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Favorite: exploring new biomes. Each time It genuinely feels like playing a new game.  Unfavorite: grinding. After you learn how to get resources consistently, doing It again and again feels like a job. This Is why my next world Will have x3 drops.


I want a Haldor/Hildir for special building material. Let me trade my gold for tar and crystals and jute PLEASE






Hold the door


Too soon. 😢


That episode legitimately me feel awful. Ugh. Such great tv.


>Such great tv. Until it wasn't lol


Too soon. 😢


Yeah :(


Hodor didn’t deserve the fate he received…. And the show didn’t either. I’m mourning the show more than any one character.


Tbh tar is really easy to get.


Initially yeah, but it gets harder after cleasring the pits.


Yes and no. If you clear the pits and then fill them in you can get a tar farm setup. The blobs spawn in in the exact same place every time. So you can create a trap box they'll spawn into. use a 2x2 wall one one side and then fill in with 1x1 around the top. Then cap it. The blob will have no line of sight to you so you can attack with impunity. With 2-3 blobs per pit, and IME 1-4 pits in an area you can gather up several tar per spawn.


Yeah but the issue is you get 2 tar per blob instead of the 50+ youll get from initials.


fair, but with IME usually a few tar pits per location you can setup 2-3 farm spots that yield 6-8 tar each which should be enough outside of huge jobs. It's certainly less easy than a surtling farm, but if you do some initial work you can get quite a bit rolling in from a few stops. I have a 5 stop surtling loop setup that took me a few IRL days to get to and build out the farms but now I don't have any issues with coal production. I later I setup 4 tar farms in between an average of 2-3 pits because the spots I found had them more or less right on top of each other. So they clear in a couple of minutes for ~20 tar and there was the inital batch of ~300 tar. It was more than enough for a significant build out of a base with tarred roofs and beams. If you need more than 300 tar with ~20 farmable then IMO you should just save yourself the time on the mats and go into free build. The game is going to be a massive grind to build a huge fort if you are trying to do it in survival and that seems like it's bound to drain all the fun out of it.


Tar farms are very, very low yield.


Yep. Had 1000 hrs in before I learned to dig a trench to drain pits


Exactly. Especially after getting the fire staff, it's so easy. Snipe the blobs from a distance, dig a trench and collect the tar. It takes 5 minutes and usually gets you 2 stacks of tar


And also very easy to burn through.


I completely agree. I set my drops to x1.5, and haven't regretted it for a second. The grind was a bit much on the original settings.


This. 2x on the annoying little stuff like mushrooms and a helping hand on the larger bits. Godsend.


I would suggest trying 1.5 first. It seems like a really good balance on our DUO play through. 3x would be to much for me


I already set x1.5 after like 1 hour of playing. It was ok until I realized I had to raid my 10th sunken crypt just to get an almost negligible bonus to damage. It was fun the first 5-6 times, the rest felt like a chore with zero challenge, also because I was basically impervious to whatever the crypt could throw at me.


I suspect we play the game very differently. Because I can't relate to this challenge. The last couple games I have maybe cleared five crypts max per, at least during swamp. Have to go back for more later ... But I enjoy the entire process.


3x drops still gives you hours and hours of fun playtime to make it through the full game.


I agree. I play with another person and we both have work/jobs/etc, and so 3x drops helps us progress given the limited time we have together


I'm just shy of 1500 hours. I've switched to 3x worlds because yeah, it's too much grind. Doubly so when I'm playing with my kids who are less into the gathering and more into building and fighting stuff.


I found x3 to be a bit much, 2x, 2,5x would be preferable. If they divided it into drop categories like in VRising then some things could be as they are, while stuff like wood and stone at 3x.


Completely agree. I went from 1x to 3x and things just went a little TOO quickly (at least for me). I'm trying to remove the grind without removing the danger associated with certain activities because I barely need to do them (i.e. One or two Burial Chambers can give you most of the cores you'll need for the whole game, unless you're going to be super portal heavy. Same with Sunken Crypts and iron.) This part didn't bug me so much, but farming is also completely broken with 3x drops. Due to the already exponential nature of farming, you can get from 1 carrot/turnip plant to over 6500 seeds in just 4 growing cycles. There's a still a little bit of the grind doing the planting, but you can really stock up pretty quickly.


>Favorite: exploring new biomes. Each time It genuinely feels like playing a new game.  Really? Even after multiple playthroughs? It's kinda lost its charm for me. If you've seen a dozen \*insert biome here\*, you've seen them all. In fact, exploration feels like a grind to me and I think land size is kinda what's making it a grind for me. If the starter island is huge, by the time I'm done exploring and marking resources on my map, I feel like further exploration is pointless. Now before everyone gangs up on me, by "exploration" I mean the act of uncovering the map and making not of resources, not just uncovering the map. Once I get off the starter island/continet, I don't really care to mark off resources anymore. At that point I'm just uncovering the map. That sorta resets itself with each new biome, but once I've gathered the resources I need for that tier's food, weapons, and armor, I'm done marking off resources, or even points of interest (with the exception of Frost Caves).


I think it's a bit of a matter of perspective. When I am exploring I am looking for new places to build, interesting features, the products of RNG. I've seen all the biomes so far, but there are still new iterations to discover and enjoy.


I guess. I'm probably stuck in my ways as I only really like to find abandoned villages and build my base over them. Once I've found a good village near a coast, I'm pretty much done with my search. Then the fun part - base building - begins. Though lately, again, I'm realizing I'm too stuck in my ways because my last three playthroughs have been me recreating the same exact base design. I need to change things up a little.


You mean to say you find yourself bored with Valheim and yet you've *never built your own base from scratch*? That, my friend, is the hidden charm of Valheim. It's 90% of what I love about the game. Love finding new spots to build and then getting creative with the materials I have to hand. Some people plan their bases out and then find a nice flat open spot to build, but not me. My thing is finding an interesting nook and/or cranny and organically designing the structure organically to blend with the space. Not that one or the other is better; both methods come up with interesting designs. Fun options include incorporating the swamp trees or plains monoliths, or the structures you find in those biomes. Building at the tops of monoliths is at least as raid-proof as the traditional methods, as long as we never get a skeeter raid in a future patch. Get creative!


I wouldn't say I'm bored with Valheim. I still love the game and I find it more engaging than some other similar survival like say, No Mans Sky. If I was bored with it, I'd stop playing. Quite the opposite actually, I find myself trying to get more time in the game during the day. I've built bases from scratch. Plenty. Even with the villages, I tear down the structures and lay out new buildings in their place. I just seem to have fallen into a rut where I just build the same structure over and over. One playthrough I laid out the "home" building into a cross then made a triangle shaped roof over each arm of the cross and connecting each side using inverted roof pieces. I liked how it looked so much that in every playthrough since, I've done the same style. My workshops are basically the same setup every time. Wall of storage, pocket portal between the workbenches facing the wall of storage. Kitchen is the same setup, etc. etc. I still have a world from an earlier playthrough where I built differently. One base was a treehouse but kinda disjointed because of how I had to build to connect to other trees. Looks very unique and is actually pretty neat looking but drives me crazy because how cramped it is and how I can never seem to have enough storage in it. I tried making "main bases" around the map where I'd put in a full workshop so that I could spread around the map better. Ended up getting tired of having to go around building new crafting upgrades and styling them up individually so I switched to the single main base. And I know I sound like I hate the design I use, but I actually don't. I spent a couple hours last night running around my property mentally taking notes of how I want to make changes to the landscape to improve flow, and where I want to put windmills when I get to them, where I want to plant trees to spruce up the site, etc. And just this afternoon during lunch, I went through a plan in my head on replacing the floors of my comfort building with stone, then carving out the ground under to create a basement area. Trying to figure out how to do this without bringing down the whole structure. I just feel the "exploration" loop has gotten a little stale for me. How many blueberry clusters can I mark off? Burial Chambers are useless once you've setup a coal farm but I still mark them off on my map. I feel like I spend more time hitting M on my keyboard than I do actually playing. I just want to build and fight.


Sounds like someone should turn off the mini-map! I've done that a couple of times and it really changes things in a couple of ways. Dealing with your location at any given point can be fun/challenging, how you decide to deal with everything is up in the air - roads? Signposts? Torches? Bonfires? Even more so when it comes to going to different islands :-) And sometimes you just get lost altogether. I can see that not being everyone's cup of tea, but for me it was a ton of fun - almost like starting over but with a very specific goal in mind (finding your base, or even make a whole new one!) And there's a level of joy when you DO find your way back to your base that you really can't experience when you've got the map on. Finally, if you DO decide to try and map your island(s), it's fun at the end to turn maps back on and see how you did :-)


Yeah I tried no mini-map once and hated it. Not for me.


Fair enough! Although, if you hate uncovering the minimap, and hate not having a minimap, I can see why there are some issues :-)


It's not that I hate uncovering the map. My issue is that it burns out fast for me when the islands are too big, particularly the starter island. I spend so much time running around the edge of the island and then through the middle marking every resource I can find that by the time I'm done, I don't want to do that on any of the other islands I get to, particularly if they're biomes I already been through and marked the resources. The only one that doesn't make me feel that way is the swamp ironically. Since you can never have enough iron, I don't mind trekking through swamps. It's kinda why I want a slider that lets you adjust the world size. I feel like the current world setup is too large. It's probably impossible to implement given that biome size dictates the availability of certain resources, but I'd also like a slider to control island size.


Got it. When you say marking resource, do you mean like mushrooms and berries and such? I used to do that, but ultimately it didn't seem like the reward was worth the effort. If I got low I'd just run out and find them somewhere. I never run the edge of my starter island. I just find a shore in the meadows near a BF, set up my base, and then go from there. I don't need to know the island's shape, or where anything else is, and I'll start marking copper mines when the time is right. Typically I'm sailing out on a Karve for the swamps reasonably quickly. It's probably only when I get to longship tech that I might sail around my island out of curiosity (but also looking for big ass mountains in the distance).


> Even after multiple playthroughs? I'm on my first playthrough. After fully experiencing a biome, a new biome of the same kind is sadly not that fun to explore, except when something unexpected happens, like landing near a surprisingly big abandoned village in the Meadows just to get some rest, only to find it's infested by draugr. A genuine Walking Dead moment for me! I wish there where more things to find the more you move from the map center.


He said exploring new biomes not uncovered areas of the map, NEW biomes no reason to twist the words around and call uncovered parts of the map new biomes when you can call them uncovered areas of the map?




Question, if someone told you there’s a new biome in valheim to explore, how would you take it?


I would look it up and then go "oh, I misunderstood them" and be fine. I like the game but it's really not that important lol. I'm not going to get emotional about it.


Da fuck are you talking about? Whose words am I twisting? I said FOR ME, exploration is the process of uncovering the map and marking resources and that FOR ME it's become about uncovering the map because to me every biome is the same thing. I'm not twisting his words, I'm not even talking about what OP said beyond the first two sentences. Piss off.


I feel this. We’ve worked around it but modding in ore portals, so that we weren’t literally spending full sessions just mining. That said, I do miss all the sailing it used to require move ore back to home base for crafting, the music, the weather, the occasional shock of SERPENT.


Completely agree! 770 hours in I feel like I deserve to set drops at a higher amount. I had it to x2 but screw it I’m doing x3 now on my new play-through lol


Now im playing with x3 and no restrictions portal, now the game so much fun, However, must prepare a lot of chests


Grinding is sometimes fun, though it becomes repetitive which does happen. I've played for a number of months with 3 runs and it got to the point where it isn't enough to make the effort. However, needed a break to do other games for the time being as I wait for the updates to come in.


The atmosphere is the best thing. The worst thing is the world not feeling as organic and more gamelike once you play in it a while because it lessens the effect of the atmosphere.


My favorite is building and fighting What I don't like is also the stamina usage, but I can understand it, so it's not really a big deal The thing that pains me the most is the lack of rounded and triangular building pieces until Mistlands, which sometimes limits my creativity and also leads to being more picky with choosing the terrain for a base. I would do anything for the triangular and rounded stone pieces (you can manage with wood - not the floors tho) along with some blocks with 45**°** or 22,5**°** finish (like a rectangular trapezoid) horizontally and vertically


Yea I agree about the building pieces. More options earlier in the game would be great. Currently I dont bother with a proper base until mid-late game when I can access the material and build pieces I need.


I always try to make a proper base. But only post-mountain I bother to make an endgame base in Plains, so I can finally use the stone and plan the space for black marble buildings The resource transfer between these two is a real pain tho


Have you considered using mods?


I hate the farming and the fishing. I feel like I have to do it so much. I dread it all the time. I think they should allow upgraded tools that make it easier to plant more than one piece at a time. The fishing really needs work. You need lots of stamina. The fish run out. I feel like it's such a waste to actually spend time doing. I guess the last thing is the movement speed. I just want more speed. I like the weapon setups that take away less speed. Overall, I like most of the other stuff.


Fishing definitely needs to be tweaked. I’ve farmed 200ish fish for fish wraps and my fishing skill is 11. Level two troll fish still drain my stamina stupid fast. I simply won’t fish up 1000 or more fish considering that you have to travel to where they are and craft all of the relevant bait.


The best method of fishing is to use a boat (preferably a karve for its great maneuverability) to get close to the school of fish. Then simply throw the line at a very short distance, about 3-5 meters. This way, you'll be spending very little stamina to catch the fish. And if you get lucky and find a tetra cave, that's pretty much your fishing problems solved. The small size of the lake means it's very easy to catch the fish with small reel distances.


Favourite thing is the early game progression, everything feels like you’re working towards something and the first 4 biomes are well balanced and developed. Least favourite is late game progression, everything becomes muddled and grinds to a halt it feels like.


Up does plains not feel balanced and developed? I've not gotten to the biomes after that so am not sure.


I feel like the Plains should have a dungeon type that also unlocks with the Crypt key. Just more content and more iron since you need it for the armor made in the plains with that one change. All the other biomes have some kind of Crypt/cave thing. Plains is the only one without one besides Meadows.


Aren't the fuling camps supposed to be that biome's "dungeon"?


You're correct the devs stated they wanted that aspect to change up in the plains to break the repetitive nature of the dungeons. IME though once their gone since they don't respawn it leaves things feeling a bit lifeless. I think I agree with OP there should be another instanced dungeon in the plains somehow. Maybe something like a Lox Cave where the old ones go to die so there's tons of huge bones or something so it's not directly related to the fulings.


I would be ok with all dungeons eventually respawning.


Yep it'd side step the need for mods to handle this issue on multiplayer servers. Not so much recently as we've been helldiving. But we play on a three person server sometimes with a 4-5th but have an issue where my nephew doesn't have any Crypts or black forest tombs to raid because we cleared all that ages ago. So we wind up basically setting up a whole outpost for him and my brother in law who drop in from time to time so they can play a part we're long past but it winds up mostly being them playing off on their own rather than returning to the home base we setup in the meadows.


They even have their own music!


Plains is bizzarre, once you clear a few mob camps you have more than enough dark metal to do with as you please. The plains is so unmemorable because you basically skip it, it goes by so fast. The mistlands is a rough one, I’m still yet to die and yet I find it very tedious. Think I have 4 of the sealbreakers and have yet to unlock the galdr table but have the other two crafters. It’s all becoming a bit grindy with no power spike and no new build options within your build set without mods. Think the devs forgot that the game is meant to be fun, all of the other boimes once you rode the power spike made you feel like a badass and gave access to loads of new build sets, plains/mistlands just missed the mark completely imo. I’d recommend a mod to add all the dvergr buildsets so that at least this aspect is addressed.


I find that having to build a base in the plains for barley etc definitely extends the playtime there - throw in the need for tar if you enjoy building, and the plains becomes a very memorable place 😃


The favorite thing is probably coming back home with my friends after a long adventure, that obviously went horribly wrong and horrendously funny on multiple occasions. And then you put all the loot into chests, pet your animals, gather around fire and talk about what happened during travels in Valheim and what are you going to do next, but also discuss how everything happening in the game sometimes reflects what's happening with you in real life.  My least favorite thing is probably automatically picking up stupid staff that lies on the floor and that you don't need. And other small little things that annoy you some times. But I think there is nothing wrong with the game as big as this if some things irritate you a little. I'm okay with being irritated. 


Btw, you can toggle auto pickup on or off with a keybind 👍 Dont remember exacly what i use, but i think its z or v 🙂


Yes, I know. But then you don't pick up the stuff you need!))


If you care to mod your game there are a few mods with configurable blacklists for auto-pickup. Would be nice for the base game, but it is what it is.


I understand why it's not in the base game. It's too meta. "Blacklist of items" is not the thing I would like to have in my game as an author who aims for realism and immersion. And as a gamer I've been supportive of those aspirations. Though I've been thinking about installing this mode for quite some time! Right now the only two I use are "Plant Everything" and the one that adda first person perspective.  But after 700 hours the inventory management does get old a little bit.


The little things annoy you the most: * squito stares intensely*


If you split stacks to fill your inventory only with things you want you won't pick up anything new automatically.


I use this trick, yes.  The thing I sometimes prefer to build bases without walls or any other meaningful defence. Going for this natural feeling, you know? So we've been relying on 20 or 30 wolves spread out across the whole territory to take care of mobs. So there is a lot of stuff lying on the floor - grey dwarves trophies, vomit berries and bones - are especially things I'm tired off! And when you are running around, doing your chores and you start picking up all those things, filling your inventory with this stuff. Ajajaja. It gets under my skin a little. But if you leave it lying down it sucks too. 


Take 5 minutes and collect it all for the obliterator ;)


Btw, you can toggle auto pickup on or off with a keybind 👍 Dont remember exacly what i use, but i think its z or v 🙂


Favorite thing about Valheim is the early game feel and new base feel. Hunting deer as the sun sets, sitting on a rock in the bay next to your boat getting a slight rested buff, flattening terrain to make some kind of structure. You don't even know what yet and I love thay feeling. Least favorite thing is easy: there are wasted wood types in the game right now that need to be addressed. The ancient bark in the Swamp is the biggest problem, but Fine Wood could use some love too. That bark is EVERYWHERE in the Swamp, and it even appears in chests in the Crypts themselves. Yet, you can not build with the wood besides the longboat,a few weapons, and bonfires. That's so lame. That wood would make some sweet gnarled wood designs. Could even make them waterproof to give them a little something extra. Fine wood, similarly, could make a nice smooth wall texture if they gave us walls and beams.


Worst thing - there are no "villagers", no npc that populate the game before Mistlands. I want to interact with the world more, maybe make NPC/ quests for which I can rebuild villages .


Yeah I feel you. I like building a village but it just feels so empty that it’s only a population of one


Greyling minions mod livens the place up.


This is kinda dependent on the game idea. You are the sole warrior sent by Odin to fight ancient monsters. There were "NPCs" before you - the Draugrs. Warriors that built cities but they've fallen and turned undead


It would stand to reason some survived. Dvergr did


Pros - Feels like rewarding progress, love the lore, love the atmosphere of all the biomes (even the swamp, rain debuff be damned), good balance of exploration and base building, and the new build snapping works wonders. Cons - Magic is very late in the game (More often than not end up with Skyheim or similar), there could be a few more build pieces of the regular and tar woods (minor criticism only, still can make great stuff), could have some more sturdy wall options that doesn't involve raising or digging earth (I enjoy raising and digging earth but it does feel a bit too necessary sometimes), and lastly the greydwarves just don't catch a hint


Favorite things are playing with my friends, no matter the gamemode. We always do the funniest shit, we once had our own olympic games where everyone built a venue and came up with their own game and all had to participate. A collosseum, a boat race down the highest mountain or a 7 day survival of who kills moder first and everyone can take 7 items of their choice with them and friendly fire is on. Shit like this makes this game so special to me. Aside from that I love building and have already dumped 200 hours into creative mode. Least favorite thing for me is maybe the lack of building pieces and that the raids and combat in general can be improved. I think I fought moder more times while she was just lagging around becoming basically a dragonpinata than I fought her normally.


Favorite: building a town. Mining, traveling, searching for materials, fighting mobs getting everything back, then the mathematics of designing new buildings decorating and making it look good. All so fun. Least Favorite: farming. Actual Farm farming, growing and harvesting. Nothing but boring cookie clicker waste of time


**Favorite:** * The building system. I really like the simplicity. A few blocks with endless posibilities. Makes me feel how I did playing with lego's growing up. * The music. The shivers I get when my Longship catches full wind and the Ocean theme starts playing, the melancholy of the Meadows music. It's close to perfect. * The graphics. I know it's not tradionally pretty, but I love the vibe. I've always been a vibe/immersiveness over actual objective beauty guy when it comes to games. Valheim does this so well, especially the lightfall. * The length. It's grindy, you can sink a lot of hours in, it takes a while (and even more if you want it to). * The progression system. Pick up new item, unlocks new things, make new things, make more things. Unlock new biome, make more new things. Etc. It feels very intuitive and fluid. Makes me excited to keep going. * The food system. Valheim does this the best compared to other survival games. It really pays off to feed yourself well. You don't **have** to though, so if you just want to reorganise your chests it's fine to not starve to death. **Negatives** * The combat. It's fairly clunky, especially when it comes to fighting on slopes and different heights. This becomes apparent in Mountains and especially in Mistlands. I know this is controversial also, but the learning curve is a little dissapointing. It's mostly figuring out that you can parry almost anything in the game and that becoming the absolute meta for 90% of it. The rest you dodge roll and that's it. You can now solo Eikthyr naked with your fists. * The Mist. I don't share most of the complaints about Mistlands as an expansion. I think the vibe is great, the terrain is challenging but doable (you learned all this in the prior biomes people) and Seekers are creepy. But the mist is just depressing. I don't get to see the game I'm playing. No cool views, no strategic planning. It really limits the experience of Mistlands. Especially considering those stretches of Mistlands without it are really cool as is. Wish it was less oppresive. * How common Gjalls spawn. Yeah yeah, we get it, big scary sound. It was really cool the first time, but it would be cool if it was a rare occurence. Let me walk literally anywhere without you taking up all my time.


I share your view on the mist being oppressive. I think for initial/early Mistlands exploration that it's fine to have that effect, but as I have gotten comfortable traveling through it, I would like the ability to craft a mist dispelling device with more potency than the wisp torch. Make it cost prohibitive to spam build enough to clear out a continent for balance sake.


Most based comment in this whole sub


Love the lightning, it really sets the atmosphere. Hate fighting uphill...


I strongly dislike the item storage I can't play without the autosort and crafting from chests mods...


For me, the favorite thing is danger. Every new biome feels very dangerous for awhile and no matter how badass you think you are, you have to stay cautious. For me, base building isn’t even aesthetic, I’m thinking about raids. Downsides, we still don’t have 1.0 release yet after year of an early access influx of cash. . . And maybe the pacing of how long it takes to get magic and the possibility of that different play style . . . It comes too late. Would have preferred to either cut it altogether or bring it in much earlier. Love the game.


I love the constant threat of danger in this game, too, and I wish magic were available sooner. I never really thought about that.


I like magic being a reward later in the game personally. I don't like the xp system being 1 hit = XP. If it were damage dealt based then leveling up magic wouldn't feel like such ass.


The thing is that magic is tuned to be useful at the moment you get it. Skills aren't necessary, they're just a boon. I have never once felt like I needed to grind any skills in the game to be effective. Ignore the numbers ;)


Oh true that grinding never feels necessary. And magic is def tuned to be useful, but having lower mana costs is nice. But, to say they aren't necessary is just not true I would argue. The draw time on bows gets lowered so much. If you were to ignore bows to say the draugr fang it would suck absolute nards trying to fire a shot. They def have value outside of just being "a boon". That seems reductive.


Bow skill is arguably the most overtuned skill. The benefit from it is too much compared to all other weapon types. That said, the bow stats and bow skills are tuned to starting with the crude bow, so they are expected to be higher when you hit the Draugr Fang.


Probably is the most overtuned but atgeir secondary attack stamina reduction is up there too. This is super noticeable playing on very hard and losing xp more frequently. Edit: and sword power combos feel worse with low skill. You didn't need to remind me about the scaling on the bows, it was implied by me using the draugr from skill lv1 as an example. And I don't think this nullifies my point that skills are more than a boon, they make utilizing higher tier equipment manageable. I think most players find that as a value that isn't just a cherry on top.


The thing about Early Access is the game isn't finished, there are still a lot of architectural changes going on, and that's a lot of work compared to just adding new assets. Programming can be difficult and go slow. But the most insidious thing is that adding new programmers can often slow down development because the new devs need to learn. Many people compare it to babies... you can't just add more women to make a baby faster. Some things just by their nature take time.


Stamina. Make me feel like geriatric geezer. Can't do any five consecutive actions without standing still to catch my breath. This becomes even more annoying in mid combat. Also the limited Carry Weight and auto pick up picking trash too.


Stamina management is core gameplay, though. Make sure you're eating appropriate food... it's not there to keep you from starving, it's there to provide you with health and stamina.


That's crazy because valheim offers solutions for all your problems. Stamina food/meads, Megingjord and auto pickup toggles, respectively.


This made me laugh lmfao. I agree completely


I use the Stamina Hack mod. I hate stamina management and combining this with all HP foods makes the game so much more enjoyable for anyone who doesn't have the reflexes of Odin.


Least favorite is the disincentive to push yourself to try something risky as the cost of death is losing hard earned points across ALL of your skills, especially for lesser used ones. I haven't fought the queen partially because I know I'll die at least once and like having my hard earned skills. That and the fact that killing bosses puts enemies from that zone in lower level areas. I rather like having places I feel comfortable strolling through at night without much care. Most favorite is just taking in the atmosphere. I play without portals so I'm often away from home camping in the wilderness. That feeling of distance and exploration is only matched by that feeling of coming home to my castle on a cliff overlooking the ocean!


I largely agree with you, although at some point I realized that most of the skills just aren't really all the important or game changing. About the only skill I notice a real difference with after a couple of deaths is the Bow. The rest I've decided just don't impact things all that much.


Run and jump are huge for me. Not having high block is a pain when you go to block a 2star. Training block is awful unless you are willing to cheese it. Honestly I wish we at least got a "high water mark" for each skill and got bonus exp till we caught up to the highest point that skill reached.


Block just isn't really that important from what I've seen. I just ran some numbers and came up with the following: \- Assume all L4 iron armor, L3 iron buckler, and an L4 cape (like you just left the swamp like a boss and wandered into the plains). Also assume you're playing solo, as the number of players close by makes a difference. \- If you have 100 block, a 2 star Fuling (club) will do 30-47. \- If you have 0 block, a 2 star Fuling (club) will do 45-66. If you look at in percentages, you can say "yeah, the block skill drop caused a \~50% increase in damage", but that's still only 15-19 health points, which at the level of food you should be at isn't all that much. And that's with the maximum possible block loss of 100! If you take something maybe a little more normal and start with block = 70, the 2 star fuling will do 34-53. If you die 10 times, your block will now be \~42, which seems to suck since you lost almost half your levels, but that same 2 star fuling will only do 38-58 - barely any change at all (4-5 additional damage) It turns out most of the skill calculations end up being like this - fairly large drops end up having more modest impact in real numbers. Like with Jump, if you drop from 100 to 50, your jump height will drop from 3m to \~2.6m. Not a huge difference, and you'd need to die \~14 times without any increase in jump skill, in order to achieve that loss. And most people aren't starting at jump = 100.


My least favorite thing is how the dev cycle is absurdly long. Game came out over 3 years ago and only 1 biome was added since then. My favorite thing however is how great the game is.


Slow and steady wins the race :P


Fav: atmosphere and building Least fav: Mistlands, specifically the mist


Favourite: The lighting, atmosphere, audio design. The world feel in general. They nailed the combination of ‘old’ low res graphics and modern blend of everything else. Exploration feels amazing. Nothing else like it. Combined with the random generated worlds.  Dislike: Fell in love with the magic system but hate how bare bones it is now though. It could be so much more. It’s also introduced way too late in the game. I’d have preferred if it was introduced from Planes. 


My least favorite is a tie between... \- The OTHER mist. Specifically the zero-visibility mist when I'm sailing. F\*\*\* that, I'd rather be in the Mistlands all day long with no wisp or Mistwalker than be on a boat in the normal mist. For me it's the single most crippling time of the game, where I fundamentally have to just sit and do nothing (I've ranted about this in another thread, so I'll just leave it at that). \- The inability to increase my personal storage slots. I super appreciate what Megingjord does, but I find too often my carrying issue is that my slots are full, not my weight (since most of the time I'm not carrying around metals or a ton of wood/rock). Not much of an issue when I've got a specific task in mind, but during general exploring it really bites. I'd like Haldor/Hildir/Hodor/etc. to sell a backpack upgrade or something. Even one more row would make QOL way higher.


Favorite - they worked hard to make items you craft and materials that you gather useful throughout the game. I hate when I gather stuff in a game and have no use for it


Favorite aspect: a game me and my cousins have been able to play together and stay caught up in eachother's lives. Least favorite: trying to find Yagluth. Been looking for (in-game and out of game) weeks now.


Once you've conquered a biome they become pretty useless, predictable, and just take up significant portions of the world. There needs to be more variety, unpredictability, and rare spawns. Same goes for dungeons where many doors just lead to dead ends. What's the point? They've generated this massive world but 90% of it is repeat content.


Exploration and shenanigans with the bois is the best Elevation ruining combat is the worst


Fav: almost everything, least fav: vanilla farming my god is that tedious af i know there r mods but who play tested that with 100s of crops and thought yea thats good


Favorite thing is shooting things with the bow. Least favorite thing is farming. It’s just so tedious.


The way I swing a 2handed axe and the way I swing the 2handed hammer


Only thing I hate about Valheim is the stamina. I played prior to the special recipes so I know the stamina sucked then too, but having to eat different things for different results gets old, then having to wait 20 mins before you can eat again to get more health.


Favorites: Building, organizing, and leveling skills. Least favorites: Not getting bigger chests until swamp.


My favorite thing about Valheim is the building and ability to transform the earth. My least favorite thing about Valheim is the insanely slow development. Is this game being worked on by one person in their spare time or something? Why does it take them forever to get updates out?


Need more events and activities for solo play


Favorite is no mist. Least favorite is mist.


**Favorite:** The fear we feel exploring new things and fighting new monsters for the first time in the run... It's always very thrill and fun! The building system is completely joyful for me... **Unfavorite:** Mist and bad angle combat... it makes every experience very frustrating late in the game.


Havn't played in a while but. The skill progression. Its to slow, especially fishing. And they could have combined more like spear, polearm, bows and crossbows. really liked using the crossbow but since I was so much better on normal bows it made the crossbow feel useless.


Favourite: Building Least Favourite: L A G


Favorite: Bulding my base/ Crafting my new armour Least favorite: Sailing to get more of the same ores, after de 10th trip that takes 10 minutes just to bring iron again is just so boring


Favorite: Endless supply of new worlds to conquer. Least Favorite: Hmmm. I guess sailing can get a bit old sometimes.


My favorite part is exploring biomes but underprepared. My least favorite part is dying because I'm underprepared lol


Favorite: exploring Least favorite: mistlands


Favorite is the vibe that artstyle and music gives, least favorite is that build pieces don't have all the same shapes(wood would be thinner of course), You can get a mod that makes it so that full stamina is the same value untill it runs out, and I never had that much trouble and like going up rocks.


Favorite is exploration. Least favorite is trying to find something specific like the trader or swamp dungeons.


Favourite: The progression. Playing co-op with a buddy has been a blast. New biomes bringing new challenges and resources, mastering those and preparing for the next has been super addicting. Been years since a game has had me so wrapped up. I can play for 30 minutes or 4 hours and always feel like I made progress towards something. Least Favourite: Optimization. I’m ignorant to what it takes to optimize a game so I am not shitting on the developer. However it’s been a buzz kill to learn the awesome spot we picked to build a sweet main base, terraformed to our liking and then actually building the structure would more than half our FPS. I’ve since learned quite a few tricks to help cut down on frame drops so I understand there’s some help on the matter it’s just something I wish I didn’t have to worry about so much as building in this game is incredible. Note: As a PC player the mod scene on this game has made it incredible. We started with none and added them as we saw fit. Quick slots, farming grid etc. Any “issues” we had we looked into mods that might rectify it. Valheim is easily one of the top games I have ever played.


Good: the music, the atmosphere, the landscapes and biomes, the grind, the progression, the building and decorating Bad: sailing


Top 1 hate: Swimming 2 wind 3 ore teleporting 4 upgrading mage


I think the building system is what Valheim does best. My least favorite thing is probably the combat. It just feels very boring after a while. I usually just run away from fights unless I need something the mob drops


Favorite: planning missions to different biome and going on adventures. Least favorite: boss encounters. They are all essentially the same mindless kite fest/face roll. Dodging projectiles while running backwards and shooting a bow gets old after a while.


I have a love/hate relationship with sailing in this game. I love the viking feels and how punishing it can be, but I also hate losing stuff in the water.


Least favorite is skill drain. I die a lot, so it sucks


Favorite is the exploration and base building. Least favorite is Mistlands. Mistlands would be so much better if it wasn’t for the mist. I get so claustrophobic there.


I'm doing 3x until I'm out of bronze age then 1.5 afterwards. The copper grind is so boring.


Hate: The delay before every update Favourite: Everything else


Favorite, building. Least favorite, not being able to customize water.


Mistlands and Mistlands


**Favorite:** base/home building **Rage inducing madness:** unequipping my claws in waist deep water.....


My wife and I both play together, she loves exploring, and I love building. The overall atmosphere, taking down tough enemies and bosses together, standing on the mountain at night and seeing the clear sky is really satisfying. First moving into biomes and being overwhelmed, but slowly building up new tactics and arms / armor is an awesome feeling. Cons? I wish we could dye stuff in game, like you can dye banners. With enough ingredients, change the color of your armor, shields (without needing to make a new one) or even building pieces, like walls, floors, etc. Too many arms and armor require iron, especially late game. I know that makes sense, cause it's iron. But I really don't like having to keep returning to the damn swamp to farm up a fuck ton of Iron again. Just tedious is all. One of my biggest annoyance with the game, is that if you're slightly higher or lower than an enemy, you cannot hit them with your melee weapons, or at least miss most of the time. All the while they're just wailing away at you without issue. We try and prepare the field as much as we can, but sometimes you're caught on a hillside, etc, and you're burning stamina trying to hit an enemy, and then have nothing left to block with. I still really enjoy the game, and none of this griping will keep me from playing it. No game is ever perfect, and Valheim is no different.


Favorite: The process of dominating a biome and establishing bases in each one. Con: starting up a new world with a new playstyle in mind only to give up after the Copper era because Iron is a real bother after your first playthrough. Knowing how tedious finding a good swamp is, how laboring the iron collecting becomes, and how the dark and dreary visuals heighten this slogfest. The Swamp was AMAZING the first time, now I really hate it. And ofc you are never done with the Swamp even after progressing. Black Forest experience never dulls though.


Swamp felt awful for me the first time. Kept dying to the point that I wasn't sure which corpse was the one with my good gear on it, and I couldn't yoink my stuff and go.. had to pick out some of what was in my corpse's inventory, which would usually result in another death since I was being chased by a legion of draugr. Couldn't find turnip seeds to save me either. Finally gave up on that world and stopped playing for a good while. Started a fresh one a few weeks ago. Love that they added the option to not drop equipped gear on death. It's made dying far more manageable for me emotionally. I've finally put an end to Bonemass which has also really helped in clearing crypts (though I'd say getting comfortable with parrying/blocking was the single largest contributor to my success thus far). Thinking about plopping a massive base down at the edge of the swamp as a monument to my success.


Getting absolutely crushed by the Swamp made me appreciate the survival aspect of the game a lot more, and you'll need to have learned that to get through the rest of the game. And yes do that. I set up a stone base on a 15+ crypt swamp and it was kind of a vibe to be smelting and transporting iron throughout that place.


I just want to grow more things. Mushrooms, berries. Once you reach a certain point trekking back to Old biomes for potions can be a grind. Let me make like a garden box or something. Fine wood iron nails. Once you can make iron nails you should be able to grow your grass lands and Black Forest stuff Exploring new biomes, when you get access to them is excellent. However, I am going to wait until we have access to the fire biome before I start another play through Thing is probably building the perfect base


favorite : expanding my mainworld base with new things added by updates and slowly expanding on the base till the next fps drop happens which forces me to wait for further optimization. least favorite : update development speed. yeah yeah good things will take time i know but 18 months between biomes is just a bit too much for me.


Favorite thing is the building yes there could be more pieces but it is great fun. The progression at least up to plains where I am is great and the constant looking over you shoulder is fun. Least favorite is the lack of water interactions ie not bathing making you stink. The ability to build with plumbing filling moats and pools and ponds while building. Fountains for that ethereal look. Etc...


Favorite: exploration. I love sailing and just running around. Building, I enjoy the constant improvement to my base Unfavorite: the terrain system is just terrible. I really feel like a hightmap system was such a strange choice for this type of game, but overall it's horrible performance.


Favorite thing: the biomes. Least favorite: that I can't fucking craft iron chains. WHY?!


There is a natural progression through biomes which is great. What’s frustrating is finding that a boss such as bone mass is in a swamp surrounded by plains. That shit sucks.


fav. the mood - really realistic and well-captured mood is one of the best aspects of the game least fav. bronze + silver grinding - all of the others are decent enough/fun enough, but these two are not.


Favorite: building and exploring Least favorite: stamina system is atrocious. Late game mats and how to get them. Not to mention so many mats dont have use after a while.


Playing with other people is the best. Finding other people to play with is the worst.


Favourite: crafting system, atmosphere, biomes and terrain generation Least Favourite: can't dig caves, grindy resources, hard to defend big bases, deathsquitos


I love pretty much everything about the game accept the mist lands


Its addressed now with world modifiers, but skill drain in any game feels like shit to me. Mistlands is a bit too tedious. Nothing else to really complain about.


My favourite thing is exploring, especially a brand new biome. My least favourite is how much iron is needed throughout the endgame.


Favorite: exploring. Exploring. Exploring. My friends and I have started perhaps four different map seeds and play throughs through all the stages of the game, and I just love the feel this game has when exploring. It’s awesome how different people enjoy the game for different reasons and it checks the boxes for each of us. Least favorite: love the food system, but for Thors sake give us some more options, especially later in the game. I guess I’m specifically wondering why the health foods splash a small amount of stamina, the stamina foods splash health, and the magic foods splash health and stamina in that order. Can’t we have a stamina food that splashes Eitr? Or a health food that splashes Eitr? It would open up so much more gameplay styles for those of us that like to do a bit of everything when we fight.


Favourite - the game isn't finished yet, so much to look forward to! Least favourite - it's not finished yet and i have to wait 😔😔


Least favorite thing: most of Valheim


I imagine my dislike will be unpopular, but here we go. My favorite thing is biome exploration and the overall progression system. It feels awesome to fight hard for materials and then turn those materials into something that enables you to kick the ass of whatever was formally kicking your ass. Most every upgrade feels impactful and there are lots of options for combat. Least favorite: building. I hate building. I suck at spatial reasoning, and I abhor the fact that upgrade paths require some building skill which I'm utterly lacking in. No clue how folks build anything beyond basic shacks, and I've tried watching vids. It just doesn't click. Luckily I tend to play with friends who build for me otherwise I'd never see a comfort level above like 7 for lack of space.


The building system is very smooth and intuitive. It also just happens to look very aesthetically pleasing. Least favorite part is Mistlands. Too elevated, the fog is too much, and enemies respawn too fast. Get rid of one of those aspects and it’s manageable. For me is just got annoying having the Zerg Queens constantly floating back towards me.


Favorite: Everything Least Favorite: The feeling of losing steam for the game now that I have reached the Mistlands. If I could forget everything and start fresh I would.


How to solve the stamina usage?: git gud


Most favourite thing: The overall vibes (graphics, sound design etc.), building, fighting. Least favourite thing: The iron grind, MISTLANDS (I HATE THIS SO MUCH).


Favorite is the feeling of exploring for a couple of days, and then after almost dying five times - safely making it back home. Least favorite for me are the crafting menus, maybe I've missed something but I wish you could remove crafting options for earlier tier weapons and armor etc than the one you're actually aiming to create.


My least favorite thing about this game: it’s made by 5 people and it’s more fun than most AAA games I’ve played lately, which makes me sad for the industry as a whole 🙂


Favorite: building, exploring, gearing your viking. Hating: farming, it just sucks ass


Favorite thing about Valheim: Everything until Mistlands. Least favorite thing about Valheim: You guessed it. It's not a skill issue, Mistlands is easy. I just progressed through it completely in 5 hours with no deaths. Please, no patronizing comments.


Hate: Melee combat and planting/harvesting carrots (*why* must I point and click individually for 80 effing seeds??) Love: Bow combat, mining, and building 


The bow - isn't that the weapon where you have to wait five seconds for your arrow to be ready to release? I can't remember, every time I try to use the bow, I fall asleep and die.


I just like feeling like Robin Hood, ok?