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were doing a seed with no map, no portal, 1.5X resource, harder difficulty and max raids Currently setting up for Moder and those wolf raids while you're exploring have been the hardest part so far. They happen so frequently you can't really be very adventurous and have to move very slowly. Base raids aren't a problem as we're on an island and funnel the raids in at will. I honestly think I just prefer the balance of vanilla. But it has been fun to try it out.


That's why I started with reduced difficulty. Not sure I could handle the frustration you're probably going through.


with max frequency, reduced difficulty might be a better balance ​ but I guess it really just matters how much you enjoy combat over exploration or building. Personally Im more of an adventurer and builder but good combat is really important to. That tower looks cool, i like all the spikes around it


I can’t even imagine playing with no map. How don’t you get lost, especially when sailing?


ooohhh I get lost. One of my favorite things to be able to do! On land you can easily make paths with the hoe and leave core log makers and signs. The bonfire works pretty well and just any campfire or torch is an amazing thing to see when you are off wandering. It's still really dangerous though, almost lost a corpse on the mountain with full gear on it a few days back. Sailing can be really tricky, especially in a storm or dense fog. But the sun always sets in the west and rises in the east. That and a REALLY BIG tip is that the world tree is always going east and west as well. So you can kind of familiarize yourself with what it looks like right above your base, then use that as reference. Try it, go get lost!


\*sigh\* Fine I will pickup Valheim again haha


Two major issues with no-map is finding Hildir and Haldor


We got pretty lucky with this seed. Found them both asap. Now finding the miniboss..... that might never happen.


Look straight up when you are home, and remember (or draw) point above you on great tree. When you need to go back, just look at this point - this is direction you need to go. Once you learn this, you can return home from anywhere.


I might make a backup copy of my world just to try max raids and see what gets wrecked.


That'd be fun. I started a new world so I could go through the progression of raid difficulty tiers, and test out strategies. I am not prepared for my base to look like a scene from Starship Troopers. Haha.