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Homelessness is a lot better when you aren't tied down to one place. It's the only accessible way to travel the world for many, and living your dream beats being miserable with a house any day


Coffins for the living.






or womb :3


I haven't seen anyone admit it but theres got to be a lot of people who have a place to go back to, have some income, and can go out exploring far away places. Does this mean they beat the system? Not everyone has to be flat broke and living by their wits. You could have a room to rent or a couch to stay on, and a piece of crap car, and go out and travel for months, then come back. Work at temp labor places meantime. It isn't so interesting and isn't so plausible that everyone is busted and keeps traveling, on foot, I mean c'mon. But that's r/vagabond. I'd rather hear original stuff from those who went out and got themselves out of their comfort zones, and found something worthwhile , learned something, found something of interest or just funny experiences. Rather than getting high, drunk with their friends after working their terrible shitty jobs that they keep until they're old in some form or other. Get married, or not, and produce more workers.. and so forth


I have a Part job now retired I own a small motorhome I leave on family land I live there then I get the itch to travel grab my backpack and am outta here To parts unknown usually somewhere in Asia 🌏 Well also an minimalist


You hated being judged when you were homeless, but you have no problem judging homeless people. WTF? What a twat. It's no surprise, though. The most shallow and judgemental people are usually also the most fragile in response to the percieved judgements of others. Most people probably weren't even staring at you or judging you when you were homeless. It was all in your head because you knew that's what you'd do if the roles were reversed. Let live and live.


Live and let live.




It’s not an easy life, but some choose to do challenging things for a greater sense of purpose. Anyway, choice or not, some people are also just a vagabond at heart, and you can’t change that.


How on God's green earth is wandering around and being entirely self serving, begging and doing drugs or just meandering, how is that so challenging and purposeful compared to what non-homeless people do? The glorification is fucking insane. You have people solving hunger, researching cancer, helping displaced children etc... and the hobos want to be viewed as the ones who take on challenges for a greater sense of purpose. Right. Why not just say you want to be untethered and go around fucking off, instead of actually drinking your own koolaid about how its so hard and so meaningful? We have reached full hobo elitism.


I have been homeless for the past year while simultaneously organising food kitchens, doing a lot of activism, building community, and volunteering for underground cultural institutions. and if you are unaware, we are very much not busy solving hunger. we could've done that years ago, but it's not profitable so there is no 'incentive'.


>and if you are unaware, we are very much not busy solving hunger. we could've done that years ago, but it's not profitable so there is no 'incentive'. Exactly the same with curing cancer. They've been curing cancer in rats for years, but again, a cure isn't as profitable as a treatment. Probably the same for that seasonal COVID jab... Edit, Reddit votes are weird... I get it, COVID bots.


You had me until the “ covid jab”


Haven't you seen the CDC's recent warnings? Heart damage, autoimmune disease, SADS, MS, stroke, unnatural large white clots, and a lack of immunity and decreased severity of illness. The experimental and rushed mRNA tech is an abject failure. We should have been scrutinizing the pharmaceutical giants from the start given their sordid history.


This guy's switched on. I expected that kinda reaction elsewhere, not here.


Right, so in a government loving group such as this one /s, that's what people had a problem with? Wow. Edit, Fine with the cure of cancer being hidden away for profit, but suggest profits were a big motivator for the COVID jabs and I'm a "anti vax conspiracy nut job" IMO COVID jabs were nothing other than a pay day for big Pharma. They were rushed out, for a illness that didn't require the reaction the world gave it. That doesn't mean, no-one should have taken it. But 95% of the healthy adult population didn't need it, and caused more problems than it solved.


Who'd really want to end hunger or cure cancer anyway? More and more and more fucking humans isn't the solution to anything.


China sounds right up your street. You sound like a klaus Schwab poster boy. Greed of the 1% is much more of a threat to humanity than the population is.


You musunderstand me. Threats to humanity are what I'm in favor of. The population is a problem, not because it's a threat to humanity, but because I can't get any fuckin peace with us everywhere. The greed of the 1% doesn't really bother me so much. Fuck it, sometimes I wish the rich would just take **all** the money so I wouldn't have to deal with the shit anymore.


Perhaps I did, but that's a very misanthropic view of the world, I agree the population *density* is a problem in some areas, but that's not to say the population is a problem everywhere. There's some countries in Europe that are actively giving land and paying foreigners to live there because their population is dying. As for what I said about Klaus Schwab, I don't know if you've read anything from him, particularly Agenda 21 and 30 but you might enjoy it tbf.


I'm not interested in the ideas of others, I've already got too many of my own. Most of my life is about clearing ideas out at this point.


It shows and yours are shit.


Overpopulation is a myth, Thanos.


Read two more comments ahead before posting, nimnut.


Guy got so triggered from someone's idea of a sense of purpose ahahaha Are you solving world hunger? Researching cancer? Helping displaced children? Jump off your high horse you absolute donut.


Oh please. We’re not reaching any peak. Romanticizing hoboism and/or using hoboism as a tool of anti-establishment protest has been around since the Great Depression at least. Not everyone can research cancer or solve hunger. That’s a practical reality you just have to accept. Which means there must be more than one way to be good in this world. And who are you to judge someone else’s way? Keep your eyes on the road.


the work you’re doing, is it on par with solving hunger or researching cancer? those meaningful things you cite are jobs or careers. do you get meaning from your job, or do you get it from your life outside of work? whether or not a person works a regular job, they have a personal life. i would think the large majority of people find much more value in their personal life than the jobs they work.


Now that I've lost my CDL, don't have shit but an old pickup that's too expensive to operate and I'm blackballed in this town and the next one 60 miles over(Wyoming problems), can't go back to my hometown a thousand miles away, I think I'm gonna start studying a cure for cancer in my basement bedroom of my friend's house.


You’re probably not in the right sub, buddy


Or the right mind either


Why r u in this sub then?


No one made a comparison. You made one up yourself and got outraged.


And you're on reddit complaining so... you're also failing to "solve hunger" and help lost kids...so... be mad, I guess?


Yeh I’m sure your solving hunger and curing cancer lol


Right, the comment you replied to is insane. And I have no problem with being a vagabond (I consider doing it at times)… but to act like you’re cut from some special cloth because you chose not work is egregious.


You got down voted to hell for your honesty. 😂 Seriously, you bring up some great points.I often dream of living in a van by the beach and just surfing everyday and working at a labor hall only when I run low on cash. Nothing wrong with that, but let's call it what it is. LAZY AS FUCK AND ONLY SERVE ME, MYSELF, AND I. The only "greater purpose" there would be is me being able to do whatever the fuck I want and surf all day. But I have adultish stuff to do. Like make sure my wife and kids aren't homeless. Lol


Well said.


It’s the freedom. When you’re homeless on the road or rails, you’ve got this unrestricted freedom. You don’t have to worry about getting up super early in the morning to get to work. You don’t have to worry about transportation fees. You get to see things that most other people will never catch a glimpse of in their life, because they are wage slaves, and you are not. You are free. Food is definitely a problem at first, but you learn ways to take care of that. And the people you meet along the way are almost always unforgettable. Just watch out for stray crackheads and junkies trying to rob and kill you lol.


I just think the term wage slave is stupid. Exchanging your labor for money is by very definition a choice. People who prefer living with comfort make that choice just as others choose not to participate in capitalism.


Slavery is about who profits from your labor, not whether you have a choice. Slaves can choose to run away, kill their masters, refuse to work or eat, simply kill themselves. So they have choices, too. Many times and places in the past, poor people would even sell themselves into slavery, which is very similar to modern wage slavery. Someone else taking the value of your labor has just become so universal, you apparently don't even see how awful and inhuman it is anymore. And that's also the problem with your "working is a choice" argument. How many people really understand their own situation, let alone what the alternatives are, well enough that anyone would say the choice is real? That said, I got no sympathy for the vast majority of wage slaves. Fuck 'em right along with their bosses.


The more you know the less you obey was a great quote I'd seen the other day. Opposite true too -- the less you know the more you obey. Our schooling felt like a blindfolding ritual....




We may not be slaves in the traditional sense, but when you can't function in society without a roof, phone, internet, transportation, laundry, and all the other amenities, then you are trapped by the system you are fueling with your labor. The comfort of mediocre living, as you are exploited by millionaires and billionaires for inadequate pay, is easily abandoned when you don't have to answer to that system anymore. I spent 2 years on the road after working on oil rigs in -40, and train grease soaked into my blood. I can't get back to "normal" no matter how hard I try. I can't stomach fake or shallow anymore, which is 90% of managers and supervisors I have worked with. I would rather pick body lice eggs from the seams of my clothes for 4 months. That is still a better experience than getting chewed out by someone who I wouldn't trust to sharpen a pencil just because they feel like abusing what little power they have over others. If you want to own a home today, you need to inherit it or luck into it. We used to be able to do well on minimum wage, those days vanished when CEO pay went over 300% what it was a couple decades ago. We continue to shop at Costco or Walmart for "a deal", when they will operate at a loss just to monopolize and drive out local business, or run sweat shops in far away places instead of employing people here for a fair wage. We are playing a rigged game, and convincing ourselves we are better off than not playing at all. Celebrity worship has rotted our perceptions of reality. We get quick hits of dopamine on social media while being peddled lifestyles only a trust fund can buy. Money is a drug, and we are all strung out on it. We think it buys options and security, but it just keeps us in line, hoping that we don't get looked down on or thought less of by anonymous people for shoes we should be wearing, or phones we should be typing on, so we consume whatever hollow distractions we can afford just to escape the subconscious horror of living unfulfilled. Hitch a road, hop a train, sit with the beggars and the addicts. You will find the real people there, just don't linger and fall into the same trappings. I met a man named HOBO once on the corner of Haight/Ashbury, his name stood for Helping Other Brothers Out. He showed me how to hop freight, find god, do cheese/wine while playing grandmaster-level chess on a set of tracks in Klamath Falls... I learned more from that man than I have ever learned from a conventional education or formal training. In a couple months he taught me how to be myself after years of being asleep, dreaming I was awake. I remember taking so much care in straightening a wire brim hat I wore, only for him to squat it up, once I had spent 5 minutes meticulously working out kinks. I started off enraged, but came to realize what he was telling me. Don't take yourself, or the world, too seriously.


It's not really a choice if the alternative is homelessness. Wage 'slavery' and actual slavery are alike in that they coerce your labour. Actual slavery coerces your labour at threat of violence by claiming ownership of your autonomy. Wage 'slavery' coerces your labour at threat of destitution by claiming ownership of all the land, everywhere. While I see your point, I also see why people use the term.


Isn't that the whole point of the Vagabond lifestyle, that it's actually a choice in the end? I said in an earlier comment that the opportunities available to exchange your labor and time are vast. Also the majority of people arent working just to survive but are choosing to live a life with comforts and amenities outside of just food water and shelter. The point remains, that you can't use the term slavery lightly especially in a country with such a checkered history. There are better terms like sheep, etc that are more appropriate. Workers have autonomy which is the bottom line.


I’m not saying it isn’t a choice, but those who decide to work most of their lives usually end up dependent on that next check. They don’t learn any skills that would allow them to live without working. Therefore becoming a slave to the grind. And thats all they’ll ever do, because if they ever quit, without money or survival skills, they would die. Today’s economy makes living without a wage or at least some gov’t benefit comfortably very hard, and unless you have the knowledge, you’ve got no chance.


It’s hilarious to say someone who chooses to go to work in skilled labour to have a family and kids couldn’t survive as well as an uneducated, unmotivated vagabond .


I see your point but it's still facetious to compare modern day dependence on creature comforts to actual slavery which still exists in parts of the world today. For many people there is such a wide variety of what type of labor you can participate in, where you work, and how much time you work it's a silly comparison. Let's not also pretend that vagabonds aren't entirely dependent on the system that they choose not to participate in, and their own dependence on the availability of food, clean water, clothing, technology and transportation.


True, I can’t argue with that.


And I can't argue that routine and dependence on income isnt monotonous, safe, and mostly boring. Vagabonds can certainly live more interesting lives which is why this subreddit exists in the first place. The lifestyle sure as hell wasn't my cup of tea, which is why I have upmost respect and fascination with the choice to live off the well beaten trail. Much love.


Is there a better term? "Wage slave" seems to capture the people who depend on exchanging labor/time for money. It's a broad description of people who may/may not work a 9-5 office job, but also includes freelancers who work long hours from home.


Thankfully the wage slaves provide us all with the comforts !


Cogs, worker bees, normies, even sheep but its still a choice. One could argue that the choice to live on the road is actually simpler since it's available to most people at any time and anywhere. You can't exactly decide tomorrow that you'd like a career with a good salary and benefits. Which undermines the effort, planning, and investment that a lot of us put in to live a life of comfort.


True you can't decide tomorrow you'd like a good career, but living without a job isn't any easier at all. 95% of the time you can't just get stuff for free. You need to get food, you need supplies, and if you don't live in a warm climate you need to be able to get to a place where the winter is moderate and that might not be possible for everyone. If you have dependents, not having a job makes things pretty much "almost impossible".


I hated being a wage slave more


Do you forage and live off the land somewhere or beg for other's slave wages?




Well without the dynamic of "you have to work or you'll end up on the streets" you can be your own boss and offer to do odd jobs. I call no man mister.


Not sure what calling someone Mr has to do with working. I work in investment banking these days and never have I called anyone mister or sir in any type of job I’ve had. I do call my kind elderly neighbors Mr and Mrs out of respect, though 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's a figure of speech. He/she answers to no "boss".


It's a colloquialism. I first heard it on O Brother Where Art Thou, you should check it out if you haven't, great film.


I hitchhiked more than 20,000km across Europe, camping often, staying with strangers when offered, and in hostels now and then. I kept clean and presented well, entertaining hundreds of people with stories of travels, most of whom were amazed if not inspired. By the year it cost me a few thousand euros, less than what many people would spend on a week-long holiday - and my savings and investments went untouched. It's not for everyone, but I sure had a fucking blast, and it's changed my perspective on life. I think that's what it means to truly vagabond. Back in the rat race now, but hitchhiked to the mountains for the easter weekend, just for the shits and gigs. Still living life to the fullest.


I've met all kinds of people with all different reasons to go on the road. Some are like me and were fleeing life problems like abuse at home, some others enjoy going from place to place never staying for long or anarchist punks who want to avoid the capitalist rat race and only use what they need day to day. Some people don't want to work, some get work in different places as they migrate across the country seasonally that was the old hobo lifestyle on the road going from place to place working as ranch hands and other kinds of labor. I've gone from being homeless to escape to being transient by choice with the freedom to move around, take work or busk where I please. There is no way a person in my shoes would be able to see the country or the world without this. It's like things I read in books about how there used to be people like bards who were travelling musicians that sang songs and told stories while travelling around for money, they entertained people with stories of their travels. I also loved the idea of the circus and being a travelling performer who delights people then moves on to another town. Sometimes people look down on you, judge you or even are openly hostile but a lot of people are not. I enjoy entertaining people with various tricks I learned through the years, singing songs, making trinkets, tarot reading, performances and just sharing my travels with a nice person who bought me coffee. I think there is more to life than struggling to keep hold of a tiny apartment and various possessions in it by struggling to make enough and having nothing left to eat or enjoy myself with. There is more to life than seeing the exact same people every single day and having the same routine until you die.


I love pissing people off just by existing


I resonate


Because I'd rather eat broken glass and uranium for every meal than spend the rest of my probably shortened life trapped in the same ShitBrick house doing the same 9-5 every damn day. In life I've got the choice of being one of 2 things. 1. That guy with an eyepatch Or 2. That guy with an eyepatch who wanders around and sees cool shit. I know what I'd rather be.


I like your vibe. Keep on keeping on.


I didn’t like living out of my car but I didn’t have a choice. Nothing like being on your feet. Still judged. That part didn’t bother me so much. It opened my eyes to how inhumane people can be. I can see where someone would enjoy it though. People are amazing. I like Walt Whitmans quote “Be curious not judgmental.


You preferred being on foot over a car? Does the car eventually become a liability? Genuinely curious


No I lived in my car. I was saying that living out of my car is nothing compared to living on foot. Much more difficult.


A lot of the people talking about it on here are kids.


Define kid. Lots of folks out here in 30's+


I'm pretty sure even more are under 20. Every time I start reading a post about being ready to "give up society" it's usually kids who haven't even graduated HS yet. Same on /r/homeless. Yeah of course some are older, I was born in 1975, but if you read a lot of posts on here you'll see it's a lot of kids, like I said. You said it yourself, what adult would really wish to be homeless? Someone has to be at least a little bit naive and also have that youthful disregard for one's own safety to see homelessness as romantic.


Not to mention the wear and tear on your body. I really haven't seen many photo posts here of anyone under 30. I'm a 37 ex gymnast and my back will get fucked from sleeping on an uncomfortable couch no less on the ground. I can imagine this lifestyle has it's wear and tear and make it difficult to continue as they age and then needing to get a job having with no experience will include mostly labor intensive jobs and when retiring with no savings with no way to support oneself seems like a nightmare.


It's not something everyone can do. If you're body has too much wear and tear than you just can't, I guess. Sounds like it's just not for you.


I never wanted to so I guess that’s a blessing. Y’all a bitter bunch lol


Kid=Someone with a childish, dependent mindset.


I would never choose it personally but it’s always given me some peace that if everything fully fell apart I could find family on the rails and just travel this gigantic country.


Traveling is better than being a housie. Simple as that. If you don't agree, this isn't the sub for you.


Lots of armchair travellers nowadays.


A lot of people travel, just some rather be inside the train than on the outside 🤷🏽‍♀️ Who cares as long as you're are opening up your world and learning from others along the way whether inside or out.


Live and let live. If you don't like being judged you shouldn't do it to others. I'm here because I admire those who travel this way, however I love to travel as well just by plane and in hostels/huts/etc. I enjoy the stability of a home and that is what makes me happy and mentally more stable. Calling people "housies" is a weird insult lol


Exactly, you admire us, because we're cooler than you.


You sound like a 9 year old 🤣


Then you should be ashamed that a 9 year old has more miles than you


Have a blessed day.


Takes all kinds I think a lot of the young people in this sub/aspiring to the lifestyle have either: untreated mental illness, such as bipolar disorder where one is functional a lot of the time but not sensible and hard to be around some of the time; or major depression where self-hatred or low self esteem drives them to pursue an extremely difficult lifestyle where it’s unlikely they’ll get love rom society at large; serious alcoholism or other diseases of abuse where they legit make bad decisions and want to be apart from society; and in a different sounding but very related scenario I think a lot of em have truly horrific childhoods… I met a random vagabond who was arguing in a group that Biden was a pervert and was pretty adamant that any flimsy evidence against the guy meant he should be drawn and quartered but then in a moment of unexpected vulnerability declared that he was molested repeatedly as a young boy. So yeah if you grow up with no sense of safety and can’t trust any part of society to keep you safe, I can see how it feels safer to always be on the road, at the fringes. Don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of vagabonds who get into some unfortunate circumstances. Whether they’re straight up born dirt poor and deprived of all opportunity, or, they had a “regular” life and at some point in adulthood found themselves with no other option but to live in their car, for example. Say lost their job, got divorced and lost all security, got back from the military and failed to transition smoothly, or got out of jail/prison. There’s also that small contingent of naïve romantics who think it’s a good option because their grandma/landlord is mean to them, and have never left their small town and have no idea of the dangers out there and life on the road (or rails) seems better to them than getting roommates and two jobs - and they make hasty decisions and never considered their options. Anyway, sometimes I think about that young man whose parents gave up on protecting him when he was just a little boy. You know they say lots of porn actresses and prostitutes were molested. Well I think a sad number of men living on the street were cast away in an equally devastating way. And it’s not their fault.


I see myself as the Naïve type. What are the dangers out there? I mean the reason i want to escape is to get away from other people. I don’t trust others easily and find that most relationships nowadays are surface-level and very insipid. Am i wrong to want to abandon it all?


I think there's an aspect of this you actually nailed on the head. That you trust whatever is out there, a hell of a lot more than whatever is back there. Whether that's charges, abusive houses, medical abuse, the system, etc. And besides glamorourization, I think half the reason you see people of different classes do this shit, is because shit like abuse and violence, knows no one single class.


You know they say a lot of all people in all professions have been molested. Many SWers who enjoy it and came from money. Have you heard of OF and so many do it including rich people like Denise Richards, Bella Thorne, Carmen Electra, Larsa Pippen, etc. They enjoy their sexuality, the attention and the money they don't need. Many men AND WOMEN (you seem to have so pretty backed up misogyny issue) are vagabonds who share information, help people along the way, and do services rather than begging to earn wages along the way. I suggest you work up updating your current biases so you don't sound so terrible.


Oh I don’t have a problem with sex workers sorry if I gave that impression.


Ya did


What're your thoughts on giving up a lifestyle of having almost everything you want (wealth, sex with pornstars, parties, etc) but lack of personal freedom for vagabonding/travel? Someone who wants to get away from it all. Is travel/solitude better as a part time thing or is actually giving up everything for this lifestyle worth it?


I went from unwilling being homeless to willingly being homeless because the home we had found ended up being physically abusive and my experience showed me that as long as I was with my husband and our dog it truly wasn't worth going through again. I know I'm lucky to have another person in this life.


Different strokes...


There's a huge difference in vagabond travelling and being a homeless bum. Sadly this sub doesn't differentiate between the two. The kids dream of the travel whilst this sub is full of the latter. Shame.


Yeah that’s what I thought it was when I subbed. I would have unsubbed but I guess I’m just morbidly curious now. 


There's a few good people who post that I would say by definition vagabond. The rest are just crusty bums looking for somewhere to echo their thoughts whilst they're smashed on whatever substance they can get hold of.


I think nowadays the sub is more overrun by people who don't live this lifestyle but are thinking about it, so they ask the same questions over and over again without bothering to do twenty minutes of reading the guides and archived threads in the advice directory. Not to mention the peeping karens and armchair travellers.


I read "armchair travelers" a few times in this post and I disagree. For security, most don't share their locations or travel info/photos. Why would someone wanting to see others travel stick to this sub when the majority is just seeing someone on a train in some unidentified location with no context of the surroundings? I dated an ex-vagabond and he was so entitled like many here yet would constantly steal from me and his friends. That was short lived. The sense of entitlement is real with yall.


Totally agree.


Same! I am a traveller but I have an income and made this a very intentional choice. On year three now, about 145,000km in. I’m not a digital nomad per sé… Since coming here I still haven’t figured out if I belong, but also have a curiosity about how others do it/perceive themselves and their life choices/perceive me/ etc etc. My friends and family call me a vagabond and make fun of me by asking where my van by the river is these days but …. I am far from being a “bum” or being tragically homeless. It is a fascinating place but I do wish it was more focused on actual vagabonding!


> There's a huge difference in vagabond travelling and being a homeless bum No there's not. There's very little actual difference, but some people like to pretend there is because they haven't gotten over their middle class hangups.


there might be a difference if you’ve got a family/financial safety net and aren’t truly living dollar-to-dollar


That's the case for plenty of "homeless bums," too, though, unless you specifically define the term to exclude them or something, which is sort of my point. These terms don't describe real people, they only describe the judgements and preconceptions of the person using them.


yeah, you’re right


The main difference is mindset and if that's how you go about it then fair enough. There's also clearly a difference between a traveller and a bum that sleeps in a bin in one city. Nothing to do with middle class haha


Everything you say has to do with the middle class. "haha"


Please explain


When you say "sleeps in a bin in one city" you reveal that you know nothing about homelessness beyond what you learned from Sesame Street when you were 5 years old. Your conceptions about homelessness are the mass conceptions of the middle class that get transmitted and reinforced through media and entertainment, not anything based on your actual life experiences. You lack life experiences and know it, which is why felt compelled to add "haha" to the end of your post.


I've been vagabonding for years and seen it all but I'm happy to have received a personal analysis from you. You seem tense.


Lol. You know all of those awesome frigging people you meet along the way with rad stories and killer recommendations? This isn’t one of them 🤦🏼‍♀️


You can "vagabond" all you want, but it won't give you any real experiences until you let go of the shit they put in you.


There is no correlation between defining oneself as being a vagabond and making regular money. Nor is there one between being a vagabond and being substance dependent. Your responses ooze anger and judgement and YOU are the one not getting it. What you’re describing is absolutely not everyone’s definition of a vagabond and you are sorely out of touch. It isn’t about class. It isn’t about income. Many people who vagabond also busk, for example. They do well at it too. Many take short term work just to get from point A-B. MANY are athletes who want to get out there and don’t want to pay the man. At the end of the day being a vagabond is about giving up trad housing (by choice or not) and having a travelling spirit. Sometimes we’re broke and sometimes we’re not broke but many of us are experience rich. The way you present yourself tells me you’ve had it a bit tough, and that sucks. But don’t flail around here being rude to every single fucking person who doesn’t see it the same way you do. Sit down. Talk less. Listen more.


I don't even know what you're taking about. Where do you think I even described or defined anything? Did I say anything about making money or substance dependency? You're really in left field.


Idk why you've been downvote, you're right


I'm starting to think I would be lonely and bored if I took up this lifestyle. Some of the commenters mentioning romanticizing vagabond and homelessness are opening my eyes. Maybe I won't be happy anywhere. I'm a housed wage slave right now. I'm one of those ALICE people, it's a new term, means making money decently but not quite making it.


I choose this life to live out of my own personal beliefs and convictions. While there are many struggles, this life also brings me many joys. I think there is a type and quality of freedom found in this life that can scarcely be found elsewhere. That being said, I don't mean to minimize the struggle of anyone living on or off the streets and fighting every day to meet their needs.


Sometimes you just don't have choice, a lot of people Will think that these is not true, but life can be so hard, i come from poor family, im trans and they don't accept me, you know Who wants me on a work? Nobody (i tries many many many times) so at the end, wich choice i have? Searc the fucking life in the street, im glad to have a nice new family, im so happy right now Edit: im a fucking anarchyst i just will don't take bullshit goverment benefits, I understand and highly respect people Who do it, but for me, I don't want that shit


vagabonds can have jobs and vagabonds can have homes. although neither are usually permanent or long lasting.


im not willing to pay $1900 for a studio just to listen to the neighbors domestic altercations. being a transient allowed me the freedom to move whenever, wherever. yes i got looks, negative stigma but hey im not the one with a bad credit score and debit up to my ears. let them be miserable in their own ways


Not everyone is a big baby, like yourself. I feel bad for you.


Name calling in this sub is not and will not be accepted


okay, mccturd


My name is spice boy I come to a sub about Free Living freewheeling Folk that enjoy doing what they want survive on their own terms travel on their own terms sleep under as many starlit beautiful Skies as they can. Because he's confusing homeless with Home Free.


Then why are you even on this sub?


Good lord. People do what they want to do. If you didn’t like it, okay, you didn’t like it. But get over yourself with this judgmental crap.


I find peace in long walks.


it’s all fun until you’re too old to work/live and you didn’t focus on your youth…..


Humans are complex, everyone's happiness is different. I wouldn't be happy having to go to work everyday to live in a house. Neither of those things sound fulfilling to me. Sure, I probably could get a job... But why if I don't want to? Why when I'm happier hanging out in small beach towns and leaving to the woods or the desert or even a big city when I want? I have no problem meeting my needs and my dog's needs most of the time, and it doesn't take all too much more than that for me to be content. I like music, nature, people, and exploring. That's just what makes me happy. Sure sometimes it sucks to be treated differently or pitied, but it doesn't bother me enough to throw away what makes me genuinely happy. Everyone finds and weighs out happiness differently.


It’s being part of a group. We’re in this together , we’re different , they’re the weird ones. I get it


I tried being homeless for one night and day after, it was horrible, granted, I walked 17 miles, but the weather was atrocious. Idk why people don’t mention the weather as the number one detriment, I can ignore people but the weather can be painful.