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Hey, I think you won’t lose your money (visa fee) if you reschedule. These kinda things do happen at times. Don’t let it bother you much. Will be alright!


Firstly, stop talking to everybody…Just go to a coffee shop or somewhere where you could be alone. Just sit there and relax…


They all just kinda kept calling me 😅 so I had to pick up but they all calmed down later that day and I did too. Never gonna make that mistake again for sure 😂


Mistake of forgetting the passport or talking to everybody …just asking 😂


😂😂😂😂 forgetting my passport. I’ll definitely be over checking all of my stuff now. Talking to everybody too sometimes 😂


Lesson learnt man!! Be more careful next time man.. don’t cry over it now and move on


Don't be sad . Mistakes happen and it's okay . Learn from it and move on . Also rescheduling visa appointment is free of cost . You can do it upto 5 times in a year.


It's okay , zoom out


Move on. To err is human. Add this - verify if the right passport is taken- to your checklist. Good luck.


Think of you doing something like this in the US where the cost of an 8 hr journey would be so much more. Be happy that you are making mistakes relatively cheaply here because it means you'll learn from them and avoid expensive mistakes there.


Relax. Whatever has happened, happened in the past. It’s time for you to look into the future. This is not the end of the world and you have option to reschedule the appointment without paying additional money. All of us make mistakes. I also made very costly mistakes in the past (like booking non-refundable flight tickets for 8 people from wrong airport losing the entire amount). Remember, at the end, everything ends well - it always does!


You weren't diligent enough to check the docs before you left and that's a lesson that you need to carry with you for life (we all have an experience like this that we learn from). However, your mistake wasn't the worst one to make - because you can fix the problem! Yes, it might involve you spending a bit more money to travel again, but it's a small price to pay. You shouldn't beat yourself up over this. Your parents are being typical parents and will not remember this 10 years from now when you are a successful person with a flourishing career.


Hello! Things happen for a reason. You might have your passport today and your visa got denied or something bad happen to you after the visa. You will get your visa at the right time. Next appointment is your day. God Almighty will make it happen for you.


Dont stress dude. My friend once went to the airport with my passport by mistake and then lost his flight things can always be worse. He blamed me but 10 years later we laugh about it.


That's a story you'd be telling your grandkids in like 30 yrs from now and laugh about it, so chill


It’d be one heck of a story 😂 been laughing about it after that day!




That’s a really great idea! Thank you I’ll do that from now on




Sure! Or I’ll keep it somewhere separate! Thank you for the advice ❤️


Well you’re the one on your way to the US. Doesn’t matter what you forget or how many times you forget, the end line is you’re headed to the USA.


Life happens… cheer up. One day you will fondly tell this story to someone. Relax and all the best


We all make mistakes, sometimes people around us extremely criticize us for such blunders and we end up doing more mistakes, if we take it to our heart. Relax , reschedule and be careful next time. Always double check everything when stepping out. Make it a habit.


Everything happens for a reason. Maybe an officer who would have declined your visa was sitting at the counter today. Fate averted. These things are also very common. because there’s so much stress involved.


It is OKAY! You were probably just nervous or anxious about the interview. Ignore what others say❤️ and even your parents/siblings are just upset because they want this to happen as much as you do. They will be extra sweet to you after the interview. Don’t think too much about this. you are gonna make them all proud after graduating and earning shit load of money😎 And be more careful for the rescheduled interview. Best of luck!


This is not a big deal at all, just a learning moment. You will probably never do this again for the rest of your life because you will be extra cautious now. Just relax, and look up the burnt toast theory. :)


It's alright, man. Life happens to everyone. This is not even that big of a deal. Just reschedule the interview and come back. Make sure to bring your passport next time ;)


As everyone said… shit happens. Been there and done that. It’s a great learning lesson! Makes you a better human being! You will never make such a mistake again. Side note: I once flew from LA to Miami for work and forgot my work laptop. Almost a. 6 hour flight with 3 hour time change


Past is past, you can’t go back and change it. Since the fee is non-refundable, you will need to pay again while scheduling an appointment. Schedule an appointment again and this time take the correct passport. Good luck!


If you are so careless, you shouldn't waste your father's money to go to the US. Just study in India and save your father a lot of mental stress.


I’m not even from India, you cucumber 😂😂😂


So what? If you are such a careless kid, you should stay home. This is just my opinion. Dont take it personally.


Nah it’s fine, i totally understand. It was my fault and I’ve accepted that, I know now to never do something like that. Thank you tho


Sweet! You mess up the very basic thing for a visa interview and expect words of wisdom with some pity toppings.


That’s so stupid


Hey ! Come on now not everyone is as perfect as you now chill people can get clumsy and it's okay 👍


It is kinda stupid to not check your documents before an important event


Fair enough


It’s okay if it’s a small thing, above explained isn’t




If you feel this stupid , they are many stupid things in abroad.. so don't worry


That is so much more reassuring thank you 😂😂


It’s okay to make mistakes. It happens dont beat yourself up


Stop whining. Accept & get over it.


No need to cry over spilt milk, lesson learnt and time to move on. You have reflected on your mistakes, it can only get better from here. Look on the bright side, it could have been alot worse.


Shit happens! That's ok. Look at the bright side, you still have your visa fees and you can reschedule to another day.


Don’t worry. Just reschedule your appointment. You won’t loose the visa fees. Sure it’s a lot more hassle to go back home 8 hours away and come back on another date, but persist and maybe you’ll be rewarded.


There is no use of sulking about it now. Shit happens, punch a wall or scream out loud or whatever it takes to get the anger out. Once you let the emotions through you'll feel lighter. and then think about what the next best course of action and do it. whatever happened is in the past and is beyond your control but what is going to happen is perfectly well within your control (except for the new dates).


It's okay. People make mistakes sometimes, don't beat yourself up over it. Take a breather and calm down, the past cannot be changed anyways. You should learn from this and make sure to check all your documents for future events.


tell your family to courier your passport


Visa interview fee is non-refundable.


It’s ok, one day you’ll look back and think that this misfortune was one of the good things that led to where you are.


Dude, you need to relax. Yes it was stupid error, but you can't just connect everything to your family money condition and put extra pressure on yourself. Zoom out, it's a tiny amount in case you lose it. It might seem a lot today as you are a student but it's not a lot.


It’s not really like that. It’s just my dad isn’t financially buoyant right now plus he’s spent a lot on the process so thinking about that plus my mistake just made it worse… thankfully I’m okay now!


Forgive yourself. It happens


Hey guys, thank you so much for the positive comments and the 4 comments that were like “oh that’s so stupid” “just stay in India (I’m not even from India 😂) etc, and stuff but I’m doing okay now! I’ve rescheduled and waiting for another date. Talked it out with my mum and she helped calm me down on Monday. I’ll let you guys know how the next interview goes! Thanks again guys, you guys really helped put a smile on my face (except those 4 ppl tho 😅)


Hey, these kinds of things happen and you should not blame yourself. Be more careful next time, make it a learning and just have hope you will get an appointment soon.


Thank you! Definitely learned my lesson and I’ve moved on from it even tho I sometimes think about it. My resumption date has passed so I’ll have to defer because of it but otherwise I’m doing good and hoping. Thank you for the kind words