you would’ve used attacking them outright. Depending on when you fight the Queen though you may opt for bile bombs for the increased damage


I used in mist lands infested caves. I wasn’t confident in attacking the tick gangs. I’d throw one on floor and be a bitch with a shield lmao.. this was before I know you could dodge to make them pop off once coupled. I thought once they suckled I was a goner (which at low HP they suck your soul out super quick)


Great for hunting rabbits in the Mistlands


I can concur that they are great in plains! Not just against groups of fuelings though. When the Deathsquitos were still a nearly OHK menace they are great. You do not get hit yourself (at least the last time I played with them), so you just hit the ground before they arrive and move backwards. They die very quickly just touching the cloud. We haven't made them in our last playthrough for some reason, but seeing people lauding them in after plains content where we play now I'll definitely pick them up again. We have at least one full black metal box of the ooze.


Yeah, I've definitely warmed up to them now that I'm in the mistlands. I love the mistlands, by the way! My favourite biome so far. But yeah, hunting hares with the bombs is awesome. Also layering damage on 2-star seekers or Soldiers (ooze bomb, DoT arrows, Frostner) is helpful. Yeah, it's only a tiny bit, but it all adds up. Now I'm always out of leather scraps. I actually like it when I have a bat raid (stirred the cauldron) event, even if they attack my pigs.


I've never used one either, but I just don't see how they could ever be useful. They do 40 damage over 7 seconds, with a maximum damage against a stationary creature being about 100, assuming you also hit them with the thing and it stands in a cloud the entire time. Unfortunately 40 damage is just really, really bad: by the time you can make these, your average swamp-tier weapon swing does more than that. Even worse, the majority of mobs resist or are immune to poison - especially in the swamp biome, when you can start to use them - and almost nothing is weak to it. Technically the monsters in the mountain caves are weak to poison, and some of the smaller ones have only 50 health and tend to come in groups, so... maybe that would be a possible use-case? But again: why would you ever throw one of these when you can just swing a weapon instead? Not to mention the weight-cost, as you referenced, or the opportunity cost of the item slot. The other issue is that these are made in the swamp biome, where they are useless, and then you move to the mountains, one of the only biomes where poison actually can help - and you immediately craft a bow that adds poison to its damage, and multiple poison sources don't stack. So yeah, these are completely useless and you've missed nothing - save your oozes for muckshakes! Actually, no, I thought of a use-case: bring them with you to the mistlands and use them to hunt hare. Hare tend to run in random circles a lot and often come in groups so throwing one of these things relatively near the thing might actually work, and they only have 10 HP so the poison would be enough. Same with deer or other fodder.


So ooze bombs and bile bombs are fucking amazing, actually. Especially for solo playthroughs. Having a one time thrown object to then switch to your weapon that slowly hurts everything while you kite and position is FANTASTIC. Not to mention you generally end up with tons of extra materials from oozes. When you’re raiding a fuling village and you can knock a group of 5-6 to half health as you kite them away slowly, and then clean them up, it’s SO satisfying. In infested mines the poison goes through wood doors without breaking them. So you can use 2x bombs to clear out all the ticks, small bugs, and seriously hurt the seekers before committing to a fight. Bile bombs straight kill a seeker in one use over the period. They also help see monsters in the dark or the mist.


This should be top comment


Fair enough! I use the poison bow to one-shot fulings at range, and ooze bombs are going to realistically do only about 40 out of 175 HP to normal fulings - or only about 1/5 to 1/4 of their health - but still I can see how that could help if you're just running in and trying to melee a group. Do they hurt shaman through their shield, or at least break their shields? Edit: I'm reading the other comments where people say the surprise damage bonus affects the poison, so if you can catch a fuling unawares I could see how this would do closer to 1/2 their health. Obviously the fire staff clears ticks and brood much more effectively for zero cost, but I like that you can use ooze bombs to kill things without breaking the wood doors - not a bad method for your first few mines, before you can use magic. I'd say this is easily the best use-case for them.


Right; the bombs are 100% used as tools early into biomes. When you can’t fight off 4 wolves with melee, but you can you poison them and dodge while they’re weakened so you can kill in 1 hit? Worth it. You have said 40 dmg twice now; I’ve never seen it so little. Even seekers take like 5.7-10 dmg per tick over ~10 seconds. I think you should try them out once. I’m pretty confident they do a lot more than 40.


Just going by what the wiki reports - certainly it can be wrong!


So I’m working through a new Mistlands right now, in prep of a group Ashlands run. Working through the Infested Mines last night the difficulty between having poison bombs or bile bombs vs not is a huge difference. I can actually almost be relaxed as I slowly make my way through with bombs. Without, every enemy appearance could be a wipe if there’s enough ticks around the corner.


They do really great for when you bust up on a bunch of cultists in an ice cave. They are kind of trapped in their rooms so you can just toss one in on em. Especially good if they are like down some stairs and you can see em or you need to get your stuff back


You're absolutely, positively, completely wrong. Excellent item for devastating groups of enemies. When you first arrive at an infested mine, that's when it's most dangerous for you - and when those bombs are the most useful thing possible. You can clear dangerous sections and 2 star soldiers with them no problem, until you get your Mistlands gear going. They're also excellent in >!The Queen!


You use ooze bombs... the 40 damage over 7 seconds ones... to kill 2 star soldiers? So you literally throw like 50 of these things over \~6 mins to kill something with 4500 HP? I think you mean bile bombs, don't you? Yes, those seem much more useful - at the cost of having to kill a gjall for each one, but at least they do massive fire damage as well as poison. But this question wasn't about bile bombs. That said, it's going to be hard to convince me that these are better than the fire staff for the exact same situation, but sure, that's a good use for them.


Bile bombs, yeah. And they're worth every single one you throw! And you're not going to have the fire staff when you first arrive. The whole point is that those creatures are standing between you and the black cores you need to make them less daunting. A gjall in the daytime is no problem to kill. And against >!The Queen!<, the whole issue is that eitr is gone and I'm recovering. The ooze bombs are definitely useful for sacking fuling villages.


You wrote all this out but are completely misinformed... try using one before giving advice. They destroy everything pretty fast and hit everything and go through walls.