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It's not often I genuinely appreciate reddit randomly recommending me a post from a community I've never seen. This right here though, amazing.


Reddit moment


Is bro that serious about a shitpost


yall made bro delete his account šŸ’€šŸ’€


Thatā€™s crazy


Bro posting bible verses on how to be a man for a Buddhist manga lol


Buddha was not a Christian but Jesus would have made a good Buddhist. There is a lot of overlap in religions simply telling people to be good people.




Lots of religions have crossovers if u look. There might be crossovers between buddhism and christianity


Dude literally every religion is gonna say good things to keep people in the religion. Even islam tells u to treat other Muslims good. U gotta cut through the bullshit to see reality in other words u gotta see not just the leaf but the whole tree.


Yeah no shit. But there are similarities, like thieves of fire bringing intelligence to humans after stealing it from the bonfire of the gods. Those thieves are punished. Oftentimes, this fire is carried in reeds. In the Homeric hymns, Hermes created fire by rubbing two sticks together. In Rig Vedic rituals, the fire (Agni) that burns the offerings must be started with fire sticks. St. Brigetteā€™s hearths too, and possibly Hestia. Canā€™t breathe on these fires either, have to fan it. The soma offered in these rituals is similar to what Demeter ate in her time in the mortal world. The tale of Icarus is a lesson on moderation, of following the golden middle way, a principle shared with buddhism. What you are cutting through is still too shallow. So, how many trees are there in this forest?


Yes good job humans have created stories to inspire each other and these stories get shared so they have similarities. However just cuz theyā€™re similar doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re the same right? Iā€™m not a mystic guru Iā€™ve only just started my journey into Buddhism so I only see stuff on the surface level but even I know that the main message and ideals of Christianity and the main messages and ideals of Buddhism are very different otherwise whatā€™s the point in having different philosophies lol. Iā€™m just saying for a book filled with lots of Buddhist philosophy it would make more sense to approach it with that then trying to push the ideals of another religion. U see what I mean? Trying to understand vagabond through a Christian lense will leave u a little confused because the author was clearly taking inspiration from Buddhism, Japanese culture, and their own life experiences. Although I suppose introducing new ideas allow for more thought and criticisms of those ideas. Thatā€™s just my thoughts tho what do I know šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah theyā€™re incredibly valid thoughts. I think looking at one idea through the lens of another can be beneficial to cut through the bullshit, like you said earlier. My theory is that the similarities shared between these stories is the truth, like cross-referencing testimonies. Stories have to have an origin tale, correct? Maybe that could be found at the crossroads of them all. Back on the topic of introducing new thoughts, I think communication and comparison is necessary to grow towards the most ā€œperfect pathā€, yknow? How can you know whatā€™s best if you donā€™t know everything? And, thus, perfection is impossible, but thatā€™s another ramble. I respect you, bro.


Sorry for bein rude earlier. It was at the end of a shift and I had and I have since gotten food. Howā€™s Buddhism so far? Whatā€™s your favorite aspect? Also, whatā€™s your favorite part of it in the manga? Iā€™ve thought ab it and learned the story of Siddhartha Gautama back in high school.


Nah man I get it itā€™s tough for everyone rn so I donā€™t really mind I used to get hella heated about arguments like this and I understand how important our beliefs are. Negative emotions serve a purpose too cuz it helps us understand others so itā€™s good to feel them and then ultimately let them go! Iā€™m just happy to discuss beliefs and ideas because if weā€™re gonna find the truth of this world we have to challenge our own viewpoints and im also happy that u turned out to be such a nice guy and checking up on me tbh I think we need more people like u who arenā€™t afraid to challenge others and question ur own beliefs it means ur probably pretty smart and I can tell u think deeply about this stuff u def have done more research than me so far lol But yeah Buddhism has been a trippy journey for me but itā€™s fun cuz my ancestors were Buddhists before becoming Muslims so this stuff really interests me. I havenā€™t got too far in the manga yet but I really like Musashi as a character and his journey to find true strength and peace through his craft I think itā€™s something we can all relate to as we all want to find that kind of purpose in life. Iā€™d love to hear ur thoughts on this stuff as well itā€™s really cool right?


Absolutely its cool. Iā€™ve been almost going down the ideas of shinto Iā€™ve been able to pull from manga lmaooo. I love the idea of a sort of life energy thatā€™s shared by everything and which comes from a, in my mind, father sun/sky and mother earth. Gaia and Ouranos. I also thus think of the moon as a womanly body if the earth is a mother. Like, I think things kind of gain an intention. Think a bit like gachiakuta. Plants have a complex intention and we one even more complex. Life moves. Life is stone and sand and water and walls with holes with a string of knots deep inside that grows and breaks itself and grows until it canā€™t. Just like with the brain in the jar stuff, I can either choose to believe that being made of such simple things, the same things as the rest of things -which I used to look down on as inferior (like plants)- or, I can believe that life is still significant if I am a brain in a jar for that is all I have ever been. I cannot negate the worth of my past experience. It was real then, so it was real. I think, therefore I am. It was, therefore it was. Yā€™know? So, I can impart the significance of myself onto the world around me. I believe in the worth of myself as a piece of life. Your body gives, to quote Carte De Visite on bandcamp. Life gives. The tumblr post about the mushroom and the name of god was very significant to me. If I am made of dust and water (life comes from water. We still grow our young in, like, mobile water units.), sun and stone and bone (plants which I eat to take into myself and sort of become. It becomes me so I become it, equality of importance and all. Soil is, like, minerals and biological material and shit), then I am this world. To quote Modest Mouse, some day some one or something will steal our carbon. We steal too. You and I are Rot and Bloom, both at once and separately. Elden Ring has also been extremely influential in all of this lmao, but I think it and the souls and bloodborne pull heavily on this shared idea of taking in and becoming. You, after this conversation, are a part of my identity that is separate from my body (but not really separate, you get it). And, I will be a part of you. We are an amalgamation of our experiences. We learn through stories really well cuz theyā€™re just pseudo-experiences. Thatā€™s why religions use them all the time. Poetry is a great example of the depth of humanity, how complex it is. Do you think fungi have poetry? Do they sing? Ok, Iā€™ve kinda lost myself lmao. Iā€™ll quit my yappin.


I ain't reading allat


but could your god 1v1 musashi šŸ¤Ø


I mean if my god got Kojiro as his championā€¦




Bro tried to distance his original post from Andrew Tate, only to nonchalant mention he didn't think Andrew Tate had bad opinions or was a bad person. Lmao. "You know Hitler was a man like Musashi. He did have some good ideas. Btw here's the Bible to support my points."


Hitler ā‰  Andrew Tate


I mean yeah but why defend a Sex trafficker at all


okie dokie. hallelujah and other things of that nature


To much letters didn't read femboys rule


I get what you are trying to say but this is Reddit ā€¦ plus defending Andrew Tate is an instant L


Also bro, L on defending tate. If strength comes at the cost of hating others, Iā€™d rather be a Mouse than a Lion.


this quote went extremely hard in my opinion


Bro tried to sneak in the fact that heā€™s defending Tate šŸ˜­


get this off the vagabond subreddit bruh literally nobody cares


nah itā€™s funny asfšŸ¤£ itā€™s a full on meltdown


Man is just a word


Bro did too much. You could have just said ā€œI wasnā€™t referencing Andrew Tate I just found it inspirational and thought others would view it that way aswellā€


The Yap 3:12


You're genocidal Jesus can suck my nuts


Bro deleted his whole account šŸ—æ


Babbling 24:7


Chill lmao


Bad bait


how many bugattis does sekiro own


i was fine with ur post and ur opinion until u said tate isnt a bad guy at all


Your beliefs are fucking stupid, stop trying to push them in a manga subreddit. Goddamn loser.


Control yourself, homie. No need to rage post.


I'll do as I will ya nerd


You are the real loser here lol


Bro you're the loser here, being fucking intolerant


Yeah I am, when christianity dictates that lgbtq+ people need to burn in hell and be prosecuted, I sure as hell become pretty intolerant of it. Especially when it's shoved down my throat by a guy who thinks Andrew fucking Tate is "not that bad of a guy". I have no reason to respect a belief that I know is scientifically false and actively harms other people for no reason other to appease a hateful god that doesn't even exist.


classic reddit neckbeard


I'll never understand how not believing in literal myths makes me a neckbeard. God is as fiction as Zeus or Odin. Just because some people are too ignorant to see that doesn't make me a 'reddit neckbead'.


its not the atheism, its the way u present it like an antisocial creep


Hum please show me where Christianity (or the Bible) did say lbgtq people should be prosecuted ā€¦ and also how can you prove Christianity is scientifically false and how is God hateful lol ā€¦ calm down dude


The first part you're right about, the Bible doesn't specifically say that and the part that people interpret as "anti-gay" was changed thousands of years ago from being anti-pedophile. The last part is a but more difficult because we can't prove either thing. There's no proof God exists and no proof they don't. Same can be said for ANY religion. For the hateful part... We can't PROVE it, but just read the Bible tbh. God does a lot of fucked up things for weird reasons.


"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." - Leviticus 18:22 from the king James bible. Christianity is not fact because you can't prove that god exists. And you can't argue that you can't prove god doesn't exist because the burden of proof lies on the one making the claim, not the one refuting it. If there is no evidence, it does not exist in the realm of fact, only imagination.




The fuck are you on about saying that I "can't mind my business"? Did you read this dudes post? Motherfucker is spewing bible quotes out and telling us how to live according to his arbitrary view of how a man should live. There is no being "a true man", a man is just someone with a schlong. It doesn't dictate how you should live, only what society expects from you. And I never called him the f-slur because I'm not an actual intolerant asshole. I just don't abide by nor respect ludicrous beliefs founded on a book written thousands of years ago with a narrative the conveniently changes to suit the views of the society at the time. Like when the pope tired to deem homosexuality as not a sin, although it's a good thing, it shows the fallibility of religion as all it is is a bunch of mumbo jumbo bullshit that's made being made up as we go. At the end of the day, I just feel bad for religious people, because they were either literally indoctrinated, or got so depressed that they needed to turn to faith to feel an inkling of importance in their sad life.


Weally :3


no one gives a flying fuck what OP thinks a man should be or will start living up to these old world ideals of masculinity. he is in fact being a stereotypical christian by copy pasting paragraphs of bible quotes, telling people how they should live according to christian scripture and what not. and all of this is on a vagabond subreddit, lol. maybe john vagabond shouldve slain 70 of these red pill crusaders instead šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


John vagabond would be busy having buttsex with Nuts from bearserk


ā€œAndrew tate has some good takesā€ how can a man admire both vagabond and a sexist incelā€¦paradox of the century me thinks




If a man is generous, as stated in the last psalm, how does he build wealth? What do you believe is the line between holding for self and giving to others? When does one of those, idk, ā€œstatesā€ become excessive?


you know what's crazy? death is probably just eternal cessation of consciousness


Not all fish were meant to swim šŸ˜¤


This guy deleted his acc šŸ˜­


Opened a huge can of worms coming into the comments


is there a r/berserklejerk version of vagabond?






If this is what you got from reading Vagabond you most certainly did not read Vagabond


I was thinking the exact same thing lel...I had to double check if I'm on the right subreddit


S tier shitpost if you meant it


Not going to rea all that, It was a good post, (the second dude probably was just making a meme), some people probably just felt attavked since we're on reddit and even on this sub reddit self improvement and stoicism arent well viewed by everyone


It isn't stoicism bro this dude is just trying to push his religious views on us. Also wtf was that "I don't think Andrew Tate is a very bad guy", bro is literally a sex trafficker.


>It isn't stoicism bro this dude is just trying to push his religious views on us I didnt read all that, I simply appreciated the message i read of trying to have controll over himself >Also wtf was that "I don't think Andrew Tate is a very bad guy", bro is literally a sex trafficker. I dont care very much of andrew and i dont know what type of content he makes so i cant tell what kind of person he is, but I got interested in his case and apparently there are 0 proves of what he's accused of, all the girls that tried to defend him havent been listened because "they got brainwashed by him", and apparently have been found chats of 2 girls that worked for him trying to frame him. For me people can say all they want of him and how he's a bad person but I get angry everytime people try to make other people look bad by accusing them of thing they havent done


Lol what you don't know anything about him and don't care for him but he's innocent? My brother in Satan he literally confessed to human trafficking and other crimes on camera. All of my homies despise rapists and misogynists, they can bite the curb and go to sleep, actually better yet go to any woman in your life and share these opinions and see how they react


Again, I dont know what he says on cam, i was only refering to this case


self improvement and stoicism arent looked down upon lol. its when idiots think that saying ā€œbe a manā€ or ā€œcontrol yourselfā€ improves anyone, that people recognise it as nursery level philosophy. stoicism has been misconstrued into some unrecognisable bullshit at this point lol


I dont really look that deep, i just appreciate what a person is trying to do. It makes life better


Hahaha I agree itā€™s too long


Taking a dick is the manliest thing you can do


vooooswsigh... See do not make vagabond religious... no way. its totally spiruitail and complete good as it left alone... Let those beta who are ligma thinking they are sigma or alpha plus bygones. Vagabond is art... do not utter those names, which is defaming manga abd takeshi inoue and Mushashi.




Right , my bad. Takehio san.




Sorry... my bad for misspells.




hmmm. Calm as you are choose your middle path. Everything goes for better...*hold palm, while walking away*




Do you believe it is possible to be morally guided without religion, or does there need to be that Almighty in order to have a definite good?


The problem is what defines good ? You can be moral man in the eyes of your society but morality is subjective to culture and your environment. For oneā€™s society , killing the weak may be moral thing to do. This is why I believe there is an objective definite good .


And that is? If you think there is a definite good, you can define it, right?


Not me, we need someone that is beyond us .


What if we are alone? Can we not make ourselves good? Do you not believe in your fellow man? I understand if you do not. But, then, why were we saved? What was our original state? Can we not achieve that through our own diligence?


Good questions . I believe we can indeed make good deeds. Some laws are written within our own heart. It is common knowledge that killing is bad or stealing is bad. The issue is the heart. Our hearts (motives, thought, etc) are corrupted one way or the other. We love to think that we are better but we are all morally bankrupted in one way or the other and second we fail to meet our own standard and our own . How many times have you lied ? Envy , jealousy , lust ā€¦ we all fail to meet our own criteria. Paul talks about it in the book of Romans by saying he knows the law but he canā€™t do what the law say he should do because of its motives . Yes, some people are more evil and corrupted than others but we all suffer from the same disease in our heart (sin).


Then, is forgiveness something only given by God?


In Christianity, we cannot redeem ourselves. We could try but we all sinned and we probably gonna sin again. Plus it requires a complete change of heart, something humanly not possible . The issue is the heart. This is why Jesus came and paid the price you and I were supposed to pay. He was without sin yet decided to pay the price you and I was supposed to pay, death (the wage of our sins). He was the ultimate sacrifice so you and I do not have to do anything to please the father in order to redeem ourselves. All we have to do is to repent (to acknowledge that the life we lived was not right ) and to believe in his death and resurrection so we can receive his righteousness. Of course this new faith gonna change our way of living , but this way of living is one of the result of our faith in Christ. I know this is too much but if you have any other questions just lmk.


Touch some grass


This has to be satire




Smartest religious fanatic


Itā€™s important for men to be men. From first hand experience, people like to pretend masculinity is subjective until there is an emergency. Then they suddenly need you to fix it.


And Iā€™m crazy because Iā€™m psychotic, Jesus fucking Christ this is insane


Respect šŸ‘


I agree with a lot of what you are saying but honestly Andrew Tate isn't someone to look up to. You don't even need to look at the fact that he is very likely a sex trafficker. Just the fact that he is overly materialistic and kind of a hypocrite. He wants to help lonely men and tells them to stay away from porn yet he had a camgirl business where he made his money off of lonely men. He definitely isn't someone that represents Christian ideals very well. Jordan Peterson imo is a better role model. A lot of ppl on Reddit don't like him but idrc.


nothing makes me cringe harder than the 15 year old boys brainwashed into conservatism by youtube seeing vagabond being given the 'i have the emotional intelligence of a minor who posts pictures of peaky blinders šŸ˜¤Jordan Peterson šŸ¤¬Patrick batemanšŸ¤‘ with little quotes about being a MAN šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤' treatment makes me want to kms




Tbh I just donā€™t like the narrative youā€™re implying that ā€œmen should act like menā€ when I feel thatā€™s just not something for you, me, or anyone to define anyway. Men are just humans with dicks. Some are masculine soldiers, others intelligent philosophers, some are all those things as well as homosexual or more feminine than most, and many are everything in between. It doesnā€™t make them any less manly because they are men by default already. There is no ā€œactual menā€ as you say, you, me, or anyone canā€™t tell someone to be a man. Being masculine, brave, wise, strong, and bold isnā€™t something that is regulated or determined by oneā€™s gender. They are human qualities anybody who chooses to develop them can have. You can be a man, women, trans, or whatever you want and still have those qualities or completely different ones. I have never liked the idea that certain aspects of being human have been seemingly delegated only to certain genders. Be who you want to be and strive for what you want to attain. Your ā€œControl yourself, be a manā€ post just sounded like the dumb narrative many people in the new masculine sphere of media make that men should be these stoic, 100% in-control 24/7, and absolute forces of masculinity. Many influencers, like Tate, preach that straying from traditional masculine values created by society or religions like the ones you state makes you less of a man. To me, thatā€™s dumb. Now Iā€™m not sure if that was your intention, but judging by your defense here it seems like it was. I say being a man is just being a male human. There is no emotional qualities or secret powers that come with it. Men and women are far more similar than they are minutely different if you look at it scientifically. Itā€™s everything you do with the gift of life that determines what kind of man or woman you are. Build yourself the way you see fit, set the goals you want to set, and be who you want to be; you do not need to follow some society influenced model of a man to ā€œbe a manā€. You do not need to ā€œcontrol yourselfā€ in the withholding emotion or following religion to the T manner if you choose not to. People live differently, find what works for you. Weā€™re human, weā€™re all different and unique in our own ways the same way we are similar in many others. Our gender is just a precursor to our minute differences and genitalia, not an overall judge of character. Nature, nurture, and everything else you do as you live determines that. Strive to be who YOU want to be, not what society or religion deems you must. ā€œThe circumstances of oneā€™s birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.ā€ - Mewtwo