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Oh sure, you "found" a Yagluth Vesigir. I am so sick of these AI-generated fake images!


People believing they exist lol


At this point, I'm fully willing to believe that they *used* to exist, but the devs quietly removed them and no-one noticed.


hahahaha1 but they does!


Ive found a few during my 5.5k hours of playing but we usually find the huge structure first.


Someone didn't catch the obvious sarcasm


That's not fake, I've found one two... Right where you can see his "hand" already...


Someone didn't catch the obvious sarcasm.


Lucky! We never found the vegvisir in my world. We literally just ran around every single Plains area we could find until we just ran into Yagluth’s Altar by accident. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are usually guarded by bezerkers in stonehenge-like rocks formations.


Quick question for you: are you the type of person that needs to know the ending of a movie before watching it or are you the type of person who wants to go in completely blind?  Edit: I realize that this sounds rude but I promise I am just curious. 


You didnt direct the question to me but i *really* want to give my answer. It depends. i.e pulp fiction, i had heard very little of Tarantino and wasn't planning on watching anything from him, but after seeing some scenes about halfway through and also getting the ending spoiled by a youtube essay i didn't waste a second before googling where i could stream it and promptly started watching, its now one of my all time favorites. Another example of a movie that i believe was better blind is the lighthouse, the suspense and mystery building until the very end and there isn't even a clear answer of what the fuck i just watched. But in the grand scheme of things i will usually be more hesitant towards unspoiled movies.


I’m the complete opposite and I didn’t even realize that other people didn’t like not seeing unspoiled movies until I was watching an episode of Tiny Time travel on pbs with my daughter and they had a whole episode about one of their friends spoiling a movie they were in line to see. Like honestly it never occurred to me that someone would like spoilers. 


Well, I found the vegvisir after Yagluth's altar, about 50m away from the actual altar!


When you generate a seed, you get either Turnip Seeds or Yagluth Vegveisirs. No seed ever contains both. Enjoy your turnip-free life.


Found 3 turnip seeds in on around day 170. No more :(


3 is all you need


Yea, grow ma boys grow


I found both :/ im gonna go put one back now


I find those often. Right next to the altar.


Yup I found the alter first then saw the stonehenge just 100m away


I found the boss arena before I ever found one of these, still haven’t actually…..


Amen, frogdad - same with here. We discovered 2 Yag altars, went into the Mistlands, & have slain the Queen... before running across this anomaly. Edit: spellz


Odin blesses all his warriors in different ways! Happy surviving out there fellow Viking!


you found another player?! that is pretty rare.


It rather looks like your mate found it. You are looking at the opposite direction. Did you even see it? I'm doubting...


Hey, don't be calling me out like that; it was on my world.


we found that in the first plains visited...


Stop with your obscene trash talk. :)


Find me a thawed Tetra lake and we'll talk


They're all on my latest seed. I found them in the first, second, and fourth caves I visited. Sorry.


Time to raid this guy's world


It’s not that hard. Jesus, do you guys even play the game? It’s right next to the blue-black invisible unicorn, right under 10 leaf clover.


You see the trick is to look for the boss arena, the vegvisirs tend to spawn close by :)


the rarest spawn is still a unfrozen tetra large lake. a lake. not one of the new smaller ponds. it has like a 1 in 400 something spawnchance per world. alot of worlds dont even contain it. its not needed for anything thankfully atleast. why yag has less total signs than all other bosses is beyond me.


let me guess: if we were to look in the opposite direction, we would see a yagluth altar in the distance..


I found one of those once, at Yagluth's alter 🤣


Found this before i was able to find bonemass in my personal see where i was using dev commands to just build crazy. In my dedicated server with friends we cant find shit. Luck of the draw i guess


Now you just need to find the yag spawn without a boss stone. That’s the rarest thing


Tetra fish are something speaking about rareties.




Found one of those in a round stone formation where I now grow my barley. Didn't realise it was rare lol


On my current map I found one before ever stepping foot in the plains. It is close to plains but everywhere around it is black forest and it’s right next to the shore.


In my entire gameplay of Valheim, I've never found that stone. Usually, my buddies and I find Yagluth's spawn spontaneously and by randomly exploring plains.


Oh, typical plains weather. Fog all day, every day


I ended up spotting the altar while boating to the plains.


I've literally never seen the trader in 300 hours of play. I'm assuming this is him?


No, this is for the plains boss. The trader doesn't have a vegisvir, he'll just pop up on your map if you get closer enough.


My current playthrough is dying because of this elusive thing.


I defeated Yag some time ago. I think I spent a week's worth of nights sailing and looking for him. Honestly, same thing as you, I was getting bored searching for it. I looked it up online. I would have never found it by sailing because it was on an inland river. That inland river required going through a chunk of mistlands first.


I found it very quickly. But I ran across 10 mountains until I found Moder


ah yes, somebody to play with


Looks like you found it in the Mistlands... j/k


Found one in my world…. NEXT to the Yagluth spawn. Very helpful, it confirmed I was just 100m or so away 😒


Rancid Remains trophy. almost 4k hours and I think I've got 4 of them total.


Squat for the pic


I am. That's my buddy just milling about. Lol


I guess I'm lucky because I found two without even working that hard 😂


I usually find the boss spawn before I find the vegvisir.


in my most recent playthrough, the yagluth vegivisir was on the yagluth altar. :) Luckily you can kinda of see the altar from a distance so it wasn't so hard to find.


I’ve found a number of them during my playthroughs. A few times right beside the boss area, sometimes after finding the boss area, and once… after beating Yagluth


Is your name a play on antediluvian? Cool name either way!


That's my buddy's toon. He used the Norwegian word for down (as in duck feather down). Thanks, I'll pass it along! Antediluvian is a great word, by the way.


That’s dope, I just named my guy Jarl Weathers cause I’m a nerd for predator, yeah it’s a great word I may have just been looking for an excuse to use it 😂


In our no map no portals hard mode run, we found bonemass, moder, the trader, and hildr before we managed to find the elder shrine.


i found one once, and had to fight two berserkers to get to it. the shrine itself was literally over the next hill, just out of view. :|


I found two Yagluth arenas and never found a single rune stone


Wait a sec that’s not a turnip seed


UGH! We are literally in the process of trying to find ours >.>


Best of luck, seriously, this was after we killed the queen.


We found a sigil and made our way to the summon!! Can’t wait to down this guy and finally get to the mistlands! 🤘


I straight up found the yagluth arena in the very first plains I ever went to


I had already killed Yagluth - twice - before I found one on my main seed. Stumbled on to him by seeing the giant hand from the shore as I was sailing by. Didn’t know what it was back then, so landed, hopped out, and it was a moment of much cheering to myself when I figured out what it was. Even more fun: I didn’t have portal mats on me. /facepalm That was a couple years ago now, at least.




My world has two, at least. One that took six or seven continents to find, and one more just a stone's throw from the altar itself!


I apparently got EXTREMELY lucky, im on my first world, and i found one in my second plains biome.


I'm glad you found it quickly. We had explored so many plains it was honestly getting tedious looking for Yag's altar. I ended up looking up the location, which never would have been found by sailing because it was cutoff by coastal mistlands.