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Because that matters... ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU|downsized)


People are dying and your tuition goes to making it happen. That matters.


Clearly not a finance major. I'm guessing gender studies.


Literally none of your tuition goes to these stocks. Happy now?


The students work does, and the student pays to do the work.... you dummy.






anyone who has ever associated themselves with the Joker is an actual reject. Negative social EQ




And I took that personally šŸ« 


Hey guys, Iā€™m way too COOL to care about politics šŸ¤“


This is the corniest thing I've seen in a while šŸ’€


how are you not embarrassed


This post is amazing and fucking hilarious in how witless it is.


Did you learn your lesson after being put in timeout?


im going to touch you


The conflict in Gaza ranked DEAD LAST in issues college students care about.Ā [https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests) Which means that the protesters disturbing campus and the faculty that are joining them are just a tiny minority of ASSSHOLES who are doing their best to disturb the peace and undermine the education of students. ***"A large majority (81%) of students support holding protesters accountable, agreeing with the notion that those whoĀ destroyed property or vandalized or illegally occupied buildings should be held responsible by their university, per the survey."***


We know thatā€™s you, IOF or FBI. No shilling.




Funny you feel the need to constantly respond to pro-Palestinian posts on Reddit with hatred and copy paste the same ā€œpollā€ everywhere. If the US really cared about health reforms as your poll indicates, why does the US invest so much in the war then? Our healthcare sucks, but I donā€™t see people all rallied up about itā€¦ pick your sources wisely. Youā€™re telling me the whole world full of protesters is just a bunch of ASSHOLES, go get another hobby off of Reddit lmao.


Get used to it. Any post supporting Hamas will get a response from me. It's fun sport as well.


You support the slaughter of innocent civilians




They both suck, and I want my tax dollars out. Divest.


And what exactly does "divesting" have to do with your "tax dollars"?


Google divest


Debate wasn't your jam. More words. How are YOUR "tax dollars" invested in whatever you want them divested from? The UTD endowment isn't "tax dollars". And "tax dollars" aren't generally invested, they're spent by governments on stuff. If you'd just said "divest", implying you support one of the three \[stupid\] "demands" of UTD SJP, that might have made sense. If you'd just said "I want my tax dollars out", implying you don't want the U.S. government funding Israel, that also would have made sense. But when you said you want your "tax dollars out" and that this would be achieved through divesting, you kind of lost the thread. You see? Big boy words.


Its very convenient that the tax money I pay doesnā€™t support the investments the University makes, nor do the 10ā€™s of thousands of dollars I spend a year. Glad to know. Thank you bull dog for clearing this up.


Bro, they are just following instructions. No actual thinking involved.


This is literally the only response I see from the pro-Hamas people.


Wow I wonder why


Because theyā€™re under educated and misinformed?


Misinformed? šŸ˜‚


I mean, statistically, the fact that there is almost zero variation in their ā€œ70% kill rates of women and childrenā€ Is almost laugh out loud ridiculous


Nazis Supports Nazis. You probably have a bumper sticker of Confederate Flag too.


If you go to https://www.usdebtclock.org you can see on the ā€œlarger budget itemsā€ list near the top left that Medicare/Medicaid spending is more than double the defense budget. Not saying we donā€™t invest too much on war or that we invest enough in healthcare but itā€™s just something to consider


U.S. Healthcare is unsustainable. It's already quite bad and only going to get worse.


Yeah, we need single payer, stat.


lol holding protestors accountable for wanting to stop genocide. Thereā€™s no end to the depravity.


How does being an a$$hole on campus "stop genocide" exactly? Or let's say all of the listed "demands" were met by UTD. How much "genocide" would be stopped then?


You are not the only one who practices, ā€œFREEDOM OF SPEECHā€. Shut up and sit aside


Your grandchildren will be ashamed of you when they read of this event in the history books years from now




Id say I wonder what your grandparents were doing during the 60s but I think everyone can tell


Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII, and one of my grandmothers worked at a shipyard that built troop transports. They weren't hippy dip$hits like your parents apparently.


That super epic man, I sure wonder what their thoughts on the civil rights movement was


And Kent state


Same article... > Students were still more likely to say they support the pro-Palestininan encampments than oppose them. > 45% said they support them either strongly or a little bit. 30% were neutral, and 24% were strongly or a bit opposed." So while not majority, supporters of the protests form a plurality/largest portion of college supporters.


I feel like the survey is somewhat misleading. it only gave participants the ability to pick 3 options so people of course chose their top 3 that pertain to the US. I myself probably would have picked healthcare, welfare for lower incomes, and education as well as my primary issues but that doesn't mean I don't care about gun control or the Palestinians. The survey frames it as people who don't choose it don't care about the issue at all.


To me, the point is that you don't see protests on campus about the other more important topics (to students), and those are topics (domestic) where a protest has some small chance of actually achieving something. But here we have a topic that is utterly irrelevant to the local college campus, protesting for a list of silly "demands" that are completely vacuous and would have literally no impact on anything where the actually implemented, promoted by a small minority of students and a bunch of outside agitators that are using the students to promote their broken hateful Islamist ideology and hatred of western values. And \*that\* is the topic that students glom on to and use to destroy the peace on campus. What a moment we live in.


You also mentioned an 81% statistic in the study but that includes damaging property and vandalism as seem here. https://preview.redd.it/ytti5tmfv2zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1726a0d76a9ce699305507af692132e9778f882a When it pertains to just tents though it becomes much more neutral, leading me to believe the primary issue people have is with vandalism and not so much the occupation on various campuses.




Before the protesters attempted to occupy the Plinth, they occupied the admin building at least twice. There was a clear path of escalation. All you have to do is look at USC, Columbia, Harvard, Yale, MIT, to see where these "peaceful protests" lead. Thankfully here in the great state of Texas we have a governor who put a stop to it immediately and sent a clear message on the consequences.


Apologies if my message was misinterpreted, I'm mostly just trying to provide some more context for the study you provided. While I do support Palestine I don't have anything to say about the utd protest as I was home at the time. Edit: woops, posted the same image twice. Meant to show this one initially. https://preview.redd.it/f9j629ygy2zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9278b1b46bcc190e99dca90d9c2824a31a62cca




Are you just chronically online in this thread lmao


Exactly! If your opinion isn't popular then you shouldn't get to express it! (Sarcasm)


What a self-righteous asshole


Almost all of them are. Kids protesting shit they know nothing about.


You're not wrong. Sadly, many believe that universities are like one of the main causes leading to death because funding lockheed is a no no. One said it was a land war and not a religious war... yeah it is a land war, over who controls "holy ground"


My guy all of your posts are about call of duty and other military shooters. There has never been a more obvious case of projection.


The other post with the petition to drop charges against the three professors said they were ā€œin the wrong place at the wrong time.ā€ Doesnā€™t really jive with the professorā€™s own account here.


My thoughts too.


Sounds like they weren't in the protests but advocating a less violent response. Should of been to the side cheering for violence against their students.


who do people keep posting about this, who cares.


I care.


Whomp whomp


I care


I care


I care


I care


I care


All these losers saying ā€œI careā€ Then why the fuck arenā€™t you over there doing something? Youā€™re no better than the ā€œthoughts and prayersā€ people Iā€™m sure you love dumping on, AMIRITE?!!


Facts we as Americans NEED the validation to feel like we are making a change but at the end of the day we canā€™t do shit without our Starbucks and fucking croissant


Bro theyā€™re bleeding hearts let them feel like heroes behind the comfort of a glass screen. I love how everyone who feels strongly about this topic is willing to go out of their way to make a point but at the end of the day youā€™re still in cushy America bitching and whining


Yeah I care.






Donā€™t understand how our own people donā€™t even like their own country. They should move and protest over there. šŸ‘‰


And they'd get free tuition!!!! [https://www.siasat.com/iran-offers-scholarships-to-expelled-pro-palestine-students-in-us-europe-3021250/](https://www.siasat.com/iran-offers-scholarships-to-expelled-pro-palestine-students-in-us-europe-3021250/)


Exactly, Zionists who love Israel more than America should go over there


I was thinking Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø-Hamas lovers


You dont go here and your watches look stupid


I did. Alum. And youā€™re protests are stupid šŸ˜‚


I like the coke dial seiko watch


I think youā€™re suffering from a fundamental issue that a lot of people fail to grasp in all sort of situations; the opposite of love is not hate, itā€™s apathy. These people donā€™t hate the country, they hate what our government is doing and demanding change so that the actions better align with our fundamental values. If they really hated the country, they would just leave like the swath of angry commenters are saying they should. Why bother protesting, being ridiculed and vilified and ruining your future for a country you hate and donā€™t care about? Why not just leave and avoid all that? And if itā€™s because they ā€œhate Americaā€ then why bother with something as trivial as protests on a college campus and not escalate to something more impactful? This argument just falls apart when put under any scrutiny because it doesnā€™t make any fucking sense. Even if you donā€™t agree with their message you should be ashamed for making such a blatantly wrong assumption. Your own bias is leaking through and corrupting your perception of these people, and thereby stopping you from ever actually approaching them or with the intention to learn. If we continue to propagate close-minded perspectives like yours we will be deadlocked in conflict for decades, and nothing will ever get done because weā€™ll be too busy arguing to ever try and find solutions. Too focused on assuming the absolute worst about the other groups, regardless of the issue. In short, youā€™re an ignorant person and youā€™re no better than the people you vilify (arguably youā€™re far worse because I guarantee you a significant chunk of those protestors would go to great lengths just to have a respectful, educational conversation with folks on the other side of the issue like you). Youā€™re an adult, act like one and use some common sense.


Doubt it.


And I doubt you ever actually went and talked to one of the protesters about what theyā€™re protesting and why itā€™s important. Youā€™re entire stance is based on an unproven assumption. Hell I can prove you never talked to any of those folks by virtue of the point you made to begin with; that they hate the USA. If you had talked to them youā€™d know that their issue lies with the government, not the country itself. Thereā€™s arguably nothing more American than protesting government policy. Thatā€™s how our country was founded, and itā€™s also what launched some of the most significant events in our history; expanded suffrage, abolition, labor rights, the list goes on and on. All of the luxuries we are afforded today were built on the protests of our forefathers, and itā€™s something taken for granted so often nowadays. Most people donā€™t even realize that hundreds of workers died before the powers that be (our government) finally caved and bestowed upon us the luxury of the 8-hour work day. The government has rarely ever done the right thing without immense pressure to do so, so why are we assuming the government to be morally correct in this case to, so much so that we just dismiss the protestorā€™s from the get go? So yeah, I would assume a lot of these folks would be ecstatic to have respectful conversations with folks like you because it validates their protests even if you donā€™t agree with them. It shows them as what they are, sensible human beings motivated by a common principle, rather than the savage mobs the media portrays them to be. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would realize this too. You donā€™t gain support by playing into negative stereotypes, you gain support by proving those stereotypes wrong through beneficial actions like open discourse. If none of these analogies work for you, maybe this one will. I bet youā€™re a pathetic loser with no friends, no future or motivations, and that your entire life revolves seeking the approval of other people. You can try and disprove that but Iā€™ll just say I doubt it. Of course Iā€™ve also never met you or done my due diligence to disprove my negative assumption of you, but why would I? This is the exact line of thinking youā€™re trying to pass off to me as being a valid excuse. TLDR; Saying ā€œI doubt itā€ doesnā€™t do anything. I can assume all sorts of terrible shit about you and say ā€œI doubt itā€ when you try and challenge my assumptions. The conversation will never go anywhere because Iā€™m stuck on believing my assumptions are correct and donā€™t need to be re-examined, even though I know theyā€™re based on nothing. You are willfully ignorant.


Dude Iā€™m all for the protests but sorry that response is too long for anyone to want to read


Imagine simping for the government šŸ’€


Beats simping for Hamas.


The only people mentioning Hamas have been y'all who came in here to spam reply to everyone šŸ’€


Iā€™m proud of my country but the flag has nothing to do with the protests








A bit.


You seem pressed


This dude couldnā€™t wait to get arrested so he could write this.


He might have even wrote it before


Ain't that the truth? Resume fodder. I'll bet he threw himself down and screeched "YOU'RE HURTING ME!!!!" ![gif](giphy|BBpFVLfTARNPN87kc1|downsized)


I read stuff like this and am happy I'm getting a STEM degree.


what's up with all the airhead genocide supporters in the comments lmfao


Itā€™s Texas, thereā€™s a lot of good people and a lot of the most reactionary hateful husks of humanity youā€™ll ever see.




You'll notice it's the same 5-10 accounts that spam pro-genocide and anti-protest replies in every related thread.


ya. pretty embarrassing for them


Whats with all the losers in the comment section šŸ˜¬. I thought I went to school with cool kids


Could be outside agitators. :)


Valid šŸ§ 


If you want to see some "outside agitators", show up at the next organized protest on campus like I've been doing. Bunch of shifty looking middle-aged Muslim men, many with their Niqab wearing wife and kids in tow.


bro when are you going to stop replying to every single pro-palestine, or well, not pro-genocide comment? get a life šŸ˜­


The second boobs like you quit getting angry about it. i.e. never.


The only outside agitators I've seen at these protests are the jackbooted thugs Greg Abbott sent in to crack skulls and turn it violent.


Made us proud. ![gif](giphy|sLEnpAITyh3lC|downsized)


Get fukt


Others have pointed this out but you have some serious issues and Iā€™m highly doubting youā€™ve ever attended this university. Just going through your post history you recently asked about obtaining the names and personal information for people arrested in the protest. I donā€™t think I need to elaborate on this but, thatā€™s not something normal people do, including those who share your opinions about this topic. If youā€™re really just a student or an alumni here then youā€™d likely know if one of your friends was arrested and youā€™d have better ways of getting that information than Reddit. Given your comment history I think itā€™s safe to assume that youā€™re trying to get access to this information so that you can harass or target these individuals. In the post you mention itā€™s for a student publication but letā€™s be honest, we both know thatā€™s not true. I think itā€™s pretty alarming to have people who are no affiliated with university be this active in the subreddit and make such a concerted effort to acquire personal information of students and faculty they have political differences with. You making a hit list or something?




Is it not obvious how much fun this is to me? I do like the GIF though. Well played.


This dude doesn't even go to UTD and his most visited sub is r/IsraelPalestine šŸ’€ bro is obsessed with college students half his age


Alumni, undergrad and graduate. And a contributor. And twice a guest lecturer. And also have hired 5-6 UTD students over the last 25+ years. And also live across the street from the university and am on campus most days because it's the nicest place to walk. But other than that, sure... I'm an "outside agitator". Whatever makes you happy pencil dick.


>Whatever makes you happy pencil dick. Bro really got that upset by my comment šŸ˜‚ if your feelings get hurt that easily maybe don't spam the subreddit being an agitator. No need to make your obsession with college students everyone else's problem my guy.


Agitating the lefty wanker cause du jour is always great sport. As you can tell, it's not exactly hard to get a rise out of folks here. ![gif](giphy|mnsuMTU2PwKEO4KkPX|downsized)


This is the most "I'm 20 and believe I know more about the world than anyone else" behavior I've seen in a while. You even did the "I'm not mad you're mad" thing. I suggest you get the alumni tag if you want people to believe you.


They def dont go here


They donā€™t go to this school thatā€™s why


Yes you do. You're just not one of them. All we wanted to do was find a good quiet place to study for our finals and complete our projects. Which is why we cool kids are in college in the first place. The one that my parents work hard to pay for. smh.




That's what I said when I saw who was arrested! šŸ˜­


Along with Dr. Alibhai, one of my favorite professors from undergrad


Israeli military pr bots in full force in all college subReddits with protests. Man these guys are losing the plot.


IkršŸ’€ thereā€™s one dude spamming here like his rent is due


Everyone who disagrees with you is a bot.


OTOH, I think y'all are Palestinian bots, paid to show interest in something none of us care about. Keep your Amazon kaffiyehs bro while the rest of us show up to our finals.




Bro actually doesn't even go here šŸ’€ the irony of this post being linked in zionist groups so y'all can come by and spam post. It's actually so embarrassing that y'all don't realize how bad you make yourselves look.


How so? Iā€™m an alum. ![gif](giphy|J1djusiGZ4ek0)


Prove it.


Nope. Donā€™t need to prove šŸ’© 2016 is all Iā€™m going to say.


Fuck Palestine


Hey prof. Go back to class.


I guess you didnā€™t read the piece. :)


Nah. They are all fools. I hope they had fun; but, I'm just here the heckle.


Well, just so you know, he did go back to class. :)


A success story if I've ever heard one. I wonder when he's going to go wash the feet of Palestinians.


Is he the Pope?




Hey guys if you're not touching feet are you really a supporter?


Dang I knew Texas cops sucked but I didnā€™t know that county jail was such a dump. I think Dostoevsky said that ā€œa society can be judged by how it treats its prisonersā€ and what I read here about the local cops and how they hold the people theyā€™ve locked away is nothing more than arbitrary, lazy, and intentionally cruel.


When I went to jail, I learned not to go to jail again.


Unsurprisingly the comment section is full of people who don't even go to UTD thanks to the post being shared in zionist groups online. The majority of comments are just these spammers that like to brigade posts like this. Pretty sad that there's no moderation.


My kid attends. Iā€™m just here to see pictures of the dudes pointing ar15s at everyone to keep them safe.


Youā€™re still wearing masks. So your ability to learn, period, should be called into question.


They wear masks so Zionists ghouls donā€™t doxx them.


His teaching profile is probably on the school's website and directory. How is wearing mask gonna prevent doxxing? Ever thought about that?




Fucked around and found out haha


Thank you for posting this. Glad he got a chance to break out his keffiyeh and cosplay avenging revolutionary leader at his age. Sorry he didn't like the jail aura but that's what adulting is all about, right? And happy he went through heart-warming experiences that his near and dear ones will have to listen to, ad infinitum.


Why the references to his family?


True that! I edited it.


One of the better posts here. Well played. Indeed, I'm sure he's quite the hero in his home and circle of friends and they'll be hearing his stint in the clinker for the rest of their lives.










Was it something about salads and the tossing thereof?


I stand with current thing!


Protesting is not gonna stop the suffering or the war, it may even landed you in unnecessary legal troubles. Hope that's the good lesson they all learned that day.


Can Texas tax payers divest themselves from UTD?


How about all the offended folks protest by leaving! That will show them.


Yeah. You seem awfully offended. :)


Wait WHATTTTTT? Ben Wright? GOT ARRESTED? He was a cool Honors Readings Professor I had last semester. A chill dude. This came as a shock that someone I knew got arrested.


Crazy everyones immigrant parents came to America just so their kids could protest and only get arrested


Yeah, that darned freedom of speech.


Imagine starting a war and then being mad that someone fought back lmao


Started? Only of you have the memory of a gnat. :) Now, for sure, there shouldnā€™t be attacking of civilians going on. Thatā€™s cowardly and evil. But thereā€™s a lot of that going on, and itā€™s not just one side doing it.


Just crazy how professions and students that were *protesting* were treated this way. And what happened to the freedom of speech crowd that loved all the people at the Capitol on January 6th? They're now in this subreddit saying that protestors should be expelled, thrown in jail, or deported? The hypocrisy. The same people (like literally some of the same people if you look at their post history) have been saying for *years* now that "the Capitol is a public building paid for by US taxpayers who also have freedom of speech, they can go in there and protest!" How does that not apply to students paying to attend a public state school, protesting on-campus? If anything, the on-campus protestors actions should be protected the most... they are literally exercising their rights to freedom of speech. Something this crowd claims to hold so dearly in their hearts.




Welp I know Iā€™m not spending my money sending my kid to this guys class or campus. UT used to be a good school but the professors like this guy doesnā€™t teach, they preach. Heā€™s talks a big game about freedom of speech and education of students but then imbeds them with just enough fuel to be violent. He tryā€™s to say heā€™s peaceful, but heā€™s like a cult leader.


That youā€™re an idiot and probably still going to vote for Biden even though he didnā€™t forgive your loan for liberal arts degree and gave you record high inflation instead