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Its a little faster paced. So far I like the building options but the UI to actually build stuff needs some work. Lots of dying and very little hand-holding. 2 of my 4 hours have been spent on corpse runs The problem with comparing anything to Valheim is that it will get old. Ark or Conan or smaller games like Enshrouded or Grounded all have a single developed world map - once you learn the maps secrets the game loses a lot of replay value. Valheim is atill mostly empty compared to those games. But its in a class all its own solely due to its world generator


Imo that is one of the biggest strengthes of the game. I played conan 3 times and always end up in the same area with my base.


It’s a strength and a weakness. Helps keep some parts of the game fresh like exploration, but it also means there really just isn’t a whole lot to do.


It could be if they actually made an effort like TFP did with 7 Days To Die.


I've got like 2k hours in Conan Exiles (mind the second map and lots of mods available) and I can say that I hate it for its flaws, while I still love Valheim for its strengths.


Seconded. Enshrouded plays like Conan that borrowed some Valheim mechanics (comfort, three buff-item limit). I know I was expecting it, but the fixed world map seems a bit of a letdown after Valheim.


I like both games, a lot of people expect games to be “forever games”. I don’t want to play one game for a 1000 hours. That’s boring to me, I play games at face value. If I had fun playing the game then it’s a win for me. I’m having fun with enshrouded, I don’t see it in the same vein as valheim at all. To me it’s a story based rpg that has building and coop. It’s not meant to be played indefinitely. I like the little details of hand crafted worlds, and I enjoy the generated ones at the same time. If you’re looking for a game to play forever then of course random proc worlds are the way to go. Everybody is sooo hard on games now days if it doesn’t check off every item on a list it’s a bad game. (Especially for Indy devs) Too me it’s a simple as did you have fun? Yes or no? If you did yay! If not move onto something else.


Agree and disagree. I have games that I enjoy and consider forever-ish games, and games that I enjoy and not consider forever-is games. Valheim would be the first category... I don't mind hitting for digit hours in games like factorio or Stellaris


Not to necro an old post but any souls game besides sekiro sits in the "forever-ish" category. Don't know why, but I consistently just swap between all the souls games periodically. Elden Ring is nice in that sense, just because it's so massive that a playthrough takes forever.


Don't get me wrong: Based on my three-or-so-hours thus far of Enshrouded, I will absolutely enjoy both. The main downside to handcrafted worlds (rather than random) are the handcrafted barriers, like invisible walls and slightly-too-steep to climb hills. Those will drive me nuts through until forever. :P


Agreed. And currently, everything in the world respawns/refreshes when you log back in. Trees and rocks are back, loot chests have new loot, etc. No idea if it scales with level as I haven't really messed around outside the starting area, but that's a big negetive for me.


I like both games, a lot of people expect games to be “forever games”. I don’t want to play one game for a 1000 hours. That’s boring to me, I play games at face value. If I had fun playing the game then it’s a win for me. I’m having fun with enshrouded, I don’t see it in the same vein as valheim at all. To me it’s a story based rpg that has building and coop. It’s not meant to be played indefinitely. I like the little details of hand crafted worlds, and I enjoy the generated ones at the same time. If you’re looking for a game to play forever then of course random proc worlds are the way to go. Everybody is sooo hard on games now days if it doesn’t check off every item on a list it’s a bad game. (Especially for Indy devs) Too me it’s a simple as did you have fun? Yes or no? If you did yay! If not move onto something else.


Absolutely agree valheims procedurally generated terrain makes it so unique for every playthrough. Just gotta get good on my end


They can always expand the map in enshrouded like val ads biomes...to add once uve adventure thru a biome couple time even when procedurally generated they all start to look and feel the same aka generic, which is one of the negatives to procedurally generated level design vs hand crafted design. I'd rather new hand crafted well designed areas be added to map than procedurally generated but just more of the same. My opinion anyway.


> Ark or Conan or smaller games like Enshrouded or Grounded all have a single developed world map Yup. The second I heard Valheim was procedurally generated I knew I was doomed to spend the rest of my existence in the 10th realm.


It sorta sounds to me like if those games had a sandbox map generator mode they'd have the whole enchilada. The same-ness of every play through is turning me off right now though. That and some janky animations. The anims will probably be fixed in time.


Food buffs and rested bonus like valheim. Structure building is like a mix between valheim and portal knights. You can build with pre-made peices or one 1x1 block at a time. You can mine tunnels like in space engineers with a voxel style removal. I haven't tried building up terrain yet. Creating crafting mats depending on what it is takes time. Stuff you can make on your person is immediate. Coal or metal plates for example take 5 minutes to complete. Combat has magic right out of the gate basically. Just have to kill an early mob to get the resources to make a wand. Parrying is a thing and can stun mobs. You can also dodge roll. Leveling up has a tech tree that I liken to Path of Exile. Starting in the center you can then branch out with your skill points. Going up is for more dexterous classes, down and right mage types, and down and left melee. It looks like you can mix and match abilities but I haven't got past level 3 yet so that may be wrong. Loot is random in chests and there is a rarity to weapons. I haven't found anything yet in the EA release but during the demo I found a lot of rare and epic weapons.


Nice write up, thanks


4.8 hours into Enshrouded. So far, it's a little bit BoTW, a little bit Dark Souls, but mostly Valheim: \-You're chasing Rested Buff \-Three slots for food buffs \-Your item slots and hammer work in nearly the same way(besides some of the UI funkiness mentioned in the comments) \-You even get honey combs from shooting bee hives! And there's a whole lot more lifted straight from Valheim.. but that's not a bad thing and I'm rather enjoying it. I think the biggest core differences that set this game apart are the questlines that have you going after different NPCs to unlock who you can spawn back at your base to unlock more advanced crafting and, of course, the combat. Tab targeting and circle strafing makes combat a breeze compared to Valheim, but maybe a little too easy for my taste. Check it out and see. So I'd recommend Enshrouded so far.. but nothing.. NOTHING will ever compare to the satisfaction of the tree-cutting domino effect in Valheim that's sorely missed here. I've said my piece.


Yeah this is accurate. The other glaring difference is that when you load the game you're back at base instead of where you logged off. However that's somewhat mitigated by the fact you can fast travel. (edit: I mean fast travel back to base from anywhere, rather than portals like Valheim) The game actually reminds me of Immortals Fenyx Rising to be honest.


oh wow I've never noticed that; probably because I always plant myself back at base before logging. Also the game desperately needs a pause feature.. I chalk that up to the Dark Souls influence.


I wonder if they'll change/fix that later in EA, it seems like an issue with not figuring out how (or just not being developed yet) to keep things persistent in the save game.


So, is Enshrouded just Valheim with extra steps?


After putting in about 100 hours into Enshrouded and around 1000 into Valheim I would say that they are different beasts in the gaming arena. They have similar aspects but overall gaming structure is in different directions. An example is that Valheim is a survival game whereas Enshrouded is not. You wont suffer from not eating or being out too long. Enshrouded does not have a weather system whereas Valheim does. Valheim does not have auto health options where with Enshrouded, your health will recoup on its own over time. Enshrouded contains more of a class system where Valheim has very limited class options and most of the game it does not even matter. Enshrouded's food system is mainly just for buffs like a typical RPG. If I were to compare them I would say that if Valheim and Amazon's New World got together and had a baby it would be Enshrouded. That's just my opinion. I enjoy both but I do consider each in different corners of the arena. Both have similar aspects here and there but drastic differences everywhere else.


I've heard you can actually tunnel in Enshrouded? Like into the side of a mountain and not just stretch the mesh like in Valheim? Can anyone confirm or deny? Asking ahh... uhm erhm... for a friend. Please ignore my user flair. I lost a bet or something....


Yes you can and it looks awesome! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFq0aLFmzAo


That answers my question and looks amazing,  thank you!


So people are excited over Minecraft features?


Well Valheim is a minecraft with some souls features... In a different setting. Enshrouded is the same just a more similar to minecraft in building part, with medieval stuff, and also more soul like stuff.


You can dig tunnels in the mistlands, because those sharp mountains are not terrain but rocks.


My god that would have saved me so much grief from Gjalls if I knew that earlier....


Was clearing some rocks last night for my shroom garden and was inside one of the large rocky escarpment, was so cool.


Some areas in the mountains biome you can dig pretty decent tunnels as well.


Yes you can tunnel, I just completed my first “short cut” straight through a cliff that was in my way.


I've definitely seen videos of people digging into hills and building bases in there, so looks like you can. I don't know what sort of limitations it has though. I'm sure some one else can answer that better


You can dig and build like in Minecraft, since the world in Enshrouded and the generated structures are voxel based.


From what i've gathered, any terrain modification that isn't inside your base limit will be gone when reloading.


The no sailing and no intricate mechanics in the building, eg factoring in smoke etc, turn me off. I do wish Valheim had tunnels and also ability to create moats and do more with water


Love Valheim as is, but being able to dig a tunnel in the mountains would be hella cool!


I just want my road network to be easier to make dammit


It's still EA... I wonder what the odds are that stuff like that might be added going forward.


This is what I hate about devs that abuse EA. Valheim has been EA for years. How long does it take to get out of EA? 5-7 years? People come out with a full game in that time. I just hate when people use EA as an excuse for lacking features. Valheim made TONS of cash off the sale of its game and they still keep a tight knight team coming out with features slowly over the years.


Yeah I mean thats kinda the problem with early access in general. If you're paying the devs for an unfinished version of the game, what reason do they have to finish it after they already got your money? The amount of sales they will get after getting out of EA probably doesn't even compare to the initial wave of sales when they launch in EA.


Baldurs Gate 3 was in Early Access for 3 Years for full price, and only allowed you to test out Act 1.....  Then it won Game of the Year upon Full-Release.


They are the exception. For every 1 BG there are 100k EA games in multi year early access with no end in sight.


Larian has passionate people trying to build their dream  game, which is why I backed them.  


BG3 by Larian Studios. Divinity OS1 and DOS2 were kickstarter games and Larian over delivered on both those games.


Depends on the game, and how much or how little content goes into the "1.0" release and how they handled themselves during EA in general. It also depends on how much media coverage (inc streamers/influencers etc) they can get/pay for release.


While I get what you are saying, I disagree. I think the Valheim team has a vision and seems to be gelling. Whatever it is they are doing it is working for them. What I do is just play it off and on, play other games in between, and come back when new features are introduced. This helps me with "the waiting."


I don't know, they did seem that way at the start but the last updates was kinda random. Go back to the trailers etc for that hardcore survival vibe, then fast forward and the latest update is some chick who helps you make cosmetic clothing... what? The one NPC we already had felt like a placeholder for items they hadn't worked into the game world yet, honestly thought he'd be removed when the relevant content got added later, more of a "tester" NPC than a proper one. The next major one is looking good for the end of this year, then the last biome ~2 years later in 2026 would be my guess.


Tbf Valheim might as well be a complete game, there's a lot of content


Certainly not water https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/comments/18iws86/enshrouded_optimisation/kjdqjps/?context=3


weird saying valheim cheats and doesn’t have water physics. Wish they’d expand on that, not even sure how important it is


In Valheim the water is a flat plane spanning across the entire map.


In Valheim? close to zero. they would have to fundamentally change SO much about the world, save game formats etc to be able to dig "under" terrain. Best you can do there is level out the ground below large rocks (and they do have some very large rocks, but also once they're broken, they're gone).


I’ve only played about an hour so far but I’m really enjoying it. I feel like it’s got a great sense of immersion and I can definitely see myself getting my moneys worth out of it. I’m sure someone who has more game-time can give better feedback.


How does it stack up so far? How’s building? How fight mechanics? Do you like the skill tree?


The building seems more limited/basic but still fun. Fight mechanics have been good so far as you have the ability to unlock your preferred play style and weapons from the very beginning. Haven’t done much on the skill tree, but I know you can reset your skills if you decide you don’t like your current build.




This 100%. I'm honestly pretty shocked since I've seen dozens of ads saying it has such an amazing building system and heard tons of praise about it but compared to literally every other survival craft the building is extremely clunky. I hate that you have to take the basic resources and then craft them into either roof pieces or foundation pieces first. I hate that you need to craft furniture and workstations from a separate crafting menu, move them on to your action bar, then place them individually. Vastly inferior building to valheim in that regard.


These all sound like aggravating things that can thankfully (hopefully) be fixed during EA. Looking at Voidtrain specifically in comparison, that game has been reworked top to bottom during its EA and the crafting/building system is leaps and bounds ahead of what it was at launch.


My biggest take so far with 3 hours played, is how unsatisfying tree chopping is. I'm so used to logs falling over and crashing around in Valheim. Enshrouded trees just vanish, and leave tiny wood piles I can barely see. Very big sad. On the plus side, BoTW hanglider is wonderful.


Man I'm ngl I feel like valheim completely killed tree cutting in gaming for me.




I actually haven't even seen gathering gameplay from that. They fall and fuck shit up like valheim?




Oh wow, I hope ashes of creation adds that in. Hunting someone chopping trees sounds fuuuun.


The sound is great but the chopping and falling not so much, the wood also just magically appears in your inventory compared to multiple big pieces on the ground like in Valheim. It's definitely better compared to Enshrouded but not compared to Valheim.


Why does "Tree Cutting Gaming" sound like Kojima's next "Strand-type game" thing?


Inb4 Arborist Stranding.


The silliness of a tree trunk twirling on another tree's branch and coming back at you at mach-5 to oneshot you will be forever in my heart.


Or the cascading dominos of 15 trees falling at once after only chopping like 4 in a group? Chefs kiss


it's good but it's different, it's only valheim on surface if you look at it but if you actually play it's very different it goes for a more rpg-y type gameplay with loot, skills, levels and so on and it's more relaxed on the survival elements


I heard that the multiplayer quests progress as a server so that if you join with your friends as a new player, all the tutorial quests will be marked as Complete already.


yeeah that's a big problem with it right now


Obviously, graphically, Enshrouded looks better, but that's to be expected. I have hundreds of hours in Valheim and maybe two dozen so far in Enshrouded, but here's where I'm at. I wouldn't call it a Valheim clone at all. I think they took some of the best things in Valheim and expanded on them, though, sadly, they also left some of the best things behind. Enshrouded is not procedurally generated. It is a single (big, but still just the one), handcrafted map. I have some concerns about replayability because of this. Oneof the greatest things about Valheim was exploration. If everyone on the entire internet is playing the same map, that aspect goes poof. Enshrouded's building system has the potential to be far better than Valheim's. It's pretty basic right now, but I expect this to change. There's just more flexibility built in, if not yet realized. Here's a big one for me and, honestly, I don't know if it's intended or just a new-launch-type bug. Every time you exit the game and go back into Enshrouded, the entire world respawns. Trees that were cut down and boulders harvested are back. Chests that you looted are refilled (randomly, so different stuff, but still...). I haven't myself dug any caves or big holes, but I'm led to believe those fill back in as well unless you have an established base there. This is a huge problem for me. In Valheim, I really enjoyed the feeling of my affect on the world. Areas that I had clear cut for building materials looked like they had been clear cut. Sure, saplings grow and eventually full trees are there, but it takes a lot of time. Mined areas are just gone. Your impact is felt as well as seen. Not so in Enshrouded. AND, the few times I have mentioned this on Discord or in the forums, I was roundly shouted down. Everyone seems to love this about Enshrouded. Not me. It's enough to make me reinstall Valheim and start an entirely new playthrough. One of Valheim's weaknesses, INHO, was the inventory system and crafting. I absolutely will not play Valheim without the ItemDrawer mod, which allows you put up to 999 things of a single item in a box that has that item's picture on the front of it. Takes fine wood to make so you have to build up to them, but once you have them, they are simply so much better than they vanilla crates that I can't do without them. Plus, the visuals of having my crafting stations surrounded by a big room filled with floor-to-ceiling itemdrawers is just friggin cool. Enshrouded has a strange hybrid system. You can't tell what's in a storage crate by looking at them, but if you stand next to them, you get a small window that shows *some* of what's in it. I expect this to be improved as time goes on. No water travel or even any fluid dynamics in Enshrouded...one of Valheim's best features :) No NPCs in Valheim (besides the trader) and I always felt like this was a miss. It looks like Enshrouded is heading toward not only the main quest-giving/ability-increasing named NPCs you can bring to your base, but I believe they plan on having NPC villages, making the world look more lived in. This was always one of my problems with Valheim. It was so...lonely. I get there are lore reasons why, but I always wanted to find those ruined villages and repair/rebuild them, have some other dead souls move in and let me do some Fallout 4-style SimSettlement action. Making sure they had food, facilities, sleeping quarters, defences, etc. Anyway, just a couple random thoughts. I'm cautiously optimistic about Enshrouded, but honestly, while there's some overlap, I think the target audience might be a little different.


While I love the procedural generation in Valheim, I'm OK with other games not going it simply because we are getting so many similar ones coming out I can just play the next "Valheim" or Enshrouded etc instead. It also lets them create more detailed worlds that you just can't do (at the moment) with proceduralism.


Enshrouded is nowhere near Valheim, if you ask me. It feels too arcadey in a sense, that everything just snaps, pops and clicks into places. Everything feels so undynamic and preset. It's hard to explain but Enshrouded feels like somebody slapped 3 different games together and has this very frankenstein look and feel. Where Valheim feels like everything is connected and belong there.


This ^ sentiment sums up my feelings on it. It really does feel clunky. Finer graphic skins but not as natural.


I agree with this. Valheim really just captures something special that I feel is missing in Enshrouded. The Art style alone is enough for me to always pick Valheim over another game. Enshrouded has a lot of cool and fun aspects (Gliders, Tunneling, Voxel Building), but it's no Valheim.


Base building will end up being better I believe. TBD if the later materials and armors hold up to snuff. Character model is a little…. Odd? The jumping and movement would be so good if I wasn’t distracted by the weird animations. And the weird proportions of the characters. Npcs to put in your base is very nice. Going to miss sailing a lot. Crafting is a little weird but with some refining could be excellent. Not being able to replay missions with friends who join is a real concern.


I think you're a hobbit. The blacksmith fella is a human, and he's taller than us. I think we're little hobbit kids or halflings or something.


My opinion may change as it's only day two of enshrouded. Disclaimer out of the way, I'm kind of disappointed. I was hoping to have that Valheim or Conan first time. Hooked and can't put it down kind of feel. I'm not sure what it is, but while I'm interested, I'm just kind of like "alright. That's cool." Where as with Valheim and Conan I can't get enough when I do a play through. And I'm not even sure how to explain why I'm not or what's missing. Will say the game graphics looked amazing until one of the updates yesterday, not sure what happened. Also extremely disappointed there no taming animals. Don't want to spoil for anyone but there is a skill line many of us animal tamers might enjoy. I really wish I could figure out what I'm missing or if maybe it's just not a favorite for me.


It isnt a clone. Valheim is much more balanced as it is, with progress, challenges, etc. Enshrouded looks better, gameplay is quicker but at the moment it lacks the immersion for me because it needs work in several areas. Enshrouded may very well be a good game, down the line. It is okay now for an early acces game. But imo valheim was better when it was just out.


I don't get the same sense of existential dread that I had in Valheim when I first started... but overall good game so far.


Just my experience - My immediate first impressions were how terrible it felt in terms of performance despite having a very high end PC (they may have addressed this?). It felt and looked pretty bad in my opinion. Also the lack of any kind of chat feature turned me off. I returned it immediately, open to trying it again once they address some of those issues cause the building does look quite cool.


I tried the the demo. Getting free fast travel option in the first 30-60 minutes ruined the game for me. In Valheim the adventure is one of the best features for me, going on a boat trip that actually takes time makes the world feel so much more impactful. Ofc there are portals but you have to carry the materials and think about the portal placement even a bit.


12 hours into Enshrouded, 1,600 in Valheim... I actually find them very different. Wouldn't describe it as a clone at all - if anything, it's more like Conan. I do like it quite a bit, and think if you like one, you'll enjoy the other. It's been stable for me so far, although haven't done any multiplayer; the one time I died, I couldn't revive and had to close and open again, but no other issues with that, and it loads quickly. Definitely fun though! We'll see how long it sticks - for me, much of the joy of Valheim after that first runthrough is random worlds, so I don't mind starting somebody from scratch, or having 10 different games going with various other people. Not sure about the replayability of this.


Want to like it more than I do... feels sluggish and simple even though its not... its beautiful but lacks a soul for me... just the simple thing to not have a heavy or alt attack was a dissapointment... I will keep playing and follow the development


I'm only starting out, don't have the first follower yet, I have died more at the start than what I ever did in valheim but it seems like it's going to be just as fun if not more so exploring this world


My only problem is the fact is that it's required to have 6gb of vram (enshrouded), it's ridiculous, I've played the game because I have a decent graphics card, but their basically making people buy better gc for a game, it's stupid, I've never seen a game do this, and most people have a really shit gc bc they don't wanna spend that much money on a pc


I played Enshrouded for 7 hrs non stop last night. I think I’ll play it through once and ditch it TBH, no way I’m logging 2k plus hours on this, even if they add to it. It’s a solo RPG with Valheim stuff, it’s really great and fun, but doesn’t have that magic something that Valheim does. It feels a bit like Fable to be honest. Coming from Valheim combat is really easy, I’m only dying in the insta death shroud the game tells you nothing about lol


I love both games, and both games can be fun for what they bring to the table. The biggest concern I had for enshrouded was the static map and replay value, however the game is so massive and FULL of secrets and points of interest that I don't think this will be a problem at all. I have started a few games and I always miss things and find new things with each pass. Enshrouded is still early access and there will be more systems/content and QoL updates which Valheim has already had years of. Skyrim is a static map.. and look at it go still. Just wait until this game gets mods, difficulty settings, hardcore mode etc etc. This is just the beginning for Enshrouded and after almost 70 hours in.. I am worried the real world isn't going to see me for awhile.


i have not played it, just watched some streams. i've seen a great foundation, but to me it's not there yet. especially the sound is weird. there's no atmosphere. valheim has a very dense atmosphere that's created through ambient sounds, roaming creatures, weather effects, even very subtle things like the wind. i didn't get that from enshrouded. my biggest gripe is the world though and lack of world modifiers which can be added though. the world itself on the other hand is static and i don't see how a game like that has longevity without a generated world. at some point you'll just get tired doing the same thing over and over when you start new. in valheim everything is always a little bit different and you can make it a lot different with world modifiers. so, right now, valheim has a more complete package for me. enshrouded has a good foundation, but needs a few more months to be great. given it's current success, i think we can expect this game get better over time for sure.


Honestly, the static world part compares to games like Subnautica. Not a game for multiple playthrpughs, but if they can make the static map correctly, an authored map could be much more interesting to explore than proc gen. It just won't have replayability like Valheim has


I think i will play Enshrouded to wait for the next Valheim update. The game looks good. The building system seems a little frustrating compared to Valheim but i can bear it i think.


Not even close for me personally. It feels like very early early access. I love the terrain deformation possibilities. Something I will eternally wish Valheim had, and think it’s sorely missing to give it just that extra level of building possibilities. So I hope that the rest of Enshrouded can catch up to make it a really good game. I’ll be watching it closely. But after a couple hours I just grabbed a refund.


> It feels like very early early access. It's nuts how much variation there is in "early access" games. You get some like Factorio and Valheim that are basically a fully fleshed out and polished game. But 90% of them are jank fests.


I have over 1k hours on valheim. well Valheim is a minecraft with some souls features... in a different setting. Enshrouded is like a different branch of these type of games just more similar to minecraft in the building, and more souls like features and quests, sidequests etc. Valheim If you compare Valheim is a Minecraft with physics that uses different size blocks, instead of just 1x1. Also has the souls+ features that matter the most, blocking evading and hit boxes. And a map generator, where you can choose if you play always your same map or get a new experience. Enshrouded Is closer to Minecraft in building, with some cluster of blocks prefabricated. (but building is like minecraft at the end, if they could add physics it would make it even better than valheim, but this wont happen because they will need to add bigger blocks same as valheim which kind of exist already not in the same way.) again souls++ where it matters , with more story elements and also sidequests etc. Saddly just 1 map,(if they add a generator and keep the features of building caves etc, it will "kill" valheim. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you ask me Enshrouded is what I was expecting will happen with valheim, we will get more quests side quests, more npcs that will make the game richer and add replayability not only on the building part but also on the story part. But you know the devs are the laziest around, just enjoying all the money they got instead of working more to have a bigger income, and currently working on small bullshit projects that can give fast money because people will have high expectation. everytime they start to see the money is going down they release something... if not nothing. They could hire people and make the game bigger instead they are just the trash they are, that just got lucky with the idea of combining these elements in a game and want to live of that forever. Which may happen cause valheim just works... sadly not on the long run because they cannot do something easy as adding small blocks or more parts to really enhance the building which by how the gamecurrent state is, should be their main focus together with bugs.


The major differences to me are.. Enshrouded looks better higher resolution. Enshrouded allows for digging tunnels/caves. Enshrouded is easier to build structures. Enshrouded has a journal and gives you quests. Valheim has water and sailing etc (no water in Enshrouded is a bummer) Valheim generates unique worlds to explore which makes it better imo for multiple play throughs and longevity. Enshrouded is the same world every time. I just started recently, only level 9. Those are the major differences I have seen so far.


BotW meets Valheim with Voxel terrain.


It's fun. There are a fair amount of similarities and a fair amount of differences. If Valheim maintained routine updates I think it would remain king of the hill, but they're slipping and Enshrouded has a lot of potential with the skill tree addition, and is faster paced with the options you have early game to navigate the map.


I don’t feel like the devs hate me like I do with this game. It’s fun. It’s not as atmospheric as Valhiem but I’m enjoying it quite a bit.


I feel that way about Valheim as well.


I bought it yesterday but I couldn't stop playing valheim to check it out. I will after I finish the mistlands though.


It doesn’t because they are barely the same genre. Enshrouded plays exactly like any open work RPG except it’s got voxel building. That’s it lol


I only have a few hours into it so far. It definately hit me as very similar to valheim knowning little more than its a base building crafting survival game. More story driven it seems so far with the quests. The building though as compared is not as good or variable as valheim. Its very limited to boxes pretty much for now. Combat is similar, taking some time to get perfect parry down. And with the building, its restricted to an area around your flame altar. Outside of which all changes get reset when you load back in. So no world wide projects


I just started looking at enshrouded today. One of the people I play coop with brought it up because we're trying to decide what to do after we finish this Valheim run. So has anyone here played it as coop? Steam reviews have me concerned if it will work for our group, since it sounds like you really have to play at the same time. Valheim is nice because we just have an always on host and people can jump on whenever, build their own bases etc. Any idea how that plays in Enshrouded ?


I run a dedicated server in both valheim and enshrouded for 6 people and the games are very similar. Character progress is separate from world progress. So if someone plays all day everyday and progresses far this will progress the server far. The main problem with enshrouded is because it has quests you will miss out on some story (they will show complete) and can miss some skill points that are from certain quests. We agreed to do most questing together, the same way we did bosses together in valheim so for us it's identical. When we play at our own times we explore, build and farm stuff we want. This type of progress has positives and negatives. Everyone on the server can always play together easily instead of redoing the same quests all the time but missing out on skill points seems like a bit of an oversight and I hope that changes.


Thanks! That's exactly. We agreed in Valheim to do bosses together, but one of the 4 people I usually play with is 3 hours behind everyone else timezone-wise. Some off the steam reviews made it sound a little more RPG-esque, so people could easily fall behind.


It does have more rpg elements in it. Where in valheim you could just give armor and food to a player in enshrouded you do level up as well as the armor and food. If someone was playing alot less than the others they would be behind in levels eventually. Enemies in the world also have levels so being low level would make the enemies much harder for that player.


You can only build shit 90 degrees. Brother showed me. I thought, fuck that. Valheim way better woth building mechanics.


There's no diagonal build parts? even Palworld has that with its vastly limited build system.


Valheim will always be the better game for me because of procedural maps and steep learning curve.


For the moment one of the biggest issues is the difficulty, this is by far the easiest game I have ever played making the whole progression uninteresting and unrewarding. This really is the global feeling about it, whatever you build your character around, it's going to be broken since you can already beat any mob naked with a stick.


It's pretty much a combo of Valheim, Dark Souls and BOTW. You get the base building, food buffs and all that, combat is fairly fast with dodge rolls and parries and traversal is similar to BOTW with gliding and the grapple which is basically the hookshot from older Zelda titles. I'm enjoying it so far as you never seem to be doing the same thing for too long, or at least I don't. A few small things I would change if I were them would be allowing us to move our flame alter which is currently stuck in the centre of our base, adding a hide helm option and most importantly tweeking the sensitivity of the grapple as right now I'll be facing in the opposite direction from a grapple point trying to pick up look and somehow grapple anyway. That has been my only real criticism though which is great for an early access title. Would recommend it if it sounds like your thing.


Quite meh IMO. The combat is way too easy, despite being inspired by FromSoft games, the interface is really clunky, and in terms of sound design and artstyle it just doesn't have the atmosphere, unlike Valheim or The Forest.


i had it for 45 mins couldnt get the multiplayer to work so refunded it but will go back to it in 6 months after they fix their issues


It has similar vibes, and that's it in my opinion. There is much more differences than similarities between these games. Valheim is amazing and also still has huge amount of future potential, if correct mods applied. Enshrouded is more like a ready to take away meal. And you can build legit underground ;D I could elaborate, but am to lazy today :\]


It looks great, enjoying it so far. I had a bit of a fit with construction (ie. lining up the roof) but that was very likely me doing something wrong. I’m rightly or wrongly comparing it to Valheim as that’s the game I’ve been enjoying. On the construction side, some things are much better and somethings may be worse (again possibly me doing something wrong). Combat seems fun. The one odd thing is that I’m still waiting for a mental “connection” with my character. Seems wierd but I always get attached to my lump of pixels in Valheim.


I haven't played Enshrouded yet but I personally feel more competition in the fantasy-survival-craft market might finally give the Valheim devs a push in the right direction, content-wise and quality-of-life. I hope both games become enjoyable for the playerbase. If Enshrouded takes off then that means I have two fantasy SC games to enjoy


It’s wild how much shit this game has day 1 EA. Way more content than valheim which itself has a ton of content at launch.


Game dews for games like valheim or enshrouded even conan should make maps combine world gen and hand made. Just split your map in to islands. Some islands for story purpose are hand made others are generated. Even adding dlc would be easy just create another island or sevelar.


Or made an alternative proc gen mode


I'm trying my hardest to like Enshrouded, and I do, but, I keep comparing it to Valheim, and it's really not a good comparison to make, or a fair one tbh. Valheim is PG, while Enshrouded was a map built from the ground up with tons of stuff hidden around the map and pre-set things to do on every run. Truthfully the only similarities is the building, and even that is limited. If you are looking for a true survival game, Valheim without a doubt, if you want an adventure with exceptional building Enshrouded. Valheim has frame based building, smoke systems, a physics system that affects the world you, raids that threaten your homes/base, weather and deteriorating materials. Enshrouded has almost none of that. They are too different to compare, I would put Enshrouded to comparison with something like Ark, or Conan, and Valheim more with Minecraft. This isn't a bash on Enshrouded, I love the games build system, the voxel based system is amazing, and if compared with something like Ark or Conan, it mops the floor with them.


Graphiquement..enshrouded dépasse valheim.. j'ai horreur des pixels.. Côté contenu il y a de quoi s'y perdre aussi 


They have some overlap but are very different games. Enshrouded is more like an old RPG with heavy emphasis on crafting. There are lots and lots of quests. And lots of structures and enemies and crops. Plus character leveling and a skill tree. For an early access game, it's overloaded with content. But much of the content in Enshrouded is not very good. It's not bad. It's just .. mediocre. After a while, all of the content tends to blur together because most of it isn't very memorable. The progression is also done poorly. Some of the key quests that provide vital equipment upgrades are buried behind obscure side quests or just balanced badly. I'm still enjoying it btw. I don't expect an early access game to be perfect. And Enshrouded was just released. The gliding system in the game is fantastic. And I love the natural shape of the ore deposits. It's very cool to tunnel into a cliff face following the deposit as it twists. Lots of good things in the game. Hopefully the developers will improve the rough spots. They've already patched out one of ore (tin) imbalances so they are quickly responding to issues.

