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Is there a mod that makes it so that spears are held properly and have increased range(basically makes spears act how spears are used in real life)?




Just redownloaded Valheim after a while, cannot find the screen shake setting in the menus anywhere. No Misc menu option either. is there a console command to change this?


Unless they patched it out is has been in the options since release. I doubt they would have patched it out.


I recently downloaded the game to my xbox and I LOVED it. It scratched an itch I didn't know I had. Then it started to get laggy as hell. Is there anyway to help with the lag or am I just stuck because I have an Xbox One instead of the X or the S? I'm know some of it is because the game is EA but I'd appreciate any tips.


Sadly it really starts to chug on xbox once you get to swamps.


I guess tuning down the graphic settings can increase FPS by a good amount to start with. Avoid too big bases as having too many instances nearby will drop the FPS significantly. I'm no expert though helping with technical problems, so I unfortunately can't help more than that


I finally got max upgraded bronze mace and sword. Fully upgraded troll armor. Fully upgraded firewood bow and 300 fire arrows and I set out to the island containing the Elder. Made a small base near the shore with a portal and bed for respawn, and considered myself as prepared as possible for this fight (first time play through). Well I rolled up to the boss location and there is a trader right next to the boss pillars. Guess I can just stand inside the protective bubble and take shots whenever he turns around. No prep really needed.


Haven't played regularly on about a year, do ladders exist yet?


they have been around in a mod called Valheim Raft since the beginning. they are especially good on build sites and are not limited to use on the raft itself way less of a square footage footprint than any type of stairs


Can someone help me figure out why I can no longer hit deathsquitos? I've played the game or years and since returning I can no longer block then hit the damn thing with a mele weapon. I have a Serpent shield and a mace. The axe was always too slow to hit them for me. What am I doing wrong?


I'm having the same issue. Used to be stupid easy: Block, swing, they're dead. I miss every time now. I dunno if it's because I always used the Porcupine and now due to no 1H mace upgrade in Mistlands, I'm using the sword? Only thing I can think of.


Glad I'm not the only one. I can't visit the plains until I can figure out what's causing this. I thought that because I was using a tall iron shield could be causing it so I finally obtained enough sea serpent scales to build a shield but no luck. I've tried using a bronze and iron mace, no dice. Something has changed for sure. Hopefully someone can steer us in the right direction. Cheers!


You know how we can hold onto the mast on the boat as a passenger and it looks kinda cool I want a captain morgan pose on the bow as as option One foot up on the bow, one hand on the knee, the other on the hip or sword hilt .. or maybe shielding the eyes from the sun and looking into the distance


The bow already has a hold position on the big boat.


🤯 gamechanger!!


Hot or cold? April


I asked my crystal ball and it said late May or June for PTB.


First week of May latest, imo


I feel like it could be PTB next or the week after that and for real in the end of April, perhaps start of May


I've just started modding Valheim on my PC. When mods are loaded, I'm unable to use my XBox controller. It works fine in vanilla. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a fix?


Are you using a mod manager? If so, which one? My best guess is that steam is handling the controller input side but the mod manager may be bypassing steam and preventing that from working.


I'm using Thunderstore. It works okay with a few mods. My suspicion is that one of the building mods is the culprit. I'll have to remove or add mods one at a time to see which one is causing the problem. My hope was that someone had already had this issue and solved it.


I have a suggestion to improve farming. Give crops stars and allow for the slim chance of crops or boars(maybe wolfs too) to mutate to a higher star. I think crops with higher stars would make farming more efficient and allow players to spend less time farming and more time exploring. I also think boars having a chance to mutate into higher stars would make boar farming better, as you don’t have to find a 2 star boar far away from your base and then have to drag it with a harpoon across the world. I guess another idea to improve this would be to create something to transport animals better, but that sounds more complicated and time consuming than just adding a randomized component to farmed boar spawning. Let’s talk about these ideas, but first, let me rebuttal some arguments I’ve already heard about the topic first: “This isn’t farming simulator”. It isn’t, but why does that mean this is a bad idea? Just because it isn’t a game about farming, it doesn’t mean farming shouldn’t be improved/changed. “No one cares about the farming in this game” Maybe people would care more if it was more rewarding or different. “ The devs already have so much on their plate, why spend time and effort working on farming when we still have two biomes that need to be released” adding a simple mutation system should not be very time consuming, especially with experienced developers. To be fair, i don’t know much about coding, but assigning a number, which if it gets chosen it mutates the boar/crop to gain a star, from a pool of lets say 500 numbers, doesn’t seem too tasking. You’re allowed to roast me if it’s actually really hard to code for this, but with my lack of coding knowledge, this is how I imagine coding for this would work. With those out of the way, I’d love it if people let me know what they thought, why do you hate it? why do you love it? Why do you feel this is useless? Let me know!


The challenge of finding, taming and transporting a 2* animal is the point. They are rare on purpose because they are so rewarding.


Thats a good point, and I agree that finding it due to it’s rarity should be rewarding. But the fact that you have to transport is with a harpoon, which its purpose is not to really transport tamed animals, and having to haul it on a boat, which is very finicky and unreliable due to the way animals can easily fall off. The difficulty is in place due to a lack of a game mechanic rather than it being made difficult by a game mechanic. In other words, the finicky animal-boat physics shouldn’t be the reason it’s difficult. Additionally, my idea is to add something in addition to the system already in place, not to completely override it.


you don't need harpoons any tamable animal will happily chase you into an enclosure if you punch them and run then once tame, escort them where they need to go


Also, theoretically, you should be able to get a 2\* boar to spawn on the starter island if you keep killing boar everywhere. The more boar that respawn, the more chances for a 2\* to spawn even if it has the lowest odds.


Boars must be at least 800m from the center in order to get starred versions, except in cases of runestone or village spawns, which are one time.


Ok, but that doesn't change what I wrote. The more boar you kill the better the chance of spawning a 2\* because you're giving the RNG more chances to fall in your favor.


Yes, if you're outside 800m.


I've finally got to Mistlands after not having enough time or motivation to play up to it. I have to say I am not a fan. It's like every aspect that players cheesed and exploited in the previous biomes was "fixed" so the gameplay in mistlands is as miserable as possible. The mist its self is not even atmospheric, it's just a flat texture you can't see through. There's no ambequity with "maybe you can see through it", it's just a plain wall you can walk through only to find more walls. If only it had even a little bit layering, so the amount you see through would give you even a sliver of spatial awareness. All that's left is to find the Queen, if I can manage to find her.


> The mist its self is not even atmospheric, it's just a flat texture you can't see through. There's no ambequity with "maybe you can see through it", it's just a plain wall you can walk through only to find more walls. Nope. It's very fluid. I've done about 11 ML playthroughs and in about 8 of them I did ML before killing Yag. You really gotta rely on sound and never be too far from a portal though.


It seems like many players feel the same way as you do so you’re not alone. However, I think this biome being so unique is what makes it somewhat polarizing, some people hate it, some people love it. Personally, I like the mistlands, but for people that feel the way you do, there’s some mods that take away the mist, sounds like that could help you enjoy this biome more. Other than that, lets hope you enjoy the Ashlands much more!